Regardless, shouldn’t we be seeing almost no deaths in jabbed categories? I mean if they truly functioned as a vaccine there should be a handful of unlucky souls who got a break through infection, maybe a few misdiagnosed deaths ie. people dying of Covid when they did not. If they truly worked we should see like 99% of all deaths in the unjabbed.
Yes, I think this is an important point. If the vaccines actually worked, we wouldn't need to be splitting hairs about small differences here and there in different groups.
Not too long ago Berenson posted a chart about how high vaxxed death rates were in a particular month in Canada. One of his critics called him out for choosing the one month when vaxxed death rates were particularly high - but if the shots worked as promised (and if there's even a shred of justification* for all the coercion and threats) there shouldn't be ANY month when the Covid death rates for the vaxxed is higher.
Death protection from boosters used to exist (covid death protection, not overall death protection). It evaporated around Mar-May of 2022. Now it is negative and boosters INVITE deaths in Jun-July. I wrote about it
This just makes sense. If #1 and #2 shots don't offer protection, it just stands to reason that #3 and #4 will also not offer protection. The drug is the same, it is still useless and poisonous. The usefulness is apparent on day one, the poison effect takes months to work through your system.
The only answer to that would be if the deaths were caused by the alpha variant. However the jabbed have "protection" from a disease that is no longer in circulation. It has been out-competed by a more infectious variant to which the jabbed have not been protected from.
(1) The anti-bodies make no sense, since the Wuhan variant does no longer exists. So we can not expect any protection. According to Bossche we can even expect negative protection. (2) Side-effects from the vaccine are often counted as Covid. (3) The vaccine status often has a 14 day delay. (4) Depending on the vax-status, the tests are performed differently. Vaxed are sometimes not even tested, while unvaxxed are treated as rats. In the US the PCR-count has been reduced from 45 (99% false positives) to 28 (30% false positives). And this PCR test can be positive with a different infection (like a cold). (5) Racial and wealth differences. Many poorer communities avoided the vax, because they had bad histories with them. (6) Differences between batches. The conservative states were sent the more toxic batches it seems. (7) Many cities and states already had herd immunity (in spring 2020) before the vax was introduced. (8) The governments and agencies are actively looking for stats to make the unvaxed look worse. Often making up "facts". (9) Certain communities have access to cheap medicine that actually work, and/or better food. (10) Deaths from guns and accidents (anything) may also be counted as covid deaths when a test turned out to be positive. Families and doctors were bribed to put covid on the death certificate. And not to put vax death on the death certificates.
The main point really is 3) the 14(or longer) day delay. ElGatoMalo has written great articles on this, the foxhole analogy etc. (a time delay makes running between foxholes look safer than being in foxholes!).
And that's why Naked Emperors charts look so devastating for 1 and 2 dose (they're the categories this trick, initially very successfully employed to dump deaths on the 'unvaccinated' category is now left doing, makes triple look ok at the expense of the previous category.
Personally, i'm a simple guy and like Dolan's overall summation, the truth in it and it's impactful.
Excellent! I was going to do this myself but you beat me to it. Your analysis confirms my suspicions that one and two doses cause problems but boosters have YET to cause a problem, since they are more recent. Time will tell if I am right. Also, don’t the Brits use the same 14 day lag in calling someone vaxxed? How many people died within 14 days of receiving any vax and did they include those people in the unvaxxed group?
Officially, with this dataset anyway, they don't use the 14 day lag. But, I and others have written about this in the past where it seems miscategorisations have taken place.
If you take the statistics at face value (not sure that is a good idea but I'll plough on). One point I take from this is that the jab is something you have to keep getting to reduce the negative impact of the previous jabs. A gift that keeps on giving for the Pharma companies. They produce a jab that after a few months makes you more susceptible to infection, so you have to take another jab and so on. At what point does the booster stop working and what will be the outcome? If it is a statistical manipulation it will go unnoticed by most who will fall for the perpetual booster theory. So they achieve their goal either way.
Or, is it a situation of statistical manipulation as described by UK Refugee above and ElGatoMalo's article on the foxhole analogy?
With regards to using the authorities statistics - "did they include those people in the unvaxxed group" - of course they did.
According some data around 60% of deaths occur within the 14 days window. There's a very good reason they invented this immunisation window which didn't exist before.
