Although it's clear that governments have far more cost-effective ways of poisoning us, dismissing "chemtrail conspiracy" outright is ludicrous in light of past transgressions.
Equally concerning is the new Carbon Capture industry - planned U.S. facilities to remove giga-tons of carbon from the atmosphere, liquify it and transport it by pipeline to permanent underground storage. There's currently 380PPM of atmospheric carbon. Under 180PPM, life becomes unsustainable. Given the Elite's obsession with population reduction, wouldn't be surprised if the plan is to limit agricultural potential such that future large populations become unachievable via insufficient food capacity.
If you dig deeper you'll find the HAARP project quite interesting, originally a joint project of the Air Force/Navy (now held by U of Alaska) it's a massive array that allows one to play around with the Ionosphere (which you'll note takes up a topic all it's own in your AF link Owning the Weather 2025 above) which among other things has weather "control" capability .. this project built on top of brilliant ideas and patents by Nikola Tesla who also calculated that you could "split the earth in two" with these technologies .. The FBI seized all his documents after his death (among other things he gave us AC and put Edison to shame) he also illustrated how easy it was to gain "free energy" out of the air .. a technology that's been well suppressed. No reason to worry about things like HAARP, etc though .. as Wikipedia clarifies it's all conspiracy theory
Did anyone notice how crystal clear blue the sky was in the first harsh lockdown in 2020? When most planes, trains, cars, trucks and ships stopped for a few weeks? The sky was incredibly clear and the sun felt sharp and harsh. The sun here seemed to make your skin prickle. Did you notice that?
Only time I can remember seeing the mountains surrounding Tokyo during summer outside of after a typhoon blows through. I'm all for cleaning up the environment. Climate debates seem to be similar to covid debates though, they don't happen.
Could you do me a favor and please move your boot just a little bit to the left? Right now, it is crushing my windpipe and I am having a problem swallowing all of the Official propaganda.
Weaponizing the weather has been going on for decades, but collected attention only in the last few years.
At first, it was directed against farmers in order to bankrupt them and buying up their lands for pennies on the dollar. (Did you know that politicians already like 30 years ago collected subsidies for NOT growing anything?)
Most recently extreme weather conditions were initiated in order to force the idea of a global weather crisis on the people that will serve the introduction of "carbon allowances" on the ditigal bank account that will also hold "health" info (aka. your DNA) and UBI. People will be forced to buy things that are allowed based on their "social credit."
Ultimately, extreme weather is now being used for creating food shortages (although farmers collected $3.6-6k incentives already last year for NOT growing anything).
The heavy metal poisoning caused by chemtrails nicely contributes to the damages by 5G and the lethal injections, creating all kinds of health problems that even supercomputers couldn't devine. All this, in the name of depopulation, control, and plausible deniability.
Of course, nobody knows what else is being sprayed, because the possibilities are limitless.
I don't think that the source of the bulk of the contrails above us is a mystery. There are an epic number of commercial flights every day now - around 100,000. Above where we live are flight routes from Heathrow and another major and expanding regional airport. The sky is often a have of thin white cloud. But do I rule out the possibility that some special flights are spraying something into the atmosphere? No!
In the mid 1960s, the CIA and the Army Special Operations Division flooded the New York City subway system with biological “agents,” ostensibly to chart the direction and pace the spread of disease. The once classified Army report on the matter also noted the existence of subways in the Soviet Union, Europe and South America. Was the Army using U.S. subway riders as guinea pigs in planning biological and chemical warfare attacks abroad?
On March 8, 1977, after many legal battles and court orders, the first release under the Freedom of Information Act of what would become a very slow seepage of secret documents began. They recorded how, from 1949 through 1969, Army Intelligence practiced germ warfare at 50 locations within the U.S., including San Francisco, the O’Hare and Kennedy Airports, and the Pennsylvania turnpike. In 1950, the U.S. Navy even sprayed a cloud of bacteria over San Francisco. The Navy claimed the bacteria were harmless, but many residents came down with respiratory ailments, and at least one person died.
In 1952 and 1953, the U.S. military sprayed clouds of zinc cadmium sulfide over Minneapolis, Minnesota; Winnipeg, Manitoba; St. Louis, Missouri; Fort Wayne, Indiana; the Monocacy River Valley in Maryland; and Leesburg, Virginia. A military report noted that the spraying caused many respiratory problems, while still fraudulently claiming the sprays were harmless.
