Jun 4Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

my loved ones are still locked in their self-reinforcing bubble of lies. None have died, but there are all sorts of medical issues. Believe me, I have tried to tell them, send them studies, etc. but they are completely unwilling to consider anything I have to say: "you have discredited yourself (you anti-vaxxer, you)."

My elderly parents, who have already received at least 6-7 of these shots, would continue taking them if their doctor recommended them. Their weasel-y doctor must know by this point, but he will not come out and tell them directly. Instead, rather than being gung ho about pushing the shots, says things like, "you don't need another one right now." F them all.

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I understand. Having these conversations with my adult children is an exercise in futility. Not only do people not want to admit they are wrong, they will usually double-down when confronted with the truth that contradicts the lies they believe. The best book I ever read on the subject was, "Mistakes Were Made (but not by me)" by Carol Tarvis and Elliot Aronson. We see Fauci doing this dance right now.

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I have learnt a lot of truths about the nature of human behaviour over the last four years that I never understood before. One of the most memorable is the concept expressed in the following statement cited by some Substack reader:

“People will forgive you for being wrong - but they will not forgive you for being right”.

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I stopped giving f789s about all Vaxxers over a year ago ... even if they are family and friends.

I have zero interest in trying to inform them.... they won't listen so I refuse to expose myself to this stress.

Also, I suspect they have doomed themselves so let them continue to inject more ... the Rubicon is crossed.

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I don’t think people like that will ever snap out of the cognitive dissonance of the brainwashing. I have family members like this as well. Just thank God that you were not one of them who fell victim to the narrative. I pray the truth of these jabs will come full circle in my lifetime. No mercy to the guilty.

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Yes; I can't help thinking how my parents' doctor kept pushing the shots, and if he had only told them earlier not to get them, or to stop them, or that maybe my mom's current cancer is in some way related to the shots.... my parents would have listened to anyone wearing the white coat. They do not listen to me -- the person who loves them.

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Luckily my wife had reservations, but not for the logical reasons, or evidence the rest of us saw.

So thankfully neither of us is jabbed, though I'm sure she would buckle easily if coerced.

Unfortunately, every other person in our extended families is fully jabbed and boosted.

I hope that nothing happens, but I feel like an outside observer, watching and waiting for the potential train wreck to unfold.

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3 terminal cancers.... half a dozen heart injuries... one neuro disease (terminal) - multiple blood clots --- involving friends and people I know...

No one in our immediate family has gone down yet... not sure how I will react to that when it comes... particularly if a young niece or nephew is involved...

What would you say if your 10 yr old formerly healthy niece had a heart attack???

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Mike Yeadon has said he warned his family off the Rat Juice... none of them listened...

If he cannot convince the Vaxxers that the Rat Juice is bad news... nobody can

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“I didn’t open the link you sent”

Nobody ever said that being surrounded by feeble minded cowards would be fun or easy….Next!

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So many of us are in the same boat, Dani. My mother-in-law's doctor, after pushing her to get 6-7 shots, is now retiring... "to study law."

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Can you blame the doctors and nurses? Even if there were no risk of professional repercussions (I doubt it!) to specifically recommend against the mRNA shots at this late date would be opening oneself to questions as to why they DID recommend them earlier, even after reports of serious adverse effects were becoming known.

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Jun 4Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

Something must be imminent if the MSM is now running stories like this... as we know ... the MSM does not exist to inform .. it exists to control thoughts

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Or maybe not ... cnnbbc is blaming the deaths on ... drum roll... Long Covid...


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Jun 4Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

That’s the sound you first hear of water pushing through the cracks of a dam… just before the wall breaks… believe me the avalanche of truth is breaking free.

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I don’t think the dam is breaking. The mainstream media still reinforces the safe and effective narrative. At most, the vaxxed public will accept that there were rare side effects, just like all vaccines

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You obviously cannot see a difference between “old” vaccine technology using egg based to “ new” mRNA vaccine which alters genetic machinery… take a look at VAERS database.. started in 1991 all vaccines up to 2019 were a trickle compared to all vaccines post 2019.. in fact all deaths and injury in the last fours years dwarfs the entire number for the previous 30 years.. and the MSM have run out of ways to hide the data.. the dam is breaking whether you like it or not.

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I was speaking about what the vaxxed public continues to believe….not myself. I well know the difference between mRNA gene transfer technology and attenuated virus vaccines. Try rereading my comment.

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Understood the first .. first time I read it..you are using main stream narratives too.. most will accept the “rare” side effects.. only they are not rare… definition of rare 1:10,000 .. it’s more like 3:1000 multiple by 58 million.. it ain’t rare.

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Astrazenica looks to have been abou 11% serious adverse reactions.

Hence why it was suddenly pulled off the market.

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True, they are not actually rare. But even if they were, in my experience, vax cultists seem to think "rare" means "never, therefore anyone who says they are injured is a liar". My own brother told me to my face that VAERS reports are the result of a coordinated false report effort by antivaxxer and they have been "caught doing this for years".

