Oct 31, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

I believe nothing coming from them or about them.

Not because I want to, but because they have so thoroughly lost my trust that I have no choice. These people cannot be trusted regarding the weather over their heads

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Oct 31, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

"why are they all so keen to tell us that their safe and effective vaccines and drugs are no longer effective?"

I'm glad you're asking this question. I have wondered the same thing. I don't quite get why they'd be so forthright about contracting Covid 19 after telling the world about all the boosters they'd taken.

Is their message just simply "See - I had a mild case and I'm not dead. There's nothing bad to see here. I'm so grateful to be boosted." ?

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That's what I keep hearing from people I know who get sick. "It's good I took the shot or it could have been worse."

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In the Stalin era there were people who, as they were taken to the gallows or firing squad, would still proclaim the glories of the revolution. "Mistakes are made but if this is what it takes for the revolution to succeed then I accept this unjust fate" type of rationalizing. Stalin called them "Useful Idiots".

These days it's "It's not the vaccine" and "It would have been worse without the vaccine". Useful idiots indeed.

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And thank God for the Paxlovid! She would have only been sick once instead of twice!

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That does seem to be the crazy logic they want us to accept unquestionably.🤔

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Oct 31, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

You are right, re the nudging. The narrative has been carefully crafted in advance and there’s no possibility of a random aberration. Personally I don’t believe any of these people in the public eye have actually had the real jab.

If there’s a reason for high profile so called ‘breakthroughs’ then it is tied into the agenda.

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The timing is also almost always around a new authorization or push. They are keeping the fear going as they roll out continuing jabs. I swear this is related to the recent vote about adding it to the childhood vaccine schedule.

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Read Ann Barnhardt and the letter sent to her about the NFL and ivermectin (everybody takes it).

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While I do not exclude the possibility that few people in power did get the saline shots, as much as private citizens had friendly doctors miss their whole arm when injecting, there is no way that so many people could keep that kind of a secret for any period of time. What is the power 'cut of point' of those who are 'in the know'? That 'knowledge' would propagate through the 'six degrees of separation' like lightning. Children and wives, moms and dads, uncles and aunts, grandchildren, best men, valued business partner, most productive worker... Incomprehensible to suppress. IMO, these people are a mix of power trippers, ego maniacs, narcissists, cowards, as well as true believers and evangelists of dystopia. None of this makes them good conspirators as a group nor it gives them any foresight in personal decision making - they rely on mechanisms of power not logic. Their risk/benefit assessments are out of whack. They know jack-s*it. They took the shoots, and a lots of them too.

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I think they're taking the jab, the politicians at least. Otherwise it requires a massive order of magnitude greater crime and cahoots.... Either an army of nurses sworn to secrecy, or meticulous manufacturer, labelling, and distribution of the saline version.

Meanwhile the true elites can fly or wander anywhere without any COVID shot or passport, ushered to the top table at the Michelin restaurant past other jabbed and checked peons.

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Agree that it would take some considerable collusion but they have deniability, coercion and media control on their side. Public eye reps below the top table level (Fauci, Walensky, Biden, Trudeau, Johnson etc., even the likes of Hancock, Ferguson et al in the UK) can still indulge in theatre for the cameras & evade actual mRNA.

Considerable malfeasance on an epic scale has unfolded over the past 2+ years. A bit of obfuscation over an injection is well within scope.

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Oct 31, 2022·edited Oct 31, 2022

she probably somewhere nice getting sun and r n r with a cocktail in her hand

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Oct 31, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

Another “rare” Paxlovid rebound case?

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Rare side effect of paxlovid: failure to rebound.

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Oct 31, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

They want sympathy rather than suspicion that they received saline rather than The Shot.

"See, they fooled me too!. This Shot thing is just an unfortunate accident! Nobody knew! How could we know?"

