Has there ever been a time--one time--in recorded history when someone WASN'T shrieking "the end is nigh?" Ever? That gene for apocalypsing, we need to breed it out of the stock.

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Pretty sure the Venn Diagram of people screaming vaccines are "safe and effective", supporting asset seizure from protestors, flying Ukrainian flags at their homes, and still wearing masks outside is a solitary circle.

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co2- the greatest scam in the world

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The fear mongering never stops. Just finds new forms.

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I'm old enough to remember predictions and statements made in 1970. = Wisdom

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“Why do temperature ADJUSTMENTS correlate with CO2? The probability that this happens by chance is shockingly close to zero.”

“It is proof of man-made climate change – created by adjusting the temperature data to fit a premise – that man-made CO2 released into the atmosphere is driving temperature.”

It is a scam. We already knew that from the climate gate emails.

Only an idiot, useful or not, would believe these charlatans.

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Yeah that's why bill Gates bought Beach front property in San Diego

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Our weather has been manipulated for decades. Please check out geoengineeringwatch.org

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We need to undo this existential crisis and return the earth to its natural state from 70, 000 years ago.

When Chicago was under 800 feet of ice


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Climate/Trump/Covid/Putin/White Supremacy moral panic to induce the corporate feudal re-enslavement of Humanity.

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Arctic sea ice is a problem. And it has catastrophically declined in the last 30-40 years with an increase in that decline over the last decade. These days you don't get too much multi-year sea ice as you used to which means that it collapses a lot easier in the summer.

There's also no denying the ridiculously warm temperatures along the Arctic coast in Russia and Norway over the last few years.

If you can ignore the he/him in his profile then Zack Labe is quite good on this topic;


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Check the Ice Age article on Wikipedia and focus on charts carefully. Understand the timing and the temperature changes over this time. Decide for yourself if humans are involved. Decide for yourself if you see some cycles on these charts. Guess what should happen in the nearest geological future if we continue the trends from the past.

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Predictions are hard, and putting a time limit makes them even harder. But greenhouse gases are key to increased heating of the Earth's surface, and the trends are clear.

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Here's Prof. Wadhams on a climate panel in 2021. Within the first minute, the host tells us experts agree we could face an ice free arctic summer as early as 2030. That's as far as I could get. https://youtu.be/s3BcLES5gCA?t=49 My only concern, the climate movement will be implementing lessons learned from covid management.

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Actually this was a decent argument: BUT sea ice is artificially and temporarily sustained by the vast volume of very cold water flowing from the vast melting icecaps of Greenland and the Antarctic: its really hard to measure, but imagine that you have a G&T on your desk with four ice cubes, that will melt in roughly 20 minutes if left at room temperature.

Then plunge the G&T into a bucket of melting ice: obviously the cubes will survive for longer.

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The Guardian of the narrative, forever and ever!

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Cooling in progress… https://youtu.be/LUvDsZkmpwM

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A screenshot after my own heart.

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The same people who think they can control climate, pandemics, green energy, your personal life etc. are the arrogant asses that get the press and seem to win enough elections to cause all of us ignorant peons so much grief. When they F it up they walk away and the adults have to clean up the mess and the rest of us have to pay for it.

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Wadhams: "Hey Neil, can I borrow your calculator?"

Ferguson: "sure thing, but don't break it, I use it for everything"

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Peter Wadhams. Say no more, catastrophist hysteric hero of the Guardian, with a 100% failure record in all his Arctic predictions.

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Back in the 1980’s they said that the Maldives 🌴 would soon vanish beneath the waves 🌊so we booked it as a honeymoon and were not disappointed.,same shit, 🧻💩different shirt 👔

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