While many of jabbed sheep i know have just “moved on”....complete lack of interest or knowledge of what’s coming down the pipe. They will willingly comply AGAIN if they are told to. It’s crazy to see...

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Many of them won"t be around to care. So that was the origina; intent on both sides - and everyone is happy?

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And they still think lockdowns and masking work and are acceptable....still!! I can’t even. 🤯

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I so agree. They don't want to hear it.

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Crazy, but I've seen it too. And masks are coming back. They didn't read the definition of insanity?

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What are conspiracy theories?

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Unspeakable truths?

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Anthing that doesn't conform to the official narrative. As originally defined by the CIA to ridicule anyone who didn't accept the official JFK narrative.

Need to say more?

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Do you know anything about the theories from Randall Carlson, Graham Hancock, and the whole the ancient world was much more advanced than we assume? Pre-Covid I thought past civilizations had humans who were on average probably smarter than us. Covid made me realize past civilizations were probably a whole lot smarter. A lot of humans today are gullible idiots. My bias is there have probably been lots of smarter humans before we started completely controlling reproduction and disincentivizing smart people from reproducing. I’ve also long wondered how much human knowledge was lost when the Mongols burned Baghdad in the 1200’s.

As a species most members are still gullible enough to act like worker ants following orders from a nihilistic queen to eat the raid for 3 years and no amount of pointing out its raid seems to be stopping it. Lots of dead and sick ants isn’t even making it stop for the most loyal 20%-30%.

I’ve gone down a worm a while since Joe Rogan’s interview with them in November which just so happened to air around the time I was reading a book series with my 8 year old son that went off on a random 3 book tangent about Nikola Tesla that was interesting, but seemed odd for the series (Imagination Station - it’s a historical fiction Christian book series and Tesla is out of place for the theme). If this sound wave energy technology is real, I can’t help but further question the timing of everything going on, and the stupidity of our energy and health policies. Or I just need a nice thin foil hat. I’d really like to hear feedback on the ideas from someone smarter than me.

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Yes I write about ancient civilisations now and again. I would do it more if Covid would go away!

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Well I will look forward to it if you can ever catch a break from the destruction of our Western civilization.

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Thank you NE. I once immersed myself in everything I could find relating to ancient civilisations when I had time from about 2009 until I 2013, when a lot of life happened. Things have certainly shifted since then especially in the last three years. I am not really one to make New Year's resolutions but I have promised myself to take more time out for such things. When one looks at Gobekli Tepe and other sites it certainly indicates that we have never been told the truth about a lot of things, especially the history of this planet and human beings.

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Thanks for those! When you get a chance to look away from from the present day disaster, Yonaguni and other underwater sites are amazing. So much previously costal land was flooded when the ice sheets melted and people have always tended to build on the coasts. Structures that appear artificial have been found off Cuba and they're doing work on a site off India now. I'm sure there are others, too.

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Thank you.

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Thanks NE. Please do! LiDAR has revealed so much in Central and South America as well. These civilizations created structures with the ability to withstand time far beyond anything we’ve built in at least the last 300 years (the Great Wall is maybe the most recent great earthwork). It’s fascinating and rightly humbling. Not sure how I missed the lion man article. I thought I read all your posts when they came out. Glad I asked the question.

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I too follow Randall and Hancock. I have built my own tin foil hat. It goes nicely with the slippers I sometimes wear to the store. I am working on being our local version of the Madwoman of Chaillot.

Truly, I think more than occasionally that we are devolving...from peoples who could make stones fit together without being able to insert a piece of paper in them...to people who now like the Ancient Aztecs think that sacrificing to the weather gods will stop Climate Change.

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The stupidity of energy policies is certainly deliberate & this not stupid, except perhaps they think there will be no unexpected consequences for THEM.

LGB-FJB deliberately kneecapped oil & gas on his 1st f’ing day in office. Everything else kind of flows from that: if oil, gas, electricity are banned or scarce, that affects the ability of farmers to grow food & supply chain issues because trains, barges & trucking are kneecapped too. Not to mention supply chain issues cause shortages of everything, including food, parts for cars & other mechanical items, construction materials, on & on.

