NE - Who will stop Earth Burning? It isn't, but if you got rid of the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse pictured, it would be a good start.

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Just to be clear, the headline was click bait, I don't think the world is burning!

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It’s sad that you have to explain that. The world may not be burning but has totally lost its sense of humor

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It's also lost its mind.

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Strange how the news of the volcanos impacts aren’t featuring on the BBC etc!!! Wonder why that could be????!!!! Maybe...

is it because it isn’t man made climate doom friendly news??!!!!

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Notice how the weather map now show temperature colors differently than they used to. This morning when I got up at 6 AM - checked Weather Underground - It showed our 62 degrees Fahrenheit in yellow, it showed areas in the mid to upper 70s in orange, and low 80s in red-orange. These are just normal Summer temps. the used to be indicated by greens to light yellow.

The Tongan Volcano may be a factor of warmer weather in some places along with Mexico's, Iceland's and a number of others. But, I speculate it is all the hot air spewed by politicians and media talking heads.

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They keep dreaming up new ways to keep the scare talk elevated. Just giving the temp is no longer enough

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NO MORE COVID DEATH REPORTS, JUST MURDER ONES. 8 yr was shot in the head, as she and her friends were riding in front of a nut job's house, her Dad turned the Perp's gun on the perp and shot him in the head. The little girl had lost her mom to a gunman, the media was silent, and the wrong colors were involved. Both white.

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Water vapor is the main greenhouse gas. This volcano will make temps hotter for the next 2 or 3 years, which they are already blaming on CO2.

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72 This morning, will be low 90s today, maybe a T storm too. We've had 2 this past week. This is the deep South July-Aug are our hottest months, with little rain. The areas of AR, MS, and TN go through this yearly, a few years you even get snow in Jan-Feb, 1 inch. But we've seen 18 inches a few times, Ice Storms are more the norm. A couple of Dec, we've been in the 80's and running the AC. Or have a late mini frost in the spring as Dogwoods and fruit trees are just blooming. This year has been odd, lots of TWISTERS through all 3 states.

Don't suppose the Climate Nuts caused it do you? Or Mother Nature? I vote for Mother Nature.

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I have seen the weather as being pretty much the same all of my 72 years. Some years Summer is hotter than normal, some years Winter is colder than normal. Some years there is too much rain, some not enough. e have El Niño and La Niña cycles and, We live under a variable star. I witnessed that through looking up space weather and seeing the ice caps on Mars were some larger or smaller in some years.

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Well we got the storm early, it is now only 77 degrees.

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Why Renewables Won’t End Environmental Destruction

Colonialism began with renewable energy. Wind to sail across the world, solar to grow cash crops, and human blood, sweat, and tears to grow them. For the violent and resource-poor tribes of Europe, ‘blood for oil’ began as ‘blood for sun’. Vile companies like the VoC (the first multinational) technically had zero emissions. By this logic, you could say that early colonialism was ‘sustainable’ but it obviously wasn’t. Because the problem isn’t the energy source, it’s what you use that energy for.

Colonialism actively destroyed natural ecosystems to plant cash mono-crops. They brutally hunted land cousins for their skin and ocean cousins for their bodily oils, bringing many species to the brink of extinction, and quite a few over it. To accomplish this all without energy slaves, they trafficked human slaves across the world, leaving millions at the bottom of the ocean. Colonialism both actively and passively spread disease across the world, leading to genocidal levels of depopulation. Then of course there was the outright killing, raping, and stealing. Most perniciously, they framed this all as ‘progress’ and ‘civilization’, which is still the frame we live in. We call this ongoing process ‘capitalism’ or ‘development’ now, but it’s the same thing. Destroying the natural world to make artificial profits. The truth is that colonialism never ended. We’re still in it, just with different branding.

Colonialism was simply a process of creating artificial beings (called corporations) and feeding the natural world to them. Not only do these beings consume energy voraciously, they consume resources in general. Humans, species, land, air, water, whatever. A few capitalists got to ride these beasts and many people got intoxicated by their waste products (manufactured goods) but in the end we all live on the planet and the planet is what’s getting eaten. In the long run, all that gets left behind waste heat and a bunch of garbage. And the long run is where we are now.

People blame colonialism on countries and individuals (and fuck them) but the truth is that colonialism was directly perpetrated by these artificial beings. From the first IPO (of the VoC) we have been surrounded by legally recognized artificial beings, who both have more power and less responsibility than humans. I call these corporations AI because they’re both artificial and intelligent and words should mean things. We talk about AI ‘becoming’ powerful in the future as if corporations didn’t already enslave half the world centuries ago and as if they don’t run everything now. Hubris, thy name is humanity.

The only ‘programming’ we gave these golems is to maximize their own growth and to not measure what they take from the environment at all. Then we let them loose upon the whole Earth, like especially virulent bacteria in a Petri dish. The metabolic process of this AI has always been to consume natural resources and human labor. Early corporations used solar and wind for this consumption and then they massively accelerated with fossil fuels. But the fundamental logic did not change. Just the speed of consumption.

