Let me rub my crystal ball. Ah, yes! It shows that, once again, no one will be held accountable for all the death and destruction they caused. Oh, and wait! There's more! That's right! They will do it again!

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As much as I appreciate all the research that goes into writing this excellent substack, in this case, I think all these people looking for evidence of a lab-manufactured virus are barking up the wrong tree.

The woo-woo-Wuhan lab leak thing is just a big fat red herring.

I'm no expert. But to me all this business of genome sequences matching up with bits and pieces of other infectious viruses points to one thing: they just cobbled together a genome for "sars cov2" using bits and pieces of known genome sequences.

There was no evidence of anything other than a normal flu season the winter they announced "covid." (Remember how deaths from influenza magically disappeared over the same time?)

The deaths attributed to covid were deaths due to measures taken to "fight" covid, mismanagement of normal illnesses, and straight out statistical manipulation.

No less than Dr. Michael Yeadon has come out and said that there was no pandemic.

This was all about getting as many people as possible jabbed up with as many shots as possible. We need to stay focused on the real target.

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I agree that one of the intentions was to get as many people jabbed up but I think one can still stay focused by looking at multiple issues, e.g. lab leak, manipulation of numbers, lockdowns caused harms etc

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And you do an incredible job of looking at multiple issues, NE. I really appreciate all the work you put into this blog.

I just think people are being led astray around the idea of a lab leak. They do indeed "leak" all kinds of nefarious information on purpose to confuse us and keep us arguing amongst ourselves - but it's manufactured lies they are leaking. The lies are the disease.

So I will happily agree to disagree with you on this in the interests of our greater goal. But hope you'll keep what I've brought up in the back of your mind.

Thank you for all your work.

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Well you better start looking into molecular biology and the info Emily Kopp and Paul Alexander and Dr Bruttel have explored over the last few days.

The idea of the info being a distraction may be a subpart of the process but you better start considering the implications of what is being discussed from the DARPA and DRASTIC projects - the funding and the main participants and what the implications are for mankind with the process and procedures that Baric and Daszak have developed. Dig deeper and learn a bit about what the ramifications mean.

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To quote Dr Valentin Bruttel

"The WIV is assembling a synthetic nepah virus with a 70% mortality virus... or the Netherlands H5N1, a 60% case mortality rate, adapted to make them more transmissible to humans... (if these leak) something much worse could happen anytime. The public is not that interested any more. I can understand that people are getting tired, the same questions, the same topic over and over, but it is way too important to be ignored".

Anna I hope you are correct not Dr Bruttel, time will tell. In the mean time I am glad that there are people who continue to shine a light on what is happening.

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I agree, the focus should be on the jabs. Either they manufactured an actual virus to be just scary enough to cause a panic (knowing it would mutate, as viruses tend to do, into something mid) or they used media induced hysteria to convince people a common flu was something it wasn't, but in every case it is clear they did it to manufacture justification to inject this poison into every single human being. They made it very clear they had no intention of allowing anyone to escape it.

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I am just a little ol' country family doc, but I beg to differ regarding Michael Yeadon's assertion that there was no pandemic (if he means no novel infectious agent that spread like wildfire and then in fits and starts around the world), well, it depends upon how you define pandemic (and they redefined it for this very one--I get it.)

In particular, I believe that there was a novel virus, likely CORONA virus circulating in 2020 (and likely form at least 2018 from what I've read lately). I base this on over 40 years of clinical practice and never have I seen people in great numbers complaining of loss of taste and smell--that is qualitatively different from what happens when anyone gets a stuffy nose from URI or allergic rhinitis. Was it unusually deadly, no, unless you followed Dr. Fauci's kill protocols; could it have circulated co-incident with seasonal flu, sure. Once they developed tests for it, and they were overcycling the PCR tests they were finding it sometimes when it was there and sometimes when it wasn't, but basically when they found it, they stopped looking for co-infections that may well have been more deadly. That doesn't mean it wasn't there. We were one of the first outpatient sites (besides nursing homes) to have used rapid antigen testing (not subject to the over-cylcling issue of PCR, and we were getting positives when using the test correctly (we used HCQ/Azithro/Zinc Zelenko protocol and later Ivermectin to treat and keep people out of hospital (also nebulized budesonide, etc.) We had in our practice only a couple deaths (one a guy on hospice who died of a GI bleed, but had a positive covid test--exemplifying the corruption in the death certification and coding process).