Hells bells - even “wind” & “solar” require petroleum products to function. And do you remember when Gruesome Newsom said gas vehicles would be outlawed by 2035 or something? And then literally one week later he told the ONE % of people in CA not to power their electric cars to save the grid???? What happens when EVERYONE has to drive electric & it takes hours to power up if one can even find “powering” stations & good luck w/ that in vast areas of beautiful nothingness, esp out west?

The point has never been for all of us to drive electric, but that those who survive the depopulation agenda not drive at all, that we not be allowed to heat & cool our homes, or fly, or even leave the “zones” they’re planning for us, unless permitted, or spend our money as we see fit or own our homes, etc. I’m not smarter than anybody but this is what I believe because they’re flat out admitting it, no longer even pretending anymore

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Not one drop of an argument from me. Agree 100 percent with what you said.

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Agree that could be the agenda but “they” are mortal humans with egos far bigger than brains who are detached from material reality. Their kids are mostly sterilized drug addicts. I tend to think the old Afghan saying applies here - they have the watches but we have the time.

Also, the plans “they” have are nihilism based on debunked Malthusian garbage........ I’m not disputing the immense harm the WEF people have caused and will continue to cause attempting to socially engineer the globe to mimic a 1980’s computer program, but “they” aren’t going to succeed unless they succeed 100% in ending human kind (possible for sure). I give Saudi Arabia better odds of building a “city” the height of a skyscraper and the length of Ireland in the next 7 years.

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I won't say I'm smarter than you, at best as smart. That we recognized Tesla's almost advances (he lost his mind when he ran out of money). I had been following Joe Rogan for about 30 years, the debacle on twitter ended it. I think the demonrats are like kids in a candy store. Buying this and that, going to exactly the wrong policies. Not close to wrong and they can amend them, but 180 degrees wrong.

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Spoiler alerts

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Conspiracy theories are actually *Spoiler Alerts*

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Facts that the conspirators are unable to fully hide.

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It's a term the CIA popularized after the JFK assassination (1963) to classify any claims about the assassination that were not endorsed by the government

Consider that we still do not have all of the documents in 2023, 60 years later

The government doesn't want us to know what's in them, I guess

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We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false"? Bill Casey CIA Director February 1981.

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spoiler alerts

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Truths they don't want to hear.

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On another substack yesterday was a link to the Pfizer trials. I had a quick glance and checked out people excluded from participating, pregnant women, diabetics, BMI over 30 etc. One criteria jumped out at me and it was "anyone taking preventative meds against infection of virus." They all knew!

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They all did know! Every gov was in on it, from what I e read. Look at what happened in Israel!!M

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My down the rabbit hole research for more than 2 years has led me to now believe, due to lack of physical proof anywhere in the world, that viruses and variants do not exist. There are many speaking out. I know people got sick, I did too, however my sickness could be from many different causes as could everyone else, including deliberate poisoning via air, water, food additatives or even EMR known to cause illness and these covid or should I correctly say SARSCov2 symptoms would fit several illnesses we give different names to which are bodies way of expurging toxins. The gold standard testing gear, PCR machines specifically named for Covid19, were on order globally in 2018! Easy to set up to look for common things in flu and other rerpiratory ailments. So, I am not talking specifically about horse paste or any hydrochloraquine specifically (which gives credence maybe to infectious viruses, but also vits and mineral supplements to keep bodies working optimally. Agree with Israil. Watched vaxxed testimonies documentary from there.

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I happen to agree completely with the myriad of toxins, poor nutrition, lack of exercise, heavy metals,etc that cause sicknesses. I also,from my researching two weeks into this Plandemic, when nothing made any sense, believe the changes in the Earths magnetic energy, 5G, satellites, everything disrupting Earths natural vibrations and energy are causing sickness. I have read about the non existence of viruses, but am not ready yet to say they don’t exist. The major flus of the last century were all due to radar installations and satellites launching. (Dr. Thomas Cotton, Dr. Martin Pall.) Check it out. It’s fascinating! I’ve also been trying to listen to videos about geo engineering. We’re a mess!