Today we think we can avert our fate by making the beasts’ energy source ‘renewable’, which just completely ignores where the monsters came from. They started from cloth sails and sun-kissed opium! Changing back to renewables doesn’t actually change the course we’re on. Locomotion is not destination.

Today we think we can switch from ripping coal and oil out of the Earth and just rip out lithium and copper instead. But ‘renewable’ rape does not change the fundamental raping going on. An electric bulldozer rips up the earth as much as a diesel one. Luckily (?) we physically cannot sustain this civilization on renewable energy alone, but an even bigger problem is if we could. As Dr. Tom Murphy says in his essential physics textbook, “if energy became essentially unlimited by some technology, I shudder to think what it would mean for the rest of the planet.”

More https://indi.ca/why-renewables-wont-end-environmental-destruction/

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Nice rant. I agree in general, and identify that defining corporations as "persons" has been a major contributor.

In our present (necessarily) cynical era I now wonder how much the judges were paid for that ruling?

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Colonialism is an another Marxist scam to divide us.

Of course we all migrated.

Be happy at least we are not in a “colony” run by China!!!!

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There is a pattern within which it is reasonable to suppose that this preprint will be placed.

Expect the paper to either fail to pass peer review, be shouted down if it's accepted or simply be refused publication by the editors of the journals to which it is submitted for final publication.

The sums invested in climate hysteria are vast, and those gaining status and money from it have gained control of how and when the public is allowed access to such verifiable information as is made available.

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You mentioned stratosphere water vapor and I think as we have this talk about climate change, we need to realize that the man-made solutions (ex: stratosphere aerosol injections) actually have the ability WARM UP the earth. I wrote about that here:



But yes, if we look up in the sky, and we see an airplane spraying chemicals, chances are that could be why we're experiencing record heat waves.

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Not only water vapour but also volcanos are by far the biggest historic producer of CO2, hey maybe Bill Gates and the WEF can put a face mask on all volcanos! Seriously though the climate on Earth is patently the most complex system we know, except for the entire universe itself. The idea that there is one single “control knob” is preposterously juvenile and that this knob should be CO2, a gas that is a tiny percentage of the atmosphere and the source of all life is worse than juvenile. But isn’t that the point? It has to be pitched at a juvenile level to grasp the short attention span of the youth and it has to be CO2 not water vapour because how do you mobilises a global control campaign around water emissions? And if it isn’t simplistic the MSM can’t report on it and the UN/WEF can’t control the narrative.

Also consider this, as we see a daily diet of weather and temperature doomsday reporting on captured MSM like the BBC (no longer the peoples broadcaster of record) [and please note that real experts like Dr Richard Linzen and Willie Soon and their ilk say that weather is not climate], the Pacific Ocean has cooled [YES COOLED] and where is the reporting on this “we’re saved” event? Crickets... See New Scientist article link below, maybe The Naked Emperor can report on it as it is behind a pay wall.


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they really chose the right word in the headline

fucking clown show!

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Global Warming... if one looks at the climate over a long period (not the few decades we are usually show) the temperatures are actually not that warm at all... they are quite moderate. We are not boiling.

So why does the MSM pump out the same global warming stories? (oh hang on I forgot they changed the term to Climate Change... cuz often things were cooling... and they had to explain that away)....

Here's why: they know we are f789ed... but they cannot allow the mob to know that - if the mob became aware -- they would fall into deep despair -- they would not invest or study or report for work -- they'd turn to SSRIs... and fentanyl and booze... the global economy would collapse and we'd all starve.

Humans need hope or else. Despair but first they'd riot.

Global Warming is all about convincing the MORE-ONS that fossil fuels are the villain. That we really do not need them (notice the recent articles informing us demand has peaked ... nothing to do with supply peaking - we are using less... and that's apparently a Good Thing!).

The MORE-ONS rejoice - the transition is happening. Look over there - windmills... and over there - a solar farm!!! And look at this kids -- here on bbccnn it says another country will ban ICE vehicles -- in 2030 no less.. by the time you are old enough to drive all the cars will be EVs. 3 cheers for Elon - hip hip hoorah....

Look here -- on bbccnn it says air craft will be powered by batteries (really heavy batteries and would allow the plane to take off then land again.... but we'll ignore that)... and 18 wheelers will soon be run on batteries too (and carry next to nothing cuz the batteries are so heavy...)

Hurrah Hurrah - we are making PROGRESS... that dirty oil and coal will soon be left in the ground where it belongs... we will defeat global warming... yes we will.

Problem >> solution. All fake of course - but this keeps the MORE-ONS happy ... and investing and signing up for MBA courses and buying more stuff...

Finally - the Men Who Run the World know we are f789ed. Obviously. They've known for a long time - and they've been planning for this.

