My son had a terrible case of Covid, whatever that is, now has fatigue, intestinal problems, feels faint when he’s hungry ( pre diabetic?) has no health insurance so can’t even get a blood test. Tried to get medical care & got billed $40,000. He’s a lymphoma survivor. He had to declare bankruptcy. What kind of a country gives medical care to illegal people but treats citizens like this?

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The kind that gives itself decent health care with lots of great perks while denying the people it represents the same. And the kind that exempts itself from vaccine mandates while voting against people who refused them to return to their jobs. You know like the military and pilots. Oh yeah and the ones that take early treatments while letting the health gurus tell people that they are too dangerous for them to take. That kind.

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Try the FLCCC website for videos on treatments for spike. Intermittent fasting can clear some of the problems. Also PierreKory.com. Dr. Kory has to be licensed through the Crow Indian Nation as he got fired from 3 jobs for advocating repurposed drugs. Wrote a recently released book on ivm, and has a telehealth service. Dr. Marik, also FLCCC, probably the most published intensivist in the history of the world, had to watch patients die in his hospital as the murderous policies wouldn't allow repurposed drugs. Dr. Marik has just done an incredibly extensive literature review and has a protocol for treating cancer as a metabolic disease. Both have substacks. Don't know the cost, but the videos, and the weekly sessions on alternative media are free and you can sign up and ask questions, which nurses forward to the doctors.

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The kinda country that wants to exterminate its citizens

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They all want to do that. Were over populated and under resource failure. Interesting how all of this has come about at a time when the baby boomers are all retiring--sucking up cash and were running out of resources. Hmmm

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Leslie, not only free medical care to illegals. Cell phones, Walmart gift cards, free housing etc. On top of that supporting the whole country of Ukraine, pensions, food, medical etc...

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It’s outrageous.

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so sorry and you're absolutely right.

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The aim is to "replace" us with a far more compliant pop. So yes, illegals are treated and your son is not. My personal opinion is that Prayer is our best defence. Prayer is very important and I truly believe it works at the Quantuum Level. Best Wishes.

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I’m so sorry. I get it. Every penny we had went into keeping me going.

The dr. I couldn’t spell on another post you liked was Dr. Ana Mihalcea. I finally found her name!

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He was/ is uninsured.

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How long was it since he was billed. He should try dollar for if it was recent, they can negotiate down hospital bills as long as they are handled in a timely fashion.

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It was a while ago. They didn’t even give him a chance to negotiate, they started threatening to send the bills to collections. So he had no choice but to declare bankruptcy. $40,000 in bills & NO HELP! And he’s a lymphoma survivor. Medical care in the United States has really gone down the drain IMO.

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Sorry to hear that.

A lot has gone down the drain in the US. I think involving the state has driven it into the ground. You really can’t legislate caring.

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i.e., you should not be allowed to donate blood if you have been injected, especially those boosted up the ying-yang.

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Long Covid is a fake name for the injuries and diseases caused by the Covid bioweapon injection. There was never a Covid virus. Never isolated by anyone anywhere. The bioweapon was INJECTED into people who didn’t do their research to find out the truth. It only existed on a computer screen to be formulated and injected into innocent people.

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No, actually folks in our household experienced prolonged symptoms for some time. None vaxxed. Very little community exposure to shedding. All had early treatment. It is not only a vax injury.

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My son was unvaccinated. But there is evidence of shedding from vaccinated people.

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The UK has just banned blood donations from vaxxed individuals.

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I don't think this has happened officially yet, aside from "Long Covid" = people that are totally F-ed because of the injections.

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I am UNVACCINATED. I have had Long Covid for over 30 months now. I was ill with supposed Covid Dec 2020. Never had a PCR test but I definitely was ill with something unique and unlike any flu in my life. My symptoms during my illness lasted approximately 12 days. Never was hospitalized. I never lost my breath, no loss of oxygen sat, no cough at all. I did have fever, chills, aches, no appetite and loss of taste completely for 5 days.

