At the bottom of it all are the globalist oligarchs who believe there are simply too many of us to manage. They don’t want 8 billion people around. They want far fewer and have taken it upon themselves to drive the world there. This explains the rising ECoE, which is one of 4 weapons at their disposal. The other 3 are bioweapons, food and war.
All 4 weapons are being deployed simultaneously in order to depopulate the earth as fast as possible. This is not a conspiracy theory. They have openly talked about this for a long time. They are doing what they said they wanted. Energy is key to food production and to the existence of a middle class, which must also be eliminated as a necessary precondition to depopulation.
In order to maintain civilization there must be growth ... and a big percentage of economic growth is driven by an increasing population.
Removing people would lead to a deflationary death spiral.
Imagine you own a business selling widgets - your customer base gets slashed by say half. You lose economies of scale ... profits crash or you start losing money -- you cannot service your debts --- you default --- you lay off workers -- they cannot service their debts -- they cannot find another job cuz all companies are doing the same...
The financial system implodes. Supply chains vapourize.
I know this is not what anyone wants to hear ... but consider the fact that every country on the planet is on board with this injection program - there is ZERO pushback.
They will do whatever it takes to ensure it completes - case in point Winston Smith leaked damaging data about deaths from the jab in NZ....
Immediately a global blackout was imposed to ensure that info could not reach the mainstream and the Vaxxers.... the machine quickly rolled out PR to handle damage control...
This cannot be about $$$$ - as most believe. The money made is in the bigger scheme ... peanuts... there is no way every entity that could oppose this ... has been paid off... there is not enough ... Xi and Putin alone are mega billionaires... no way they could buy them off.. and they are on board.
Everyone is.
And of course if it was about money why would they inject stuff that destroys the immune system?
We need to be honest with ourselves... to stop making these nonsensical excuses.
They are exterminating everyone. And they are doing that because we are into very severe depletion on affordable energy.
Surely everyone understands the implications?
And no - we are not transitioning to fairy farts or solar or EVs... that's just put out there to convince the mob that the future is awesome...
Agree except for the point about extermination due to energy depletion. They are the ones depleting the world’s energy supply, not the masses. There is plenty of hydrocarbon energy in the world to sustain a larger population(with reasonable increases in efficiency). This is being done because it is rooted in evil, and the Evil one has gained(for the time being) the upper hand
Of course they consume energy. However they don’t burn through it. There is enough for everyone, for a very long time
What is occurring in our world today is a deliberate and severe suppression of energy production, for the reasons I stated. Solar and wind can never supply the energy needs of our world, and both of these sources are diverting a great deal of energy for their production and use. I like solar power and I use it. But it has been weaponized along with wind energy to hinder and stop the further development of fossil fuel sources. John Kerry said just this week that no more coal fired power plants should be allowed on planet earth. This is a crime against humanity
This will be my last reply. Why do you think energy has/is becoming unaffordable? This is the doing of governments and global oligarchs. It is deliberate and completely unnecessary. Energy should be cheap AND abundant and if not for the deliberate dismantling and destruction of the petroleum based energy industry, particularly in the west, it would be. The reason that the ECoC is rising is because it is being forced to do so. All part of their plan
You don’t need to pay off everyone for it to be about money. You just need to make collecting your regular salary dependent on doing their bidding. Hence all the journalists and policemen and doctors and whatever being on board with the grand plan. A few have profited immensely from vaccines, PPE, BMGF etc payouts as well.
And a few definitely want us all dead....though their lack of imagination as to what a world in economic death spiral looks like (as you accurately describe) befuddles me. What point is there to being Bill Gates in a world like that? He will be Marie Antoinetted tout suite. No money can protect him from that.
10-20,000 elites can't utilize 99,999,999% more energy than 7 billion people. Can you do math or not? It's A population X average capital rate of consumption. Same with pollution. A small enough population means less negative externalities. This is just pure stupidity.
10,000 elites buzzling in jets will not out-do 2-3 billion driving cars, going on ships, going on airplanes or whatever.
There was a recent report from Oxfam on the world's haves versus the have-nots. Or maybe one should call them the have-yachts and the rest?
The 'top 1%' appear to account for over 93% of the planet's GHG emissions. It would seem more beneficial to get rid of the top 1% - or cut their lifestyles down to size - than cull the bottom 99%.
Maybe they should be rationed to one flight a year or less. Their other meetings can be on Zoom.
Are you still buying the greenhouse propaganda? It’s solely meant for energy usage estimation.
The top 1 percent are your physicians and business owners. Taxing your normie who has 130 iq or more is retarded. If you are talking about elite elite, it would be the dynastic wealth like emperors, black Guelph families like Walmart Jesuit owners, the British monarchy or the Catholic Church who have untaxed wealth into the trillions and own land, banks and whatnot. Your productive citizen at mit that makes robotics is worth more than a bottom rat worker who digs dirt. Sorry to burst your bubble but distributing resources to idiots doesn’t create civilization, a look at tribes on reserves or Africa should tell you of the hereditarian differences. Your average high iq middle class person is just an engineer. The lie of class warfare is there so you can be distracted against the 0.00001 percent elite but the fact is even if you owned such vast amounts of land and infrastructure it is no guarantee you have the ability to rule and others would come for your head if you don’t give them gifts or subsidies. Maybe you should have a try at being a ceo or competing against other humans for resources. Either way the non cognitive elite only multiply themselves making shoes or whatno, not developing ai or going into space or researching immortality or downloadable skills. I fail to see how repeating 100 iq medians will lead to civilizational development other than mutually assured destruction because westerners enjoy 10x the amount of life value your sweatshop Asian who works 72/12 or middle easterner who grinds up rocks and glues your nikeky shoes. It’s called the inequality of life and ability, though technically unearned hereditary resources is not something one should be proud of, it doesn’t change the immutable fact that humans are envious and bloodthirsty like you and always want more so changing a ruling elite for another set of individuals with same mentality of you would just lead to same self delusion of being more in intrinsic worth. Nevertheless the elites sucked at ruling and should have indeed done more to increase the human aptitude.
