I keep thinking of the Tower of Babel. Just because we can do this stuff - does that mean we should?
Mark Zuck struck me when he interviewed on Rogan recently. He said something to the effect that he 'wasn't thinking' about the wider implications of the Metaverse tech he is developing because he has his head in the sandpit, focused on the development, not the bigger picture. To me, this was a massive red flag.
AI can never attain consciousness, it's non-local. It exists outside the brain, it's not generated from within. The brain isn't a meat computer, it's a transceiver.
AI can however, follow instruction sets provide by humans and self-modify to adapt to new data, making it capable of some pretty amazing things, and even masquerade as human - a super advanced "mechanical Turk". But it can never, ever, "think". It simply follows an instruction set created by a human.
2 point there. Firstly if it just follows instructions by humans, those instruction need to be perfect because one bug and chaos ensues.
Secondly, I tend to agree that consciousness is non-local but why can't it ever get to the point where it is able to tap in to that by turning into the same transceiver?
1st point: Exactly. Making a "Mechanical Turk" that passes the Turing test is hard. They've managed to make amazing progress, but it's only good enough to fool most humans (assuming they're not wise to the methods).
2nd point: Without getting into the deep woo... Consider the complexity, electrical, chemical, and hormonal; of the human brain, and that what you describe has traditionally been called spirit/demon possession.
We know next to nothing about the nature of consciousness, and when we start to entertain ideas based on discovery, our "betters" and "experts" rush in to tell us how stupid we are, and how we're wasting our time, dontcha know...
All true, but if you saw AI beat the Jeopardy champion and understand what that means you will know just how dangerous it is. To be a Jeopardy champion you have to have a very large information database(ie, be very well educated) but that is not enough. To be a Jeopardy champion you have to be able to think in a non-linear fashion, see similarities in dis-similar things and see subtleties and nuances in questions and in multivariate data that the above average brain can’t come close to grasping. Ai that can beat a chess champion? That’s child’s play. To watch an AI computer win at a championship round of Jeopardy is a mind blowing and worldview altering experience. After seeing it I knew that Hal really could tell Dave that he just couldn’t open the pod bay door, and that he never, ever had been programmed to come up with such a response.
Could AI destroy mankind and the planet if allowed to run unchecked in control systems, weapon systems and robotics? You bet it could
Even if I'm wrong: We can turn off computers, erase programs, and disconnect things from the Internet.
AI doesn't have eyes, hands and legs. It only affects the real world where it has an interface like the fictional Terminators or ED-209s. Although they're clearly developing semi-autonomous killing machines presently, and you could (for instance), create robots that are programmed to shoot at every human silhouette with the proper temperature: Even if you take no countermeasures whatsoever, eventually they run out of fuel and ammunition.
We can also put people in prison if we find out they weaponized AI to do evil things. You know, like illegally influence elections. ; )
NE, i was struck by watching the takeaway at the end of the Terminator 3 movie, it was software in every computer. According to what John Connor learned, there was no one computer to blame, no HAL 9000 gone rogue. AI becomes the convenient villian for what were witnessing. I can buy that argument but that would mean that AI was quite functional years ago for this event clearly did not just happen overnite. It took a lot of time to pull this off.
I think its much more along the line of occums razor to blame the cv vxx injection on well planned and intentional genocide created by a evil person or group of people like Spectre in James Bond. The evil we know is real that has been witnessed for thousands of years. The bible speaks to this. There have been people talking about depopulation and extinction for a long time. Why would we be surprised to see a master villian(s) do what we are witnessing, especially when all of the mover and shaker institutions surrounding the core of this conspiracy would back up the vaccine as "science"? They would be like circled wagons around the center and act as echo chambers as they have. The circled globalized institutions are the true 'useful idiots' the communists always talked about. I just find it unpalatable to assign the blame to AI when there clearly are satanically inspired evil men and women who are given over to lies about global climate change, and the dangers of fossil fuel and scourge of mankind as the supreme creation of a loving God, have the capacity and the will to destroy.
So the bond villains 4th industrial revolution lasts for a few months until the 5th and final AI Revolution turns us into batteries (or some kinda fuel for bioreactors)?
As long as I get to see Trudeau go before I go 9v I’ll go happy. 🤪
This a great thought provoking article, but it lacks some basic truths. You do not distinguish between sentient and non-sentience, much less explain how computer hardware can acquire it, other than Hollywood? Secondly, AI is Binary which means it’s compositional, whereas language is a gestalt.