I doubt the "big wigs" got anything but saline- if they "suddenly die", I'll apologize

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I used to think that, too, and maybe we're right. But those of us that were not vaccinated have not been affected like they have, so I'm beginning to think they really did get the jab, and are all in on the results.

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I think you are spot on. Shifting public sentiment to sympathy instead of suspicion. Yes, this makes perfect sense. Time will tell.

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Oct 31, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

Maybe Walensky, Fauci, Biden and all the rest think of themselves as modern day heroes in the mold of Churchill:

"...whatever the cost may be,

we shall boost on the beaches,

we shall boost on the landing grounds,

we shall boost in the fields and in the streets,

we shall boost in the hills;

we shall never surrender, and even if, which I do not for a moment believe, this vaccine is completely worthless and a fraud, then our bureaucrats buried so deep, armed with shredders and emails to delete, would carry on the struggle, until, in God’s good time, the CDC, with all its power and might, steps forth to the rescue and the liberation of the old.”

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Oct 31, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

I’m so confused by this nudging. They are blatantly showing us natural immunity works MUCH better than the jab and paxlovid is actually worse than nothing. Boosters are making Covid worse. Meanwhile jab induced myocarditis is “ mild”. And all those deaths are just normal ‘sads’. I mean how stupid are we supposed to be? Since when is any of this normal? So now it’s on the child schedule and it’s just another toxic jab we’re supposed to take and give the kids. ??? They could hide all this much better if they tried. I’m pretty mystified by how this benefits pharma. Looks like loss of trust and lawsuits incoming!

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Oct 31, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

"Speed of Science." 😂😂😂

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Oct 31, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

“The question is, why are they all so keen to tell us that their safe and effective vaccines and drugs are no longer effective? They could easily disappear for a few weeks and nobody would be any the wiser that they had rebounded or even contracted mild Covid in the first place. There is clearly a nudging agenda going on.”

This really is intriguing… What is going on?

And how is their Covid rebound being verified, is the testing reliable now?

This bizarre world they’ve created, which revolves around sickness or the threat of sickness, instead of striving for natural good health.

These people are such a disaster, not just for the US, but for the entire world - why are they still there?

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Oct 31, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

This has been going on since the beginning. Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson didn't have to share their status, Neither did Prince Charles. Most celebrities don't share details of their health that could be embarrassing. But its been different with COVID. Have no idea why And REALLY have no idea about sharing breakthroughs and rebounds. Why on earth are they doing that?

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It’s a religion .. they are good little disciples , even after being boosted ten times they still get Covid. But that won’t keep them from getting 22 more this year because they trust the science and so should we. 😃

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It IS a religion. Agreed.

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It is: A CULT

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They are keeping the topic circulating in the community like a 'fear booster'.

They aren't sharing about ingrown toenails, mole removal, or fungus cream. This

focus on covid persona' health is nothing but creepy. Let's try and remove ALL these miscreants

from serving in public office. They disgust me.

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Oct 31, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

Was wondering the same thing. Why tell us? Not even sure it actually happens to them, any of that (that they take the "vaccine" or booster, covid, Paxlovid, rebound, any of that). It's like they try to normalize it.

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Read the SPARs Pandemic 2025-2028






"At the request of HHS Secretary Nagel, ASPR convened a series of meetings among senior leadership of the federal health agencies to address policy and program changes being implemented as a result of a departmental review of the response to the SPARS pandemic. Among the issues considered were the implications of growing negative public opinion regarding Corovax and the government’s perceived indifference to victims of the public health response to SPARS. One senior health official argued that time and a robust medical monitoring program for vaccine recipients—the components of which were already in place—should be sufficient to determine whether public concern about long-term effects was, in fact, warranted: “We have to wait for the data. People need to understand that fact.”


"President Archer agreed to address the country’s resolve and recovery in the face of SPARS. Top risk communication advisors from the CDC, FDA, NIH, and SAMHSA conferred as a group about how best to frame the President’s remarks. The group vigorously debated whether it was appropriate for the President to acknowledge the sacrifice that vaccine recipients had made on behalf of their communities or to console them in their grief over that sacrifice."