I never rebounded to my healthy self again. I have had unexplained weight loss (over 65 lbs), chronic fatigue, went FULL grey, hair loss and severe brain fog.

Had many doctors visits which included me being accepted into the Long Haul Covid Clinic at UT Health San Antonio, TX. I was one of the first participants in the new research clinic in Sept 2021.

After vials and vials of bloodwork taken, CT’s, MRI’s, Colonoscopy, Endoscopy, etc... there were no answers. All of my testing seemed normal. They did confirm I had Mast Cell activation but no answers as they why. So for several months I spent thousands out of pocket in co-pays and deductibles to my insurance company and still nothing. I finally gave up. At the time, I was awake to the horrors of what our own Government did and every time I went for an appointment- I felt invisible to these doctors. I felt intimidated to speak freely about my own research, especially regarding the TOXIC Spike Protein that I KNOW damaged my body from whatever “illness “ I had.

Today, I try daily to recover on my own through supplements and nutrition and FASTING. Even though I need to gain weight and muscle mass and strength, I do occasionally fast for a few days so my body can try to clear out through Autophagy.PLEASE DO NOT FORGET MY STORY. This Long Covid saga will be the hill I die on. It is REAL, it is NOT a figment of the imagination. It is NOT mental illness but it has caused significant anxiety and depression in my life because the BEAST at times make those of us who have this condition feel ALONE, SCARED and not BELIEVED. Just as those who are vax injured feel. There are MILLIONS of us in the country and we desperately need help. I am 53 years old and cannot work because the fatigue and brain fog, confusion is overwhelming most days. Thank you for listening and God Speed to all of the truth seekers out there who are desperately trying to find solutions. God Bless you all.

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If you didn't have it confirmed (somehow) that you actually had covid then how do you know it wasn't a nasty bout of influenza? People rarely actually get influenza so tend to forget how horrendous it actually is. You may have post-viral syndrome, like when people get glandular fever and then are fatigued and vaguely ill for months afterwards. It used to be an accepted thing that it was possible to have a viral infection, be laid up in bed for a while, get over it but then be "not right" for weeks/months afterwards. It sort of went out of fashion until covid. In my youth I knew a few people who had to put their lives on hold for months. Hopefully you will find a way to recovery.

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Thank you. Yes I have thought of that angle as well. I think I’m just at the point of focusing on healing and praying that I hope to see the day all who were involved are brought down- by any means possible. Hopefully that will be by the hand of God.

God Bless.

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very good points - thanks for making them.

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💔 my heart hurts for you. I believe you.

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How’s your local EMF saturation?

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We moved a year ago to a small town in the Texas Hill Country from San Antonio because of exactly what you are referring to. Very few towers out here and closest one to our home is about 7 ml away. I’m also wear an ion necklace around my neck. Doing the best I can re: emf and 5G. I told my husband back in 2020 when I was sick w/ this thing that I felt like I had been poisoned.

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Have you tried IVM by any chance?

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Yea I did from Dr Ben Marbles website my free doctor.com that I had heard about during the 1st Ron Johnson hearing. They were amazing also they had me on Hydroxychloroquin, Ivermectin, colchicine, steroids and antibiotics..A compound pharmacy in Austin filled the Rx- no side effects at all, but unfortunately nothing seemed to help much in my case.

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Thanks for your answers Stephanie. One last query if I may, after reading other comments. Did you have seasonal flu jabs in the past?

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I have never had a flu shot in my life. I’m very thankful of that, knowing what I do now about them.

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Chronic illness in my family too, going on 10 years now. I will add you to my prayers.

You mentioned hair loss so I'll share this info about Biotin (B7), may be of interest to you. https://chrismasterjohnphd.substack.com/p/high-protein-you-need-more-biotin

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If only our health agencies used social media for public input relating to health, rather than hunting voices to censor, we might have useful surveillance data. Then again who wants good data?

