In April 2020, nine orders were made totalling £43,348.96 ($55,032). That works out at an average of £4,817 ($6,115) per order. In March, they made another single order for £4,179.72 ($5,305).


Sounds like a lot of hot dogs and pizza, if you know what I mean.

And if you don't know what I mean, I'm talking about politicians fucking children.

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4817 avg order - 45 sterling feast for 3 = 320 people. This might explain why that particular restaurant was selected Mr. Mulder https://twitter.com/grantfeller/status/1331234015798505472?s=20

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From the 'secret menu' link:


Lunch – pancetta or feta (V) puy lentil salad with roast courgette, chargrilled red peppers, red onion, sweetcorn, and a coriander and lime dressing.

Dinner – PIZZA TIME!

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Where's the link?

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I just followed the clicks in the wayback machine. Lemme try to drag it out again....


Edit: Navigate to the "reservations" tab if the link on another page doesn't work.

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There's a rabbit hole right there !

Coke - adrenochrome & children perhaps??? Sounds wild but such may be the currency for Hancock & Co. Working so hard defraud his 'employers' 'we the people.

Paid for by the tax payers he was busy scaring the pants off.

Good spotting....

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It's super weird that everything on the menu is described in ridiculous detail, but for this it's just "PIZZA TIME!" ?????

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Yup - code language for a certain scary bunch - Walnut sauce with your choice cuts?

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You mean raping


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I've worked in corporate...you could host an entire Chinese New Year party complete with Lion Dance for 1000 people with that kind of dough.

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But Duchess, you are neglecting one of the fundamental laws of economics.

As an approved supplier, the fees, for anything you invoice to any part of government, must be increased by AT LEAST one order of magnitude.

As I remember my experience on the periphery of the Corporate world, other than for useless children of senor management, and brothers in law of Directors, there is usually some degree of accountability. In government - not so much.

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man. and i feel like a frivolous spendthrift if i can't resist a wheel of brie every five years or so.

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So nauseating listen to these murderers call their terrible deeds "Keeping people safe".

Matt needs a surprise date with a swift military tribunal to answer for his crimes.

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Nothing swift about the fate of this cnut. It needs to be slow & deliberate.

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There are so many though that need to be processed...I think we need to keep the line moving...

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So many names, so few bullets.

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Perhaps an unexpected encounter with 'il coltello". Worked effectively for male children with beautiful soprano voices.

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Perhaps the Secret Menu is a direct link to Wayfair or the Pizza Restaurant in Washington DC.

Would not rule out child sex trafficking.

Recently, I hosted an event for forty people.

It was a buffet at a restaurant with an open bar.

Grand total $1800 USD

Must be one hell of a secret menu of takeout food.

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“Take-out” something....

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Kind of takes your breath away ..Lord have mercy on us underlings; we could never have thought this one up, never. Congratulations, Matt and the Bong Team!

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undoubtedly a pizza place.

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"Tell him that considering how many people I'm getting his chips injected into, he owes me one"

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'Him' being Gates of Hell.

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Yes - I was just looking for that quote......

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Average cost for food per order £817

Average cost for 10 "escorts" that came with the food (escorting it) £4,000

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will only be happy when that arrogant smug cnut is behind bars for his part in euthanasing the elderly, including my dad, will never forgive or forget. Yet the media et al are still concentrating on the petty crap, fucking infuriating.

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Escorts and blow

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Well, it is....ahem...WAS a “Philippine” restaurant.

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Hey ho, coke and hoes from Bong Bong?

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More proof that the only good politician is a dead politician

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This is harsh a bit but...

Russian criminals used to say, good coffins for good cops and bad coffins for bad cops.

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It smells like fraud so a criminal investigation should be launched. Let the chips fall where they may.

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That's if you believe that the legal system is fit for purpose, and it is not.

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