NE - I received 1st hand testimony that: those "overrun" hospitals and ER's were literally empty ghost towns with the lights on for show; and anyone speaking the truth or questioning was given early retirement. Gives new meaning to the lights are on, but nobody's home. Scamdumbic indeed.

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2020 - a pandemic that never was except in the messaging from government, institutions and media. We were all held in the thrall of the propaganda and fear frenzy of the deadly spreading virus except strangely all hospital services were severely reduced, GP surgeries were locked up along with the scared GPs and most of society was shut down, elderly frail were locked away and experienced deprivation and many were terrified, all of this was a complete inversion of good public health care. The pandemic messaging was overwhelmingly strong and along with the frantic PCR testing it convinced most people that we were in the midst of a deadly spreading threat, it was a well staged theatre. Yes people became ill and died, the problem is if you restrict services, withhold/reduce/misuse treatment then a viral respiratory infection or any illness can escalate into severe illness for vulnerable people and even healthy people. All of the pandemic measures were deceitful and immoral.

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It took me roughly a month to realize we were being played.

From the very beginning I recall asking my wife... why is this impacting only Wuhan... it hit during Chinese New Year when millions left Wuhan to visit their home villages...

I have many contacts in China and I was waiting for the apocalypse to hit Shanghai and Beijing... yet it didn't...

Something clearly was not right ...

Then recall those two doctors running the testing centre in California... they said it was a nothing burger and they were censored and attacked...

I spoke to a sub author of Great Barrington around that time .. and he'd seen the data and he insisted the death totals were in line with a bad flu season... he could not understand the push for lockdowns

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May 27
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Some of us, yes. Sadly I was one of them for a while. It took a lot of reading and listening to get to the truth. I was fortunate that I was so distrustful of the vaccin that I managed to realise what was actually going on.

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Half empty at best. Most of the people "treated" were treated incorrectly. They would have been better off staying home and taking one of the banned medications, or even Tamaflu.

Please God, let them all remain more than half empty in our future. Bright side: Common knowledge that the people of "medicine", "higher education" "biotech", "mainstream media", "social media" and "government" are to blame.

Through corruption on an almost inconceivable scale, they have fused into one incredible blob of evil excrement.

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They are not empty now... and they will be overwhelmed as soon as The Bossche Mutation arrives...

And the thing is ... the doctors and nurses who are Fauci acolytes ... are heavily boosted... so they will drop quickly ...and there will be no one left to assist the dying Vaxxers.

It's already happening globally as there are shortages of medical staff at hospitals.

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May 27
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It's actually not his theory ... it has been known for many years that leaky vaccines should NOT be deployed during pandemics https://yandex.com/search/?text=leaky+vaccines+danger&lr=21770&search_source=yacom_desktop_common

Then there is this https://www.pbs.org/newshour/science/tthis-chicken-vaccine-makes-virus-dangerous


Bossche has been 100% correct ... what other respiratory operates throughout the year.. summer winter spring and autumn... constantly mutating like this?

All that remains is for the jackpot number to come up -- and the die off will begin

and he has been correct so far... endless mutations...

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May 27
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And you are basing this on?

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May 27Edited
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Leaving out the letter 'L', health care has a one word anagram of 'heartache' '. It has certainly caused a lot of that.

Aneurin Bevan will anagram to 'bane urine van'. I guess he was taking the piss. :)

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Even now, 100% of the people who called me a tinfoil-hat wearing nutty covid denying conspiracy theorists still think that. They still thoroughly believe thousands died of a deadly virus they were lucky to recover from. They still think hospitals were overflowing with the dead and dying. They still believe lockdowns, masks and social distancing were the correct and necessary response to this deadly plague. They also all firmly believe the safe and effective vaccines saved millions of lives. Most of them still roll up for their boosters. Most of them believe feeling ill after the booster proves it works. Most of them still test themselves to check their cold isn't covid. They would not believe the TikTok videos of dancing medics were real.

They all also believe firmly that there is too much CO2 in the atmosphere and it is our fault. They always look surprised when I mention that CO2 is vital for plants and we will certainly all die if there is much less of it in the atmosphere.

How stupid is humanity? The last 4 years have shown how incredibly stupid humanity is. I despair.

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Don't despair, Stuffy. God is doing a clean up.

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I appreciate that; it really has to be this way.

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If God was doing a clean up he would be taking out the bent intelligence services, the bent police force, the bent military machine, the bent government, the bent medics & everyone else involved in this damned never ending nightmare that has been going on since the 1940's!

Its time to bring back the bloody firing squads in my opinion!

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Hi Christina, I watched this video tonight and thought of you.

It's a recent interview by Jim Ferguson of a retired Canadian police sergeant about how the police has been getting so badly bent out of shape over the last several decades... but particularly during the covid era.

It's worth watching the whole 57 minutes, but if that's too long for you, there's a very interesting story that starts at 39:16 about an Ottawa police officer who has basically been dragged into a kind of kangaroo court for doing her job: investigating some suspicious SIDS deaths that happened after the "vaccine" roll-out.


It's depressing, but also kind of hopeful, to hear an explanation about how things have become so corrupt.

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Yes, firing squads definitely have a certain cachet right now.

These are very interesting times to be around.

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...and it doesn't depend on their IQ....

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It was all staged BS.

Hospitals were death centers.

No one died of Covid unless they went to the hospital.

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I knew a friends 107yo grandma who had covid and it was no worse than the flu.

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It was only worse if they gave you Midazolam :)

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In NYC from March to July 2020, I visited NewYork-Presbyterian Lower Manhattan Hospital daily to check the ER and surrounding triage tent that had been set up. The triage tent was always empty and the ER was never busy. I was threatened by NYPD to leave and stop taking pictures and videos almost every time. Never busy and never used the triage tent.

