Dear Abby,

The vaccine does not stop transmission or infection, were you in a coma until recently?

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I’m convinced that the brainwashing from 2020 is irreversible.

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I agree. My neighbor, who had to retire from her job as a park ranger (read: outdoorsy and previously healthy) because of her FIVE new (diagnosed between 2022 and 23) autoimmune diseases. Last time I talked to her, she was wearing a mask and had to sit down because she was hyperventilating, and she told be how lucky she was that she had never gotten Covid! I wanted to scream

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Friends and Family continue to catch Covid. When I ask “how are you feeling”, the standard answer remains, “so glad I got boosted or it could have been worse”.

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I know, it's like talking to the Body Snatchers.

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At a certain point you just have to laugh at them ... even though they are dying

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Especially in those with public reach, no ethics and lots of incentivi$ation.

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I am concerned that you are right! ...and hope you are not! ....but it does not seem to be happening anytime soon! For me and most of us I think, once the veil started to fall on a few things, it started to fall on a LOT of the deception we have been taught. I sure hope the rest finally make it there. ...if they make it at all! :(

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I like the phrase "had Covid in his system". What does that mean? That he died from something else. The old "with-not-from" scenario that was used to terrorise planet Earth.

The word "system" is so vague, it probably means the man died of whatever ... but the compulsory PCR test at the time produced a (meaningless) positive result.

Two years ago means 2022. How many of those injections did her husband have?

Maybe "Abby" should just tell her to wear two masks all the time and feel safe.

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I do not like the word "system" even prior to covid. It always irked me, for some reason.

Maybe, as I reflect momentarily on the reason, it's because "system" is a somewhat dissociative way of referring to a person and his body, which is, of course, part of the person so long as that person is living on earth. [Yes, I KNOW, the eternal part of us is something not our earthly body, and yet even after death we eventually are given new BODIES.]

"System" can be used to vaguely refer to one's physical self without having to pay much attention to what actual part of oneself is being affected by the matter at hand. A sort of mind-body split.

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Digestive System

Respiratory System

Lymphatic System


She does not know and I will bet all there was ... is just a PCR positive.

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Quite so. How about solar system? Might as well be for all the sense it makes.

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Yeah, I know about all the individual body systems, of course.

But to say a thing is "in my system," well, what exactly does that even mean. And in addition to that, the more we learn of our human bodies, the more we see how the allegedly individual systems are intricately intertwined and connected. For example, 8% of our neurotransmitters are made in our gut. The vagus nerve, which is the largest cranial nerve in our body, innervates our guts (digestive), heart, and lungs AND not only directs their activity BUT ALSO largely takes sensory information from them back to the brain and this not only for basic physiological purposes but also for neuroception functions such as helping our brains recognize whether we are in a safe or dangerous environment. So is my intestinal tract part of my digestive system, or my nervous system, or perhaps actually both? Not to mention the role of our gut in producing many other hormones and nutrients.

I agree he was most likely PCR positive and thus "had it in his system," which actually could be entirely itself wrong, as he may have merely had viral fragments in his nose, which is certainly not "in his system." Without more information and viral cultured from his body, we don't know.

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I like your thoughts on this. Good awareness.

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That makes sense; as if a person is viewed as a carrier for "the system" and nothing else matters.

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Yep, that's exactly what I thought. "Covid in his system", most likely means he did not die FROM it! So, it is totally irrelevant to the topic at hand. Chances are he probably passed from V injuries, like so many others have.

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"Covid in his system" anagrams to 'idiots envy schism'. This is the stupidity that divides us, the sane, from the insane fools.


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I work in the film industry and we had a person test positive for Covid on our current production. It wasn’t the panic it had been a couple of years ago, but the buzz still went around. A young woman I was working with started to panic, and shut the door to the room we were working in so as not to catch covid germs. I told her this is nothing more than a cold and she replied that she gets very sick when she has Covid and can’t risk getting sick. I asked if she had the shots, and of course she had. I replied that’s why you get so sick. That did quiet her, but she still wanted that door closed even though it was hot. I let her get away with the door for a bit and then opened it.

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When I see CovIDIOTS with masks... specially the n-95ers... say in the supermarket... I purposely get close to them and fake cough....

Are you not entertained?

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Dear Abby, my roommate caught bird flu and can't stop clucking hysterically! What should I do?

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Give her some worms?

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Now put on this hat and sit on that stool in the corner.

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lol : )

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The biggest threat to humanity is not the power-mad billionaires and their minions but the vast number of stupid, stupid people.

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Almost certainly this is a human asking for life advice from an A.I. (and then taking its advice to disrupt the life of another human).

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Dear Abby,

How the feck old are ya anyways? Considering this 'advice columnist' has been writing since I was kneehigh to a grasshopper, pretty dang sure "Abby" is planted 6' under somewhere and either a woke as sh*t purple and green haired wanna be an anything wrote back, or AI. Who knows, maybe even the poor poor pitiful covidiot is either of these things as well and the paper that sponsors this nonsense has lost so many actual writers and journalists that they needed something, anything, to be a "fill."

Any which way one looks at this, it is a complete and utter failure on every level. One would also suppose that if there is a place to respond to "Abby," THOSE would be the inputs worth reading!! 🤣

Dear Abby,

You're Fired!

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The column was founded by the mother of the writer it says before the comments. The mother is dead. The writer is 81-82 years old.


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Goin' out on a limb here, bet her hair is purple with greenish hilights. 🤪🤣

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Well, don't laugh too hard at the ordinary poor schnook still falling for this idiocy. I was shocked to read an old Matt Taibbi post on Substack where he happened to mention that as an unvaccinated person he made sure to wear his mask everywhere he went (back at the height of Covid lunacy).

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She loves him like son? There is no excuse for people still being as deluded as this, take the injection for yourself if you feel the need but leave everyone else alone especially the young, would be my reply.

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That only makes sense if you are not deluded. A friend was begging her son not to take the shot; he did and tried to pressure her into it as well. Result? She is fine but concerned about him, as he developed a mild case of myocarditis and a few neurological symptoms, as most 22-year-old runners do, you know? He is still convinced he was right to get the jab.

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Very sad, I tried to prevent my friend from taking her 3rd covid injection she pretended she was in agreement with me but took it a few days later and became ill with a terminal neurological illness within two weeks. Blind trust in authority is almost impossible to penetrate they have to see for themselves but sometimes it is too late.

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Right you are; in spite of everyone having stories like that, seeing that happen, state worship wins 9 times out of 10. So we fight for the slim silver lining :)

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I sent the study showing the Covid shots contribute to dementia to my Marxist sister. She still is so thankful for how many people the shots saved. 🙄 I told her to please send me the study (NOT NY Times article) showing these shots reduced hospitalizations in anyone. Crickets.

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Unreal how this was written in 2024

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I suspect it's fake

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If you read the comments it looks like people have cottoned on. I guess they are testing for any remaining Stupid.


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Dear Abby, My husband was up on the roof fixing a loose tile when he slipped and fell. The doctors at the hospital tested him for Covid before they could admit him and I'm sure it definitely must have been the virus that caused his fall and resultant smashed skull and brain bleed.

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Dearest Health Conscious,

Vaccinations are meant to keep the person who has had them safe, not their landladies, so if you have had them you'll be just fine. Oh, and you could also show some curiosity and ask the young man why he hasn't had them and be prepared to accept he may have a valid point or two about health consciousness.

All the best,


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I bet her dead husband was vaccinated

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80% likelihood he was. If left leaning, much higher.

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Dear Abby,

How does one come to realize they are a complete idiot and their mind is thoroughly non-functional?

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