The author comments ". . . I’m slowly coming to the conclusion that the MMR jab caused members of my family harm." Allow me to see if I can speed up your conclusion.

I had always assumed that vaccines were marvelous medical treatments and I got many shots, including annual flu shots (I was "pro-vaccine"). However, in 2003, my 3-year-old son got an MMR shot and within days descended into autism. I saw it with my own eyes.

What completely surprised me was the immediate, knee-jerk reaction of my son's healthcare providers. They had no idea what caused the sudden, drastic change in my son's health and behavior. But they were absolutely, positively certain that it could not possibly have anything to do with the chemical that they injected into him just days before. My wife and I were politely reprimanded for even asking. Yet we got to know many other parents who experienced the same thing.

What is surprising is that 20 years later, very little has changed. I have been reading and researching the vaccine scheme since 2003, and I am now convinced that the whole vaccine thing is not what we have been told. If you are curious, start with the book "Turtles All The Way Down".

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I am sorry for your loss.... I never knew the depths of this evil until 2019 with The Madness where truth was laid bare. Thankfully my own children seem to have not been harmed by Pharma roulette... If only we knew

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Mine, too…🥲🥲🥲😡😡😡

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It is very sad to hear that. I only woke up to the full depth of the evil in 2020 at age 60 years. I once thought vaccines were of some use but not for the 'flu as people fell ill anyway. Now I know that they are all fraudulent.


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The thing is they talk about the known vaccine side effects but what is ignored and is equally important is the unknown, unquantified potential longterm health problems that that may occur in the future of the vaccinated people. If we see these short and midterm effects then what is lurking and simmering under the surface of each us that has been vaccinated? None of us know because they will not do longterm studies. But they know there must be some knock on effect and that is why it is ignored.

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Spot on

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I knew of no autistic kids when I was a child in 50/60s, we had few vaccinations back then and all of us easily survived the childhood illnesses, maybe the odd tiny pox mark after chicken pox. I now know of several children on the spectrum, ones not so seriously affected that their parents are unable to socialise with them but they either attend different schools or require one to one support in regular school.

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ditto. I knew one kid with asthma. that was it

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Ditto in the 40$ and 50s! Gave my son a secondMMR because he had it to early! I didn’t know better 53 years ago. His stomach has never been the same. I noticed it almost immediately!

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I have 2 sons that 1 💯 believed has been harmed by the childhood vaccines they both have issues with their stomach too , my eldest now 21 also vomiting frequently when he was a child . Now my youngest who is just 5 also has the same problem but worse. Has problem sleeping until 2 yrs old. Since, birth until 4 months couldn’t put him down he will continuously crying once I put him down. It was a nightmare. I slept sitting in bed at night holding him in my arms. I seek help from medical professionals but no one was able to help and make him settle down. They only told me he has reflux. He vomit frequently. They tried reflux medications but it didnt work so we stop it. The sleep expert didn’t work either. I stop his childhood vaccine at 2 yrs old since then he slept better and less vomiting. And also less sickness. But he did suffer from hyperactivity. He is jumpy and hyperactive. I 💯 attributed it to childhood vaccine related side effects.

I believe many of human sickness and diseases that manifest later is all from the vaccines. This should be stop. It doesn’t work but only giving humanity illness and deaths!

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I’m so sorry that you and your sons had to experience such awful symptoms. Mine was nothing like that, but something about digestion always off. He refuses to use alternative doctors. He’s totally functional and always has been. What will happen in th3 future after taking the poison jabs? Only time will tell. I’m old and hope I don’t find out!

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Literature going back to God knows how many millennia features the solitary eccentric obsessive we can recognize as the moderately-afflicted autistic guy.

And the impetus for vaccines was because so many kids did die of childhood illnesses. These reminiscences are excellent examples of rewriting history.

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The impetus for vaccines was money. The rapid decline in childhood diseases, morbidities and deaths was occurring well before the introduction of childhood vaccines. Better nutrition, better public sanitation and hygiene were the main drivers of that decline.

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Well said 🙌🙌🙌

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SCA, there may have been the occasional person in the past, who we might now diagnose as "being on the spectrum". And likewise the even more rare case of what might be considered severe autism. But nothing like we are seeing today.

I'm comparing my own experience as a kid growing up in the 50s & 60s, with my recent experience as a clinical psychologist working in community family support services. Yes, it is anecdotal - but there is no way this is not a massive change.

Same with allergies: yes, people did have the occasional allergy - but peanut allergies were not a thing to worry about. Same with dairy - there has been a massive increase.

And since there is no other data except for our own memories - because the medical data does not exist - this will have to do.

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I'm not denying that we are seeing shockingly big numbers.

