As usual, the UK has much more comprehensive and accurate data on everything Covid than the US, where everything is either distorted, missing or memory holed by the media. No one knows the percentage of the population that is vaccinated in the US. The topic is a political football.

Officially 64% of Americans are fully vaccinated and 76% have at least one dose(source: CDC via Covid tracker), a figure almost certainly on the high side.

It struck me that counselors and therapists are among the lower vaccinated professions in the UK. Maybe they have better bullshit meters than some of the other professions.

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Political football? interesting media makes us think this is a political issue and divide us into trump and biden supporters. now, i am having a bit trouble of distingushing between biden and trump. for starters, both of them have dr. science in charge and who is going to argue against him? second both trump and biden have come strongly in support of 110% getting vaxxed ... so why is this political ??? despite whatever impression paid by pesos journalists want to create.

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Absolutely! though there is a SMALL trend that Conservatives are a little more resistent to the mandates, at a population level, when it comes to the actual politics of it, elected officials are completely responsive to public fear-porn hysteria. It doesn't matter which political shade, in Canada, all four main political parties (Conservative, Liberal, NDP, Block) are in lock-step. Because the PEOPLE are hysterical, and fear is always a stronger motivator in humans than truth.

The real question is how did it get to the hysteria?

Not the politicians or health care officials, no, they all followed Pandemic Preparedness Planning until March-2020, no lockdowns, no travel bans, no stupid NPIs.

Then March 15, 2020, the tide shifted and hysteria dominated.

In my opinion, the hysteria was fabricated by BigPharmaTV. Even in countries with centralised public healthcare, it's Big Pharma that decides on policy, Big Pharma sets medical priorities that generate the most profits, nurseries, geriatrics, highly intrusive/expensive surgeries.

"Public" healthcare is no more about HEALTH than private healthcare. Same boss on both sides: profit.

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Not what happened.

Trump tried to silence professionals about the facts of Covid cause it would make him look bad. He discouraged testing cause not testing=doesn’t exist. And he didn’t want people to have to wear masks cause his supporters are largely paleo conservatives who hate modern society for one reason or another (hating the gays and technology is common. Some real unibomber shit)

They WANT massive population die offs too in the unibomber crowd. “Both sides are the same” and that hate of centrist republicans who they feel are hypocritical for supporting tradition and economic progress at the same time.

Climate change beliefs: tracking the end times. Believing the end of the world is upon us so just let it rip! Let the rapture happen. Let the weak die. Seriously; read what Evangelicals Believe and notice how they track large animal die offs as proof of the end times. And they constantly bemoan trans folks cause they aren’t “nature” to them but neither are gays. “Defying nature” and then they talk the greeks and romans….

90%+ Atheists are vaccinated. And they were first in line.

The conflicting narratives from people with degrees largely come from people who believe vaccines cause autism, in homeopathy, and a bunch of other quack junk. And these groups were increasingly violent and growing in number throughout the 2010’s do to Facebook promoting these extremist groups the entire time.

Had people making kids drink bleach or give bleach enemas to cure autism. Had people drink bleach to cure aids. Had people drink bleach to cure cancer.

There was the vitamin C cures cancer nutjobs.

Loads and loads of medical disinformation was allowed to flourish, with qanon stuff… and the ads on Facebook were even worse…

So many people sucked into “wellness” quack medicine.

Billion dollar industry they grew being anti-vax. And they dont want to give up that cash flow killing people!

Furthermore; all the heart attacks and strokes and disease were predicted by climate change scientists back in the 2000’s. But gotta make money and twist the science because wearing masks and reducing consumption isn’t politically popular!

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It's even worse in Canada. "Data" is considered bigoted :D

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I was kind of wondering how the "IT Professionals" would rank in there, as I'm part of that............ Thanks for your hard work with this; I'm loving Substack!!

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It is very similar over here in Soviet Canuckistan. I'm one of the 8.8% and staying put. I've got Ivermectin plus all the other early treatments. I'm not 100% sure it will work but I am 100% sure it is better than the vaccines in safety, efficacy, cost and variant coverage.

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Where did you get the Ivermectin (since Canada doesn't allow it)? Thanks.

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India Mart, Mexico and Canada. After 6 months of looking I found a Canadian doctor with morals, ethics and a SPINE. After a consult I filled the prescription twice before the "College of Pharmacies" banned Ivermection for covid prescriptions from being filled and I couldn't get it a third time. I like to be proactive and stock up on things I might really need.

They are now checking shipments from India but if you know anyone who travels to Mexico or someone who lives there that is easy as well.

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Thank you!

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I prefer the study on education level, which I think can be a semi-substitute for IQ banding. The results were hilarious, the smartest Americans are the 'most vaccine hesitant'. I just wrote about the study - https://freespeech.substack.com/p/vaccine-hesitancy-highest-in-the

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The fact that almost all judges are vaxxed raises a question: could the vax status of a judge influence his bias or partiality if he presides over a vax-related case?

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You would hope not, but you never know in these strange times!