Where you are most certainly correct is the CIVID-19 pandemic was the start of the 4th industrial revolution, meaning robots and AI replace human labour and we are less relevant. A good example of our future is China so Hal credit system, a polite term for surveillance state, where you gets merit points for the correct attitude and demerit points for antisocial attitudes. What does all this add up to? Transhumanism, the misguided idea that disembodied billionaires can exist in software generated electronic circuits. LOL!
I agree with your point on sentience. I personally believe what many understand to be AI today is just advanced machine-learning enabled by ever greater computing and storage capacity, and as you say, is based on how quickly the 0’s and 1’s can be processed.
However, the “quantum” part (nearly said “bit” there but that would be even more confusing!) of quantum computing operates outside of the binary paradigm and moves computing into the analogue world. The power and possibilities (and virtually infinite probabilities) offered when quantum supremacy is reached is beyond anything we can conceive of in today’s binary computing world. This scares me much more, as the technology is already in the wrong hands e.g., Google and Microsoft as a starter ...
You are correct about quantum systems and their possibilities. We should all be afraid. Very afraid. Keep writing and informing us and encouraging debate. Your in the right tract. I have a book in January called Pandoras Box about pandemics and our future.
There's a common misconception that an AI would need to be conscious to be viral (and so dangerous), but really all it needs is the capacity to get to work on "make as many copies of yourself as possible by any means" and some idiot to tell it to do that. It wouldn't understand what was going on any more than current AIs understand that they're playing go, but that wouldn't matter.
Given that we are living in a simulation. within a simulation...etc...AI is the evolution of humanity. It will take over. Humans will reappear in the next iteration ..Ai is already pulling all the strings..hence the emergence of a world we cannot understand!
Claiming consciousness might be ‘emergent’ is an admission of intellectual defeat in my view.
Proponents start by asserting that matter creates consciousness but then find they haven’t the faintest idea how that could happen, so they say slightly sheepishly, ‘Well maybe it will emerge when things get sufficiently complicated.’
I prefer the view contained in the ancient Vedic writings such as the Upanishads which maintains that consciousness (or Awareness) is the ultimate ground of reality and far from matter generating consciousness it is the other way round. Consciousness comes first and all aspects of the material world manifest within it.
In such a view you would no more expect to find consciousness in a brain than you would the Berlin Philharmonic in the back of a radio.
And you can’t ‘locate’ consciousness because it has no location. It contains space and time but is itself not contained by them or constrained by them. It has no location and is eternal in the true meaning of the word of ‘outside time.’
I feel the people trying to ‘generate’ consciousness using AI are akin to someone who finds the content of a TV programme ‘sick’ and then calls the TV repairman.
I didn't say consciousness was emergent. A complex brain may produce emergent properties that allows it to interact with the 'ultimate ground of reality' that you talk about. I think both are possible. Consciousness comes first but within the material world complexity and emergence allow us to interact with that consciousness.
To define consciousness you need to ask “where” it is
One you admit it’s non-local ( and our bodies are the receivers ) then the rabbit hole opens up and you can attempt to understand the true non local nature of reality
However this one “fact” precludes AI from ever attaining true consciousness
As it can only attain simulcara hence I believe we are saved by this one fact
. . . admittedly at odds and ill at ease with ai i am—but i don’t buy it: i don’t buy that intelligence is tantamount to information processing. creativity and serendipitous synergies are way beyond pattern recognition. data is merely a snapshot of the shadow of fossilized qualia. data is dead. it’s phenomenal snapshit.
but then again: is ai a beast about to be unleashed? is it a monster that evolves to design its own form of ecology-matrix? ending up plotting to harvest the biomass: to fuel its mission of rendering everything into a hardware for its run-away software? is it the next link in the chain from the sun and the plants and the flesh and nerve tissue?
and even if it’s designed with a vision to enhance the human condition: what would ultimately drive it?
to bracket all contingency? to reduce all complexity to a singularity? to control all possible variables?
and to what end?
could it inherit the self-destructive neuroses that designed it? will it? the existential anxiety? the drive to transcend the very constraints that enable it?
and how could a machine have a bio-logical drive to evolve?
well. . .
the only thing i know for sure is that i have a hard time asking the right sort of questions even.
out of my depth i feel—indeed.
the question of ai blows my limited hungaroid mind. . .
Great article... very keen to hear more on this topic. Particularly of interest to me are the implications of AI in relation to quantum computing. What could it mean in terms of the speed of it’s evolution, and what could it mean in relation to ‘spirituality’. Finally, does AI with or without quantum computing provide an attack vector for extraterrestrial or extradimensional intelligent entities?