Two Options:

1. Stand back and watch as energy costs explode higher and inflation implodes the global economy - supply chains crash and burn - 8 billion are left to starve... but before they starve they tear each other to pieces -- murder - rape --- then cannibalism. That is an absolutely guaranteed outcome. Then there are 4000 spent fuel ponds ready to spew cancer on those who survive the Opening of the Gates of Hell.

2. Pre-empt this by exterminating 8 billion. Keep in mind The Men Who Run the World know their minders will not protect them when the SHTF (recall in Sri Lanka the mob beat an MP to death and burned the PM's house to the ground as he scampered onto a chopper and escaped).... the honchos will want everyone - including their families gone... (spent fuel ponds)

They have chosen 2. Full details here https://www.headsupster.com/forumthread?shortId=220

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Crazy thought experiment here, but what if the Tonga eruption was anthropomorphic - caused by a directed energy weapon? Yes, I know volcanoes have always erupted naturally, but it sure is convenient - the climate effects being a self-fulfilling prophecy for the supranationalists and none of their beach-front property destroyed by the lava.

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There's no power source in existence to achieve that.

Lockheed Martin manufactures lots of DEW-systems, check out their website if you're interested.

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Sounds like a good movie plot. But if energy weapons were that powerful, we would have seen evidence of their use before this.

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How, Precisely, We’re Fucked

Energy and Human Ambition on a Finite Planet is a fantastic (and free) textbook. It teaches physics in the most fascinating way, describing how, precisely, we’re fucked.

I’ll get to how fossil fuels are bad, but for now I’ll talk about how they’re good.



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". . . the waste heat alone will boil the oceans in 400 years."

Absurd fear porn spewed out in that first link you posted! The Earth radiates heat into space. Apparently that author is clueless, as he is to the history of failed "Peak Oil" prognostications! First BIG mistake: Oil and gas didn't come from dinosaurs or plants! They are Earth-generated hydrocarbons, and the supply keeps "enlarging" as more is discovered, plus early wells are refilling to some extent.

Another huge mistake is to assume that burning "fossil" fuels is bad, and bad for posterity. The opposite is the reality! The Earth was STARVED for carbon dioxide, with levels STILL close to historical lows. Much too much CO2 has been sequestered into coal and limestone deposits — trillions of tons! We NEED MORE CO2 in the atmosphere for BETTER plant growth, forest growth, greening of the deserts, and crop production! MORE! Bring it ON! Let's collectively quadruple the present level!!!! At least!

And NO! CO2 does NOT cause global warming EXCEPT in fraudulent computer generated General Circulation climate models!

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I don't buy his rubbish re Global Warming - and I commented on one of the articles in an attempt to set him straight ... but otherwise superb work

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Geoengineering, weather manipulation.

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Geoengineering is destroying the planet. Dane Wiggingham speaks about this every Sat evening in his weekly report. Watch The Dimming,

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His name is Dane Wigington...

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He was recently interviewed by Dr. Michael Salla, too, it's a great video with lots of info. It's on Rumble and You Tube. IIRC it came out about 10 days ago.

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Thank you. I’ll check it out.

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Geo and neohuman engineering.


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CO2 is good for the planet. Trees, plants and even humans need this natural gas to survive. To destroy CO2 means to kill all living things. You are being fed false science by the media.

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When did I say CO2 was bad?

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"ringmaster" is a very weird word to use. Are we supposed to think of circuses? Lord of the Rings? Wagner's ring? Master? as in slave and? Masons? All of those things? I sometimes think these Dunning Kruger types, who perceive themselves to be intellectuals, superior, hide little seemingly esoteric jokes in the phrases they pulse through the tentacles of the Leviathan. "Inclusion" has an etymological meaning of imprisonment, and check out the etymology of "ringmaster"


ring +‎ master


ringmaster (plural ringmasters)

The person who manages the performers in a circus ring.

(Internet) The person who maintains a webring.



the person who manages the performers in a circus ring


ringmaster (third-person singular simple present ringmasters, present participle ringmastering, simple past and past participle ringmastered)

To act as ringmaster.

(figuratively) To control (a group of people)."

Thank you for this on the volcano. It is such a shame that science is in exile, since it would be really valuable to know how this was going to effect air pollution, local climates, seasons, etc. Instead we get this retarded hysteria with arrogant power psychotic Easter eggs, oh so cleverly encrypted. Faugh!

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Good point re the language

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Heaven forbid they actually do research that might show natural causes causing some intermittant climate deviations. How would they tax that or futher their control agenda? Linking as usual @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

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Duh! The NUMBER ONE greenhouse gas is WATER vapor, not carbon dioxide!!!! Those fraudulent, bought-and-paid-for corrupted "scientists" with the IPCC know dang well they are perpetrating a massive lie by claiming CO2 is driving global warming (renamed "climate change" when the warming trend essentially stopped about the year 2000). When will the world finally wake up and realize that the psychopaths who run the planet and delusionally-believe they "own" us cattle/chattel spread nothing but lies about EVERYTHING!!! Climate is much too complex to predict and man-made CO2 is not causing warming! "It's the water, stupid"!

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