I've been thinking about this for a while now and honestly, I think it's their Achilles heel. They don't understand 'normal' people. They see us as their subordinate obviously, but it's worse than that, they believe this nonsense that we're all lazy idiots who want a quiet life. They don't understand how strong the need is to build something, to work for a living, to raise a family, to have boldly autonomy. They've kept so many people impoverished for so long they believe it's the fault of the poor and that there his no desire to lead a fulfilling life. I, like most people, don't ask for much, but work and autonomy, the right to own property, to find a job I enjoy is paramount and they totally underestimate that in people. I hope it will be their downfall because hardworking people (like the Canadian truckers) will draw the line.

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I pray you are right! I listen to these people and I can’t believe their audacity. I hope you’re right—that normal, freedom-loving people will rise up.

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Work strengthens. The slave gets strong while the “Master” gets weak. It is inevitable that the “slave” grows beyond the “master.”

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SM Stirling did a great work on the Draka, slave masters who became world powers and created Armageddon, the Final War where they used biological weapons against the enemy's computer viruses.

I thought he did a great job channeling the for real negative Draconian ET empires and how alien AI gods work.

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I haven’t heard of this writer. I don’t read sci-fi although I love Philip K. Dick’s work. Is he as good as him? Has he “been there?” The problem with sci-fi is inadequate detail. Can the writer deliver the nonobvious and really expose living fresh detail? For example, I have been worked over in an interrogation and I noticed that the chief interrogator was shaking so badly that he was barely able to write. In such a situation, I think his body was reacting to subliminal information on the kind of karma he was racking up for himself and it was freaking him out. I would wonder how these negative Draconian ET empires hold up internally under this type of psychic pressure that they are accruing and whether this writer can report on it from a position of deep experiential wisdom. I’m really interested in overthrowing “ fear pyramids” where everyone is kept afraid of everyone else and upper levels try to stay in control by compartmentalization and secrecy.

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Sm stirling wrote military sci fi for baen. It was a combo work with 2 authors.

So not ets. What did u think of the law of one info website where they detailed how nrgative hierarchies farmed energy?

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I did not see that topic yet. I jumped into different sessions here and there but don’t understand the vocabulary yet. Can you send the link?

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https://www.goodreads.com/series/41213-draka I am sure there are video reviews of the plot summary.

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https://rumble.com/v25jyuu-rapper-azma-holiday-reveals-khazarian-music-industries-racist-destruction-o.html An interesting fusion of hip hop, anti conspiracy patriots, and spiritualists/healers/doctors.

Azma does a good job explaining what is going on with Ye as well, in the middle of the video. They destroyed the black family quite well in USA. Since after all, it turned out to be true that the CIA created HIV. Fauci certainly infected many in USA with waxxines that cause aids.

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Fantastic. I have been reading more and more of CS Lewis’s work in the last year, and he has proven quite prophetic. I hadn’t read this essay yet, so thank you for sharing.

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I agree with most of this, except the idea that christianity is the root of the principles of individual freedom for society? The enlightenment was a period of breaking out of the mold of subservience to church and kings, which cs lewis, tolkien and other Catholic philosophers refuse to acknowledge. The influence of native Americans ideals of a free society and individual are also regularly ignored in the litany of concepts cited that led to the Declaration of Independence, which is far more advanced on such subjects than the magna carta could hope to be.

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I’ve always been sceptical of organised religion but consider myself spiritual. In some forms it seems Christianity (and many other religions) is a good framework for good, honest, kind living but the fact that it’s subject to interpretation and corruption, in my opinion, means it often does more harm than good. But ... I’ve noticed how human beings seem to need some form of dogma. Many who claim to be atheist and reject the traditional Christian values seem to gravitate to another ideology- and they all seem to be rooted in communism . It’s very cult like!

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I was raised in the “Irish Catholic” tradition. There was no questioning allowed. I was easily intimidated by threats of infinite punishment by a terrifyingly powerful “God.” I remember being so gullible that a visiting priest, after a few drinks, reached in his mouth and pulled out his dentures. I had never seen or heard of dentures, so I was flabbergasted and thought he had performed a miracle! I think I was 7 or 8 at the time. I remember his red face laughing at me but I didn’t understand why it was funny. I had seen a miracle! WOW!!! That was extremely impressive. Christ and the apostles did that kind of thing all the time so, cool, I want to learn how to do that too! Why go to medical school if you can develop the ability to rub your spit on a blind man’s eye and restore his sight? Human life can be supernatural. OK, I’m in! I even volunteered to sacrifice my “ normal” life and become one of these priests. I figured I would become an exorcist and engage in spiritual combat against the Devil. So, I left home at 12 to begin training. After a year, the hoped-for development of a relationship with the Divine that I didn’t have to imagine the other side of—the conversation was not happening so I dropped out. I gravitated to Zen Buddhism because there was no dogma— you just did your practice and you learned what you learned from your own practice. The appeal was the promise of enlightenment. Satori. A drastic experience that rendered you capable of perceiving Reality in such a way that you were freed from the limiting fears of the ordinary egoic state.

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And...did you experience reality?

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Religions tend to have two flavors. The mystical level and the everyday human one.

The so called "Universal Church" is something set up by Rome's human 3d oligarchies and emperors. The reason why people believe in it is due to a question of lineage. Who inherits Peter's Throne and the disciples? But they don't have 12 disciples. A few religions go out of their way to reproduce the 12 disciple system, such as the Latter Day Saints. So far the Church of Rome's argument is that they have Peter's Throne, thus they act as intercessors for Mary and the Christ.