We are also seeing the survival of huge numbers of kids who in earlier years would have died because of prematurity etc. etc. etc. We have a much sicker population of kids for many reasons.

I find Mark Girardot's Bolus Theory regarding badly-injected vaccines an important aspect to consider as well.

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I believe the increase in sanitary conditions is what saved and goes on saving lives. Wherever you have running water and handwashing, mortality goes down. They gave vaccines the credit cleanliness deserved.

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Indeed. Vaccines are equivalent to a toxic slurry, injecting something unclean.


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It's never useful to be an extremist on any issue. Washing your hands really well and having an excellent septic system won't save you from a rabid wolf if it bites you.

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A vaccine will not save you from a rabid wolf bite.

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Badly injected vaccines will affect how badly a vaccine affects someone as the quicker in enters the bloodstream will determine damage it causes. If it stays in muscle/fat it may disperse slowly and toxic effects may be minimised.

Still utterly pointless to vaccinate though unless one is big pharma etc. wanting to make money.

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To clarify, your remarks are anecdotal.

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So are everyone else's.

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Anecdotal, at best

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MMR was the shot that really began to make noticeable waves of "correlations" for modern parents around the world, because the dramatic effects on the microbiome. As per the vilified Dr Wakefield- the GI tract was hugely compromised in autistic children. Which when combined with glysophate (being water soluble, which means it reached the water ways, and our microbiomes have a shikeme pathway), meant that you would be hard pressed to find anyone who doesn't have compromised GI tract. It's the new normal.

But the DTap, seemed to have more neurological effects, I personally think that was because when it was released it had higher heavy metal content that crossed the blood brain barrier, using glysophate as as a carrier (it substitutes for glycine). Dr Exley, the leading global aluminum expert(also on Substack btw) disagrees (publically at least😉) that there is a connection between glysophate and aluminum, but he does agree that aluminum should not be in our brains, and shouldn't be in the vaccine programs.😉

The HPV is a shocker, that should never have even made it across the drawing no a rd to lab. It is completely a cash cow, not medically necessary, and the detrimental harms being inflicted on teens at is criminal. It is literally stealing time and health and life from them.

And don't even get me started on the BS flu shot, and well, we all know that the species killer c19 shot is disastrous!

#theylied #timeheist #wearemany #wearememory #wewillnotforgive #mistakeswereNOTmade #getlocalised

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Every fecking one. There is no such thing as a safe childhood vaccine. The lies taught in medical school are many.

Wake up. Pediatricians push poison.

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Nice article. This needs to go very, very public.

If you want to query Stanley Plotkin's nine hour deposition, Mathew Aldred uploaded the entire text to ChatGPT. He's just postrd an article about it. It’s all worth reading, but the instructions on how to query it for free start in the paragraph where you see the red text.


I think I may be one of three humans who slogged thru Plotkin's nine hour video deposition. Don't be like me! (Unless you're a nerd, too, of course).

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Harm? Waiting for Astra-Zeneca to mitigate the damage by raising my UK friend from the dead.

You know, it's like with aspirin. It is my miracle drug. Two 500mg caplets of extra-strength ("back and body pain" formula) vanquish my migraines, which were the gift of The Menopause Fairy and I wish to hell she'd take it back. But those 2000+mg doses to combat the Spanish flu and thereby blowing out the lungs of otherwise fit young men were real bad medicine.

You live in a place where feral dogs roam freely, you're glad to have access to the rabies vaccine if needed. If you live in a place where Hepatitis B is endemic, you're glad to prophylactically vaccinate against it. But vaccines for rapidly-mutating respiratory viruses? No, that's crazy stuff.

In everything--everything!--use your brains. Weigh cost/benefit, as el gato malo always says regarding these discussions. In many many things the dose indeed makes the poison. Good sanitation and nutrition fix lots of things, but not everything. Avoid being a fanatic in anything and always try not to be a moron.

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Oh, the Plandemic has showed us how many zoombified brain population the earth have! I worked in the nursing Im not jabbed from the C19/flu . And there are only 2 of us in that entire facility who didn’t get the C19. But it cost us to be out of healthcare job for 2 years. So we end up doing cleaning jobs. Anyway, so we got back because they were that so short they couldn’t get any RNs anymore. My friend this year, saw this GP that visit nursing homes to see residents. They haven’t seen each other for 5 years so they asked how each others been. Then my friend told this GP that she was out of healthcare job for 2 years because she didn’t get the C19 shit shot. And this GP went on saying, “ Oh no, that’s no good! You might spread the virus to me and the other residents if you get the virus then”!….

So, she was stunned by that comment! I mean really seriously, at this stage of the game 2024 , anyone with still normal functioning brain and common sense knew that those who took the C19 shit shot are actually the one who get frequent Covid infection and frequently sick. My friend and I we never caught it even though we were always in public places cleaning the dirtiest places! But the reality I have learned was we are living in the majority of zoombified population! And it’s scary, because they will bring this planet down to the grave with them!

