There is no credible evidence that the vaccines “saved a lot of lives.” Nor should the elderly be targeted as a group as benefitting from vaccines—certainly not without quality research on the difference between elderly who may be immuno-compromised and taking a number of medications and those elderly who are healthy and not on pharmaceuticals.

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These vaxxes did not save lives? How can Redfield make such ludicrous statements! We are simply asking for honesty. What is do hard about that?

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One huge problem is that models and projections are substituted for real world data & extrapolations made from there. It could be less awful if every spectacular failure in these models didn't meet with career advancement & scientific prestige. Errors compound but the badly flawed theory and crazy model output becomes the foundation of understanding and conclusions in the publish or perish machinery.. reality be damned.. six ferrets & eight mice can't be wrong.. model that mate! *smirk*

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I think Redfield still wants to be able to participate in the 'game', so he has to pay lipservice to the message.

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Why have people been injected with quantum dots, nanobots and other nanotechnologies? Why should they inhale toxic graphene (masks) and have it instilled via "PCR tests"?



and so on

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I completely agree about targeting the elderly. Some of the first tragedies I witnessed as a medical nurse were strokes in the well elderly. Like two members of a local cycling club, one 89 and the other 99, both had stokes. One was able to rehabilitate back to independence, the other, the 89 years young individual who was riding happily over the mountains on a bike just a few days before the stroke, was the first person I knew who chose MAID. It was heartbreaking - and terrifying.

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There was never a good reason to give them to ANYBODY.

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Yup. Transfections (mRNA shots) are not appropriate for anyone.

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The dead babies are piling up. Mothers should be outraged .

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By November they won't be able to bury the number of people that died and or were injured. Pun deliberately intended.

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But mothers don’t know. 😞😡😭

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That is true , and those doctors who continue to be blind to the data , will have to answer to this someday.

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They’re still hiding by saying these bioweapons saved lives. There’s not ONE study showing they saved anyone. People need to stand up and challenge this BS narrative.

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Way back when Redfield and others at the F D A were preparing to authorize these jabs for teens and little kids, Toby Rogers mobilized oodles of us to write and email Redfield and co letters asking them to reconsider.

I have mine.

Potential harms were named.

When do we get to hold these people accountable for their malfeasance and malpractice? Oh, wait, the F D A doesn’t actually practice medicine (reference to their preventing doctors from using ivermectin).

When do we get to stick their bare naked feet in red hot coals for all the gaslighting and lies and bad information that harmed so many people?

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Why is the UK still pushing these dangerous covid jabs?

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If you stop because they were always useless and dangerous, you've done people wrong and can be held responsible.

Therefore, as long as you can push or make available the vaccine, it can't have been/be useless and dangerous.

Because if it was, you wouldn't be pushing it.

So it must be safe and effective, and thereby you aren't liable for any ills associated with it.

That's the logic, sadly it isn't unique to Covid/mRNA-injections.

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Only for the over 75s now. As a person in that age group I decided to refuse all the boosters. I've had many different vaccines for travel reasons, but I won't be having any more.

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Canada too. Such deception!

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"...gaslighting has stopped...". I really do not think so, by any means. These conniving people(and I give some latitude in saying they are possibly human beings) will come up with the best way to disarrange our minds and, worst, our hearts and compassions. There are no admissions of guilt by the guilty, NONE. Only the continued pressure on Americans to submit and commit to their entire control of our minds, bodies and souls. Know, the enemy is well armed and financed well beyond our conceivable means.

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May 21Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

I was forced to get the vaccine. Afterwards I developed neurological symptoms and it basically has short circuited the electrical system in my heart. I have literally been in the ER with cardiac symptoms since the middle of 2021 on an avg of 2 days a week. I never had any heart problems prior!! Somebody needs to be held responsible for hurting ppl!!

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Which vaccine? Are you trying to sue?

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no do overs. no take backs. criminal trails for all involved. reckoning.

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"I'm not like those guys!"

Yes he is.

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Oh bloody hell; this is what is known as a classic 'limited hangout', meaning that the powers that be have allowed a fraction of the truth to be publicly admitted. Because they can no longer pretend that the 'narrative' on the vaccines is true. Too much truth has indeed 'dripped out'.

A pox on ALL their houses...

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Maybe Robert could tell Trump so he'll stop making an Ass of himself!

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I can't think of a more fitting punishment for these fuckers than to swing from the nearest trees.

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"Brave and honourable" isn't the issue here, it's just another Limited Hangout. The intent is to continue the process of making some concessions (partly with electoral politics in mind) whilst sticking with the major false claims ("The "vaccines" saved millions of lives")

This latter claim is of course a counterfactual argument - difficult to prove or disprove - which is why they are using it. And it's all they have left after the progression "You won't get infected or sick if you take the "vaccine" > they don't prevent infection or transmission but they do prevent serious illness and hospitalisation > they don't ALWAYS prevent hospitalisation or serious illness but they saved millions of lives.

There is, of course, absolutely ZERO factual, supporting evidence to the claim of millions of saved lives BUT it's their final position. They will never admit to mistakes or failure because a) they are increasingly concerned about accountability as the facts emerge and the issue just won't go away and b) It's no longer about Covid but the mod-mRNA platform which promises potential Trillions in profits with the replacement of all existing vaccines and other drugs on the platform. And once the manufacturing technology is in place, these things cost almost nothing to produce (the "raw material" is bacteria), especially if you skip the purification stages ( ;-) ), so they generate enormous gross margins.

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Did the vaccines really save a lot of lives? Where’s the legitimate proof of that?

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It's just a cliche. There is no proof.

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These two talking heads representing the system are the public figures letting us know that a "Review Commision" a la 9/11 commission is on the way. It will be as useless and as whitewashed, and be as filled with insiders, as the 9/11 one, to rubberstamp for posterity the official narrative desired from above. Both of these individuals are good servants to the new order. Of course they're still pushing the transfecting countermeasure gene experimental therapies, it's part of the story.

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