Once they got a COVID tests positive, then people in hospitals and in ERs in the US were pretty much under the gun (literally) to put people on the Fauci kill protocol-- a) go home and rot until you turn blue and then b) come back to the hospital for remdesevir, early and inappropriate invasive ventilation.

Initially hospitals had HCQ/Azithro/Zinc etc protocols but they disappeared as soon as Fauci et al got wind of them and paid off the P&T committees and ID guys (my supposition) and there were huge bribes, I mean incentives for run death is near, early invasive ventilation and no other usual (antibiotics for known or suspected pneumonia or sepsis)or unusual treatments (high dose IV vitamin C for sepsis) known to work allowed, over sedation etc. etc. details varied with the political jurisdiction.

So, I agree that there was not a killer virus, just killer protocols that were inforced by newly coerced/castrated Killer Angels (apologies to Michael Shaara) in white coats on orders from the new Mengele, Tony Fauci. All bought and paid for by Pfizer, Moderna, Fauci, Gates, your and my tax dollars, our great, great grand children's inheritance, likely Soros, though I have no smoking guns for that one.

Now we have just a weakened COVID strain that has mutated beyond the killer shots to do anything but encourage more mutant strains, cause antibody dependent enhancement of illness, impair host defenses to COVID and all kinds of invaders infectious, malignant or what have you. Not to mention vascular complications.

I don't know I don't know what Michael Yeadon would say to this or what he would say in a conversation over these ideas. I mean him no disrespect, and I agree with him as to the major mortality drivers iatrogenicide and then the kill shots. sequentially.

There are all kinds of health agency bureaucrats (MDs and non MDs that deserve to have judicial terminal events, Pharma executives, employees, paid off politicians (I am thinking about administrations that came into power in 2nd & 3rd world countries where there was widespread use of effective use of effective repurposed drugs, who then shut that down. The only explanation for that is that they were paid off, and that there circumstantial evidence

should be enough to hang them, IMHO (if you disagree, please put up a plausible alternative explanation/alibi -- there is not one. )

There are not enough trees and lamp posts along the National Mall for all the guilty. We would likely need to use all the lamp posts in Washington DC for the necktie party.

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Your reasoning is flawed. Quite. The problem wasn't over cycling of PCR, it was the whole ball of wax. The fact that you trusted LFT/RATs make your comments uninteresting. Anosmia isn't some fascinating symptom. You clearly have put your faith in the official narrative after completing a small amount of Scooby Dooing for yourself. Pure lab clones or a deliberate chemical agent fits with your anecdotal remarks regarding disproving the novel pathogen hypothesis based on nothing but skepticism. There is no evidence for the novel deadly pathogen narrative. You seem to throw out a lot of "evidence" correctly but can't embrace the psyop and corruption of your industry.

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Exactly. The virus was man made... as a computer model, using other computer models as the template. None ever left a computer.

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100% Agree. The biology doesn't work. Best I can offer you is a bunch of web 2.0 dashboards, some sus computer database curation, tests based on a digital fingerprint approved in 3 days and a lot of social media psyop.

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I beg to differ. Are you a clinician? I am 40 + years, and I am here to tell you that there was something novel out there in 2020. See my post above.

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Yeah, no. And your one liner and your blogpost isn't convincing. You've provided no evidence what-so-ever, accept some falsification of the narrative but still cling to false narrative that there was a novel pathogen based on what? anosmia? A chemical agent or harmless but overwhelming pure lab clones of a coronavirus (not novel not deadly pathogenic) is a possible hypothesis for the anosmia without high morbidity but still not a novel deadly pathogen. You're almost there but you haven't gone deep enough on the LFT/RAT fraud and have just picked up on the superficial "high cycle count" problems with the PCR.

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You are not convincing; some bullshit pseudonym, a word salad response, no evidence of any clinical experience or insight & harping on a hallucination that makes no sense: never was a virus, but the novel injections that are based on mRNA coding for spike protein that is an active component of the virus that doesn’t exist is the real problem!

Do you even listen to or read what you write?

Are you a defective AI ChatGpt?

I am done with you buddy.

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Exactly what I'd expect from someone suggesting an appeal-to-authority "trust me bro" confirmation that a novel pathogen existed. Provide the evidence and/or the argument, not your "opinion". You take on faith that the spike exists based on spurious genomics from a curated NIH/DoD database and science communicator tier reiteration. Clearly your level of biochemical understanding is poor. What I write is word salad for somebody who wants to had wave about mRNA and spikes and assert also without evidence that they have an expert opinion. Nice ragequit, kiddo.

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It's just like man-made (or should I say, "computer-made") climate change.