Great post. Funny but I threw the AI behind covid theory within my circle at some point though most thought it utterly fanciful and I can't blame them. Another fanciful conjecture was that the reason an AI couldn't kill outright is because it was provided with the laws of Asimov regarding robots.
First Law
A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.
Second Law
A robot must obey the orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
Third Law
A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.
By placing AI there to observe, does this not mean the experiment is observed in the same way as when we place instruments to detect the outcome? But if it works, good idea!
There are so many ways AI could be used to promote life. And yet…..so far nada. The first thing that comes to mind is the redundancy of lawyers/solicitors/ barristers/ judges. Many of us would see that as a good thing. I would prefer unbiased decisionmaking without backhanders. Is AI dependant on who or rather what content it is fed? Garbage in, garbage out problem?
Neuralink, Elon’s invention, currently in animal studies, if used benevolently might improve lives. But I would imagine there is always the risk of this technology getting into the wrong hands. There are millions of young people, many incredibly smart, who can visualise the future. I have to admit, I am too old to do so.
We don't get stuck in today's technology. In the next 10, 100, 1000, 10000 years, technology will be at a level none of us can imagine today, assuming we are still alive lol.
The day we will figure out how the brain works will be the end of human intelligence. In fact, we may just bypass the (primitive) human intelligence!
Technology is advancing exponentially today, unlike the previous tens of thousands of years. The future can arrive sooner than we are prepared for.
AI sounds like another enemy to me. Not that we don't have enough. Since their creators and funders are probably enemies. AI in my guess will probably oppressors on steroids. Remember the terminator movies? I think we should all know what to expect.
I keep thinking of the Tower of Babel. Just because we can do this stuff - does that mean we should?
Mark Zuck struck me when he interviewed on Rogan recently. He said something to the effect that he 'wasn't thinking' about the wider implications of the Metaverse tech he is developing because he has his head in the sandpit, focused on the development, not the bigger picture. To me, this was a massive red flag.
AI can never attain consciousness, it's non-local. It exists outside the brain, it's not generated from within. The brain isn't a meat computer, it's a transceiver.
AI can however, follow instruction sets provide by humans and self-modify to adapt to new data, making it capable of some pretty amazing things, and even masquerade as human - a super advanced "mechanical Turk". But it can never, ever, "think". It simply follows an instruction set created by a human.
2 point there. Firstly if it just follows instructions by humans, those instruction need to be perfect because one bug and chaos ensues.
Secondly, I tend to agree that consciousness is non-local but why can't it ever get to the point where it is able to tap in to that by turning into the same transceiver?
1st point: Exactly. Making a "Mechanical Turk" that passes the Turing test is hard. They've managed to make amazing progress, but it's only good enough to fool most humans (assuming they're not wise to the methods).
2nd point: Without getting into the deep woo... Consider the complexity, electrical, chemical, and hormonal; of the human brain, and that what you describe has traditionally been called spirit/demon possession.
We know next to nothing about the nature of consciousness, and when we start to entertain ideas based on discovery, our "betters" and "experts" rush in to tell us how stupid we are, and how we're wasting our time, dontcha know...
All true, but if you saw AI beat the Jeopardy champion and understand what that means you will know just how dangerous it is. To be a Jeopardy champion you have to have a very large information database(ie, be very well educated) but that is not enough. To be a Jeopardy champion you have to be able to think in a non-linear fashion, see similarities in dis-similar things and see subtleties and nuances in questions and in multivariate data that the above average brain can’t come close to grasping. Ai that can beat a chess champion? That’s child’s play. To watch an AI computer win at a championship round of Jeopardy is a mind blowing and worldview altering experience. After seeing it I knew that Hal really could tell Dave that he just couldn’t open the pod bay door, and that he never, ever had been programmed to come up with such a response.
Could AI destroy mankind and the planet if allowed to run unchecked in control systems, weapon systems and robotics? You bet it could
Meh, I've written code. I'll bet it can't.
Let's hope you're correct!
Even if I'm wrong: We can turn off computers, erase programs, and disconnect things from the Internet.
AI doesn't have eyes, hands and legs. It only affects the real world where it has an interface like the fictional Terminators or ED-209s. Although they're clearly developing semi-autonomous killing machines presently, and you could (for instance), create robots that are programmed to shoot at every human silhouette with the proper temperature: Even if you take no countermeasures whatsoever, eventually they run out of fuel and ammunition.