This is very different from Yeshua's original teachings, that taught you that the Kingdom of God was within, not acquired via Rome's money, Rome's military, or Rome's Vatican.

WHat was left of the Nazarene Piscean churches were absorbed by Rome and taken over. Authors like Tolkien and CS Lewis still believed that the Church of Rome was the same as the Churchs of the Nazarene. That the line of DIvine authority descended like the bloodline of kings and queens. That did not happen.

CS Lewis and Tolkien did not live through 2020. They don't know what we now know. WHich is that there is an unholy alliance between the indepenedent city states of London (inside london), the Vatican, and DC inside Maryland. There are many conspiracies that are true, such as the Jesuits assassinating LIncoln.

All of this became rather sorrowful once I achieved enlightenment/satori and the 3 levels of samadi. Religions serve the need of humanity for a victim, victimizer, savior complex. People's consciousness level is just too low for the real deal teachings of the Divine.

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Were there generalized ”Native American Ideals” involved in the conceptual formation of the Declaration of Independence? Ideals held by Hopis as well as Comanches? I am not a close enough student of these things enough to know. I think, however that there is something key about the ideas in the admonition reportedly by Jesus ( if he existed) to “love your neighbor as yourself.” This is a transcendent (of your tribe and even of your “own personal brain-stomach unit “ altogether!) “message.” Where it “comes from” is a mystery to me but it’s significance seems beyond any particular cultural Dick-measuring contests.

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=guLQ8KDNyLw This is partially where it comes from, the Law of One.

One consciousness, one tribe, etc.

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Which Christianity is always a sore point of contention. The FOunding Fathers were a bunch of secret society masons and deists, and they did pretty well for religious freedom. Christian crusade vs cathar women and children? Not so much.

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There were a serious tug of war among the founding fathers. Several of them had ties to the French Revolution, that which later became Marxism.

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Excellent points!

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Brilliantly insightful words from C.S. Lewis!

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Big fan of C S Lewis, yet this is prescient beyond imagination.

In NZ we had to suffer through the daily pronouncements from the ‘(p)odium of truth’, where our Queen, oops Leader, proclaimed that they were the only “truth” worth trusting. And yet Lewis, in true prophetic mode, writes:

“Again, the new oligarchy must more and more base its claim to plan us on its claim to knowledge. If we are to be mothered, mother must know best. This means they must increasingly rely on the advice of scientists, till in the end the politicians proper become merely the scientists’ puppets.”

Indeed mother thought she knew best. Thank God today, Jacinda Ardern resigned as Prime Minister. The question remains, will Justice be served this side of eternity?

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Lewis and Chesterton were prophets; they understood and tried to tell us.

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"And on a totally unrelated note, in Davos we are being told about a “planetary” and “justice” crisis. We are facing mass extinction."

Yeah, from them.

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"as many as 3 billion people will live in uninhabitable zones...

How does that work?

I do not think that word means what she thinks it means 🤔🤣

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So CS Lewis was another of those time travellers was he? He certainly saw where we were heading.

As for John Kerry...these old hubristic fools need to be reminded that they are not immortal and will surely go the way of all flesh. Davos is an echo chamber full of arrogant fools. At some point the slumbering lions will awake and shake off their chains (I hope) because they are many and the fools are few. (to paraphrase Shelley)

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The lack of science and data behind these too obvious hyperbolic statements is staggering. Up until now credentialed people who know this have kept quiet but if we have learned anything from the Covid fiasco it is that if they do that they are complicit in the nefarious agenda of these self proclaimed elites saviours of the world. The medics and scientists who remained quiet or bought the koolaide on Covid are beginning to wake up and speak up. The climate equivalent must happen at the same time or the world WILL suffer a planetary catastrophe, just one that is made by the WEF crazies. I’d say the WEF have planetary sized egos and suffer from a planetary wide delusion but clearly it is bigger than that, it is “extra terrestrial”! Words fail me... What a fucking nut job!

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Look up geo engineering and sun blocking. They are already wrecking the bio sphere.

Actually it is not so much "nuts" as it is what the conspiracy truthers and anti conspiracy patriots have said all along. THey really believe in this end times death cult religion of theirs. ET religion even.

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Thank you for sharing this! And there will be no bending of the knee to these lunatics I can promise you that!

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Wonderful find. We just don't learn do we?

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It's a "planetary and justice crisis" alright and they created it and now we are supposed to believe they are the only ones who can fix it!

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That's gonna be a no from me, dawg.

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The situation is simple. Two issues.

Protectionism vs Globalism.

Either protect the people or exploit them.

Normalcy vs Sociopathy

Kindness or Cynicism

Objectivity vs Subjectivity.

This the English Enlightenment(objectivity) vs the French(Marxism and subjectivity).

It stretches back into antiquity.

Rationalism or Irrationalism.

Stoisism vs Hedonism

Normalcy vs Narssissm

Realism vs Naivety

Combine these two, and you get the cynical exploiters, using the naive masses as a weapon against normal people.

Among other things, they weaponise their desires for unbridled hedonism which when not guarded always turn to the perverse . They dangle up carrots which can not be reached, like the ultimate cultural diverse society (meaning ethnic). Another carrot is a world without police, without armies, without parenting serting boundaries, free drugs and all other nonsense utopia.

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This is awesome, and timeless.

"What assurance have we that our masters will or can keep the promise which induced us to sell ourselves? Let us not be deceived by phrases about ‘Man taking charge of his own destiny’. All that can really happen is that some men will take charge of the destiny of the others."

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