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Not exactly, see my post above.

I am sure that you are not a clinician.

I don't disagree that climate change is a hoax, and the virus was never as lethal, and iatrogenicide was the main killer.

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You say all this while simultaneously freaking out if people assert that there actually isn't a novel pathogen and that most likely you wandered around giving confirmation bias/mass hysteria/scientific deception "clinical diagnoses" to the existence of novel pathogen. Let's put it this way, admitting their was no novel pathogen doesn't fit with your classical medical discipline ego. It would mean you were played like a fiddle and deceived by yourself even if the deception was aided deliberately from without by malevolent actors. It's outside your range of comprehension that the evil forces that did all the stuff you've accepted is true due to your clever intellect (the fraud testing, the iatrogenic jabs) also pulled the wool completely over your eyes with the foundational truth, perhaps with just simple chemical agents/poisoning. Your posts belie the ego behind the comments quite well.

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Mayo ,

You fucking bastard, you don’t fucking know me from Adam. I have changed my mind regarding this situation during the plandemic, I have changed my opinions and practices several times throughout my career as I have become aware of new information.

I was an early adopter of the successful Zelenko protocol & later IVERMECTIN, regularly used rapid antigen testing when it came available to confirm my diagnosis, rarely used PCR testing (back up only & rarely + ) outpatient practice only, so no remdisivir or invasive ventilation treatment, rural & small town practice, so hard for me to conceive of any chemical agent or poison that would be common to my patients, even in retrospect.

Though I was an early supporter of the vaccines, & was probably among the 1st 100 vaccinated in the county, & initially advised high risk people to get vaccinated, I never pressured individuals, was supportive of those who declined & wrote exemption letters freely. I fairly quickly became disillusioned with them & was never supportive of COVID vaccination for children, young adults , or pregnant women and by fall 2022 when I became aware of the widespread harm & in particular the reproductive harm from the vaccine @ the first FLCCC COVID conference I became an active opponent of the vaccine across the board, but particularly reproductive aged people. I lost my job over that stance.

I knew that Anthony Fauci was a unethical corrupt egotistical motherfucker from his malevolent behavior during the AIDS epidemic before you were even born, and probably before your father even cast his lecherous eyes upon your mother, poor soul that had to raise such an ingrate.

I am very familiar with toxic effects of chemicals (managed a severe case of lead poisoning in pregnancy, e.g.); screened Vietnam vets for agent Orange exposure, miners for Black lung and asbestosis, treated occupational lead exposure.

Certainly some hostile anonymous motherfucker that won’t even put his own name out there & who has no discernible expertise about anything, but just parrots 🦜 some half baked ideas that someone else has talked about, and as far as I can see has no practical ideas for how to treat or prevent the ongoing effects of this catastrophe.

Coronaviruses are not new; we all know that. There is strong evidence that how ever prevalent it was, they engineered a variety and it got out. They worked hard to hide that information (If it didn’t exist, it would make no sense for them to put the effort into concealing all that they did--& if I am wrong about that, give me an explanation for why Fauci et al have gone to the extremes that they did.)

And as I said to your supporter in this thread, what should I do differently now supposing you are correct?

You are so wrong about who you think I am, what I believe and how I practice, why should I believe you about anything else.

I have already given you much more attention and respect than you deserve. You should sodomize yourself with an electric cattle prod good and hard.

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"If it didn’t exist, it would make no sense for them to put the effort into concealing all that they did--& if I am wrong about that, give me an explanation for why Fauci et al have gone to the extremes that they did." The GoF bread crumb narrative replete with the grant leak, email leaks, bat lady subplot for an overall lab-created virus coverup story is the real 2nd act here. It's the narrative for the perpetual biosecurity state. Not only is the original virus really real but the threat of a GoF doomsday novel pathogen exists in perpetuity and requires the mandatory and unquestioned submission to authority for any number of injections, the abdication of sovereignty to global bodies like WHO. If you can't see this then you're not paying attention to the politics. You project hyberpole that chatting in emails and a crappy letter to a couple of journals is a huge coverup. The stakes of all this are global and even above Fauci's pay grade it seems. Maybe you missed the unprecedented worldwide inorganic Gleichschaltung while you were having your eyes stuck open with toothpicks to the reality of your field's present state and the corruption of the governing bodies around and above it.