In 1955, the CIA released a virus believed to cause whooping cough in Palmetto, Florida (near Tampa). The area experienced a sharp rise in whooping cough cases; 12 people died from the disease.
From 1956 to 1958, the Army Chemical Corps released millions of mosquitoes infected with yellow fever (by 1960, they were being bred at a rate of 130 million per month at Fort Detrick, Maryland) over Savannah, Georgia, and Avon Park, Florida. Residents of Carver Village, an exclusively Black area, were swarmed by mosquitoes and developed fevers, bronchitis, typhoid, encephalitis and still births. Some died. After each release, Army agents posing as public health officials photographed and tested victims, and then vanished.
I bet this will blow your mind... I've heard continued rattling about how people WANT to BE ABLE to trust the governfuckingment. Now that has to be the most insane thing EV ER.
I can't think of any time, really. They may have had their tiny little moments, somewhere, somehow, for some cynical reason, probably... I have much skepticism on that one!
Ahhh you just know it’s true don’tcha? If you think there’s a possibility of evil going on - it is. Governments and corporations have proven themselves to be reliably on the side of evil. Make evil your default assumption when you don’t know for sure and you’ll be correct.
Use your very own eyes. Go outside when you see these "cloud lines." Take a chair. Read a book. Every now and then, look up. When you see these "lines" getting wider and wider, eventually becoming mist when there's enough of them, you'll have your proof. Or, you can look at Dane Wigginton's site... He's been shouting about this for years and years. As Jason said above, they've been blatantly doing it for years, decades, actually, and when anyone says anything, they're called "conspiracy theorists." Funny how tinfoil hats might actually be helpful for some things, these days! Not chem trails, but maybe 5G! Sorry to give you yet more reason for angst. xo
I do. If that happens, it'll likely wipe my side of the country first (west coast). We'll be West Toast. I really hate the idea of a slow death from radiation. It's just fucked up.
Industrial civilization was a poisoned chalice - the resultant pollution has been chipping away at the ozone layer until now most of it has depleted letting in far more UV including UVC. Insects all over the world have been decimated - you may have noticed how few nighttime flying insects show up on uncovered windows at night with a bright light inside. Insects are vulnerable to higher UV.
Those chemtrail nuts were right but most of them don't know what they are really for. 5G controlled nanobots isn't what is about!
Nice intro into the subject, but not quite sure why you are now just bringing it up. I have been linking articles for over 6 years @ on chemtrails/ geoengineering. Dane Wigington has a ton of videos and articles @ on the subject as well. And contrary to what some have said about less air travel during the lockdowns, they did not go away. Actually through personal observations, during the Obama years they seemed to have been a lot more spraying. Maybe because rather than foreign wars, they were busier using their planes to spray us!!!! You should actually delve into the subject a little more. You will find patents, DARPA involvement, possible connections to Covid as well as many other ailments. Weather modification is just one aspect!!!!
Here's a fun timeline of CIA human medical experiments declassified as part of Rockefeller Commission investigations decades ago. Congress went back its preferred, traditional policy of willful ignorance and left advocating for the afflicted to the adversarial journalists. Good plan.
Although it's clear that governments have far more cost-effective ways of poisoning us, dismissing "chemtrail conspiracy" outright is ludicrous in light of past transgressions.
See "The Dimming".
Equally concerning is the new Carbon Capture industry - planned U.S. facilities to remove giga-tons of carbon from the atmosphere, liquify it and transport it by pipeline to permanent underground storage. There's currently 380PPM of atmospheric carbon. Under 180PPM, life becomes unsustainable. Given the Elite's obsession with population reduction, wouldn't be surprised if the plan is to limit agricultural potential such that future large populations become unachievable via insufficient food capacity.
"They certainly would like to control the weather and have inevitably tried to do so"
and so they probably have and are .. in fact, there's a UN treaty (1978) dedicated to it
If you dig deeper you'll find the HAARP project quite interesting, originally a joint project of the Air Force/Navy (now held by U of Alaska) it's a massive array that allows one to play around with the Ionosphere (which you'll note takes up a topic all it's own in your AF link Owning the Weather 2025 above) which among other things has weather "control" capability .. this project built on top of brilliant ideas and patents by Nikola Tesla who also calculated that you could "split the earth in two" with these technologies .. The FBI seized all his documents after his death (among other things he gave us AC and put Edison to shame) he also illustrated how easy it was to gain "free energy" out of the air .. a technology that's been well suppressed. No reason to worry about things like HAARP, etc though .. as Wikipedia clarifies it's all conspiracy theory
Wink, wink, nudge, nudge, say no more, say no more.
