Spot on. Woke, along with gender bender alphabet people and their accomplices, all designed to weaken masculinity and the west.

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I think it is a distraction which serves the political class the best. People talk about this endlessly meanwhile for example in my country YoY real salary 'growth' is -15%. This affects every single person identifying even as a furry. Still not a single person puts the government under scrutiny but just last week the big story was how the lgbtqwerty held a march on the streets.

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Weaken masculinity, biological female and Christian family as a sacred unity. They are attacking the family as a whole unit and breaking it up. That is where we feel safe and get our strength from. Where we can survive.. and unfortunately it did not happen overnight. It took more than 3 years

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Excellent! Many people are falling for these Marxist philosophies. Plus governments and corporations have sold out the people instead of standing up for the truth because there is too much money to put in their pockets. They are going to sell us into slavery like China and/or starvation like Venezuela. In the end the same will happen to them.

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Indeed. Socialism is a death cult

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Yes, they will not be spared, as with the bolsjewiks as well... they were just the tools or part of rhe machinery to get the job done.

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Lindsay provides a thoroughly americanised capitalist christian neo-con perspective on the issue, so that needs to be taken into account when analysing his argumentation; for him, any and all things outside american exceptionalism, capitalism, neo-con et c is autamticall "marxist" in nature if he doesn't like them.

Furthermore, he never takes into account the state of the industrialised capitalist societies that were so inhumane, exploitative, egotistical and corrupt that communism seemed thebetter alternative and the only option for the majority of the population. Note how he never mentions that woke has been embraced and endorsed, commodified and utilised by the largest capitalist groups of the world (in the same way they took over the environmentalist movements during the 1990s) for over 30 years now.

Other than that, Lindsay provides a breath of fresh air and a welcome slap in the face of the woke.

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"the state of the ... capitalist societies that were so inhumane, exploitative, egotistical and corrupt..." Well that is true, but it is capitalism that created socialism, of course. And these inhumane capitalist societies showed a limited ability to self-correct, since the workingmen's wages (Braudel) began to rise, although not until after 1850 (England) or 1880 (USA). That created some relief, which was interrupted by two world wars. So, not a great record, but human life on the planet was able to survive. Now, this brief period of improvement for a few countries of the world is over. What is next? Hopefully, a common people's uprising because I do not see how any good can come out of the "Woke," Marxist American corporation, which simply the victory of indoctrination and ideology over common compassion and common rational thought. After all, "Marxism" is just a useful tool for the new totalitarian take-over, whether by "the largest capitalist groups" or Stalin or Mao or whomever. Corporations who embrace 'Woke' are just demonstrating their opposition to common sense and basic human equality or freedom. The corporations have been doing wrong for so long that they do not care what ideology or labels they use to justify themselves any more. We should struggle against that. Whether ones calls it "capitalism" or whether one calls it "marxism," the results are just equally as terrible. Marxism, capitalism = same thing. They just don't want us to know.

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There were genuine British working men's associations devoted to achieving emancipation for the working people before Marx came along, but Marx shrewdly and very quickly merely hijacked that initiative and Judaized it as part of the Rothschild tribal world domination agenda. The Rothschild banks and banks with major Rothschild shareholdings funded and even directly assisted the organization of the 'Russian (Jewish) 'revolution' (criminal terrorist invasion and takeover).

Communism is entirely Judaic in its design and purpose, entirely created, funded and operated by Jewish capitalists, as many prominent Jews have stated, as was the so-called 1917 'Red Revolution' in Russia in 1917 that Solzhenitsyn said resulted in the deaths of 66 million Christians by a group of self-interested people who were not Russian themselves, he argued, but were actually invaders.

'American' bankers sent agents posing as International Red Cross medical representatives to directly fund and organize arming the so-called revolutionaries, who consisted at senior levels of well over 200 New York tribalist Jew fanatics to initiate the violent takeover and mass slaughter of the goyim, which is what Jewish world socialism/communism is really ultimately intent on. That was just a beta test for what is coming now, which will be unthinkably more horrific than anything Trotsky, Lenin and Stalin ever did. Juri Lina discloses much on this as well, as do several other authors.

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Mazel Tov.

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I do agree! All the things we have today --- all of that comes from the Left, who were the ones expressing their outrage at what the noble West was doing Horrible, terrible stuff. The Left was the initial response to that, creating all the openings since the Fr. Revolution. To exaggerate a little maybe --- without the Left we would all be still living in caves! Just to clarify --- I too am horrified by the ' Woke' b.s. It represents the complete self-annihilation of the Left. It is "faux Left"

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I agree with you more than you know...

