Jun 19Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

I bought this book the minute I heard about it. I gave it to my daughter and son-in-law who refused to read it. They won't even educate themselves! It's maddening. I pray for their 2 year-old and baby that's due on July 4th, that they will not suffer harm due to their parent's willful ignorance. My son and daughter-in-law drank the Kool-Aid as well. Why don't they think I know what the hell I'm talking about?!

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They think we are crazy. I am in the same boat with my Grandbabies. I cringe every time the go to the doctor, as I know they go for "shots".

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They worship at the Church of Trust the Science with St. Fauci as one of its Patron Saints. Most adherents are True believers! Sad bunch when they Crose over to the other side will they be surprised!!!! 😢 My life is full of these dear, well meaning folks!!! 😮‍💨

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I hear you. Every time they go for a visit to their obgyn it seems they want some intervention, test, and the visits are far more often than we ever had to do. You can only do so much but keep trying. Sometimes putting our relationships at stake in particular ways works if we've earned it that is.

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Jun 19·edited Jun 19Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

I wish this book had been available 20 years ago before my son was injured at age 3 by the MMR shot. But better late than never.

I also wish that every healthcare professional had to read it.

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@ HorizonD7 - I'm so sorry to hear of your sons vaxx injury. Dr. Andrew Wakefield spear-headed the connection between MMR injury & autism etc. back in the 90's. I pray daily for the vaccine injured & for the courageous doctors who have spoken TRUTH to medical tyranny ...

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I am so thankful to Dr Wakefield. I did not give my children the MMR and am very glad that I didn't. Then when we moved to Italy in 2003, a doctor tried to convince me and I said "Thank you but No Thank YOU" 😊😊

(Only one of my 3 took the clot shot to go on holiday with his fiancee - I worry about him every day ☹)

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Grateful to hear you were aware of Dr. Wakefield & chose NOT to give your children the MMR. Our 3 adult children & 2 grandchildren all took the clot shot (even though we choose to stop vaxxing our children in the early 90's) - I pray hard every day for them & all those who rolled their sleeves. Dear Lord, deliver us from evil & help us to help ourselves ...

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Jun 19Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

Recent Court decisions in the U.S. have concluded, the Covid "Vaccines are experimental Medical procedures NOT,a true. "Vaccine".

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Jun 19Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

Absolutely Fantastic Book. This is an absolutely must read for all parents, grandparents, and basically anyone with a pulse. If you want to know the fundamental issue of why the Childhood Vaccine list is a dangerous scam, read Chapter 1. if you can't do that, read the few page summary at the end of Chap 1. (Each chapter has a summary, a great way to do a quick intro to that chapter.)

For those who don't have the time to read the whole thing, you should make it I you give a damn about mankind.

Another great book is "Dissolving Illusions" Suzanne Humphries, MD

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Jun 19·edited Jun 19Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

As el gato malo says, it's all about risk/benefits.

There were far fewer childhood vaccinations on the schedule when my kid was young. He got chicken pox not long before that vax came out and I was grateful not to be faced with that decision. I did not have him get Gardasil which was being heavily pushed for girls and boys both.

I made sure he got the meningitis vax before leaving for college. Some years previously, we both got the HepB vax before a sojourn overseas where that infection is endemic and where a relative by marriage died at a relatively young age of liver cancer.

I've never had a flu vaccine, will never get the shingles vax (I had shingles a few years ago and Vitamin C is a mighty virus foe), will never get The Plague vax.

More than anything else in life--let your instincts guide you. Keep your antennae sharp and polished.

[edited for spelling]

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Jun 19Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

These are excellent posts ... I have been inspired to buy three of your recommendations already. Thank you.

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Jun 19Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter


I appreciate your work. Above is an excellent short video segment by Kennedy that dove-tails well with your review of Turtles.

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Jun 20Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

It's a great book. My favorite point that hits home is about how Pharma skews the results from the very beginning stacking the deck by using a vaccine or many vaccines as the placebo. from that point forward none of the statistics or findings are real. I write about it in a poem I wrote, u can look it up in Substack if interested.

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Jun 20Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

If a child follows the current childhood vaccine schedule, he will have received close to 100 doses by the time he enters college. I grew up with single digit number of vaccines, and I am still alive and well. Perhaps your child should stick to the old schedule (pre-1986) and do some research on the later additions.

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Jun 19Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

BEST book ever - HIGHly recommend. Thanks NE ...

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Jun 19Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

An exceptional exposé…. Everyone should read this book

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Jun 19·edited Jun 19

If Turtles's a deep dive, the essay below will take you into the abyss lol


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Jun 20Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

After four yrs, do anonymous need to continue being anonymous?

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Jun 19Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

Thank you for your information.

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Expect Lawsuits, heavy and business ending.

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Not likely... Big Harma is merely a branch of the DOD now.... no different than Ratheon or Lockheed. Fully protected by the state as the depopulation and culling of dissent turns inward.

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Why doesn't the military get looked at

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We can look all we want.....

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Since 1986, "vaccine" manufacturers are immune from liability for any harm caused by their injections. Our illustrious "elected" leaders incentivized criminal behavior when the passed The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986.


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The rush to get these Covid poison injections on that childhood schedule (to be covered by the '86) act was one of the most obvious crimes in this recent iatrogenocide.

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What about the fraud.

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