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Yes, I have read Invisible Rainbow, delved into what radar can do. Soviets researched quite early into dangers. Sasha Latypova has linked an article with Dr Pall interview which I need to download. Very worrying conversation just by glancing quickly at it. Check out radiation poisoning, remarkably similar to a novel virus. Remember, this would not be first time a "virus" was blamed and then vaccine followed- spanish flu - started by meningitis jab given to US soldiers, polio - arsenic and DDT sprayed everywhere, AIDS fraud, swine flu too! Once you read facts, you will know if they really exist or not. No control experiments done alongside of virus ones.

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I can’t find the original comments. I have the Invisible Rainbow here. Good fact about radiation poisoning. One of the few and very last jab I took was for the original Swine flu. Out of work for 40 yrs from the chronic fatigue/fibromyalgia introduced in it from a mouse protein identified by the great Dr. Mikovits. Very sick from the 1967 Hong Kong flu! No more jabs ever after the Swine. Wish my kids and grands(not that they had a choice) woukd see the light or read anything about this mess we’re living through! I have a book here about viruses I started and it was actually to disturbing to continue! Sorry. I’m babbling. Good luck and keep researching, even if nobody listens!

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That would be HCQ...did they mention any specifically? I am praying they dont' run out of horse paste.

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No, just said any preventative medication. Next plandemic is for kids. Oct last year was table top rehearsal called Contagion. African countries were involved.

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Watch it start in Venzuela, or Brazil....for some reason I just have a feeling....

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You looked at the clinical trial protocols now? LOL

I did in 2020. And I toroughly analysed the EUA results too. It was clear then that it was at best an unproven dangerous mass experiment. All the necessary information to come that conclusion are well-documented on (mostly) EMA and FDA sites since years.

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Even for someone without a statistics course (I flunked twice) you could see...no trial participants lost were followed up or explained, pretty much the same number of deaths from such a small sample, and the adverse events? cra cra. So much methodology was cra cra too.

At best it was a dangerous mass experiment, and I didn't see any safety and no effectiveness either...everyone should have been PCR tested ...and it said clearly the end point of the trial was to minimuze MILD symptoms.

No wonder they wanted it shut up for 75 years. We all owe the judge who said NO a debt.

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Very good of you!

But all the trial protocols and major EUA study results were published on EMA, FDA and major medical journals in 2020/21. You are right that methodology and the whole process was atrociously unscientific. That is only the tip of the iceberg. I know statistics very well as well as the "normal" principles of evidence-based medicine. Lots of results were reported while they didn't even reach statistical significance.

Even worse, that this was acceptable and that trial endpoints didn't need to make sense, was even already decided in July 2020 by the ICMRA.

Politics took completely over from science and rational thinking. That's what you get in a culture where leaders are not practically knowledgeable in scientific fields and technology, but are driven by very very simplistic (group) thinking.

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Have you not seen Sasha Latyopva's substack? All a sham, not classed as pharma products but "prototype countermeasures." The buyer and controller of everything, US DoD. All brand vaxx companies took orders from DoD. Edit Latypova. Deliberate act to cause harm. You have to back to 70' when Club of Rome decided not enough resources for world (them) so they decided on the big culling, all to do with banking system being corrupted and bust again. go read Global coup d'etat by Prof. Michel Chossudovski on globalresearch.ca. plenty articles on there about Great Reset, CBDC, Digital ID and how we will soon be slaves. Covid is just one tentacle, energy, inflation, soon to be job losses as noone can turn a profit with high energy costs, hunger etc.

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Un-freaking-believable. It's great to see the WSJ writing publishing such heresy, though.

It's crazy to see the "experts" still talking about general "antibody levels" in the jabbed, without mentioning the IgG4 bombshell that broke over the last couple weeks. Yeah, your "antibody" levels are heightened, but they're the type of antibodies that tell your body to tolerate the virus, not eliminate it!

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"Certainly not the ‘conspiracy theorists’ who warned from the very beginning that training the immune system on a specific spike protein was not a clever idea"

More specifically, using mass vaccination within a pandemic using "leaky" vaccines was not a clever idea. Even if started, as soon as it became obvious fro practical results, that these gene therapies were "Non-sterilizing", their use should have been immediately discontinued.

THAT is the science....

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So many examples to add to the list!

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That's all very well but how does that make money? You're forgetting that this is not about Public Health.

