Jun 8Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

That's why paraphrasing from Pretty Woman pretty much covers it: "It means whatever they want it to mean."

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Yes, and still no virus in any human has been isolated so what is this test actually “measuring?”

Through all of this chaos, it feels like you can say anything you like, even about the vaccines now, as long as you believe there was an actual virus.

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Jun 8Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

I think I would look at their study like this. No one has proven we can catch virus's since they're dead cells that have been shed from living organisms. I'm not saying people don't get sick. No one has isolated corona virus, they simplyused what was provided to them from shyna. Also, pcr can't diagnose an illness. They are so overcycled you could find aids in pond water. Rememeber, they used pcr to diagnose hiv/aids so they could melt people from the inside out with AZT. I would tell them what most of them say when statistics point out that vaccines are . responsible for all chronic illness, and, they cause autism., and that is "correlation doe not equal causation."

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Jun 8Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

Emperor...you are on a Roll today! I don't know what the cricket expression is but in baseball parlance you are hitting them out of the park.

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Jun 8Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

How many healthy people tested positive during the Covid panic with these wretched PCR tests never mind dying or dead. Never have they mass tested before, they have no idea how many latent viruses we carry about in our bodies. This testing scam of healthy people is a path to madness, if someone is dying and have no symptoms of a viral infection then leave them alone.

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Jun 8·edited Jun 8

I understand(I could be wrong) that since they are looking for only a fragment of a virus...the Pcr test will amplify everything until and keep spinning until it can make the required fragment...using everything they pick up from our bodies which is also in the fragment most often.......which is why they overcycle them...

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Ps. My Jabbed and boosted friend has an intestinal "grippe" since yesterday...right on schedule..about 4 times a year she's sick w something. On the other hand she puts dog poop in her compost pile..uck.

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My 83 yo aunt, lost count how many jabs and pharmaceuticals she takes, (not to mention the 9 stents she has had) has yet another intestinal grippe (yet, she is taking Ozempic and hospitalized for 'intestinal' blockage last November) along with another respiratory virus for which she is taking antibiotics which will further destroy her microbiome.

I expect a call any day now and curiously wonder what remains that she has not yet accomplished or is she simply making her husband miserable.

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Jun 8Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

The only people I know who had COVID, were tested for it.

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Jun 8Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

If anyone known to be dying, rather than a sudden death, the body starts to shut down, nutrients not wanted, organs stop doing their jobs, and the body's repair system, all those fighter T cells will not be working either, so, yes, I'm sure something would be found.

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Jun 9Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

Dead diet Coke and dead kumquats tested positive for Covid too. And fish. How fish inhaled Covid through their gills underwater is still unknown.

Maybe they had sex with an infected porpoise?

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Jun 9Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

A positive PCR test is not evidence of infection or the presence of replication competent virus

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Wait... Still with this BS of PCR being a test?!

Those that believe in such scam do deserve to be fooled 24/7 until their death.

One just need to choose the right PCR kit/criteria to receive a "negative" result instead of a "positive" one!


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There is no such thing as a "virus." Sorry.

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You know there exists an entire 'no virus' faction out there that make several points about virology that warrant some attention. One being how can they tell a virus apart from normal cellular debris of cells as they experience stress or die? Odds are they can't. So if somewhere along the way a PCR test locked in on a natural protein of our cells, or exosomes, well...your PCR test may just be checking for evidence of cells that are unhealthy, or dying of some specific stressor.

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You can even find things that don't exist!

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Bird flu? Or radiation poisoning from decreased Ozone? "$ell the virus scam and keep on irradiating the masses with their cell phones now. Worry about the Ozone later...

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Just for fun I organized a telephone consult with a random GP to ask if I should have my teen kids (fake) injected with Rat Juice...

It was a data gathering info - I asked about the risk -- she insisted it was very risky not to inject... that many young people were dying.

I then trotted out a Johns Hopkins study indicating that a few hundred under 18's had died with Covid ... every single one of them had at least one other serious comorbidity such as cancer... no healthy folks died.

She said that she had seen other data... and that she was walking the walk having injected her 12 yr old ... so I asked her for the data... she did not have it readily available but promised to send it to me... I asked her not to send me anecdotal stories from cnnbbc ... I wanted the numbers ... and I told her that I did not care that she had injected her child ... I was not injecting mine without seeing the data...

The data of course never came... I complained right to the managing partner of the clinic... he told me she never promised to send me the data... which makes no sense given the purpose of my call... aka she was lying...

Wouldn't it be pleasing to here the doctors daughter incurred a severe case of 'Long Covid'...

Then there is this https://fasteddynz.substack.com/p/fast-eddy-taunts-a-pro-vax-doctor

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NE - Correlation never implies causation. If they tested for it, every single death in history has been WITH... cancer.

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I accidentally clicked on a button to subscribe to your substack a few days ago and immediately unsubscribed after I realized it. You confirmed that I was unsubscribed. Now you haven't refunded my money that you took that day and had me still hooked up this morning to the substack. I want my money refunded.

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William, if you subscribe to something and then unsubscribe, it just means you don't want to automatically renew your subscription next year.

I have many talents but being psychic isn't one of them. You have to tell me that it was an accident and ask for a refund.

When you say "I want my money refunded", what I think you meant to say was "PLEASE can you refund my money because I made a mistake".

Well of course, William. Because you have such impeccable manners and asked so politely, I have now refunded your subscription.

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Jun 9·edited Jun 9

53% of the test were below detection levels with their sample.

maybe, just maybe there is another virus out there that their pcr test doesn't find....

got to be some RNA there somewhere....

how long did it take them to find and name HIV?

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A homophobic researcher desperate for a success copied a french researcher and declared it discovered when he found it in a subset...i want to say 30 to 40% of lung tissue of recent Aids deaths. They did science by press release on it...very much like Wakefield did with his study...but this guy was an insider so away science went. The PCR inventor at one point was putting together a paper and he wanted the study that proved it to cite...and there wasn't one....I'm not sure there is one now. Double standards abound in this game of causation vs. correlation.

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Interesting, i can't find it now... but it is my understanding that the french virologist Luc Antoine Montagnier shortly before his death was questioning the idea of HIV causing AIDS....


from my perspective i guess i don't really care other than to say which life style a person lives longer.... and by lifestyle i mean those that get vaccinated while still in the womb all the way through to their deaths... and need to also take into account their children's longevity too.


having said that, how do we insure that the data isn't gamed?


one thing i am sure of is that they said the so called jab was "safe and effective"

and that they also said that the jab was the "studied" vaccine in history.

considering i KNOW jab is NOT "safe" it makes me question all the rest of them...

please note: i now think that vit d should be considered a vaccine along with a whole host of other vit and minerals.

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You know what's a strange silver lining of sorts...Or I don't what to call it...a things aren't completely lost type deal...Pfizer's own study had the data to indicate the risk in its supplemental reports. It was there. What the media said over top of it is scary but they did show more deaths in the experimental arm then in the placebo in their data. There's times where its like 'if it all was as evil as they say than that shouldn't have been in the published study' I can't tell if it is accidental integrity of the individuals in the system...or just part of a much more sinister flex of sorts.

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