Figured. Very convenient since the majority of deaths happen before the 14 days. The same is probably true for the boosters since the changed the definition of fully vaxxed to include the booster.
LOL. "All Cause Mortality". This is the one stat that is actually counted the same in every country. You die, you're on the list. While it does have some limitations it has a huge advantage beyond that because it is also the hardest number for governments to manipulate.
Ah, yes. And here I was searching for a "devil is in the tiny details" measurement!
ACM is *my* MFM, also. I love gazing at the minor and gentle Covid blip in overall death rates, pondering what exactly caused it, the disease or the "cure."
For a good introduction look at Joel Smalley's Substack, "Dead Men Talking." <>
Jessica Rose also has a good (maybe great) essay today on the definitional difference between "vaxxed" and "injected" which considers the three week lag.
I completely understand and accept this analysis. BUT it is also the case that thousands of vaccinted people are dying from Covid and the comaprison with unvaccinated is irrelevant in the sense that the one remaining claim for the gene therapies is that they "protect against severe disease, hospitalization and death". Even on an overall basis (which I accept is not the correct way to view the data for precision) if the gene therapies can at best claim "similar" rates of death per 100K, isn't that another way of saying "the gene therapies do NOT work"?
Very interesting indeed. You read my mind at the end... as I was reading I was thinking that it would be enlightening to see similar a comparison made when looking at all-cause mortality.
This is good. One question. Hasn't it come up that the deaths are in the wrong categories due to the 14 day delay? So if a boosted person dies within 14 days of the booster, they'd be recorded with the double-jabbed? And if a person got their second shot and died within 14 days, they'd be recorded with the single jabbed?
This is so important. Any deaths within those 14 days make the new shot number look good compared to the previous number. This even applies to no shots and one shot. Anyone who dies of Covid within 14 days of the first shot is considered an unvaccinated death.
Why do you think always n-1 category start to die off when a new shot was introduced? Look at the charts and you will see that n-1 shot death always peaks when the new one is introduced....
In my country it is always the old and the sick that gets the shot first, and they still count in that way that a if a boosted person dies within 14 days of the booster, they will be recorded with the double-jabbed. And if a person get their second shot and dies within 14 days, they will be recorded with the single jabbed. When asked about this, the authorities had no answer, they just looked confused and said they had a lot of numbers.
This would be legit if n-2 and n-3 also shoots up when boosters started to be administered but that was not the case. Only the double vaccinated started to suddenly die off. And I guess in the autumn with mass 4th/5th vaccination only the boosted category will die off miraculously.
I think the absolute numbers of single-dosed needs to be considered - this is really a very small group!
Most of the single-dosed will have discontinued dosing because of underlying health issues or because of adverse reactions to their first dose. I am really not sure how significant this group is.
(I believe I am an extreme outlier in that I am single-dosed and discontinued because the information I found countering the MSM narrative became overwhelming)
The double-dosed is a much larger group and has a much larger percentage who have discontinued dosing because of disillusionment with the vaccine campaign and not necessarily due to personal health complications/issues.
Without more survey data on these groups to find out why they discontinued dosing it is very difficult to convincingly draw conclusions.
EDIT: You didn't mention how the UK Health Security Agency conveniently stopped publishing the rates for the double-dosed! Apparently only the triple-dosed now outperform the unvaccinated. Of course, that the double-dosed were no longer showing better rates than the unvaccinated was pointing to negative vaccine effectiveness!
Three Canadian doctors from same health care/hospitals died suddenly last week just as 4th jab being given. Reported on Sorry but unable to add link right now. Please look and share. Most jabbed I know have been quite ill with normal cold or developed infections requiring antibiotics, skin cancers, worsening of existing ailments such as arthritis and one elderly has developed significant memory loss. None have thought that recent experimental jabs may have contributed! Another had loss of consciousness, fell and bashed her head in bathroom. I dread to hear about any future illnesses.
Oops! I read so much that day I wore my specs out. Thank you for highlighting my error. Re-reading this just makes me so sad, angry, anxious all at the same time. Last year about this time someone wrote that it was like the summer of 1914, calm and warm hazy days and complete ignorance of the horrors to come. Well, there certainly is carnage but the despatch boxes with the battle news are being kept closed so the recruitment drive can muster even more volunteers.