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Recall the photos from Central Park.. field hospital ... military ... zero patients...

Then there was the hospital ship...

Then there was the guy who walked around the Javits Centre -- that was repurposed as a massive hospital... completely empty

It amazes me that the Vaxxers who could see all of this -- still shot the Rat Juice...

Well maybe it doesn't amaze me cuz https://fasteddynz.substack.com/p/the-dumbest-species-ever

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Yes, it was the same here in BC Canada. I'm as certain as I can be without serology testing that we had all already had it in the Kootenays in late 2019 or early 2020. It was when they started jabbing seniors that we really started getting busy - with strokes, vertigo, shingles and mysterious neurological impairment... hasn't really stopped since.

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Last night I had a speaking event in a small South Island NZ town.

The hall was full, with an engaged, enthusiastic and intelligent audience.

After we finished, one of the people who came forward to speak with me, introduced herself as a GP.

She is a working GP.

She shared that their medical practice is absolutely swamped with patients....

She told me that the nature of the consultations has changed.

Now there are many more serious, complex and multi system conditions....that are rarely if ever seen in a GP practice.

Her observation was fully in line with the quote from a recent Herald article about the crumbling of Emergency Department care in hospitals....because of sheer numbers AND the increasingly complex and serious nature of presenting conditions.

Yes - the GP believes she knows why she is seeing this.

She is awake. Overworked, concerned, but awake

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California, too.

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I recall a few people from New York who drove into the city to see how bad it was at the downtown hospitals because it was reported on the news they were overrun with patients. They were shocked when they arrived, videotaped several areas. One clip showed a long line of people purportedly waiting to get into the emergency room. The person videotaping managed to sneak inside. It was empty. The line appeared to be for show only. There were several ambulances waiting in cue. Their drivers were either texting on the phone or asleep at the wheel. There was also a large semi tractor-trailer truck ready to haul away dead bodies, but no activity was taking place. It was one of the most bizarre videos I’ve ever seen! TWILIGHT ZONE. Someone else reported that the busy “NYC Covid ward” shown on the news was actually footage from a hospital in Italy! Who knows if even that one was an actual Covid ward. … Deception to the highest—make that lowest—degree.

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Funny thing... I asked a now former mate living in NYC to drive past and do something similar... he shrieked over a DM -- NO - I won't go anywhere near the plague ... I am locking myself down... (this is a retired exec who last time I saw him had pretty much turned into an alcoholic with him and his wife sharing 3 bottles of red every night.... and yet he's afraid to die from the plague!!!)

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The world has gone mad.

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Yes that is true... they are driving us towards the cliff... https://fasteddynz.substack.com/p/the-ultimate-extinction-plan-uep

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Have heard from hospital workers across the US saying hospitals were way under census during Covid. Part of the global scam

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My unit managed to stay pretty full, partly due to obvious vass' injuries.

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Did you see Senator Ron Johnson on Bartiromo? He’s now making the rounds finally calling out the entire scam? Event 201, the timing coinciding with the election season and how high Trump’s numbers were prior? He takes it to the limit. Emphatically calling out Fauci, the UN and the WEF, calling it a New World Order to enslave us, the virus was deliberately created and rereleased, nowhere near as deadly as it was made out, withholding safe, effective, cheap long repurposed therapeutic, and an unproven, dangerous an in some cases, fatal gene therapy. Pushed through w/o quantifiable research. He also posited that the policies weren’t amateur, but delicate. To cause misery, job loss and as assurance Trump would take the blame. And he finished it with the creation of insurmountable wealth redistribution. The elite billionaire class taking it in, buying frmland, housing properties, to make single family homes unaffordable an on and one.

It was exquisite! No doubt he’ll either meet with an “ accident”. , be subjected to investigations and prosecuted for a created. crime. Should that happen, I’ll be protesting at the Capital and I’ve no doubt there will be myriad others. Perhaps I’ll wear a keffiyah , being that CommunoIslamoFascism ant screams “ Death To America and Death To The Jews is now “peaceful activism and free speech”.

These bastards MUST be held to account and this is just the tip of the iceberg.

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He's the hero tptb have given you. Not just him, of course. All this evidence yet what's actually been done to stop any of the jabs anywhere on the planet?

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I’m thrilled you are writing articles.

You do such tremendous work.

I’m an American and rely heavily on your information. In the US two coastal governors requested naval ship hospitals.

They were never used.

My family experienced four sudden deaths in one year. I am furious.

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Agree, my hospital was nearly empty-told go home and use my PTO because no patients 2020 (prior to the roll out of the shots).

There was no pandemic. (Hospital RN)


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The alarmist gov marketing of the new scary flu has started in North America and Europe!

In US animals are being culled..

A push for a vc is now clear..

I am afraid of 2 issues:

1. Big part of the population now has a devastated immune system due to the repeated jabs … so who knows how their reaction could be;

2. The larger resistance that the push will face this time might spark violent reactions …

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I have similar footage of three hospitals in north east London and Essex …. Spent a lot of time trying to get treatment and was absolutley astonished at how empty they were. I told friends and family and they didn’t believe me…. Had an operation during covid due to a friend “getting me in” and operating on me …. Didn’t see another soul.. I have first hand proof …

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I was working as a medical transit driver when this all went down, and i was assigned to take a woman to a certain hospital one morning only to find the hospital closed. I mean empty. Locked up. Nobody home. An entire hospital. In the suburbs a bit west of downtown Portland Oregon.

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I was in hospital during the lockdown. Emergency surgery, not related to Covid. The nurses told me that a lot of staff were at home because they were overstaffed. It all seemed very quiet in there. Also I have a friend who’s husband is a porter and same thing, not busy.

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