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Maybe instead of reading all the new amazing guaranteed-to-save-you-from-certain-death guys all over Substack these days, people should dig out some oldies but goodies. You can never have too much of Linus Pauling.

I've been my own science experiment for many decades now, and in my view anyone not taking therapeutic-level dosages of good old Vitamin C isn't taking the first, easiest step to fighting off all sorts of nasty things. You have, or feel you have, long Covid or a vax injury, I'd add good strong ginger tea to my regimen.

There are excellent venerable herbal remedy books out there not written by crackpots. Long-term consequences of any viral infection have been well-known for many, many, many years.

And many poisons accumulate in the body but can be chelated out. Again, Vitamin C is a great all-purpose inexpensive well-tolerated remedy for lots and lots of ailments. Maybe "inexpensive" is its kiss of death. People love to spend money on fancy formulas and long lists of supplements. Often a short simple list is better.

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You can actually sort of cynically reverse engineer treatments that work---during the lockdown the FBI raided a clinic giving IV vitamin C to first responders, Detroit metro, Michigan, and on the Orthomolecular Medicine website there is a verified picture of literal tons of vitamin C, in trucks, brought into Wuhan China, imported from Scotland I think. I also read about this fellow whose doctor told him he would die if he didn't take certain meds instead of his doses of C, and the guy was active and alert into his nineties, but the doctor died long before him.

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This too:


Simple, cheap, easily available. But that don't buy nobody no lakeside estate, does it?

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BINGO. Thanks for sharing!

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"You can never have too much of Linus Pauling." - Yes and don't forget Dr Klenner who was doing intravenous vitamin C to cure all sorts of viral/bacterial infections in the early 50's

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Amen. Vitamin C is so underrated.

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I don't know if I'd call it long covid, but I got covid June 2022. I took an antigen test for it only because my workplace relaxed the rules and allowed people who were covid-recovered to return to work (in addition to the jabbed) and I wanted proof. I'm not jabbed at all.

I was sick for a few days, nothing too bad, but I definitely had a loss of taste that hasn't really recovered.

When I went to the dentist in January, he wanted me to see an oral surgeon because my tongue looked odd. I did and he took a wait an see approach, only recently taking a fairly large chunk of it for a biospy.

The result (thank God) is negative for cancer, but showed a layer of orthokeratin and parakeratin which he said would normally come from regular abrasive contact with my tongue, which is weird. There were also unexpected lymphocytes in the connective tissue, which suggests the damage might have been due to an infection.

I'd heard sars-cov-2 can impact your mouth/tongue due to the high prevalence of ace2 receptors there.

I'm thinking of starting some herbal supplements to help detox spike.

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Tommy, rinse your mouth with hydrogen peroxide...

Make it a regular part of your brushing regime.

Easiest is to use the H2O2 with a water pik.

Fill the pick container with tap water and give it a couple of squirts of hydrogen peroxide...

Use the water pik as suggested.

DO NOT RINSE your moth after done.

Do this as a part of your daily routine....

The pik forces the purified water and H2O2 into the gums/ and into tissues and eventually into bloodstream encouraging the body to cleanse itself...

Kinda like a killer boost.

Your gum, heart, and teeth will thank you!!! 🙂

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I’ve discovered that any gum problems I had disappeared after only a few days using a Hydrogen Peroxide (50% with water) rinse daily. I can see how it could help with a lot of issues.

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That's a good idea. I'm going to try that tonight.

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Look into nattokinase, apparently it's good against the spike protein but has been "fact-checked" to say it's isn't, make of that what you will 🤔

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The Wellness Company has a Spike Support formula with Nattokinase & other herbs. This is Dr. Peter McCullough & other doctors group. It’s worth looking into. https://www.reviewjournal.com/bp/supplements/dr-peter-mccullough-on-the-holy-grail-of-covid-19-vaccine-detoxification/

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My husband and I have been taking Spike Support (TM) since March 2023. My cholesterol dropped from 220 to 190. His improved substantially also.