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Thanks for your article. Does anyone have the links to the Nature, New England Journal of Medicine, Cell and Cleveland Clinic studies? To many remain completely in the dark in Canada about all of “this”, including my husband’s niece, a new doctor, who recommended to everyone at Christmas that they take all their shots. She also has no clue why she is seeing babies born with blood completely filling their lungs. Totally clueless and no curiosity to figure out why.

Unfortunately, since I chose not to take the experimental gene therapy shots I am a conspiracy theorist and any information or peer reviewed scientific studies that does not support the narrative is not welcome. I remained weakly silent at Christmas dinner which I feel horrible about but I just needed not to be attacked again. I unfortunately have to wait for the mainstream narrative to evolve because I have had zero impact at getting my friends and family to see the obvious.

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Links to the studies should be in the WSJ article.

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It is difficult to see how this unfolding train wreck in slow motion can be explained by sheer stupidity and incompetence alone. It stinks of malfeasance.

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if you give totalitarian power over everything to the State (even though said powers were "not expressly delegated"), this is the natural outcome to be expected. Places which exercised their local authority, like Florida, Sweden, etc give an inkling of what could have been if the State had been restrained to where it belongs.

so no, this is not the outcome of sheer stupidity and incompetence. it is the outcome of placing highly credentialled and skilled experts in charge of unelected unaccountable bureaucracies which are under the thumb of a totalitarian fascist Govt which can make all corporations and businesses dance to their tune. oh, and do you recall when the power to propagandize and censor the citizenry was "expressly delegated" to these assholes?

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Exactly. This is not only a predictable consequence of setting up the incentives this way, it's almost a certainty.


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The State relies on a social contract with the governed, which is entirely mythical. The State has no de jure "authority," only power to compel compliance. No power to propagandize and censor the citizenry was ever expressly delegated to these assholes. The secret police security surveillance State arrogated it to themselves.

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Oopsie, I’d put “experts” in quotes

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It cannot. Go read margaret Alice Anna's substack today. Or getit via Meryl Nass's.

Genocides are not caused by incompetence.

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“They told you so!”

There. I said it. Didn’t say, “I told you so,” simply because I am not knowledgeable enough to have recognized the concerns and risks without the input of knowledgeable folks like Geert and others. But shoot, this is getting ridiculous and tiresome.

While it’s nice that truth is coming into the public discourse, it’s unfortunate that it is at the expense of the health and lives of half of the world’s population.

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Oh definitely, I'm not knowledgeable enough to identify the concerns myself but I would like to think I am knowledgeable enough to recognize risks and to listen to those who raise sensible concerns (and investigate whether they are credible or not).

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Yes, exactly. Exactly, exactly, exactly.

I still remember with vivid clarity the responses to my posting on another platform an article that raised the question of ADE. Either just before or just as the useless genetic injections were coming out. Very smart friends, who would have prided themselves on considering all points of view (which, as it turns out, usually means considering only their own point of view), and including at least two doctor friends, asked why I thought I was smarter than the infectious disease experts. One of the dr friends posted an article purporting to debunk the ADE concerns, which, as someone who doesn’t know and wants to consider various points of view when exploring a new subject matter, I read.

Nobody actually engaged with the implications of “what if this ends up being true.” Nobody except the person posting the debunking article even attempted to pose a rebuttal. And the article, as I recall, was mostly a bunch of theoretical hand waving as to why we really didn’t need to worry about ADE for this particular situation. Never mind that maybe we ought to conduct a bit longer term studies to actually either confirm or deny the risks of ADE. I mean, it isn’t like this hasn’t happened before. 🙄

I told them all that I was not claiming to know more. I was simply reading some things that sounded concerning, if true, and thought folks should have all the information to make best informed decisions.

It definitely is tempting to want to yell, “I told you so!”

I suppose that if I were still on that platform, I would be posting links to things like the Cleveland study, with commentary such as, “experts tried to warn us, but nobody wanted to listen.” Wonder what the naysayers would say now.

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I think you deserve a big I TOLD YOU SO. You must have a great deal of self control to refrain. Admiration. I don't have that level of self control.

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Well, not being on the platform anymore helps! I have no way to say “I told you so.”