UPDATE — WARMINGTON: Triathlete, 27, becomes 5th GTA doctor to die in July
“The 27-year-old, who was a resident doctor at McMaster Children Hospital in Hamilton, collapsed while swimming as she competed in a triathlon on Sunday. She subsequently died on Thursday.
Trillium Partners staff physicians Dr. Jakub Sawicki, Dr. Stephen McKenzie and Dr. Lorne Segall died last week, just days after the tragic death of North York General Hospital’s Dr. Paul Hannam, an Olympian who died during a run at 50 years old.
In all four cases, their hospitals made it clear their deaths ‘were not related to the COVID-19 vaccine.’”
Oh no! How can they say that their deaths were not related to the jabs? All these young healthy people suddenly dying. Are they getting post mortem examinations by people who actually know what to look for, I wonder? Maybe they need a chemist as well to examine the bloods?
When it comes to determine if someone died of COVID I suspect their may be some biases both in dx. For example undervaxxed may be more likely to go down as a COVID death than boosted.
As for the younger unvaxxed dying of COVID at lower rates than their population, this is likely due to the most unhealthy of the young are more likely to be vaxxed (opposite of very old population )
And it seems reasonable that the healthier in the first place (either the ones with better immune systems, or those just lucky to have an immune system that works well against Covid), would be vaxxed at a (much?) lower rate than the vulnerable.
I think thats true for younger people , say under 40-50. Not so much for older people until you get to 80+ when those near end of life might be deemed too frail to get vaxxed while those who are still doing well will get vaxxed
"For instance, if everyone were vaccinated, 100% of people would die vaccinated.”
Yeah of course they would be, but the main point of what this ninny of a fact checker states is that THEY ARE VACCINATED AND THEY DIE OF COVID!
While the unvaccinated doesn't die of Covid all that much at all, and the ****** doesn't even get what he wrote himself!
Reading that maes wish I was still a young one, out with my droogs wearing our steel-toed hob-nailed boots and coming across the abolute shithead who wrote that, in an out-of-the-way underpass or so. "Singing in the rain, just singing in the rain..."
"Reading that maes wish I was still a young one, out with my droogs wearing our steel-toed hob-nailed boots and coming across the abolute shithead who wrote that, in an out-of-the-way underpass or so. "Singing in the rain, just singing in the rain...""
That's some good, entertaining writing right there, M. Rickard. Thank you!
It's one of the things that sits like a grain of sand under the eyelid, that me and my mates and other such "bovverboys" had more of a code of honour than today's business-leaders and politicians.
I seem to remember reading at the beginning of the pandemic that Reuters is owned by someone that is also on Phizer's Board of Directors... That figures!
It seems that every Devil connected to this nonsense is "On the Pfizer Board of Directors". They must have enough "Directors" to fill at least several hundred Airbus Jets headed for "The Next Board Meeting"- which seems to be every other day.
solid. thanks. i was always irked by those bold claims in the critics community and asked many times what about base rate fallacy? nobody ever responded.
-population size is debatable and most likely undercounted so saying the exact % of either the vaxxed or the unvaxxed is probably impossible. Undercounting makes the vaxxed group look bigger and the unvaxxed group look smaller skewing the statistics in the favor of the vaccinators.
-the 14 / 21 days delay trickery and reclassification of vax status due to this delay makes any statistics nearly useless
Just a sidenote: Switzerland quietly pulled their adverse reaction numbers from their covid19 dashboard.
Regardless, shouldn’t we be seeing almost no deaths in jabbed categories? I mean if they truly functioned as a vaccine there should be a handful of unlucky souls who got a break through infection, maybe a few misdiagnosed deaths ie. people dying of Covid when they did not. If they truly worked we should see like 99% of all deaths in the unjabbed.
Yes, I think this is an important point. If the vaccines actually worked, we wouldn't need to be splitting hairs about small differences here and there in different groups.
Not too long ago Berenson posted a chart about how high vaxxed death rates were in a particular month in Canada. One of his critics called him out for choosing the one month when vaxxed death rates were particularly high - but if the shots worked as promised (and if there's even a shred of justification* for all the coercion and threats) there shouldn't be ANY month when the Covid death rates for the vaxxed is higher.