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In my view Lindsay is a little over-in love with the sound of his own voice and this could have been boiled down to the basics without all that fancy theorizing.

Life is a cycle. Movements come in cycles. There are plenty of new ways to name old things, and that's great for academics because it helps keep them productive.

The works of Marx were turned into a cult religion, just as minor prophets everywhere in every place get turned into heads of cult religions. It's not so hard to see that. The Chinese Communists and the Soviets had their holy writ and their holy leaders of almost supernatural capacities, and their rituals and their catechisms, because it's an old formula proven to work very well. It's not just Nature that abhors a vacuum, it's the human mind. When people stop finding an old way satisfying, they turn to what they think is a new one.

"Whiteness" is just a new imprecation; those things have always had great power attributed to them if you snarl them often enough.

There really hasn't been a cycle of history when relative prosperity and the leisure that comes from it didn't result in the breaking of sexual boundaries and the contempt for boring old families. Calling something "queer theory," again, is just a way to sell books and get invited to symposia etc., and people like Foucault had no useful talents, and he wanted, further, to make his interest in raping children into something esoteric and a virtue of man's free will and potential. That so many morons fell for it doesn't make it groundbreaking. The Greeks made a virtue of raping children too, and there are modern Christian philosopher types over-admiring of the Greeks who try to pretend that wasn't so.

Postwar prosperity led to a lot of opportunity for young people to study useless subjects and the need to create jobs for them afterwards, and they need holy justification for their idiocies, hence the popularity of this latest cult iteration.

We need to laugh at them, and take power out of their hands as one does with toddlers who found a lighter on top of the fridge. Of course this nonsense causes a lot of damage, but every time an obsession sweeps through society, you get a lot of blood and broken bones, literally and figuratively.

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Companion viewing, Lindsey with Jordan Peterson


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I have heard several of Dr Lindsey’s talks. He is logical and measured and his analysis is deep and comprehensive. It matches my long held assessment (via much shallower means) that something is not right in the world. My journey to realisation finally came to a head with Covid 19 reaction (both from those in authority and the people themselves). I found this to be unscientific, not data based, not rooted in common sense and balance and 100% unWestern, ungodly even. Consider the basic underlying principle of Covid 19 policy: save the elderly by risking the kids! What kind of society can use kids as property? Then consider the Woke culture such as Trans activism and ask yourself is this about keeping kids safe? Consider the Climate Alarmism and ask yourself is this designed to providence”safe spaces”for kids to thrive? Consider the Woke indoctrination at play in schools, is this designed to promote critical thinking, the schools all put in their philosophy of teaching or is it designed to brainwash? CRT, Intersectionality, Gender theory, Socialism, Climate Alarmism, Public Health totalitarianism, they are all designed with one purpose, to undermine the West by unhinging the people.

It is easy to see this as just another Marxist attack, and to a degree it is or may be such that Chaiman Xi is undoubtedly delighted with events. However if you step back and look at the key people driving this assault on freedom and the Western way it becomes instantly evident that they are the opposite of Marxist or socialist. They are multimillionaire power players and billionaire industrialists. Gates, Soros, Larry Fink, Clinton, Obama, Biden, Pelosi, Trudeau, Rutte, Ardern, Morrison, David Cameron and George Osborne, Macron, Rishi Sunak, Corporations like Vanguard, Blackrock and State St, who control 40% of the S&P500 and 25% of global assets [Lindsey also says this] and that is more than enough to control the rest of the financial sector, Big Pharma monopolies (Pfizer); Big Media monopolies, Big tech monopolies. None of these people are socialist so the Woke are Lenin’s “useful Idiots” duped into thinking they are ushering in the new socialist nirvana, they will be the first to be sent to the gulags, as always. I mean if we were about to usher in a true peaceful society where we all get along for the betterment of all mankind then sign me up, does it feel like that is what they want, who they are?

So if it isn’t a true nirvana, nor Marxism then what it is? Victor Hansen has a handle on it, a hollowing out of the middle class to leave only 2 classes: Elite and Serf. A return to feudalism but you can’t say, “hey let’s go back to monarch and barony”, so hence socialism. Not all socialism is the same though because this one comes with another element, the concept of a Supranational state governed by unelected elites. So now we arrive at the end destination, Supranational Socialism! Where have we seen this kind of thing before... The only thing that stands in the way of this true dystopia issue triumvirate of Freedom and democracy and capitalism. Which feels like the right road?