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Well print it and stick in a window. You deserve some satisfaction!!!

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I am afraid for the time when I won't be able to get any information from those that raise sensible concerns.

I have a creepy feeling Elon will now take over Substack...under orders.

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That's the good thing about substack, I have all your email addresses, so if anything changes, I'll just set up a new newsletter somewhere else.

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This is basically a rule with every 'Stacker I talk to. We got taken by surprise the first time, but now we're backing up sub lists weekly and saving content locally.

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You have just taken a big load off of my mind. Thank you Emperor.

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What a slow motion train wreck this is!

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So many MD's having to face their God Complex and realize they have been duped. The fallout for allopathic medicine will be felt for years if not decades.

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We were all warned of this in 1776 by Dr. Benjamin Rush who was the only doctor to sign the American Declaration of Independence. He was responsible for the inclusion of freedom of religion and vociferously argued for the inclusion of freedom of medicine in the Constitution, but was denied. He was America's first Surgeon General. He said "the time will come when medicine will organize into an undercover dictatorship." The American Medical Association AMA was then founded in 1839 and immediately began to drive out homeopathic and naturopathic doctors from its ranks. Also, read about the shut down of American scientist Raymond Royal Rife. Frequency Protocols can be used to both heal and kill viruses directly. All History and Protocols are in "The Rife Handbook of Frequency - 5th Edition" by Nenah Sylver

www.nenahsylver.com History on Dr. Rush is from "Death by Diet" by Robert R. Barefoot

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No wonder the highly vaxxed regions are wetting themselves over the China variants and those Chinese exporting them to the world.

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Does anyone know what this means for the unvaccinated? Doesn't sound good to be constantly bombarded with new variations of the spike protein even if our immune system clears them.

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Who knows, Marek's disease is a worst case scenario

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Gee, what a great way to kick off the New Year.

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Sorry! That's the worst case scenario, we are not caged chickens, far more complex so hopefully won't happen!

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Haha, that wasn't directed at you. I appreciate your work. It was directed at the leaders of clown world.

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It’s like Happy 2023..22..21..20!!

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"... even if our immune system clears them." It doesn't. The virus hides in the body like HIV and disables the immune system and the effect of repeat infections is cumulative. COVID, no matter what variant it is caused by, is just a prodrome. Although the mechanism of action is different to HIV, the end result is the same: AIDS. Getting jabbed just speeds up the progression to full blown AIDS.

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Jan 4, 2023
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SARS-CoV-2 is worse to the immune system than SARS-CoV-1 in that after mild SARS-CoV-2, plasmacytoid dendritic cells do not reconstitute, even after 7 months whereas in SARS-CoV-1 they come back in 7 weeks and in HIV they are also gone irreversibly.


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Long-term rewiring of innate immunity. Learned down regulation of Neutrophils and Monocytes leading to enhanced secondary infections, leading to huge sepsis from these.

Properly functioning innate immunity is the only barrier standing in the way of severe disease from infection and secondary infection. If this is being repeatedly downregulated from repeated exposure to SARS-CoV-2's highly immunogenic spike protein, then we are in big trouble. And, with

secondary infections in particular, if there's too much upregulation then the organs will be inflamed to the point of failure.

COVID is training the innate immune system to trigger blood clots instead of attacking COVID and other types of infections, before they infect the cells in the organs. Hard wired immune tolerance for phagocytes from repeat SARS-CoV-2 exposure. Once they develop a paralysis response we open Pandora’s box of opportunistic infections.

Thus it appears that we have another disease that destroys the immune system on our hands that is like HIV only much worse.


"Although alterations in myeloid cells have been observed in COVID-19, the specific underlying mechanisms are not completely understood. Here, we examine the function of classical CD14+ monocytes in patients with mild and moderate COVID-19 during the acute phase of infection and in healthy individuals. Monocytes from COVID-19 patients display altered expression of cell surface receptors and a dysfunctional metabolic profile that distinguish them from healthy monocytes. Secondary pathogen sensing ex vivo leads to defects in pro-inflammatory cytokine and type-I IFN production in moderate COVID-19 cases, together with defects in glycolysis. COVID-19 monocytes switch their gene expression profile from canonical innate immune to pro-thrombotic signatures and are functionally pro-thrombotic, both at baseline and following ex vivo stimulation with SARS-CoV-2. Transcriptionally, COVID-19 monocytes are characterized by enrichment of pathways involved in hemostasis, immunothrombosis, platelet aggregation and other accessory pathways to platelet activation and clot formation. These results identify a potential mechanism by which monocyte dysfunction may contribute to COVID-19 pathology."