*there is no justification, obviously
Death protection from boosters used to exist (covid death protection, not overall death protection). It evaporated around Mar-May of 2022. Now it is negative and boosters INVITE deaths in Jun-July. I wrote about it
I guess we'll see this in the next data release. Although, if it shows this, will they release it!?
They probably will not release it
This just makes sense. If #1 and #2 shots don't offer protection, it just stands to reason that #3 and #4 will also not offer protection. The drug is the same, it is still useless and poisonous. The usefulness is apparent on day one, the poison effect takes months to work through your system.
The only answer to that would be if the deaths were caused by the alpha variant. However the jabbed have "protection" from a disease that is no longer in circulation. It has been out-competed by a more infectious variant to which the jabbed have not been protected from.
" which the jabbed have not been protected from. (sic)"
"...from which the jabbed have not been protected." (fify?)
It is a bit more complicated than this.
(1) The anti-bodies make no sense, since the Wuhan variant does no longer exists. So we can not expect any protection. According to Bossche we can even expect negative protection. (2) Side-effects from the vaccine are often counted as Covid. (3) The vaccine status often has a 14 day delay. (4) Depending on the vax-status, the tests are performed differently. Vaxed are sometimes not even tested, while unvaxxed are treated as rats. In the US the PCR-count has been reduced from 45 (99% false positives) to 28 (30% false positives). And this PCR test can be positive with a different infection (like a cold). (5) Racial and wealth differences. Many poorer communities avoided the vax, because they had bad histories with them. (6) Differences between batches. The conservative states were sent the more toxic batches it seems. (7) Many cities and states already had herd immunity (in spring 2020) before the vax was introduced. (8) The governments and agencies are actively looking for stats to make the unvaxed look worse. Often making up "facts". (9) Certain communities have access to cheap medicine that actually work, and/or better food. (10) Deaths from guns and accidents (anything) may also be counted as covid deaths when a test turned out to be positive. Families and doctors were bribed to put covid on the death certificate. And not to put vax death on the death certificates.
The main point really is 3) the 14(or longer) day delay. ElGatoMalo has written great articles on this, the foxhole analogy etc. (a time delay makes running between foxholes look safer than being in foxholes!).
And that's why Naked Emperors charts look so devastating for 1 and 2 dose (they're the categories this trick, initially very successfully employed to dump deaths on the 'unvaccinated' category is now left doing, makes triple look ok at the expense of the previous category.
Personally, i'm a simple guy and like Dolan's overall summation, the truth in it and it's impactful.
Excellent! I was going to do this myself but you beat me to it. Your analysis confirms my suspicions that one and two doses cause problems but boosters have YET to cause a problem, since they are more recent. Time will tell if I am right. Also, don’t the Brits use the same 14 day lag in calling someone vaxxed? How many people died within 14 days of receiving any vax and did they include those people in the unvaxxed group?
Officially, with this dataset anyway, they don't use the 14 day lag. But, I and others have written about this in the past where it seems miscategorisations have taken place.
"Miscategorizations," or deliberate obfuscations?
Deliberate "science." This is the way drug trials are run to make the results looks so much better. All "scientists" know this.
Great comment.
If you take the statistics at face value (not sure that is a good idea but I'll plough on). One point I take from this is that the jab is something you have to keep getting to reduce the negative impact of the previous jabs. A gift that keeps on giving for the Pharma companies. They produce a jab that after a few months makes you more susceptible to infection, so you have to take another jab and so on. At what point does the booster stop working and what will be the outcome? If it is a statistical manipulation it will go unnoticed by most who will fall for the perpetual booster theory. So they achieve their goal either way.
Or, is it a situation of statistical manipulation as described by UK Refugee above and ElGatoMalo's article on the foxhole analogy?
With regards to using the authorities statistics - "did they include those people in the unvaxxed group" - of course they did.
Of course they put them in unvaxxed.
According some data around 60% of deaths occur within the 14 days window. There's a very good reason they invented this immunisation window which didn't exist before.
Figured. Very convenient since the majority of deaths happen before the 14 days. The same is probably true for the boosters since the changed the definition of fully vaxxed to include the booster.
Can't wait for tomorrow. ACM == My Favourite Metric
Mine, too. Much harder to monkey around with.
Academy of Country Music? Association of Computing Machinery? Afghanistan Campaign Medal?
