That red line having such sharp increases seems a little odd. You'd expect it to be a little more consistent no? Are they jags corresponding to vaccination campaigns?

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Possibly. I think the red line is not as important because there is not as much data making it more unreliable when plotting on the graph

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Just wondering how long it takes for the vaxed to be registered for the first dose

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Do deaths appear in the wrong group because the vaccination is only counted 14 days after actual vaccination? So the recently vaccinated are being counted as having their previous status.

It would seem, looking also at a norman fenton presentation, that there is a great concentration of deaths immediately after vaccination, and then rapidly declining.

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I think it is very disturbing that there is a sharp increase in all cause excess mortality closely following the v'e roll outs.

Do you think those that benefit from v'e mandates and/or v'ne passports have enough power to make sure those excess death surges are miscategorised so as to hide that it is likely the excess deaths are being caused by ARs to the v's?

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