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It's interesting when something as evil and malevolent as Stanley suddenly seems to develop a human conscience and moral compass.

It's likely one of two things. He's an old man who sensing his own mortality doesn't want to end up in the Lake of Fire and is trying to come somewhat clean and redeem his soul. The other possibility is part of this obscure 'rule' where these demons need to reveal the truth before perpetrating their crimes. So once you've seen something like this and ignore the truth your soul becomes forfeit ... You have to invite the vampire inside kinda thing

For those who haven't watched Aron Siri's full 8+ deposition of the Stanley demon I highly recommend it!

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He did say on his video in the 9 hour disposition that he was willing to go to hell for using fetal cell line! That man is a devil advocate. There is NO conscience left on him. Imagined the hundreds of millions of babies being unnecessarily aborted because they will need that so many fetal cell lines to use in all the vaccines they are making!

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I find Stanley's demeanor in that video very similar to other interviews of serial killers like Ted Bundy. Very calm and matter of fact and and odd mixture of truth and deception delivered from what is clearly a superior intellect.

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This is a massive truth. Serial killers are now in suits and in high public and private positions, in the government and medical system, in academia, in judicial system, in economic system and many more. And they are actually NOT hiding anymore. In plain sight they are doing their evil deeds but NO ONE is being held accountable because 95% of the world population has been Zoombified and gone cowards!

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Yes everyone knows about Gates and his many crimes....including paralyzing 400,000 girls in India with a "vaccine" to stop malaria. Gates and his foundation are now banned in India.

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Stanley Alan Plotkin, his full name anagrams to

polite lanky ln Satan

Even the Devil is polite when it suits him (and wears a suit!).

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I was born and spent my early childhood in Suffolk county in Long Island New York. This is where, in the mid 1950s, the first polio vaccine was experimentally used on 10,000 young children, with no record keeping and no follow up. I actually remember being in a large gymnasium and being held as I received it

I have suffered greatly from a rare autoimmune illness my entire life. There is no proof because there was no proper testing methodology, no control group, no record keeping. The history of vaccination is the greatest snake oil propaganda over the last few centuries. Working in Healthcare in the 70s 80s 90s and 2000s I was always required to be vaccinated by employer policy. I experienced inflammatory flair ups often after these requirements. Of course I can prove nothing. I started refusing vaccination about 16 years ago and even though I have continued to decline because of my autoimmune disorder, I've never gotten an influenza or even a cold since than. Whenever I've briefly mentioned this to one of my physicians, I'm met with a distinct lack of comment.

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I wanted to explain something about our medical delivery system that was "rebranded" in the 70s and 80s as healthcare by the insurance industry. All allopathic, insurance reimbursement medical care strictly follows a business model of of providing only certain services: Prescribing pharmaceuticals following big pharma developed guidelines and matrices, medicare approved surgical procedures, vaccination, and certain therapies that are limited to patient care because of specific parameters of use. This business model is designed to prevent early intervention of known beneficial therapies because of cost vs outcome statistics. Everything outside of these restrictions is considered experimental.

The outcome after 50 years of this is a population that is kept chronically ill and dependent on pharmaceuticals.

With the widespread environmental degradation and collapse of the food chain, which has led to a severe reduction in nutritional density, we have become a profitable resource for the medical/pharmaceutical industry, government sanctioned through lobbying.

In this way we have become both the consumer and a commodity.

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"The outcome after 50 years of this is a population that is kept chronically ill and dependent on pharmaceuticals." god help us all.

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RFK Jr. has been saying vaccines are not safe for years and has been punished for it endlessly

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of course. People want to "believe" in vaccines. In the small town where I grew up....the main crop there broad leave tobacco was heavily sprayed at certain times of the year....There was epidemics of Polio in that town. I found out that some pesticides cause demyelination of the spinal cord i.e. paralysis. That is why there was so much polio. Those insecticides are no longer used as much...Anyway--I remember getting in lines in school to get my "polio vaccine"....there was no polio. It was chemical poisoning from a spray on the crops.

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I remember when, in retrospect, The People trusted that doctors were committed to their Hippocratic Oath of "Do No Harm" and that the things they were doing were to be beneficial for the health and well being of their patients.

Same thing with medical sciences - for the benefit of keeping The People healthy.

In one major way, the covid era forced a serious U-Turn on that front and brought Light into the darkness of the reality of it ALL, even into years, decades and centuries gone by.

There is NO coming back from this, no matter how they try to gaslight, wiggle, lie, twist, blame, cry, "but we didn't know," or "I was just doing what 'they' told me to."