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Castrate yourself

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Do you want my street address so you can come over and beat me up, bru? Maybe your dad can fight my dad, too? I can understand anger at the perpetrators of this nightmare but you seem to place your rage on random internet commentators who disagree with you rather than where that anger should be, on your own shoulders, your colleagues perhaps and the industry bean counters, policy setters and shareholders. Is this the normal you, how you react to others IRL when your authoritah is questioned? 80% of what you said is correct, only the fundamental axiom is entirely false. Imagine if I entirely disagreed with you, whew.

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You sure seem like a reasonable person and not an absolute spastic who goes ape shit when you are challenged and your inflated ego springs a leak, maybe? Not interested in your blog post about your self described hero arc, thanks. Still waiting on your evidence that there is a novel pathogen that isn't "trust me bro". "I can't imagine" isn't an argument. Unless your town is on the moon in a distant galaxy, you're subject to the same supply chains, freedom of movement and similar attack vectors as everyone else. I suggest you document a timeline for the acute symptoms you witnessed and start a group and/or find a group documenting similar as that might be able to elucidate any patterns of said agents being used. Not much of a stretch to say those patterns do not match pathogen spread. I doubt that small town Ragedoctorville was top of the list for a psyop reinforcement dispersion methodology. Explore the hypothesis with other practisioners in your network of "long career" instead of freaking out at the possibility.

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I agree that there may not have technically been a “pandemic”; it is my understanding that the official definition of “pandemic” was changed, as was “vaccine” to encompass the mRNA gene therapies.

However, if I read you correctly, you are of the “There was no virus” or “Viruses don’t exist” belief. This is just plain wrong, and there’s plenty of evidence to disprove your claims.

I also agree that the lockdowns, the rushed development of the “vaccines,” and of course their mandated use upon hundreds of millions of people was wrong, breaking many ethical and scientific norms. Certainly greed for quick profits by Pharma, as well as desire to expand regulatory powers by officials, figured heavily in that. Yes, all of those were major violations of ethics, if not downright criminal.

However, I disagree that these products were deliberately engineered to cause harm. Even if that were the case, it would be extremely difficult to prove.

Those among us who straight-up deny disease research stretching back well over a century (viruses) or that see diabolical extermination plots by the Deep State may be well intentioned. But when their claims are almost certainly untrue, especially when they fly in the face of known science, such lack of credibility tarnishes the reputation of others who have more legitimate claims. And that last item is precisely why our enemies routinely use agent provocateurs to sow discord. That’s one of the oldest tricks in the book.

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They may not have engineered it to cause harm, or maybe they did,but in either case they knew dam well it would and merrily covered it up and demonized and even crush anyone who pointed out the emperor's new clothes look suspiciously like his birthday suit.

Regardless of their intentions,the big issue is they very much knew and still did what they did. Whether a mass holocaust by intention or just another body count caused by unrestrained greed, the prior knowledge still happened and the outcome is still the same.

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I don't know if viruses exist or not. All I said was that after all the theatrics of 2020, the evidence shows that all we had was a fairly normal flu season.

Whatever uncertainties there are about the details of the plandemic, one thing is absolutely certain: the injections *were* deliberately engineered to cause harm. That was the point of the whole exercise.

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Really dig into the “Science” behind these papers of the last week

And start of this week and investigate the info. The Vaxx’s - Gene therapies - may or may not have been designed for extreme harm but were definitively designed for test either to produce the fear, the acceptance of mandates and overall control and depop of world.

Dig into the deeper aspects of CRISPR technology and the DARPA and DRASTIC projects - who funded? Who did the work? What are the results? What are the implications for the future?

It is a lot deeper and more important than most people can imagine.

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It is certainly possible and likely that there were more than one point of the exercise.

First objective was to get Trump out of office--

Second objective was the depopulation.

The jabs were not and would not have been available soon enough to accomplish the first objective.

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Excellent! I guess JJ Couey is spot on with the clone theory. I may actually have to read that 1400 page proposal 😬

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Great job you’re on a roll.

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Should we open a betting pool on whether the mesothelioma/Camp LeJeune lawsuits boys will have the stones to take this one on?

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What are the odds that there is money in it for them lawyers?

And at what odds are you paying out?

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Oh, not *me*. I'll be looking over the shoulders of the boys at the table and kibbitzing. They'll do the gambling part.

There's plenty of money somewhere. The trick is lawyers clever enough and relentless enough to smell it out.

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Brilliant, thank you.

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I don't have a cite, but I recall that early in 2020 a paper appeared claiming artificial features in SARS-CoV-2, including the furin cleavage and multiple features from the HIV virus (GP120?). I also remember that the preprint was retracted quickly, and most unusually, after hours during a weekend. (Note to conspiracy theorists: when possible, download and store offline such information, as there's no guarantee it won't be memory holed in the future.)