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Fasting is recommended by many different enlightened docs. Try the FLCCC protocol for long covid or vax injured (On FLCCC website). I do intermittent fasting plus 2 or 3-day extended fasts. It allows autophagy to get to work on the spike. Autophagy doesn’t happen if you’re not fasting. I’ve done fasting since before covid but since I had mild covid in April 22 I reckon it’s also keeping potential long covid at bay. FLCCC Rumble channel has videos on autophagy (not woo- Dr Mobeen’s Long Story Short video on autophagy is extremely detailed on the chemical cascade that allows the spike to be cleared from inside the cell).

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Long Covid is a vaccine injury. There is a post-viral syndrome post infection that's been labelled long covid but it doesn't persist like a a jab injury. Bottom line? Who would want blood from jabbed people who are spike protein factories in perpetuity?

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I'm of the mind that this 'covid' illness is nanoparticle poisoning instead of some nebulous, can't-be-proven fake 'virus' or even the manufactured 'spike' protein. It's the nanoparticles made out of PEG, graphene oxide and whatever else they stuck in there. And we're ALL being exposed to that stuff through the jabs, the air, through our food, through our medicine and only satan knows what else. It's on purpose and 'they' know exactly what the results are (and they're making even more bank off of it and the resulting illness) as they cull the population. (My autocorrect wants me to capitalize satan - like he deserves it or something. I don't think so - small 'g' god is he only - no matter what he thinks or wants).

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I ALWAYS make sure that name is lowercase! Little to no recognition is best.

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Aug 4, 2023
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There is such a thing as 'Long Flu' ... similar (same) symptoms as 'Long Covid'...

But it is extremely rare.

Long Covid isn't extremely rare - therefore it's Vax Injury

You nailed it

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Agreed. I settle for heuristics and Occam’s Razor now. If it looks like a jab injury and induces ill health like a jab injury, it’s probably a jab injury. Could also be shedding. Or psychosomatic. Or hypochondria. Or just the Great Poisoning in action. Or simply a by-product of the mass hysteria and widespread susceptibility to state-sponsored psychological terrorism, mockingbird media manipulation, and saturation of fear. Or as I like to call it, cowardice, lack of critical thinking and gullibility in believing criminal sociopaths have our best interests at heart. “You can understand history or you can trust government: You can’t do both.”

Long Covid is another made up name for something that can’t be explained but needs a label, or that can be explained but needs to be memory-holed or mainstreamed. Much like crib death, SIDS, ME, or the new versions, SADS, skipping breakfast, mowing the lawn, gardening and other endeavours perilous to cardiovascular health...

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Unfortunately, that's not the case. COVID-19 has chronic, serious sequelae just like other Sarbecoviruses.


However, the authorities are intentionally conflating vaccine injuries and Long COVID. One thing they did, early on, was try and claim that COVID-19 caused myocarditis, based on elevated troponin readings. However, more recent evidence showed that COVID-19-induced myocarditis was basically nonexistent. So, yes, we do have a situation here where they're trying to blame vaccine injuries on the virus.

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No, actually folks in our household experienced prolonged symptoms for some time. None vaxxed. Very little community exposure to shedding. All had early treatment. It is not only a vax injury.

Yes, vax injuries are being mislabeled as long C. I agree with that 100%.

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Absolutely WRONG

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+ stress from endless clips of this sort of thing https://t.me/TommyRobinsonNews/49011

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I believe most cases are either 1) Long Lockdown, 2) Long Jab Injury, 3) Long Mask, thiamine or other nutritional deficiency, psychosomatic, or something else. Some are legit, to be sure, but not nearly as common as the fearmongers claim.

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No, actually folks in our household experienced prolonged symptoms for some time. None vaxxed. Very little community exposure to shedding. All had early treatment. It is not only a vax injury.

Yes, vax injuries are being mislabeled as long C. I agree with that 100%.

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Why thiamine?

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Thiamine deficiency, aka beriberi, can have many of the same symptoms as both acute Covid as well as Long Covid, especially dysautonomia. The late Bill Sardi (RIP) talked about this very frequently.