Did anyone notice how crystal clear blue the sky was in the first harsh lockdown in 2020? When most planes, trains, cars, trucks and ships stopped for a few weeks? The sky was incredibly clear and the sun felt sharp and harsh. The sun here seemed to make your skin prickle. Did you notice that?
Only time I can remember seeing the mountains surrounding Tokyo during summer outside of after a typhoon blows through. I'm all for cleaning up the environment. Climate debates seem to be similar to covid debates though, they don't happen.
The time I notice the sun feeling like I’m Uber a magnifying glass , is when they’ve sprayed.
Like tiny burning objects boring into my skin
Yes & I noticed it in the several days following 9-11-01 in N America
I believe the chem trails in the US started in the 70's.
I suppose I am just simple, but how does testing a hazardous substance on your unaware fellow countrymen make you anything besides a psychopath?
Quiet down peon, let the big people do their work to protect you, you know we care for you, don't you?
I am sorry, I forgot, Freedom is Slavery.
Could you do me a favor and please move your boot just a little bit to the left? Right now, it is crushing my windpipe and I am having a problem swallowing all of the Official propaganda.
Weaponizing the weather has been going on for decades, but collected attention only in the last few years.
At first, it was directed against farmers in order to bankrupt them and buying up their lands for pennies on the dollar. (Did you know that politicians already like 30 years ago collected subsidies for NOT growing anything?)
Most recently extreme weather conditions were initiated in order to force the idea of a global weather crisis on the people that will serve the introduction of "carbon allowances" on the ditigal bank account that will also hold "health" info (aka. your DNA) and UBI. People will be forced to buy things that are allowed based on their "social credit."
Ultimately, extreme weather is now being used for creating food shortages (although farmers collected $3.6-6k incentives already last year for NOT growing anything).
The heavy metal poisoning caused by chemtrails nicely contributes to the damages by 5G and the lethal injections, creating all kinds of health problems that even supercomputers couldn't devine. All this, in the name of depopulation, control, and plausible deniability.
Of course, nobody knows what else is being sprayed, because the possibilities are limitless.
I don't think that the source of the bulk of the contrails above us is a mystery. There are an epic number of commercial flights every day now - around 100,000. Above where we live are flight routes from Heathrow and another major and expanding regional airport. The sky is often a have of thin white cloud. But do I rule out the possibility that some special flights are spraying something into the atmosphere? No!
It's in the jet fuel.
The United States did similar crap during the Cold War.
In the mid 1960s, the CIA and the Army Special Operations Division flooded the New York City subway system with biological “agents,” ostensibly to chart the direction and pace the spread of disease. The once classified Army report on the matter also noted the existence of subways in the Soviet Union, Europe and South America. Was the Army using U.S. subway riders as guinea pigs in planning biological and chemical warfare attacks abroad?
On March 8, 1977, after many legal battles and court orders, the first release under the Freedom of Information Act of what would become a very slow seepage of secret documents began. They recorded how, from 1949 through 1969, Army Intelligence practiced germ warfare at 50 locations within the U.S., including San Francisco, the O’Hare and Kennedy Airports, and the Pennsylvania turnpike. In 1950, the U.S. Navy even sprayed a cloud of bacteria over San Francisco. The Navy claimed the bacteria were harmless, but many residents came down with respiratory ailments, and at least one person died.
In 1952 and 1953, the U.S. military sprayed clouds of zinc cadmium sulfide over Minneapolis, Minnesota; Winnipeg, Manitoba; St. Louis, Missouri; Fort Wayne, Indiana; the Monocacy River Valley in Maryland; and Leesburg, Virginia. A military report noted that the spraying caused many respiratory problems, while still fraudulently claiming the sprays were harmless.
In 1955, the CIA released a virus believed to cause whooping cough in Palmetto, Florida (near Tampa). The area experienced a sharp rise in whooping cough cases; 12 people died from the disease.