Sorry, these are the (hopefully entertaining) results of my lame searches. Kindly, what is ACM?
LOL. "All Cause Mortality". This is the one stat that is actually counted the same in every country. You die, you're on the list. While it does have some limitations it has a huge advantage beyond that because it is also the hardest number for governments to manipulate.
Ah, yes. And here I was searching for a "devil is in the tiny details" measurement!
ACM is *my* MFM, also. I love gazing at the minor and gentle Covid blip in overall death rates, pondering what exactly caused it, the disease or the "cure."
For bonus points, search "EACM."
For a good introduction look at Joel Smalley's Substack, "Dead Men Talking." <>
Jessica Rose also has a good (maybe great) essay today on the definitional difference between "vaxxed" and "injected" which considers the three week lag.
Will do, and much appreciated, M. rjt.
This is so interesting! Please keep digging.
I completely understand and accept this analysis. BUT it is also the case that thousands of vaccinted people are dying from Covid and the comaprison with unvaccinated is irrelevant in the sense that the one remaining claim for the gene therapies is that they "protect against severe disease, hospitalization and death". Even on an overall basis (which I accept is not the correct way to view the data for precision) if the gene therapies can at best claim "similar" rates of death per 100K, isn't that another way of saying "the gene therapies do NOT work"?
Please don't blaspheme!
Very interesting indeed. You read my mind at the end... as I was reading I was thinking that it would be enlightening to see similar a comparison made when looking at all-cause mortality.
Thank you for your great work.
Eustace Mullins warned us long before fact checkers reared their ugly heads.
This is good. One question. Hasn't it come up that the deaths are in the wrong categories due to the 14 day delay? So if a boosted person dies within 14 days of the booster, they'd be recorded with the double-jabbed? And if a person got their second shot and died within 14 days, they'd be recorded with the single jabbed?
This is so important. Any deaths within those 14 days make the new shot number look good compared to the previous number. This even applies to no shots and one shot. Anyone who dies of Covid within 14 days of the first shot is considered an unvaccinated death.
Why do you think always n-1 category start to die off when a new shot was introduced? Look at the charts and you will see that n-1 shot death always peaks when the new one is introduced....
the official explanation is that the healthiest get vaccinated first, leaving an unhealthy population in n-1 category.
In my country it is always the old and the sick that gets the shot first, and they still count in that way that a if a boosted person dies within 14 days of the booster, they will be recorded with the double-jabbed. And if a person get their second shot and dies within 14 days, they will be recorded with the single jabbed. When asked about this, the authorities had no answer, they just looked confused and said they had a lot of numbers.
This would be legit if n-2 and n-3 also shoots up when boosters started to be administered but that was not the case. Only the double vaccinated started to suddenly die off. And I guess in the autumn with mass 4th/5th vaccination only the boosted category will die off miraculously.
Exactly. It will be interesting to see if this tactic effects Al Cause Mortality statistics.
I think the absolute numbers of single-dosed needs to be considered - this is really a very small group!
Most of the single-dosed will have discontinued dosing because of underlying health issues or because of adverse reactions to their first dose. I am really not sure how significant this group is.
(I believe I am an extreme outlier in that I am single-dosed and discontinued because the information I found countering the MSM narrative became overwhelming)
The double-dosed is a much larger group and has a much larger percentage who have discontinued dosing because of disillusionment with the vaccine campaign and not necessarily due to personal health complications/issues.
Without more survey data on these groups to find out why they discontinued dosing it is very difficult to convincingly draw conclusions.
EDIT: You didn't mention how the UK Health Security Agency conveniently stopped publishing the rates for the double-dosed! Apparently only the triple-dosed now outperform the unvaccinated. Of course, that the double-dosed were no longer showing better rates than the unvaccinated was pointing to negative vaccine effectiveness!
They stopped publishing all the rates!
Three Canadian doctors from same health care/hospitals died suddenly last week just as 4th jab being given. Reported on Sorry but unable to add link right now. Please look and share. Most jabbed I know have been quite ill with normal cold or developed infections requiring antibiotics, skin cancers, worsening of existing ailments such as arthritis and one elderly has developed significant memory loss. None have thought that recent experimental jabs may have contributed! Another had loss of consciousness, fell and bashed her head in bathroom. I dread to hear about any future illnesses.
Actually, it was 4 doctors, in 5 days..