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Well, the fact that a judge took the vax implies that he believes it's a good thing. And, if he was mandated to get the jab to keep his job as a judge, then it implies he agrees with mandates. So, if he were to hear a case related to mandates or vax safety, his vax status could indicate a bias on those issues. Of course, I assume a judge's vax status is not publicly known (since it is private medical info, right?) -- and yet, statistically if you go in front of a judge, you can expect there's a 95% chance he's jabbed.

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That's an extremely interesting and valid question. In my experience, a Judge has to be shown to be impartial. What about JURIES?! With the incredible amount of politicisation of this issue, I do not know many vaccinated people who can even hold a rational conversation with an unvaxxed person, never mind rule impartially over their fate.

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Very good point about juries. How can vax policy be adjudicated (i.e. judicial review), how can people who contest certain rules or laws get a fair hearing, or how can people who are charged with violations of certain rules get a fair trial?

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We both know. They can't. We are in dark times. Something else I am sure we both know.

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I am surprised teachers are not on the list. I am the only one in my building. 800 kids

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The list has every profession, I just selected the ones I found interesting. It's a long list so I missed a few, I'll add teachers on.

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Just rhetorical...I teach...the teachers I work with are terrified every day...I try to explain that the kids dont transmit because they are not vaxxed and don't have symptoms, but it is like talking to the wall...Never seen so many scared adults in my life :-)

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Teaching and Educational professionals - 6.4%

Higher educational teaching professionals - 8.9%

Further education teaching professionals - 7.9%

Secondary education teaching professionals - 6.3%

Primary and nursery education teaching professionals - 5.2%

Special needs education teaching professionals - 5.6%

Senior professionals of educational establishments - 4.6%

Education advisers and school inspectors - 5.7%

Teaching assistants - 5.5%

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Thank you. So interested to see this

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Would like to know how many people are "boosted" as the initial shots were accepted en masse at the beginning. Getting a booster, now, after having probably had covid already, is the real tell of a compliant populace.

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Thank you for making this available.

I'm sorry to say this could mean game over concerning any efforts to prevent North America and the EU from turning into China 2.1. Total compliance and unquestioning loyalty to the State across all fields.

Taken together with everyone using tracking devices, e-money, e-ID, everything and everyone always online, CCTV, and other issues such as the ongoing colonisation of western Europe by invading groups of people, I see very little cause for optimism.

It's like looking at a man who's fallen off a cliff: he's not dead yet, since he hasn't hit the ground.

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Question from the other side of the pond: Why are biologists not listed? or are we included in "physical" or "chemical" sciences? weird Brits :p

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6.2% - I didn't list them all!

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ah yes, my fellow biologists are among the most meek and compliant and naïve humans. It's one of the reasons I left the field!

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Of course this doesn't measure coercion, nor tolerance to further injections.

It's an MSM/government trick to emphasize the percentage of injected as if the injectees didn't have a syringe (oops I mean gun) to their heads.

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It doesn't measure this but it kind of shows this when you have similar categories but with different percentages. E.g Solicitors - 4.8% & Legal professionals n.e.c - 9.4%. To me that suggests, employed solicitors are more likely to succumb to pressure versus other legal processionals who may have more independence.

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January 25, 2022

Myocarditis Cases Reported After mRNA-Based COVID-19 Vaccination in the US From December 2020 to August 2021

Matthew E. Oster, MD, MPH1,2,3; David K. Shay, MD, MPH1; John R. Su, MD, PhD, MPH1; et alJulianne Gee, MPH1; C. Buddy Creech, MD, MPH4; Karen R. Broder, MD1; Kathryn Edwards, MD4; Jonathan H. Soslow, MD, MSCI4; Jeffrey M. Dendy, MD4; Elizabeth Schlaudecker, MD, MPH5; Sean M. Lang, MD5; Elizabeth D. Barnett, MD6; Frederick L. Ruberg, MD6; Michael J. Smith, MD, MSCE7; M. Jay Campbell, MD, MHA7; Renato D. Lopes, MD, PhD, MHS7; Laurence S. Sperling, MD1,2; Jane A. Baumblatt, MD8; Deborah L. Thompson, MD, MSPH8; Paige L. Marquez, MSPH1; Penelope Strid, MPH1; Jared Woo, MPH1; River Pugsley, PhD, MPH1; Sarah Reagan-Steiner, MD, MPH1; Frank DeStefano, MD, MPH1; Tom T. Shimabukuro, MD, MPH, MBA1

Author Affiliations Article Information

JAMA. 2022;327(4):331-340. doi:10.1001/jama.2021.24110

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i wonder how accurate this is since no one has to give the ONS data on their occupation

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These numbers seem lower than they really are.

Of course we know that stats are broken in the time of propaganda.

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I didn't see "housewives".

We are like non-people. In fact, I do love to see the look people give me when I answer them without any note of apology - and perhaps a smidgeon of a challenge - that, "I'm a housewife."

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7.2% - I didn't list them all!

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dang that was fast! not gonna lie, i'm disappointed, i thought we were a tougher more intelligent breed. Oh well, we are clearly more intelligent than any in the government schools, with the exception of the few in higher ed (whose housewives probs support their renegade behavior). Thanks for the work Emperor.

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