If he suffers an injury I will help him but that was the moment I realized I wouldn't feel sorry for him. Its one thing to screw up, its another to see vax injured people and consider them liars rather than have the humility to realize "there but for the grace of god go I". (FYI, he believes in god while I am an atheist).

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Yes, unless the truth goes mainstream. The ads on the radio every day are pushing shots for everything.

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I'm waiting for the first act of vigilante justice...

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We may have a period of anarchy and mass starvation to go along with vigilantism.

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If this fails... https://fasteddynz.substack.com/p/the-ultimate-extinction-plan-uep

The Gates of Hell will open... 8 billion will rip each other's faces off


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Jun 4Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

Because infection fatality rates for the theoretical novel cause of death there had to be murders by protocol to make death figures high enough to scare people into accepting treatment. Let's not forget the murders in 2020 to create the illusion of a deadly spreading pathogen that launched the entire fraud in 2020.

What really happened in NYC? They murdered people and lied about it or just lied...


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Jessica Hockett’s research is fascinating.

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Jun 4·edited Jun 4Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

Oh. So now they tell us. Can we bring back my dead friend now? I sure wish they'd withdrawn the Astra-Zenica shots before they shot them in her.

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Jun 4Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

Rough times for the true believers. At some point soon they will all start asking themselves if they really want to be the last one on the sinking ship of covidism.

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Jun 4Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

The Daily Telegraph needs to eat humble pie in vast quantities. Their Jurno's Sarah Knapton (who up until Covid I thought was quite good) but particularly Paul Nuki blatantly pushed the propaganda narrative via their "Global Health Initiative". The censorship of readers comments was rife by the DT and I indeed have been censored many times eg questioning mask effectiveness. However there is one stand-out event for me which was a DT article in January 2023 and heavily influenced by the British Heart Foundation which was pushing the jab. I wrote to Chris Evans the Editor ,the day of publication in the strongest possible terms, to express my dismay at the DT's complicity as by then I would say, without fear of contradiction, the serious adverse effects were well known and beyond any reasonable doubt. The Daily Telegraph amongst many others will have to account, I hope in due course, for their utterly reprehensible behaviour. I believe given time the MSM is finished because of their complicity.

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Jun 4Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

Your reports, also on technical matters, are always lucid and hot off the press. A well of knowledge and insight. Thank you.

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Jun 4Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

What's known as a limited hangout to keep the faith in future jabs. Don't think this is unplanned.

If anyone's interested I'm starting a charity for mentally disturbed elephants which, even when they stand in the middle of a room, are completely ignored.

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You gonna need a very very B🐘G R00M.

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Jun 4Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

Sarah Knapton writes, “Covid vaccines could be partly to blame for the rise in excess deaths since the pandemic”.

Understatement of the millennium.

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Jun 4Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

"may have"


"partly to blame"

However much you hate the media, it's still not enough.

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Jun 4Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

As an example of how your reach can go further than you realize, here is what I posted in a private FB group for conservatives:

This discusses an article in a UK paper concerning a BMJ study concerning excess deaths in Western countries since 2020. Links to both are embedded.

Key points:

- three million excess deaths

- most excess deaths happened in 2021, not 2020

- in the US (from table in BMJ study) there were 445k excess deaths in 2020, 523K in 2021, and 292K in 2022

From the Human Mortality Database, there were 223K excess deaths in the US in 2023 vs 2019 and so far in 2024 37K.

So there have been over one million excess deaths in the US since 2020, and after the vaccine was widely available. That is comparable the total number of all combat deaths in US history.

This does not attempt to define how many of the excess deaths were due to the vaccine, only that they coincided with the vaccines.

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Jun 4Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

Thanks NE for highlighting this article and certainly a step forward if MSM are now daring to at last put some truth out there about the immense harm and damage that has taken place. And yes I'm cynical enough to wonder what's really behind this at this time? Never mind lets just be happy this will reach the very people who need to be told and who read and take notice of all that MSM presents them with. It wont be an easy read for many. Watch this space.

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Jun 4Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

"The truth is slowly dripping out" so the only way is to create a bigger problem to hide it behind. Consequently we are on the brink of a nuclear war over Ukraine. If that goes away they'll need to hide their failure behind an even more dire situation. The only way out is to get those bastards out of office and punish them accordingly. There is nobody coming on a white horse to save us. We need to get to the streets in large numbers and stay there until the west starts negotiations over Ukraine and all subject level vaccination data is made public. If that is not happening we are bound to spiral into even more genocidal conditions.

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The problem is that so very many, continue to believe the official narratives.

Nuclear war may come as a bit of a shock.

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Jun 4Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

I’m glad yo see more s d more studies getting into the mainstream.

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Jun 4Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

Yes the truth is very slowly dripping out, but the authorities are controlling the release. There are no honest actors any more, all of our institutions and authorities are compromised with self serving villains, they have completed the job and the damage has been done. The muddying of the waters has been very effective as all of the fake pandemic responses has caused damage to people so they can effectively mix the Covid injection damage in with the rest of their evil actions. Most importantly the fake pandemic narrative lives on and will be ready to fight another day.

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The truth is dripping out slowly because most humans are phony and dishonest and will only go along with it if it means being left behind if they do not.

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