Shameful. I remember patients rushed into hospitals and pushed onto ventilators. But the personnel were untrained to know exactly how to treat the patient. It takes two years for a respiratory therapist degree. Unfortunately, doctors were giving orders to nurses to put patients on vents when the patient should have had nebulizers to help them breathe. I recall nurses telling me in whispers that patients had burst lungs because the rush to help turned deadly. When Z pak could have helped, patients were given Remdesivir which harmed their kidney function. But the hospital made grandiose money upon administration. Too many issues to list here.

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We had hospitals here with 95% fatality rate if you were put on a ventilator. I have not seen a news yet which said someone died of covid at home on his/her pillows. That's why I told my wife if this virus is real danger and I get in extremely bad shape I would like to be the 1st news who died at home. At least died next to her without isolation.

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Another issue come to light here in America was that patients were given high flow, pure oxygen which may not sound dangerous but will destroy lungs over a period of hours & cause that strange ground glass opacity many attributed to strange side effects of novel virus. In fact it was novel, deadly protocols w financial incentives & viral spreading of fear and bad ideas that killed people.

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I watched it , the first winter of the rollout was dreadful.

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The response did more damage than the virus. You don't sedate people with Midazolam and Morphine if they have a viral respiratory infection, why would you want to depress their breathing? Protocols were set in place that had never before been used before for a viral respiratory infection.

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In the cosmic scheme of things I think there is great value in all of us, strangers to Jamie and his family, reading this horrible story and knowing his name and saying it to ourselves. It's like a Yad Vashem testimonial that no one should be able to ignore.

But testimonials should create a great uprising of feeling and action so there is no "ever again" and with people worried about paying their utility bills and having to get to work through deranged mobs of "demonstrations of the day," everyone's energy is well dissipated. Perhaps that's the idea.

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This is one of the saddest and most terrifying true story I have ever read.

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Yes. The anguish of his family must be unspeakable. They will carry the burden of their helplessness to save him forever.

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Sad story and criminal that medical (I use that term loosely) staff asked a patient five (!) times to sign a DNR. Unfortunately the witness statement in the full version ends with the mantra of the covidian faithful:

"72. Why didn't we shut down earlier. Nicola did more than Boris. He has a house full of folk and he was partying. Australia was far more successful than us, look what they did."

So my concern is that although the Scottish arm of the Enquiry is at least mentioning the DNRs, they will also try to point to the perceived efficiency of lockdowns and other non-pharmaceutical interventions - for next time.

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A frightening example of what happens when evil greedy people are allowed total/emergency control over other peoples lives, allowing normally reasonable and decent people to become robots just following orders.

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How many Covid deaths were iatrogenic?

We will of course never know for certain, but there is a preponderance of evidence that would strongly infer that the overwhelming majority(over 95%)were iatrogenic and were caused by either 1) the blocking or withholding of effective prophylaxis and treatment(everything from Vitamin D to HCQ to IVM &c to effective hospital treatment of presenting symptoms) or 2) the nearly universal and aggressive administering of hospital death protocols, which followed a sequence that involved starvation, dehydration and sedation in combination with induced kidney failure resulting in pulmonary edema and infection, resulting in prolonged ventilation, resulting in death.

This, along with the vaccines, describes what history will one day judge to be the greatest crime against humanity ever perpetrated in the history on mankind.

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Add high flow pure oxygen to your list of iatrogenic causes of death.. it destroys lungs and labors breathing in hours.. the ventilator pipeline began w high flow oxygen.. take a look back at early fear campaign & everywhere was complaining of oxygen shortage because somebody had the idea that would contain the spread of the deadly pathogen.. instead it made the strange ground glass opacity to lung X-rays & used as evidence of novel cause of death.. it is indeed the greatest, orchestrated crime against humanity.

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The event 101 documentation specifically said that ventilators would be required and would be in short supply. They all followed the script. Hospitals that did not have covid patients (or any patients) were instructed to send any ventiltors they had to the covid centres.

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Dear god, please see that the doctors, the heads of nhs, the “expert” medical advisors to the UK gov’t, the prime minister and his cabinet, be punished for their crimes against humanity. It must be done and it must be done sooner rather than later! They killed and seriously injured people.

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you say that in the past tense but it's still ongoing. they're not done yet, watch your six.

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If You Are Reading This

You Are A Holocaust Survivor.

So Far.


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Excellent point... "so far". The demons are still all here and will come for us as well. Best not to hide and prepare a little offensive eh?

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This kind of thing brings out the part of me I try so hard to control. The part that believes in revenge.

Every story is confirmation that my gut was right.

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So sorry this story ended badly. So much stress.

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Way past time to have a nurembourg style trial and hang all the people across the world who perpetrated this bullshit. Fuck you all may you rot in the burning fires of hell🖕

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You really, really, need to read this.


Nuremberg was a complete sham. If we had figured that was a kangaroo court, we wouldn't be living in a world where "covid" could have happened.

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It's "democide." There are four categories of mass deaths ... caused by the government.


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People in the future will look back and wonder how on earth we behaved in this manner.

One answer will be the administrators killed us.

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Stop going to the hospital already. What is it going to take for people to figure out that our medical profession has become completely corrupt? Unless you know health professionals who have figured out Covid, don't go near them.

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The doctors and nurses were simply murderers. Try them in court, and if found guilty throw every single one of them in prison and throw away the key. They can try to claim that they did not know what they were doing, but throw them in prison anyway - then go for the senior doctors and physicians who gave this advice and throw them in prison too. Go all the way and keep going until you get to the very top. Most of us can probably name the people responsible

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