Transcriptional reprogramming from innate immune functions to a pro-thrombotic signature by monocytes in COVID-19


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Well Marek's disease was at least as plausible a possibility as ADE. Why the hell should only some of us have had a nightmare for three years? :-)

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I don’t know but I am unvaccinated and had Covid in February. I didn’t suffer too much but it wiped me out for a week in a way a cold never did. Same thing happened again this Christmas. It’s disheartening to think this might be a regular occurrence.

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Me too. Covid 3 times, though each time it is milder.

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The destruction of the immune system by SARS-CoV-2 has been demonstrated even in those who were asymptomatic after initial infection. The virus does not go away after the acute infection resolves. Just because the person tests negative on a PCR or rapid antigen test does not mean that SARS-CoV-2 is not in all their organs.

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Jan 4, 2023
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SARS-CoV-2 is worse to the immune system than SARS-CoV-1 in that after mild SARS-CoV-2, plasmacytoid dendritic cells do not reconstitute, even after 7 months whereas in SARS-CoV-1 they come back in 7 weeks and in HIV they are also gone irreversibly.


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Long-term rewiring of innate immunity. Learned down regulation of Neutrophils and Monocytes leading to enhanced secondary infections, leading to huge sepsis from these.

Properly functioning innate immunity is the only barrier standing in the way of severe disease from infection and secondary infection. If this is being repeatedly downregulated from repeated exposure to SARS-CoV-2's highly immunogenic spike protein, then we are in big trouble. And, with

secondary infections in particular, if there's too much upregulation then the organs will be inflamed to the point of failure.

COVID is training the innate immune system to trigger blood clots instead of attacking COVID and other types of infections, before they infect the cells in the organs. Hard wired immune tolerance for phagocytes from repeat SARS-CoV-2 exposure. Once they develop a paralysis response we open Pandora’s box of opportunistic infections.

Thus it appears that we have another disease that destroys the immune system on our hands that is like HIV only much worse.


"Although alterations in myeloid cells have been observed in COVID-19, the specific underlying mechanisms are not completely understood. Here, we examine the function of classical CD14+ monocytes in patients with mild and moderate COVID-19 during the acute phase of infection and in healthy individuals. Monocytes from COVID-19 patients display altered expression of cell surface receptors and a dysfunctional metabolic profile that distinguish them from healthy monocytes. Secondary pathogen sensing ex vivo leads to defects in pro-inflammatory cytokine and type-I IFN production in moderate COVID-19 cases, together with defects in glycolysis. COVID-19 monocytes switch their gene expression profile from canonical innate immune to pro-thrombotic signatures and are functionally pro-thrombotic, both at baseline and following ex vivo stimulation with SARS-CoV-2. Transcriptionally, COVID-19 monocytes are characterized by enrichment of pathways involved in hemostasis, immunothrombosis, platelet aggregation and other accessory pathways to platelet activation and clot formation. These results identify a potential mechanism by which monocyte dysfunction may contribute to COVID-19 pathology."

Transcriptional reprogramming from innate immune functions to a pro-thrombotic signature by monocytes in COVID-19


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Long Covid: Coronaviruses found in brain seven months after infection "The later the people died, the lower the viral load was in the airways and the higher it was in other organs."


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Nearly one in every two people with COVID-19 is at risk of developing Post-COVID-19 Neurological Syndrome (PCNS). Symptoms of PCNS mimic some of the symptoms we see after a stroke and younger adults seem to be at particular risk. Here's what we know → https://unimelb.me/3IrbKZe


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SARS-CoV-2 infection and persistence in the human body and brain at autopsy


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"What if ‘living with Covid’ literally means living with it inside you for a long time? This year has produced several studies around viral persistence that really have not had enough airtime. These could have far reaching consequences I will summarise.."