Sacrifice! No murder mentioned.

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Oct 31, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

And it’s mild because is Omicron... 🤡🤡🤡

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Was mild for me and I took none of it! 😊

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Nov 1, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

Plot twist: they want to hide the fact that (almost) no true elites have taken the jabs or contracted covid, having all covertly taken an effective non-vaccine prophylactic denied to the masses. So they all loudly pretend to be in the same boat as the rest of us, hoping thereby to evade the pitchforks when people notice that none of the true elite suffer the long term adverse effects of the jabs.

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Oct 31, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

Paxlovid. More rebounds than Dennis Rodman!!!


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Nov 1, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

Do we believe that she even took the jab? Why would she, or any of them? Help me make that make sense please. . . .

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Nov 1, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

Rochelle really seems like a strange bird. It’s easy to see that she’s acting when she gives you that phony concerned look. Can you imagine being in her world? That’s one place I’d never want to go.

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Amen Jeff. What a horrible, personal, hell on Earth.

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Nov 1, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

They don’t want to be held criminally responsible for forcing people to take the jab so they can say to the judge “I took the jab and I became ill also. It’s been documented everywhere. I thought it was the right thing to do”. Did they take the jab they forced everyone else to take? That’s another question…

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Oct 31, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

I love how "speed of science" has become a new phrase we get to use. Kinda' like Brandon and others. We have to laugh at these ridiculous things, or we shall all go crazy.

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Oct 31, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

Paxlovid would be a great nickname for a basketball player. One that is exceptional at, you know, retrieving the ball after a missed shot or free throw.

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Paxlovid is really a loser drug, isn't it???

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Oct 31, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

I don't see how these cases can do anything but discredit the jabs/drugs. Perhaps they just can't be certain that somebody wouldn't leak the news, if they tried to cover up the fact that they're infected. Their roles come with responsibility - they can't just disappear without explanation.

I realise this rather mundane take on it is partially based on the fact that I cannot

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That I cannot come up with any convincing idea why they would be pretending to be infected. (Post accidentally send before completion)

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Oct 31, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

What are they nudging people toward?

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They want the "emergency" to continue

They never want to give up EUA.

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The process is the goal.

You can condition animals (which we are) to perform given signals, that's old hat, but to train them to want to, even crave to obey is much more time-consuming and difficult.

So instead of teaching the animal that it gets a treat for pushing one button and a jolt pushing the other, it instead gets jolts at random intervals unless it pushes the right lever before hand, at random intervals.

Only, the pattern changes constantly.

This will cause the animal to frantically push any and all buttons offered it, even to the detriment of eating, sleeping and drinking, even procreating. And yes, poor innocent animals suffered for human scientists to learn this.

That's why the nudging initself is its own point: eventually, the only options are to frantically try to anticipate future pain and making obeisance to the powers in control, or to leave the cage - everyone breaks eventually, no matter what fairy tales we tell ourselves.

That is also why voting, protesting and so on can only ever have limited effect: even the button-pushers are trapped in this cage.

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Trying to keep the fear alive where it can be?

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Nov 1, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

Good question, like you say it’s all scripted. Hmmm🤔 why though, why show their products are worse than crap??

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Nov 1, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

How long before they start announcing they have "mild" myocarditis and are "recovering" with the help of some new wonder-drug?

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Oct 31, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

Is this why the EU purchased enough for 10 doses for every person in the EU? Five just won’t cut it. Keep the jabs going. They will get there yet!!

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Justin Trudeau bought enough covijabs (10 jabs for each Canadian) at the very start!

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He gets a kick back for each shot because the jabs use technology from British Columbia. That is why he pushed the shots so hard. Behind that weeny pussy presence of Trudeau is a raging dictator waiting to go full throttle.