There is literally NO coming back from this, for all of them who conspired, got paid, went along, became willfully blind, and/or all of the above, plus some!

On one hand, we should be grateful that this happened for it is waking the populace up at alarming speeds to the entirety of the System of Systems. All one has to do is look to see how The People were actually treated by the "authority,' whatever THAT authority was, where, how, why, and WHO.

On the other hand, the cost. The damn dismal unbelievable cost of it.

Plotkin is only ONE of the godfathers of this.

Many others will SOON see the errors of their ways.

And IT IS going to be Biblical!


*Tips hat

Much Love

PS. For those wanting to 'reboot' their body, please follow Dr. William Makis' substack.


Here's a GREAT interview to show you who Dr. Makis is.


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"FASTING FASTING FASTING!!!!"--yup. I use this. I am 74 and am in perfect health. Take no meds and see no MD's I used to suffer from rheumatoid arthritis...but no more--since I utilize fasting. This can be cured with fasting and also fresh pressed vegetable juices...leave off all processed food. Not as hard as it sounds....Always keep something fresh to munch on like a celery stalk or an apple. Edwards Brown Rice crackers are my one "treat"...sorta like chips but without the oil.

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So VERY happy for you Kathleen!! Thank you for sharing.

As an avid back country enthusiast having INTENSE Wilderness First Aid Training (plus scores of 1st Aid courses and Levels), the KNOWLEDGE that one can last 10 full days without food, but only 3 days without water!!, is a fabulous bit to KNOW.

Also, GOD tells us to fast, so, there's that!!

3 days, 5 days, 7 days - twice a month. Reboots the entire immune system of the body. No way our healthy immune system is gonna share 'food' it can scrounge (as the body thinks it's in starvation mode) with those damaged, dead weight harmful cells!! Those lil b*stards get tossed into the 'waste' REAL quick.

Don't forget to take electrolyte pills when doing the longer fasts (4-7 days), this is EXTREMELY IMPERATIVE!

I suggest clear broths when exiting the fast, as well as the fruit/vegetable juice (BEETS BEETS BEETS!! Golden for the Blood!)

Again, thank you for sharing a bit of your personal story. May you continue to be blessed on your Warrior journey for the Truth my Fren.

*Tips hat


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I have a question--what electrolyte pills do you recommend or are they all the same?


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NO, they aren't all the same. Plain and basic, NO added flavoring or dyes. There are many brands to choose from, some pills, some powders, some liquids, and of course, differing costs as well, therefore, it's hard for me to recommend a specific brand. Personally, I go to an actual Health store (in the country I'm in) to shop for them.

The necessary ingredients are: sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, bicarbonate, chloride, and phosphorus.

A quick homemade recipe is

1 liter of water (clean)

Juice of 1 lemon

1/4 teaspoon of salt (a rich source of sodium)

2 tablespoons of honey or 100% pure maple syrup (to taste)

Much Love

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"Vaccine Hesitant" is a term coined by Vaccine Extremists as a polite way to describe people who don't want vaccines. Going on the fact that 'uptake' for seasonal flu shots has declined during the past 3 decades and more and more parents are refusing childhood vaccinations, and instead 'Home School' their children. Everyone knows that if you want the flu go get the flu shot.

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Vaccine Extremists will anagram to 'civitas excrements'. This seems very appropriate.

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Great information....I was very lucky to have happened upon Sucharit Bhakdis small but powerful book CORONA FALSE ALARM...very early in the "pandemic"...I watched him on youtube and had a powerful feeling he was honest. So when Trump/Biden/Fauci/ Walensky/Birx cast their spells on the terrified public I was more or less immune. However, my husband who is disabled and blind was attacked by others in the family who--for his own good--dragged him off to be "vaccinated". He got two shots. Now, along with his other disabilities, he has trouble walking across a room, opening his medications, and sometimes can't feed himself. Guillaine Barre syndrome is a fancy name fo this neurological damage. I know the "vaccines" made him worse because I am now his 24/7 caregiver.

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Thank you for translating the gaslighting, NE. I too will never get another vaccine for as long as I live - and I am grateful every day for researchers like you who helped prevent me from taking the Covid-19 vaccine.

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My two oldest were diagnosed with "colic". I would not use the word "constant", but they cried so much that it was beyond "I'm hungry", "I'm tired", etc. Obviously they could not use words. But if they could have had words, would it have been "My head hurts so bad..."?

My oldest child seems fine now (19); but the 3 younger ones are not in excellent health. We have allergies, asthma, stomach problems, hormone (I'm guessing) problems.

They had a perfect game going. You could never prove their products caused ANYTHING. Too bad they got super greedy during COVID and now they have lost what seems to be a good share of their customer base. Like the Justin Timberlake song says: "What goes around comes around comes back around."

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