Niacin is also something to look into as well, per Dr. Dmitry Kats.

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My husband has been dealing with long covid since February 2020. See my comment above.

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Patricia- I’m sorry he is going through this. my long covid journey has been a long one too. Since Dec 2020. My story is in the comments.

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True, at least the vast majority of cases. And most of the rest are likely Long Lockdown, Long Mask, nutritional deficiencies, psychosomatic, anxiety, or all of the above. While I'm sure there are some genuine ones, as per all the anecdotal evidence, they are nowhere near as common as the fearmongers claim.

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I agree, and all of the symptoms are ironically the same as vax injuries. It also coube triggered by masking, shots, shedding. I've been tracking this since it began, and polling people that are willing to answer. I haven't come across anyone unvaccinated that has experienced long covid. My two cents, and my unscientific trial data.

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Actually folks in our household experienced prolonged symptoms for some time. None vaxxed. Very little community exposure to shedding. All had early treatment. No masks. It is not only a vax injury.

Yes, vax injuries are being mislabeled as long C. I agree with that 100%.

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My son was unvaccinated. He experiences extreme fatigue, digestive issues, brain fog, always loved steak , now can’t stand the thought of it.

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Interesting. Lymes disease, created by the government at plum island, and released often leaves people unable to eat meat, another goal of the elites.

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As I said, like many viruses, eg EBV, there is a post viral syndrome. But the jabs are by far the most and the worst. I wonder if the SP protocols (nattokinase, bromolein, etc) would work for him.

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He tried the Spike Support from the Wellness Company, which has all those herbs & more & was apparently allergic to something in it. He got really sick from it.

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No, actually folks in our household experienced prolonged symptoms for some time. None vaxxed. Very little community exposure to shedding. All had early treatment. It is not only a vax injury.

Yes, vax injuries are being mislabeled as long C. I agree with that 100%.

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Didn't say only. I said most.

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Long covid I believe is simply vax damage from the admittedly limited evidence I see.

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I would think the same but my mother is not vaccinated and got covid and her sense of taste and smell were gone for several months. My wife has all her vaccines, well except the last one that includes all, her health is trash now. I think people that were vaccinated got the worst part. But it is hard to evaluate to. All my wife's family got all the vaccines, I not close to them much, but I k now here parents have been ok, maybe depends on the batch or toxicity level.

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No, actually folks in our household experienced prolonged symptoms for some time. None vaxxed. Very little community exposure to shedding. All had early treatment. It is not only a vax injury.

Yes, vax injuries are being mislabeled as long C. I agree with that 100%.

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What evidence have they cited for stopping blood donations from this group?

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They pulled it out of where the sun don't shine, most likely. Or perhaps it is all a cover for the adverse effects of the jabs.

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There should be vaccinated and unvaccinated blood supplies, given and received by people of those respective categories.

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If your dying and can only accept vaccinated blood, will you take it? I will.

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I hope not to find myself in that situation, and if circumstance permit I’d ask an unvaxxed relative to donate blood in real time.

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Would be nice if you had one. In my case, all six siblings and their kids--and even my wife and my daughter--are all multi-vaxxed. It's lonely out there sometimes.

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Wow, the shedding you have been exposed to must be unreal. I pray for you and your loved ones. God is always with you!

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No, I'd prefer an unassisted death. What sense would it make for me to take blood that could lead to death, or slow death/lifetime of health issues, when I'm trying to save my life?

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No. Because I would die anyway of the horrible effects of the bioweapon jab.

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How about a kidney from a Vaxxer....

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Oh hang on .. that's a trick question - you won't be able to get the transplant unless you are vaxxed!!!

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It is my hope we find that the long term effects of vaccinations are transient and that organs aren’t being permanently damaged, because if they do just make people worse we are all screwed.

Sci fi dystopia cojld be like we saw in the Handmaids tale, or like The island, but where the unvaxxed are kept as replacement parts for the elite. I am in the hospital now and not being stripped for parts and plasma.

