May 30Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

War pig

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and she signs with a heart emoji like some high school girl writing a love note

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Indeed. 🙄


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May 30Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

That photo is not going to age well.

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And should rightfully haunt her in the future.

I imagine she never thought of the optics.

This one won't go away.

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Of course it will... A badge of Honor.

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May 30Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

That is horrific, it is inhuman and uncivilised. We scrape the surface of many humans and we find people who are morally corrupt and have no mercy or compassion for their fellow humans. Have we really advanced as humans? Yes we have advanced in technology but sometimes our human instincts belong in more barbaric times no matter which side we choose to take.

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May 30Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

The war machine is a cult, an evil cult. I think it’s stupid to “take sides”. If you insist it’s necessary then I take the side of the innocents whose lives will be damaged or ended by senseless violence no matter who commits it.

Most people simply want to live their lives in peace. Yet they are victims of criminal barbarians who have seized the levers of power.

Warmongers and glorifiers of death and destruction must be removed from the ability to inflict the consequences of their mental sickness on others.

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And yet human beings have never lived in peace. Even when we talk about eras without war, we only mean our own regional wars. Other wars are always going on somewhere.

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But I hope you are not saying that the fact that history is filled with misery, bloodshed, death and destruction justifies a future filled with misery, bloodshed, death and destruction.

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I am saying that we will always have futures filled with misery, bloodshed, death and destruction. We should attempt to limit the carnage as best we can. But every minute of every day a new human being is born with all the usual human attributes who must be socialized with more or less success into the niceties of civilization.

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May 30Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

Yes, she's toxic

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This whole thing has a bit of a "we have always been at war with Eastasia" feel to it.

Tell me again, why is it that Israel is such an important interest of the United States? What service do they render to the real American government, the deep state, that engenders such loyalty?

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May 30Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

Don't worry to much. Karma is a bigger bitch than all of them put together and will have the final signature.

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May 30Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

It's all so very, very sad.

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May 30Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

No different from the harpy-pig Hillary laughing about Qaddafi’s gruesome death when she cackled “we came, we saw, he died”.

Trump says he plans to have Neocon Nikki somewhere in his administration - I knew there was a deal in the works when she reluctantly endorsed him. Just goes to show he’s learned nothing from his disasterous picks the 1st time around….

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May 30Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

Thank u for sharing!🙏🏻

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This whore of a politician is looking for nothing more than showing the puppet masters and our brain dead populace that she is towing the narrative.

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May 30Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

Bought and paid for by AIPAC

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May 30Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

silly woman

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May 30Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

The picture is impossible for me to confirm it’s Niki or what the woman wrote. If it is her and what she wrote is accurate then she’s pure evil and a sick human being. She is a politician and that almost always comes minus a conscience. What is obvious is that humanity has not advanced beyond the cave, revenge, envy, hate, deception, greed and torture are all on display by the so called ELITE of our modern dystopia.

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The picture has been around a few days and, if it wasn’t her, I expect she would have said so very loudly by now. Despicable.

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May 30Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

Holy F-uck, that is messed up on its face. let alone bragging about it with pictures!!

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May 30Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

This feels sickening.

Hamas terrorists need to be obliterated. Yes.

But there is no joy in destroying human lives. Even evil ones. It ought always to be an act undertaken with sobriety and solemnity. Not a joyful delight, like signing notes or something.

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