SARS-CoV-2 and HIV-1: So Different yet so Alike. Immune Response at the Cellular and Molecular Level


Sustained cellular immune dysregulation in individuals recovering from SARS-CoV-2 infection


Pathogenesis of Multiple Organ Injury in COVID-19 and Potential Therapeutic Strategies


Long covid: Damage to multiple organs presents in young, low risk patients


On the whereabouts of SARS-CoV-2 in the human body: A systematic review


Evidence of SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Cells, Tissues, and Organs and the Risk of Transmission Through Transplantation


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Let me get back to you later with some more specific references regarding destruction of the immune system that is reversed after 7 weeks following SARS-CoV-1 infection but is still present after 7 months following SARS-CoV-2 infection and is also irreversibly gone in HIV infection. I've got to re-find them.

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It's time for everyone to learn as much as possible about the functioning of their immune system and ways to help it. I could list dozens of vitamins, herbs, nutrition, etc. I am printing and saving info before it's wiped off the net.

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It would be helpful to know if there were a mere 5-6 things to take as a preventative - I get overwhelmed by the lists & don’t want to take 10-20 pills a day. And then I would have HCQ &/or Iver to treat an actual illness

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Yes I agree and have always been skeptical of taking supplements taken in a lab, especially since I found out that most of the worlds vitamin C is produced in China using a very dubious process involving either bacteria or GM corn / sugarbeet.

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What’s remarkable is that they are pretending to be baffled, surprised, dumbfounded when...they’ve known all along or could have surmised that all of this would happen. The fact that all “pandemic” emergency plans created over years & years were thrown out for all of the idiocy w/out a by-your-leave & all at the same time & in most every corner of the world - leads to the only true conclusion which is that of course they knew.

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I predict that lockdowns and masks will be our punishment out here in California for the "failure" of the vaxx. And we better hope that this immune system fixation is accidental from the shot makers,, otherwise we are dealing with pyshcopathic killing on a global scale.

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It’s not accidental...that’s what we’re dealing with.

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I know, but some people lose it when I don't tone down the "one world gov out to kill maim and enslave us all."

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I do that too and it’s uncomfortable silence. I was throwing truth bombs at my lib friend last nite and she always has a comeback, mostly: “you always get this stuff from weird sites,” but I was slinging left and right and not any reply but noticed her new defense mechanism when she has no comeback: fake yawning 😂

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Most do. One ring to rule them all, and in the darkness bind them.

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They may have thought immune imprinting prob wouldn’t happen, but big pharma companies are kind of psychopathic entities in themselves. And Bourla def gives me psychopath vibes.

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Bourla is a tool. But I think he is a lizard...look at his neck when he speaks. He makes me believe in the Reptilians.

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I think New York and a few other Eastern states wlll punish its citizens too for all for this failure.

Any way you look at it, it is psychopathic killing on a global scale.

You said it well.

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Before the covidiocy took hold, the reason to give flu shots (not that they did anything useful) before flu season was to try and minimize variants, as opposed to doing it during an active outbreak which guarantees new variants to play with.

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No flu shots are pure business and deception. And a will to believe. Cognitive dissonance.

In no way do they prevent variants.

Also that vaccination happened before the season wouldn't have made difference for Cov2 shots either. It's simply non-sterilizing vaccines, mass vaccination and the "respiratory" Cov2 RNA genome. It was bound to happen anyway.

Charles Darwin could have predicted this.

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"No flu shots are pure business and deception. And a will to believe. Cognitive dissonance.

In no way do they prevent variants.

Also that vaccination happened before the season wouldn't have made difference for Cov2 shots either. It's simply non-sterilizing vaccines, mass vaccination and the "respiratory" Cov2 RNA genome. It was bound to happen anyway."

Correct. I was quoting their rationale. They are useless.

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It doesn't worry the experts because this is a perk and not a detriment. They don't want to extend life as evidenced by past statements from Ezekiel Emanuel (one of the main advisers to the Obamacare legislation) and by expanding euthanasia movements. This is also something that the Malthusians would find beneficial. Culling the oldest and the weakest of the population is something that these people have long stated as one of their goals. No one should be surprised that they are starting to achieve what they said out loud they wanted to achieve.

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