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Wishing you the best.

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Not sure why, I am unvaccinated.

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Which is idiotic because the Vax damages every organ in your body.

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The thing is ...

There is no unf789ing the damage that is done by the spike tearing through every organ in a Vaxxers body and/or destroying their immune systems

The intricacies of T-Cell exhaustion


The Horror... the... horror....

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No. Quality of life is everything. I have had a good life & I didn’t spend the last 3 years staying as far away from that poison as I could to take it now & get injured.

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It’s a virus that infects bacteria, it can infect faecal matter it can get inside bacteria and replicate in a way that is very similar like it does in a human cell.

It has human and bacterial infection capabilities, it doesn’t behave in a way of a typical viral infection like Flu.

SC2 has a duel mechanism it infects human cells but first infects bacterial cells in the microbiome.

Consequences = Release of Toxins that go into the blood stream, disrupts the CNS and Gut Brain-Axis (you poison yourself)

It can hide just about anywhere in the body undetected by the immune system, it can harbour in dental plaque etc, it hides in Biofilms, can hide in macrophages.

“You must remember the spike protein has toxin like peptide motifs on it”

Dr Philip Mc Millan, Dr Chetty, Dr Gustavo Aquirre- Chang, Dr Carlo Brogna.





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Thank you for the information

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"So, the cause is not an immune problem, but rather a persistent infection that results in or produces immune problems."

Dr. Gustavo Aguirre-Chang


It has been shown that





Lymphopenia is associated with a higher Viral Load and Viral Persistence in COVID



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⛔️ Jean Michel Wendling "A SARS COV2 reservoir in the intestine is suspected"


⛔️ Guy Van den Eede "see our paper on for more evidence."

The Long Covid blood samples were also awash with a category of “exhausted” T cells that can be recognized by certain markers they express. Such cells surge in the ongoing presence of pathogens—suggesting “the bodies of people with Long Covid are actively fighting something,” Putrino says.

Professor Erwin Loh


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There is so much information and data out there about different ingredients in the shots, different batches, constituents, none of which I have the capability of assessing, but I wonder what might be causing these symptomologies, and if it really is long covid (delta and the original strain were wicked and terrible) or long vaccine or just spike injury from either, or variant alleles in certain populations that make spike more horrible, whether from the vax or the virus.

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Just saw this substack today, kevin mckernan’s. Might be of interest in this respect. https://anandamide.substack.com/p/can-qpcr-differentiate-vax-spike?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email

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Oooh, that is a very interesting development.

Another bit of dam seepage.

Thanks for that NE.

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I had civid bad. Was very sick for 5 days. Then was weak and ill for another month. Low back pain, entirely back rash, SOB,weak, no appetite .lost 10 pounds, so very weak could hardly walk, unstable gate. Took ivermectin and antibiotics no jabs. That was June 2022. Very slow recover. Had to take electrolyte packets BID for extreme fatigue. 14 months LATER. STILL NOT WELL but better. SOB still. Had ER VISIT FUEY TO RESPIRATORY EPISODE. NOW ON BID POWDER INHALER

SO tired of tnisy madness. I was a healthy lady before civid

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They will one day pay for their crimes against humanity

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I’m seeing Dr. Pierre Kory via telehealth. I’m classified as long covid I think for lack of anything else to call it. I am unvaxxed, and experienced severe covid in Dec. 21. I miraculously (by the grace of God) survived 2 days of Remdesivir (before refusing any more) and 35 days on a ventilator. I have lasting lung damage, and still require supplemental oxygen with exertion 1.5 years after discharge from the hospital. Other than falling oxygen levels with exertion, I have no other lasting symptoms.

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I should clarify that I sought Dr. Kory's help 14 months after my hospital discharge. He was in no way responsible for putting me through the hospital covid protocol. In fact, he stated that I was intubated too early and likely never would have required intubation.

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Sue them all!!!

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