This doesn't diminish the later work described in this essay. If the report was true, it DOES give rather strong evidence that early researchers were aware that Covid-19 came from a lab and that any discussion of this was rapidly censored.

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You are absolutely correct - not designed for harms just a shaking of the water in the pool and testing what can happen and will happen with the madness of Baric and Daszak well in control as they had worked on it for awhile at least it is now confirmed with DARPA and DRASTIC projects, DOD, CDC- Fauci.

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Excellent article. Thank you.

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Don't forget the HIV gp120 proteins

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Great summary Ivor. I would make one slight suggestion. I would say the following:

"There is no-zero-remaining room for reasonable doubt that EcoHealth and its associates created the virus used to trigger the panic, that led to all the pandemic measures.”"

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Thanks! I'm not Ivor though!

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Apologies, I'm reading so many different substacks I can't keep them all straight.

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It is still baffling for me, why people believe in Covid-19, and especially the "lab-leak" theory?

It is the same Cabal that told you there was a pandemic, and now it is the same exact one telling you it was a lab-leak... Wake up people :) There was no virus, you are being lied to... again :)

And again, you believe what they say! Truly amusing.

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I have yet to see convincing evidence that there was no Covid-19. It seems there was but it was far less deadly than made out. Restrictions weren't needed, nor were vaccines

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Equally, you have literally zero proof Covid exists....

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Au contrare, & I am not going to waste my time with you

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[Peddling my own flavor of conspiracy theory] It's possible that SARS-CoV-2 is an artificial virus and that it did not, in fact, come from the WIV. If you were a person or a group that wanted to deliberately start a pandemic for power and profit, what better pathogen than one that was nasty but not all that deadly and extremely contagious? A final bonus is that it would be obviously of synthetic origin to any expert who looked. What better location to seed the disease than Wuhan?

If the above conjecture is accurate, it means that "accidental lab leak" is the fallback "plausible denial" position, after "natural origin" had lost its credibility.

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My thoughts entirely. Ralph Baric once wrote in a paper “As a principal of bioterrorism is to inspire fear, highly pathogenic outcomes may not be necessary..." The lower levels of bio-security utilised in the WIV give excellent plausible deniability for an intentional leak.

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The publications and patents of Ralph Baric and the Bat Lady since 2008 only strengthen these conclusions.

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8:35 PM Pacific Standard Time on Jan 18, 2024 in California, thread is back up on Twitter by the author.

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Lancet paper on "dangers of undervaccination" shows how desperate they are getting

The paper is a joke and should never have been published


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Sorry, there are no viruses only toxins.

Covid the alleged disease that has NEVER been clinically validated is acute radiation syndrome.

The entire science of virology that I was taught (twice) at 2 Unis (Phramacy and Medicine) turns out to be a fraud. They can imagine any genetic code they wish from the "soup" they create.

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Is this some sort of marketing campaign? How come one of these nearly same worded comments appear in almost every substack post.

It's just the same thing over and over again like someone trying to sell some product via some low-brow brainwashing technique.

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I suppose the main thing is: you believe in the lab-leak of Covid-19, but you haven't realised as of yet that it is the same perpetrator that told you there was a deadly pandemic... which was a lie. Only when you realise there was no Covid, you will be truly awake.

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They are just trying to stir up trouble, & I will admit that I have taken the bait; probably bots & I will no more

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Explain the epidemiology of the illness on the basis of these toxins, and tell us what toxins are involved. The world is waiting with bated breath....

Put up or shut up.

I am fully in agreement that the main driver of mortality in this country was neglected early illness leading to unnecessary hospitalization, inappropriate hospital treatment (remdisivir, early invasive ventilation, over sedation, inadequate use of steroids and antibiotics) & labeling and treating patients that didn’t have COVID with the deadly protocols.

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A song about the fraud of Virology. Watch THE DISH. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/new-music-video-the-dish

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So, the 1400 page doc is not so bad... It is pretty much emails of the proposal going back and forth with revisions.

Secondly, not sure if it is just the picture, but I think this DARPA proposal has been circulating on the internet much earlier that this FOIA request (it is too long ago for me to remember if this was the actual doc I read (the final proposal), but I do recall at the time big denials of receiving DARPA funding)

Thirdly, I did find the info on page 120 (Parc) interesting... I understand how it can be "innocent" as it relates to interferon spraying bats, but I cannot help but think of all the reports of spraying thag happened during covid... What was being sprayed?

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