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Superb comment and observation!

I'm 64 and a student of world history. I've seen the 'before' and am now witnessing the 'after where billionaires ( modern monarchs) have the means (gov't + banking + pharma + media +education) to swiftly and radically re-org societies.

This 're-org' demonstrates nothing but the pinnacle of insincerity and artificial and most in my circle cannot 'see' what's occurring. All of them believe that 'every improvement in hand held or desk-top technology will equate to a 'better' world for them and their children.

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Marx endorsed the slaver socialists in 1830s- such as George Fitzhugh who created states’s rights cA individual rights, advocating in his 1856 book that rights come from the state, and it will decide who is in manacles and who not. See KILLING HISTORY by LK Samuels.

Jean LaFitte the pirate with his violent seizure of ships and people with equal division of the spoils; was defeated by a former Nubian Egyptian slave “King Dick” who had been a Republican general 1802-3 for Toussaint l’Ouveture, thereafter fought for the United States of North Africa with his army and 6 US Marines 1803; was a 2nd mate aboard a Maryland subscription invested in privateer, captured and intervened 1814 in Brit’s Dartmouth Prison to save Americans; and then in 1819 led a Cartaghenian (Columbian) privateer fleet, with 6 American privateers, and 2 tax-supported USN frigates against LaFitte’s Barrataria Island near New Orleans. Barra try is mutiny if the officers, LaFitte was a communist. The pirate escaped to Europe and regaled Marx with his violent stories, and supported Marx with money.

In contrast, privateer ships pay the crew different 20 percentages of 2/3rds of captured ships’ value, divided by the number of sailors in each task that set sail. The other 1/3rd is for the Volitional tool-providers (stockholders) in the privateer making a subscription defense against those who initiate force such as LaFitte, slavers like many European and Arab nations, and impressors oppressors of unwilling sailors.

Those who believe in propertarian rights and voluntary cooperation and individual liberty to be a minority of one, must create Volitional Science versus Social Science.

This European’s speech, though seemingly brilliant, misses belated reaction to European slavers. However, in the same year as King James II started the Royal African (slavery) Society with stockholder John Locke, courtier, a countervailing effort was initiated by no less than Pocahontas, Squanto, and 10 other Algonquins in 1617- staying in the homes of the Treasurers of the Virginia Company Trading Out of London, who wanted to know how to trade and have peace with the Algonquins and such as the Haberdashers Guild wanting to know how to get beaver pelts for hats. The answer was 7 of 100 fish out of our lake are given to the tribe; 7% of furs trapped or shot; 7 ears of corn from planting in their land.

The adventurers immediately removed their capital from Virginia to New England. Why? The King had nationalized VA to make it a Dominion. The Latin word Dominion = you do not own your own body. The adventurers who believed in the advent of a new age without birth titled aristocracy, ventured their savings and tools on Percentages As You Earn %PAYEment financing of immigrants’ expensive passage of whole families, grubstake, and tools. In a decade these entrepreneurial farmers and craftspeople outcompeted indentured servitude of 100% labor obligations and 100% lifetime slavery.

This was an economic and cultural revolution that kept being won for another 150 years. The 1775 Continental Revolution in the colonies was to preserve economic and cultural rights gained in a 100 development companies with peace. Only when the refugees of the Puritan Roundheads and Scots by way of Northern Ireland arrived did they decide shooting natives was a way to solve objections, and started a 350 year war of taking instead of making wealth.

Nevertheless or more, the northern colonists had by now used percentages of-income for competitive judicial services, medical care for all in the free market, patents for both inventors and innovators by percents adjudged, and finally subscription defense against the British Crown and its fascist yea/opium monopolies; privateers largely funded by women.

792 ocean-crossing American Privateers set sail capturing over 3,100 East India mercantilist wanna be monopoly vessels and Royal Navy vessels. That’s why America beat England and again in 35 years when at its zenith after defeating Napoleon. The victory for Free Trade and Sailors’ Rights was a cultural revolution as much as it was an economic understanding of better principles.

Power to the Individual as a philosophy got better in farmer property cooperatives.

It has been negated by politicians writing constitutions imitating this PAYE finance and Finansurance culture. You might have wondered about why no judicial services were included except to sort out disputes between an executive and legislative groups. Rights are not from the state. Rights are intrinsic. Equal opportunity de facto for all was economic, but rights belong to those who regulate militias by shooting at them when they defend currency manipulators of inflation. Humane Investments (HI)

by PAYE finance, Finansurance, and reinsurance can again make us free as individuals and cultural collectivism will wither.