From 1956 to 1958, the Army Chemical Corps released millions of mosquitoes infected with yellow fever (by 1960, they were being bred at a rate of 130 million per month at Fort Detrick, Maryland) over Savannah, Georgia, and Avon Park, Florida. Residents of Carver Village, an exclusively Black area, were swarmed by mosquitoes and developed fevers, bronchitis, typhoid, encephalitis and still births. Some died. After each release, Army agents posing as public health officials photographed and tested victims, and then vanished.
And more.
How am I absolutely without surprise?
The only thing surprising to me is why people continue to blindly trust the government.
I bet this will blow your mind... I've heard continued rattling about how people WANT to BE ABLE to trust the governfuckingment. Now that has to be the most insane thing EV ER.
When has that ever been warranted in history? When has the government ever been both competent and truly benevolent?
I can't think of any time, really. They may have had their tiny little moments, somewhere, somehow, for some cynical reason, probably... I have much skepticism on that one!
Gain of functioning the weather, certainly the next step in battling climate change. What could go wrong?
It's not as if the UK was the only country to experiment on its citizens. The US has quite a history that we know of. Skip the tick part and head down to 'history' for a list.
This is why DEI mandates are so important. Demonizing sociopaths is just outright discrimination.
Ahhh you just know it’s true don’tcha? If you think there’s a possibility of evil going on - it is. Governments and corporations have proven themselves to be reliably on the side of evil. Make evil your default assumption when you don’t know for sure and you’ll be correct.
Gates weather manipulation in connection w the military complex.
Own the water. Rule the world
A good holy smite on the globalist psychopaths right now would give the world a chance to thrive.
We do not need any of these lunatics
Secretly?? They’ve been blatantly doing it fo years? Where the hell have you been?
It is right before our eyes.
But how many believe the contrail lie.
My dad flew in WW11, was a Captain for a major airline for 35 years.
He retired in ‘84.
In 2006 or so, a heavy spray day.
I asked him
“Dad are those contrails?”
“No hon, contrails disappear behind the jets, quickly “
“What are those than Dad?”
“ I don’t know hon, but they aren’t clouds and they aren’t Contrails”
I believe my dad.
Looking for the proof
Use your very own eyes. Go outside when you see these "cloud lines." Take a chair. Read a book. Every now and then, look up. When you see these "lines" getting wider and wider, eventually becoming mist when there's enough of them, you'll have your proof. Or, you can look at Dane Wigginton's site... He's been shouting about this for years and years. As Jason said above, they've been blatantly doing it for years, decades, actually, and when anyone says anything, they're called "conspiracy theorists." Funny how tinfoil hats might actually be helpful for some things, these days! Not chem trails, but maybe 5G! Sorry to give you yet more reason for angst. xo
I've corresponded with Dane.
I have observed personally what "Deep Shield" says.
Partly cloudy is a feature of weather forecasts worldwide.
The UV situation is rapidly approaching catastrophic to the point a massive chemtrail will be engineered stemming from Ukraine if you catch my drift.
I do. If that happens, it'll likely wipe my side of the country first (west coast). We'll be West Toast. I really hate the idea of a slow death from radiation. It's just fucked up.
All the information you need re chemtrails is here:
Industrial civilization was a poisoned chalice - the resultant pollution has been chipping away at the ozone layer until now most of it has depleted letting in far more UV including UVC. Insects all over the world have been decimated - you may have noticed how few nighttime flying insects show up on uncovered windows at night with a bright light inside. Insects are vulnerable to higher UV.
Those chemtrail nuts were right but most of them don't know what they are really for. 5G controlled nanobots isn't what is about!
Nice intro into the subject, but not quite sure why you are now just bringing it up. I have been linking articles for over 6 years @ on chemtrails/ geoengineering. Dane Wigington has a ton of videos and articles @ on the subject as well. And contrary to what some have said about less air travel during the lockdowns, they did not go away. Actually through personal observations, during the Obama years they seemed to have been a lot more spraying. Maybe because rather than foreign wars, they were busier using their planes to spray us!!!! You should actually delve into the subject a little more. You will find patents, DARPA involvement, possible connections to Covid as well as many other ailments. Weather modification is just one aspect!!!!
Got to bring it up at some point!
Yes, never too late. It's not going away!!!!
Here's a fun timeline of CIA human medical experiments declassified as part of Rockefeller Commission investigations decades ago. Congress went back its preferred, traditional policy of willful ignorance and left advocating for the afflicted to the adversarial journalists. Good plan.
Somebody needs to look up "high-bypass turbofans".