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Same in Australia - 280 million jabs for a population of 26 million people...

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FFS. These satanists are determined to give the "useless eater plebs" 10 dna damaging doses.

EVIL does not even begin to describe them.

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It does seem to be a coordinated deal doesn't it?

Who is looking into these dodgy contracts?

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Cristian Tehres (Romanian MEP) and Christine Anderson (German MEP) ,Francesca Donato (Italian MEP) and a few others , whose names escape me, are fighting to get the truth out in the European Parliament. Cristian , particularly, has videos of him showing pages and pages of contracts requested from Pfizer, all A4 size and ALL BLACK - completely redacted. He is furious. It's a p***take. 😡

I think he has his own You tube channel. He is a HERO

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Sadly no one.

Maybe the German Lawyer. 🤷‍♀️

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But hopefully it will happen...?

Re the German lawyer...

If you're interested to have a look, here's my interview with the Corona Investigative Committee: https://odysee.com/@Corona-Investigative-Committee:5/Session-126-Elizabeth-Hart-Odysee:6

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They tell us in order to normalize it.

She’s maybe not even sick--who knows--it was just her turn to do this nudging.

“See! It happened to her too! So it’s fine.”

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Nov 1, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

Not sure what they are up to as I’ve lost all trust but I honestly don’t believe she, the Biden’s, or Fauci took the jabs and finally got Covid. I do think they took the Paxlovid and it backfired on them.

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Nov 1, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

They are doomed to repeat the cycle of boost, fall ill and declare their gratitude for the protection even as their health rapidly deteriorates. And they want to drag you on to that train, too.

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Nov 1, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

Why take Paxlovid if you got vaccinated. Unless the vaccine doesn’t work of course...

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These psychopaths in charge are not taking these drugs. They’re normalizing the toxic effects, trying to make themselves look like us for psychological manipulation.

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In a very dark and lonely place killing a lots of people, men, women, boys, girls and even babies.

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I miss her two-toned double mask. It gave her such an absolutely charming Near Eastern air of mystery, suggested a very stylish bent coming to our burgeoning COVID-bureaucracy, and so conveniently muzzled her drivel. All despite it's complete medical uselessness.

Perhaps she'll affect that look again. You know, to keep the rest of us safe.

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The duck mask was my personal favorite look for her.

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This is according to the TPTB perverted idea of Karma. If they tell us up front, what they are doing, and the sheep still accepts it (with their "free will"), they are in the clear karma wise. In this case, TPTB clearly showing the shot doesn't work, so they believe are off the hook wrt karma.

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The latest from Geert Vanden Bossche paints a worrisome picture for the vaccinated group. We are basically in uncharted territory. If they (CDC/FDA) are panicking right now, they certainly keep that to themselves.

It is 5 past 12! - GVB, Oct 11, 2022


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At what point does what’s left of the vaccine-destroyed immune system throw in the towel?

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I know what you mean!! Why the heck do they keep announcing the things they are doing don’t work?? Of course we all know that if it weren’t for the five shots she’d likely be stone cold dead by now and obviously Paxlovid is making everything so much better because…. 😂

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ROFLMAO. Couldn't happen to nicer people. Karma can be a bitch...

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OK Booster

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Rachel needs a few more Boosters.

Can hardly wait :)

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Everyone rebounds on paxlovid, extending the infectivity and the infection. The drug is responsible for mutations in the viral genome. Playing with fire.

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They all get the shots. They all get Covid. They all take paxlovid. They all rebound.

Yeah, real reassuring!

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I hope she dies a horrible painful death.

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I understand how you feel Kevin. But, never become like them (I’m not saying you are).

Sometimes I have to stop myself, as someone who adores God. I hope you understand what I’m saying.

Peace...brother in Christ.

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Come quickly myocarditis.

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Oh....go get your booster 😠

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What happened to the like button for the post? My big concern letting favorites have <3 hearts!

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I wondered about that too.

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