May 27, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

“There were 2,044 people who were vaccinated but not included in the NIMS data as they died soon after vaccination."

Why the heck were they not included?

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May 27, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

That’s why I don’t read any corporate media news, including any charts, statistics, graphs, etc. it’s all bullshit.

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May 27, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

Clever boy!

You see another celebrity died unexpectedly in his sleep this week? That bingo card is sure filling up...

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May 27, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

The concern for me (looking at these graphs) isn't even when the peak is, ie how many weeks until it is reached and for how long counts increase. The concern is the plateau that happens after... There is no return to pre-vaccination levels, the death count remains elevated.

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May 27, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

Statistics in the proper hands can prove enlightening thanks. Good article. Many of us have noticed and commented on the many unusual appearing deaths which appeared after vaccines came on the scene. And many suspicious unusual case of strokes, heart disease, CNS issues, and more. It would be interesting to try quantifying our suspicions versus the actual incidence of deaths and the actual incidence of illness. Very likely entirely impossible but interesting.

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May 27, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

Am I misunderstanding something fundamental? Why would the non-COVID death rate be a function of time since being jabbed? Seems to me that the death rate should either always be stable, or oscillate with the seasons of the *year*. Those charts for the first 3-4 weeks after being jabbed suggest to me that non-COVID deaths are a function of time since being jabbed, which *should* be a concern. Especially when there are government charts out there suggesting lower all-cause mortality in the jabbed. What am I missing?

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May 27, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

“Low counts of deaths in the first few weeks after vaccination are indicative of the healthy vaccinee effect, ..."

Except for those 2,044 losers who had the impertinence to die right after being vaccinated. Turns out they weren't healthy after all. Good riddance!

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May 28, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

Anecdotal fact: of the people I know who had Covid confirmed by blood test when they got sick, and who are vaccinated, all of them keeps getting "flu-like" symptoms every 10-12 weeks. They're down for 2-3 days to a week. No follow up from health care, no investigations, no testing even other than the usual blood work for checking for signs of infection (though not any specific one).

And the ones I know who either had Covid without noticing much more than an extra-annoying cold, or never had it and who are unvaccinated, they aren't getting sick in any pattern than the normal one: kids bringing a new mutation home from school after holidays, or similar well-known vectors.

Anecdotal, but the pattern holds true over all ages and for other sociometric factors too.

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May 28, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

Ominously, your charts all show a rising trend.

No wonder the authorities have ceased ‘reporting’ the data!

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May 27, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

Pretty sure monthly deaths in total should be around 50k at tops in the UK.

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May 27, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

Seems like the biggest eyebrow raiser is the last paragraph. 2k non covid deaths within 2 weeks of jab. How is that not highly suspicious of jab causation?

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See if I have this right: the deaths that happened "soon" (within 2 weeks?) after jabs are excluded from the data going into the graph, because otherwise there would be a spike in the graph in those first 2-3 weeks that would look pretty embarrassing?

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May 27, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

I’m not sure what “positive vaccination” means?

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May 27, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

The way I see this is simple.

If silly middle-aged people choose to buy a huge powerful motorbike and drive too fast, then they tend to have a much higher risk of dying. This is a known risk.

If they choose to be jagged and jabbed, then it might work out well or badly. this is an unknown risk.

If Big Pharma and Governments encourage everyone to take a 'safe medication' then they need to ask themselves a couple of questions first: and 'follow the money'...

Now, I don't expect people to obsess over the science or the Maths: these are ordinary, decent, law-abiding people who buy lottery tickets,


I mean, morons.

The only solution is to try to educate your kids, in which case I clearly failed: my very academically capable (1st class degree) daughter took the jag: and I didn't.

However, no harm done: we have both had Covid and nothing bad happened.

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Why were non-COVID deaths lower immediately post-vaccination?

The only plausible explanation I can think of is that vaccines were causing so much COVID death immediately post-vaccination, that the those other, non-COVID causes made up a lower share of the total.

The so-called "healthy-vaccinee effect" does not explain the more-than-doubling in non-COVID deaths in just a few weeks of time. If they were assumed healthy in week 1, they are assumed healthy in week 4.

A few weeks of time is not "enough" time for a person to change their natural health status.

When you think about, there is no natural cause of death which "decides" to kill more than twice as many people in just a few weeks. Instead, natural causes lead to fluctuations up and down of about 10% every few weeks.

If death by a cause more than doubles in under 3 weeks, it can be assumed that it is not a natural cause -- such as a disease -- which killed the extra amount of people.

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I’m just putting this here as a hmmm.....warning, this person quotes Jeffery Morris, bless his cotton socks...Jeffery still hasn’t got back to me as to why he stated ‘flu is not asymptomatic, whereas covid is’ on his mask debunking of you, even though apparently flu is 😛😉


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