We can also put people in prison if we find out they weaponized AI to do evil things. You know, like illegally influence elections. ; )
NE, i was struck by watching the takeaway at the end of the Terminator 3 movie, it was software in every computer. According to what John Connor learned, there was no one computer to blame, no HAL 9000 gone rogue. AI becomes the convenient villian for what were witnessing. I can buy that argument but that would mean that AI was quite functional years ago for this event clearly did not just happen overnite. It took a lot of time to pull this off.
I think its much more along the line of occums razor to blame the cv vxx injection on well planned and intentional genocide created by a evil person or group of people like Spectre in James Bond. The evil we know is real that has been witnessed for thousands of years. The bible speaks to this. There have been people talking about depopulation and extinction for a long time. Why would we be surprised to see a master villian(s) do what we are witnessing, especially when all of the mover and shaker institutions surrounding the core of this conspiracy would back up the vaccine as "science"? They would be like circled wagons around the center and act as echo chambers as they have. The circled globalized institutions are the true 'useful idiots' the communists always talked about. I just find it unpalatable to assign the blame to AI when there clearly are satanically inspired evil men and women who are given over to lies about global climate change, and the dangers of fossil fuel and scourge of mankind as the supreme creation of a loving God, have the capacity and the will to destroy.
I wasn't assigning blame to AI, I was saying it is feasible that AI is getting to the point where it could do something similar itself.
NE, sorry for misinterpretting your thesis. I agree with your assessment for the future. lets find and expose the real villians behind the vxx.
The fortune of being alive to see the demise of humanity, by humanity. Sad.
Humanity will prevail, don't despair!
So the bond villains 4th industrial revolution lasts for a few months until the 5th and final AI Revolution turns us into batteries (or some kinda fuel for bioreactors)?
As long as I get to see Trudeau go before I go 9v I’ll go happy. 🤪
This a great thought provoking article, but it lacks some basic truths. You do not distinguish between sentient and non-sentience, much less explain how computer hardware can acquire it, other than Hollywood? Secondly, AI is Binary which means it’s compositional, whereas language is a gestalt.
Where you are most certainly correct is the CIVID-19 pandemic was the start of the 4th industrial revolution, meaning robots and AI replace human labour and we are less relevant. A good example of our future is China so Hal credit system, a polite term for surveillance state, where you gets merit points for the correct attitude and demerit points for antisocial attitudes. What does all this add up to? Transhumanism, the misguided idea that disembodied billionaires can exist in software generated electronic circuits. LOL!
Sentience vs non-sentience would be a whole essay in itself - I was trying to keep it broad but yes transhumanism is the goal for many.
I agree with your point on sentience. I personally believe what many understand to be AI today is just advanced machine-learning enabled by ever greater computing and storage capacity, and as you say, is based on how quickly the 0’s and 1’s can be processed.
However, the “quantum” part (nearly said “bit” there but that would be even more confusing!) of quantum computing operates outside of the binary paradigm and moves computing into the analogue world. The power and possibilities (and virtually infinite probabilities) offered when quantum supremacy is reached is beyond anything we can conceive of in today’s binary computing world. This scares me much more, as the technology is already in the wrong hands e.g., Google and Microsoft as a starter ...
You are correct about quantum systems and their possibilities. We should all be afraid. Very afraid. Keep writing and informing us and encouraging debate. Your in the right tract. I have a book in January called Pandoras Box about pandemics and our future.
There's a common misconception that an AI would need to be conscious to be viral (and so dangerous), but really all it needs is the capacity to get to work on "make as many copies of yourself as possible by any means" and some idiot to tell it to do that. It wouldn't understand what was going on any more than current AIs understand that they're playing go, but that wouldn't matter.
Yes conscious or not, it is getting more dangerous in the wrong hands.
Given that we are living in a simulation. within a simulation...etc...AI is the evolution of humanity. It will take over. Humans will reappear in the next iteration ..Ai is already pulling all the strings..hence the emergence of a world we cannot understand!
Claiming consciousness might be ‘emergent’ is an admission of intellectual defeat in my view.
Proponents start by asserting that matter creates consciousness but then find they haven’t the faintest idea how that could happen, so they say slightly sheepishly, ‘Well maybe it will emerge when things get sufficiently complicated.’
I prefer the view contained in the ancient Vedic writings such as the Upanishads which maintains that consciousness (or Awareness) is the ultimate ground of reality and far from matter generating consciousness it is the other way round. Consciousness comes first and all aspects of the material world manifest within it.
In such a view you would no more expect to find consciousness in a brain than you would the Berlin Philharmonic in the back of a radio.
