Nov 2, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

Kind of funny how those who transgressed are the ones who want to declare an amnesty. One would think they could start with admitting they were wrong.

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Nov 2, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

To see all these in one place is powerful and it makes me sick.

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Nov 2, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

Isn't it amazing how this time last year all anyone wanted to do was talk about vaccinations and interrogate everyone else over whether they'd had the jab, now...the silence is deafening. The nearest I've had to apologies are awkward admissions that they don't seem to prevent transmission which they were adamant they did. One person who quizzed me relentlessly about the jab breezily said, 'well, it's down to personal choice.' She's deluded if she thinks I've forgotten the bullying and ostracisation. Another friend said of getting the fax and trying to coerce others, 'but I was scared.' I told her, 'yep. I was scared too but not about the same thing you were.' I was scared about how people I'd considered to be good people turned into monsters. That was terrifying.

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Nov 2, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

The really dangerous people throughout history have been the ones who would commit or condone atrocities based on something they merely believe. No amnesty for these people until they apologise and confess that their behaviour was and always would be, under any circumstances, a violation of the sanctity of a human's right to self-determination.

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Nov 2, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com


We’ve memed the amnesty seekers if anyone wants ammunition to mock them back…

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Nov 2, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

this is so great. another striking, permanent record of horrific condemnations from these people.

my favorite one is: "Gas the Unvaccinated." let's not even bother to see how the situation evolves. we'll just kill them immediately. i guess Pfizer would support that strategy. it eliminates the control group. it proves vaccines are in fact the *only* safe option.

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Nov 2, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

This is a good list but there are many, many more... Technically it’s called Othering

Here’s a history professor explaining how Othering is used…


Some of the great and the good who chimed in... a small selection...

Andrew Neil, globalist wrinkled pervert


William Hague, globalist twat


Prime Minister or President scumbag of Canada


President of France, globalist midget


Anne McElvoy, BBC commie stalwart


Piers Morgan, colossal twat


Karen Brady, rich neo-fascist


Sajid Javid, ex-UK Health Secretary (aka Savage Jabber)


Chomsky, colossal dangerous bore


Door to door jabbing for unjabbed (when I bought a crossbow)


Unjabbed & Christmas


Biden’s dark winter


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Nov 2, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

What's next? Amnesty for Pol Pot and Hitler.

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Nov 2, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

Love this epic collection of receipts. These are vital, since they are burning the digital paper trail as fast as they can before their own mob turns on them.


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Nov 2, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

They don't want amnesty. What they really hope is that we will all come down with amnesia and not remember their histrionics. These morally vacuous, self-aggrandizing people have no remorse--and make no mistake, they will do it all again in a heartbeat if they can. This was all about power, control and dividing society into elites and serfs. They created deep divides and unfathomable harms for which we will all suffer consequences for a very long time.

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Nov 2, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

Well it gives me little pleasure but it looks as if we might have the last laugh!

What really pisses me off is the thought that Macron (and many other politicians) are probably still unvaccinated making their hateful diatribe even more sickening!

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Never forget. Forgiveness can only come after justice is served.

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Nov 2, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

There's an ole saying about forgiving but not forgetting. And since so many people seem to be unrepentant about insisting that other people need to take biological weapons to supposedly prevent or to cure diseases, when most of them are probably aware that they are intentionally deceiving people. Some of us will choose to forgive you for your criminal insanity. But we will not forget that you are a perpetual threat to our existence. We will be wise to never trust you again, if we ever did.

Whether creating, administering, promoting or mandating toxic substances to be used or to supposedly be useful for the human body. Those people are guilty of crimes against humanity. Whether they know better or not. They are a friend to no one. All I can say about the believers in snake oil medicines who continuously allow themselves to be fear-mongered and tricked into taking snake oil medicines even when they are not experiencing a health threat. Lord have mercy on your soul and your health. There are other and better options to deal with viruses and diseases. And there are doctors, and other healthcare practitioners within and outside of the criminal medical establishment who are trained and knowledgeable about disease prevention and treatment.

As for the people who continue to expect, insist or mandate that other people believe or do things that are detrimental to our lives and health. You don't even deserve to be called a human being. Some of us have ignored your foolish advice before the creation of covid. And we will continue to reject your destructive advice until our dying breath. Yes we will forgive because we are commanded to forgive trespasses according to the word of God, so that God will forgive our trespasses and sins. But we will never forget who our perpetual enemies are. We will not forget how you plot at every turn to destroy us in every way. We will be ever mindful that if given the chance. The global AKA great reset, NWO, WEF minded individuals, their followers and believers are a constant threat to the peace and the survival of everyone else who has chosen a different , and a brighter path to walk on.

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Incredible insanity.

The good news is that most of these arrogant fascists are quadrupled vaxxxed and are beginning to reap what they have sown - death and disability... It is just a matter of time until they all experience the results of their individual stupidity.

Hopefully, all have had their "bivalents" and "flu" jabs... And, be sure and get those monkeypox vaxxx!

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That was a really upsetting (but important) read.

There are some days one which I forget how much myself, my husband, my brothers, and my wonderful little girl were hated by so many. Sometimes I forget the terrifying moment that her paediatric cardiologist cancelled her scan to monitor her two heart conditions, because I was unjabbed. Or the times that she asked me to go to a cafe and have a 'fluffy' - her favourite treat - and I had to explain once more that we weren't allowed into cafes because we were unjabbed.. Or that I couldn't take her to swimming lessons or piano lessons anymore because she was unjabbed. Or the friends who went quiet on us, and then reappeared once the restrictions were dropped. Or the family members who viewed as as toxic and forbid us from visiting my 100 year old Nana. Or the fear that soon schools would start banning unjabbed children.

I force myself to re-visit posts like this. Painful as it is, I don't want to forget, and the only circumstances under which I could imaging offering forgiveness would be when I am offered full and genuine contrition. And even then - I will struggle a bit.

I am watching so many people I know go down with clots and cancer now, and it reminds me that our family made the right call. Ultimately we win, but it is a devastatingly sad victory.

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Nov 2, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

Mental illness is the actual pandemic.

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