But hey, who's counting?
Oops! I read so much that day I wore my specs out. Thank you for highlighting my error. Re-reading this just makes me so sad, angry, anxious all at the same time. Last year about this time someone wrote that it was like the summer of 1914, calm and warm hazy days and complete ignorance of the horrors to come. Well, there certainly is carnage but the despatch boxes with the battle news are being kept closed so the recruitment drive can muster even more volunteers.
Make that 5, actually..
UPDATE — WARMINGTON: Triathlete, 27, becomes 5th GTA doctor to die in July
“The 27-year-old, who was a resident doctor at McMaster Children Hospital in Hamilton, collapsed while swimming as she competed in a triathlon on Sunday. She subsequently died on Thursday.
Trillium Partners staff physicians Dr. Jakub Sawicki, Dr. Stephen McKenzie and Dr. Lorne Segall died last week, just days after the tragic death of North York General Hospital’s Dr. Paul Hannam, an Olympian who died during a run at 50 years old.
In all four cases, their hospitals made it clear their deaths ‘were not related to the COVID-19 vaccine.’”
Oh no! How can they say that their deaths were not related to the jabs? All these young healthy people suddenly dying. Are they getting post mortem examinations by people who actually know what to look for, I wonder? Maybe they need a chemist as well to examine the bloods?
We need forensic investigation to find out what really happens with these jabs..
When it comes to determine if someone died of COVID I suspect their may be some biases both in dx. For example undervaxxed may be more likely to go down as a COVID death than boosted.
As for the younger unvaxxed dying of COVID at lower rates than their population, this is likely due to the most unhealthy of the young are more likely to be vaxxed (opposite of very old population )
Exactly what I was thinking.
And it seems reasonable that the healthier in the first place (either the ones with better immune systems, or those just lucky to have an immune system that works well against Covid), would be vaxxed at a (much?) lower rate than the vulnerable.
I think thats true for younger people , say under 40-50. Not so much for older people until you get to 80+ when those near end of life might be deemed too frail to get vaxxed while those who are still doing well will get vaxxed
That seems reasonable.
Oh this is bloody lovely isn't it?
"For instance, if everyone were vaccinated, 100% of people would die vaccinated.”
Yeah of course they would be, but the main point of what this ninny of a fact checker states is that THEY ARE VACCINATED AND THEY DIE OF COVID!
While the unvaccinated doesn't die of Covid all that much at all, and the ****** doesn't even get what he wrote himself!
Reading that maes wish I was still a young one, out with my droogs wearing our steel-toed hob-nailed boots and coming across the abolute shithead who wrote that, in an out-of-the-way underpass or so. "Singing in the rain, just singing in the rain..."
"Reading that maes wish I was still a young one, out with my droogs wearing our steel-toed hob-nailed boots and coming across the abolute shithead who wrote that, in an out-of-the-way underpass or so. "Singing in the rain, just singing in the rain...""
That's some good, entertaining writing right there, M. Rickard. Thank you!
Thank you right back, Timothy!
It's one of the things that sits like a grain of sand under the eyelid, that me and my mates and other such "bovverboys" had more of a code of honour than today's business-leaders and politicians.
I seem to remember reading at the beginning of the pandemic that Reuters is owned by someone that is also on Phizer's Board of Directors... That figures!
Blackrock execs have a seat on both boards.
It seems that every Devil connected to this nonsense is "On the Pfizer Board of Directors". They must have enough "Directors" to fill at least several hundred Airbus Jets headed for "The Next Board Meeting"- which seems to be every other day.
solid. thanks. i was always irked by those bold claims in the critics community and asked many times what about base rate fallacy? nobody ever responded.
Because they were too busy planning our demise.
My problems immediately:
-population size is debatable and most likely undercounted so saying the exact % of either the vaxxed or the unvaxxed is probably impossible. Undercounting makes the vaxxed group look bigger and the unvaxxed group look smaller skewing the statistics in the favor of the vaccinators.
-the 14 / 21 days delay trickery and reclassification of vax status due to this delay makes any statistics nearly useless
Just a sidenote: Switzerland quietly pulled their adverse reaction numbers from their covid19 dashboard.
I used the more reliable percentage figures from the UKHSA. Arguably this is an over-estimate whilst the ONS data is an under-estimate.