Voli Sci vs Social Sci. Get creative. See PAYEhome.org/tool-kit



Ready when you are,

Brock d’Avignon


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Thanks for sharing this NE. It is like I have been looking through a telescope and now it has been focussed. I see things - which I have felt - far more clearly now. Given that the enemy has been named I feel far more prepared to go in to battle. Thank you again.

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Love James Lindsay’s work!!! Thanks for highlighting!! I agree “woke” is about destroying western culture! All of our institutions are captured and run by “woke” types educated and trained for that purpose!

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Mark Levin wrote a book titled “American Marxism” that is similar, but from an American, instead of European, perspective.

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I saw this some time ago, somewhere else. I think it is important to listen to this, in order to develop one's understanding of Marxism and other thought trends. We need to have a balanced picture. The real strength of the West, would be, in my opinion, the freedom to consider both the "left" and all the other points of view. So, it is a world where we need to allow variety and no one school of thought should take over.

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Regardless of Country, Class or Creed, most people believe that essential services, like the police, are just that - essential. Essential services can only be funded sustainably by taxation. Taxes can only be raised on profits. James Lindsay's speech is admirable but is addressed to a forum where nobody makes an honest profit. All in government, the EU, the UK, the USA, China, Russia, etc. are parasites, living off the taxes paid by profit makers. Societies do indeed need very small governance to gather taxes to provide essential services. Free market capitalists (not crony capitalists) provide the profits to enable equitable societies. And on top of that, the very notion of profit is based upon a stable medium of exchange. All the major global currencies are depreciating (inflation, and much more to come). The whole global system is beginning to crumble before our eyes because of funny money - that is the key takeaway. The other two hegemons, Russia and China, have seen this coming. Russia survived the Berlin Wall collapse and has moved on, China likewise with Tiananmen Square, whereas The Western Alliance is still provoking wars; it is way behind the curve. James Lindsay's speech is about theorists who never made honest profits - what could possibly have gone wrong? I do not worry about Wokeism; like any other fad it will fail, as it is quite unable to fund itself. The only stable medium of exchange (with a 5,000 year track record, btw) is gold (and silver). In a few weeks time we will likely see the BRICS+ adopt some sort of gold backed currency arrangement, lead by Russia and China. They are moving on. Let's hope that the BRICS+ peaceful endeavours prevail over the West's warmongering. Thank you James, much appreciated; please do not take offence - I do not know if you make a profit in your private life.

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"identity groups see themselves as oppressed nations seeking liberation from Western civilisation"

> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xwhBRJStz7w

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You wrote: 'western culture was resistant to socialism and needed to be infiltrated and changed from within.'...(Is 'germ theory' the template here ?)...

I say: 'All the things you list as attacking /trying to subvert 'Western Civilisation' are internal aspects of that civilisation... (and i'm not thinking in manichean)...

The scientific method isolates, separates, alienates, then analyses, categorises...It splits off what is to be studied...(According to Wilhelm Reich, The Devil that torments a schizophrenic is a split-off aspect of self, experienced as alien(ated) self)...

Socialism has always been the possible that capitalism has struggled against...

"As Marx put it, Communism has always been the dream of the world". Jean Barrot. (What is Situationism ?")...

"Bordiga (an Italian Left Communist) virulently repeated the maxim "One does not construct communism, one only destroys the obstacles to its development." Jacques Camatte (Community & Communism in Russia)...

And: 'In Marx's earlier writings there is the element that asserts "Communism is not an ideal state toward which society is advancing but a real movement which puts an end to the existing state of affairs."' Cornelius Castoriadis (History as Creation)...

Nature would be cruel to birth a species driven by the urge that "Enough is never enough", that always takes more than it gives; that believes "Every man is an Island" (Individualism) - all aspects of capitalism emotional economy...

"But i mean no harm nor put fault on anyone who lives in a vault...."(1960s folksinger)...

But "When consciousness rots ideology oozes out." (Situationists)...

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I think that it is more accurate to say that Critical theory stripped away all rational content from Marxism so that it was unfalsifiable, but it left Marx’s core psychological assumptions that:

1 There is no objective reality.

2 Human history is all about the zero-sum struggle between Oppressor groups and Oppressed groups.

3 All differences in outcome between those groups are the result of that oppression.

4 Every concept and institution in modern society is a tool of Oppression.

5 We all have a moral obligation to stand up for the Oppressed.

6 The way that we show that we stand with the Oppressed is with our terminology and desire to relentlessly criticize all other people and institutions.

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