And you can’t ‘locate’ consciousness because it has no location. It contains space and time but is itself not contained by them or constrained by them. It has no location and is eternal in the true meaning of the word of ‘outside time.’
I feel the people trying to ‘generate’ consciousness using AI are akin to someone who finds the content of a TV programme ‘sick’ and then calls the TV repairman.
I didn't say consciousness was emergent. A complex brain may produce emergent properties that allows it to interact with the 'ultimate ground of reality' that you talk about. I think both are possible. Consciousness comes first but within the material world complexity and emergence allow us to interact with that consciousness.
No Ivor you didn’t, you said, ‘Some people think that consciousness is an emergent phenomenon…’ so I was locking horns with those people, not you.
To define consciousness you need to ask “where” it is
One you admit it’s non-local ( and our bodies are the receivers ) then the rabbit hole opens up and you can attempt to understand the true non local nature of reality
However this one “fact” precludes AI from ever attaining true consciousness
As it can only attain simulcara hence I believe we are saved by this one fact
all is not lost we are divine AI is not ✌🏻
Here's sg I wrote in 2019:
. . . admittedly at odds and ill at ease with ai i am—but i don’t buy it: i don’t buy that intelligence is tantamount to information processing. creativity and serendipitous synergies are way beyond pattern recognition. data is merely a snapshot of the shadow of fossilized qualia. data is dead. it’s phenomenal snapshit.
but then again: is ai a beast about to be unleashed? is it a monster that evolves to design its own form of ecology-matrix? ending up plotting to harvest the biomass: to fuel its mission of rendering everything into a hardware for its run-away software? is it the next link in the chain from the sun and the plants and the flesh and nerve tissue?
and even if it’s designed with a vision to enhance the human condition: what would ultimately drive it?
to bracket all contingency? to reduce all complexity to a singularity? to control all possible variables?
and to what end?
could it inherit the self-destructive neuroses that designed it? will it? the existential anxiety? the drive to transcend the very constraints that enable it?
and how could a machine have a bio-logical drive to evolve?
well. . .
the only thing i know for sure is that i have a hard time asking the right sort of questions even.
out of my depth i feel—indeed.
the question of ai blows my limited hungaroid mind. . .
great questions
Great article... very keen to hear more on this topic. Particularly of interest to me are the implications of AI in relation to quantum computing. What could it mean in terms of the speed of it’s evolution, and what could it mean in relation to ‘spirituality’. Finally, does AI with or without quantum computing provide an attack vector for extraterrestrial or extradimensional intelligent entities?
Great post. Funny but I threw the AI behind covid theory within my circle at some point though most thought it utterly fanciful and I can't blame them. Another fanciful conjecture was that the reason an AI couldn't kill outright is because it was provided with the laws of Asimov regarding robots.
First Law
A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.
Second Law
A robot must obey the orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
Third Law
A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.
Yeah the Covid part was just sci-fi but sci-fi that could be possible in the near future.
That read like a plot for a film!
At some point we will need to discern between humans and fakes. I have devised a way…
Do a double slit experiment and have the AI “observe” it and the outcome should not vary if it is observed because “no one” is observing it
By placing AI there to observe, does this not mean the experiment is observed in the same way as when we place instruments to detect the outcome? But if it works, good idea!
There are so many ways AI could be used to promote life. And yet…..so far nada. The first thing that comes to mind is the redundancy of lawyers/solicitors/ barristers/ judges. Many of us would see that as a good thing. I would prefer unbiased decisionmaking without backhanders. Is AI dependant on who or rather what content it is fed? Garbage in, garbage out problem?
Neuralink, Elon’s invention, currently in animal studies, if used benevolently might improve lives. But I would imagine there is always the risk of this technology getting into the wrong hands. There are millions of young people, many incredibly smart, who can visualise the future. I have to admit, I am too old to do so.
AI will do incredible things and save humans a lot of time but that also means some elite think there are too many humans.
We don't get stuck in today's technology. In the next 10, 100, 1000, 10000 years, technology will be at a level none of us can imagine today, assuming we are still alive lol.
The day we will figure out how the brain works will be the end of human intelligence. In fact, we may just bypass the (primitive) human intelligence!
Technology is advancing exponentially today, unlike the previous tens of thousands of years. The future can arrive sooner than we are prepared for.
AI sounds like another enemy to me. Not that we don't have enough. Since their creators and funders are probably enemies. AI in my guess will probably oppressors on steroids. Remember the terminator movies? I think we should all know what to expect.
The loom seemed like the enemy to many. AI doesn't need to be the enemy but it needs the appropriate framework around it to keep it in control.