Jun 17Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

It’s an excellent book. I came across it some time ago and recommended it to anyone who was open-minded. It’s a must read.

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I'm sure the book covers the role of the appalling Victoria Nuland (ex US, er, "advisor", to Ukraine) who's knee deep in this story

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Samantha Power, Ben Rhodes, Susan Rice.

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and Alex Vindman

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Jun 17Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

I still believe that the whole ukraine war is another psyops. So from 2020 to 2022 February all the world acted in the same locksteps. All synced together and forced their shitty spike inducing quakcines on their population. Then when people got tired of it suddenly russia attacks ukraine and now we have to fear the nuclear holocaust... If the war wouldn't have happened the people would start to look why young people are dead by "natural causes" or why inflation is through the roof... Or just in general how fucked up the whole scamdemic was. But nooo we have to talk about ukrainian war 24/7.

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Jun 18Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

I have read the book. It's a short read, worth the couple of hours of time invested

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Jun 17Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

I’m quite sure that the US and NATO have made serious mistakes (both intentional and unintentional) in dealing with Russia and the Ukraine …. After all, look at the idiots and criminals who were responsible for our policies; Joe Biden who was Obama’s proconsul for Ukraine and has a penchant for screwing up everything that he touches, the grifters Hunter and Jim Biden, Victoria Nuland and her leftist lackeys at the State Department, and all of the other American and European politicians/officials who were involved in the events leading up to the war.

But there is something that the critics of US/NATO/European policies and actions need to remember:

Putin and Russia started the war. They attacked the sovereign Ukrainian nation TWICE, and both times Russia initiated hostilities.

Nothing that the U.S. or its allies or the Ukrainians have done justifies the destruction and carnage of the Russian invasion.

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You know zip. Learn a bit about it before mindlessly repeating NATO propaganda. Start by listening to Professor Jeffrey Sachs, someone who actually knows how this went down:

Jeffrey Sachs: The Untold History of the Cold War, CIA Coups Around the World, and COVID's Origin. Tucker Carlson:


It would have been a triviality for NATO/USSA to avoid this war and Ukraine would have kept ALL their territory AND Crimea. Instead they will lose most of their territory and have a million dead, including their best & brightest youth, gone. Just so NATO/USSA/Davos can fulfill their dream of dismantling Russia and achieving World Tyranny.

As Lindsey "Chicken Hawk" Graham stated: "We're going to fight Russia to the last Ukrainian". Boy, did Ukraine ever get shafted. Diabolical.

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I guess that all those Russian tanks and infantry had nothing to do with it…

I’m not repeating anyone’s propaganda. I can read and think for myself.

Unlike many, Im not willing to give a pass to Putin for mistakes made by others, as in “ Hey Vlad, we know that all these westerners are interfering in the Ukraine and they are bad. Why don’t you just go send your army in (twice) so you can interfere in the Ukraine “

Neither side has clean hands, and those who support Russia only remember Ukrainian history back to 2014.

The Ukrainians have a much longer memory……


“ Just so NATO/USSA/Davos can fulfill their dream of dismantling Russia and achieving World Tyranny.”

Are you trying to say that Russia is all that’s standing in the way of world tyranny? The same Russia that just signed a “strategic alliance” with North Korea? And is allies with China and Iran?

Surely you jest….

As for

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Ain't it funny how that slides right past?

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Jun 17Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

Amazing that it got published.

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Jun 17·edited Jun 17

Putin is an unconscionable evil man, predatory upon innocent people with an unnecessary war.  Putin wants his empire back. He has slaughtered thousands of women, children, and babies to accomplish this. NATO did nothing to him. End of story. The first hour Putin crossed the line, the USA should have provided fuel for the migs in the Ukraine to fly directly into the Kremlin, because that is the only language that Putin translates and understands from the KGB. Putin has a lot of blood on his hands. The world has not sufficiently condemned this monster and Trump coddles him. Completely sickening.

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Read the book. You are clearly gripped by some Puto-phobia.

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Jun 17·edited Jun 17

I have been to 33 countries. My PhD research was at 3 hospitals in Kazakhstan for 6-years. Before you stated your opinion, did you review the background? Are you Russian, or another Marxist from our US State Department. We have personally received Ukraine students here for the GMU law school. It will take 20+ years to recover from the unnecessary bully tactics of Putin behaving like Stalin.

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I notice that you have a tendency to like your own comments. That behaviour trait, common in a certain demographic, might be a more interesting and useful topic for PhD research.

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That's your story. We could listen to you (a nobody) or we could listen to REAL experts on the subject like Professor Stephen F. Cohen, Colonel Lawrence Wilkinson, Prof. John Mearsheimer, Prof. Jeffrey Sachs, acclaimed journalist Pepe Escobor, Dr. Gilbert Doctorow, Scott Ritter, Larry Johnson, Colonel Douglas Macgregor, Ray McGovern and many more. The best of the best who say the exact opposite of what you're claiming.

I would go with what the experts say, not you, sorry.

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Let’s start with the BBC confirming it is a fake war because as we know whatever bbccnn publishes, the truth is almost always the opposite. And when bbccnn insists a conspiracy theory is in play, assume the conspiracy theory is true. https://fasteddynz.substack.com/p/the-ukraine-war-is-fake

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One political side having wretched motives does not make the other side noble, or correct, or reasonable, or whatever.

Putin was *a KGB guy.* Russia has *always* had brutal expansionist goals and methods. Like every other large-enough nation.

And one more blurb from Chomsky, I'm gonna start feeling antsy you're taking the mickey.

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There is zero evidence Russia or Putin wants any expansion whatsoever. Russia has so much land they don't know what to do with it. They need more people and massive development of the land they already have, not massive headaches of having to administer new territory of people who hate them and want to rebel. That Russia expansion fairy tale is pure NATO/Bankster propaganda.

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Anything you say.

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Glad to have educated you. Eventually you will stand proud and know the truth.

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You're so good to me.

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