Yes, quite. Paul Ehrlich and Dennis Meadows said in separate interviews they were appalled no action was taken ~50 years ago to avoid overshoot/collapse.
Voluntary two-child policies, abolish a fractional reserve banking system which only works with perpetual growth (that ended 2008), etc, etc.
UK and US policies from 1974 to 1981 were reasonably sensible. Oil consumption fell by about 15% and there was more to come if the work had continued. Once they were settled in office, Thatcher and Reagan announced 'all change' and began extracting Alaskan and North Sea oil as fast as possible.
Re two child policies... population growth is a key drive of GDP.... if you don't grow your population you stagnate and your economy enters a recession....
The means layoffs. Laid off people buy next to nothing ... resulting in more layoffs.
Ultimately will end up with a deflationary death spiral -- and collapse.
Fortunately the Men Who Run the World are not grade 3 teachers so they understand that these utopian ideas that the average person holds .... are nonsense...
This is also why they do not allow democracy... that would be a disaster
“Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls money can control the world.” Henry Kissinger
What I'm witnessing is societies - at least in West - have reached the point where it is easier to steal from one another than to work on productivity. This is why Rule of Law is getting replaced by Rule of Man - barbarism. It explains Gaza, it explains Ukraine, it explains why our oil is under Iraq's deserts, it explains US' explicit plan to break up Russia to get at resources, yadda yadda yadda. It explains why the platinum .005% want to exterminate the rest of us useless eaters and why genocide is oh so fashionable in the controlled media.
It also explains why sink one aircraft carrier and it will never be rebuilt, the fires below the underpasses in California, the endless grift by the rich and powerful who see the end approaching - hence bankrupt US and take all they can.
To the degree Russia and China and ROW really do play the cooperative game, that will be a huge win for all. To the degree the psychopaths pillage and destroy what they cannot own, not so good.
These are times and circumstances perfectly suited to the psychopaths. Only a very strong culture can stand against them. The Dark Ages monasteries, perhaps.
And I see below, "I recommend Gail Tverberg too" Gail was one of the regular writers at the oil drum.
You need to read on the Roman Catholic church method. it's called dialectical materialism.
Thesis is capitalism. Anti-thesis is communism. Synthesis is technocratic feudalism.
China is implied to be the one leading it. The kabuki theatre of Russia/China alliance is a lie. You don't randomly cooperate to jab and shut down economies or stage fake videos of people falling down in COVID non-sense. Snowden went to 'Russia' because they want to make you believe the western governments are ''failing'' so they can push their NWO, look at trending feed of Elon Musk the technocrat leader ''war is boiling'' tweet on X. It's deliberate.
Econ 101 was my worst class, but you've explained it in terms I can grasp. Thanks, NE. Always grateful for your perspective, and this one makes so much sense. I'm sending it to my 26-year-old son who's struggling to find hands-on work that will support him even nominally...
Someone else you might find interesting is Tim Garrett. He is very knowledgeable on open systems and the laws of thermodynamics. According to him open systems (eg industrial civilization) are either growing or collapsing, there is no steady state. The rate of change (differential) of global energy consumption is the key metric with regard to whether industrial civilization is collapsing and this has been in decline for the past twenty years according to Garrett. This is basically the canary in the coalmine.
Still staggering to realize that a few fortunates are playing with us for their own benefit, regardless of the harm they cause. How did humanity create such evil people?
I know, my question too. If one lays aside the not inconceivable claim of metaphysical evil, which might itself have to do with quantum biology and the nonlocal nontemporal on other planets or in other dimensions in the future or the past, how do we get from egalitarian hunter gatherers to huge numbers of spinelessly sadistic, dark triad, or sociopathic people, people susceptible to cults like WEF top down astro-turfed gender and DIE CRT and climate cults? Karen Armstrong thinks everything changed with agriculture, when class structures began due to the availability of food storage. (The U Haul is Satan hypothesis lol) Is it genes? Epigenetics? The evolutionary advantages of being a complete asshole? More genes into the next generation? War no longer pruning out certain genetic proclivities? Technology, known, and unknown (from black research)? Is it brain shrinkage, lower IQ? I do think there has been 100 years of eco-brainwashing with false ideas and narratives. The decline of faith, which in its devotional and not its empire forms, constrains evil? Our dismissal of cultural practices that were actually elevating all of us, like literacy and ritual and making music and being grounded in place and nature? I can't figure it out either.
You make a great point. Most of these miscreants are born into privilege and have absolutely zero contact with us plebs. They live in a privileged world where everything is provided for them and they never know what it means to work for a living. Still, if they have so much, why do they think they have the right to dictate how the rest of us live? Are they so narcissistic to believe they are not only wealthier than the rest of us, but also that they are "better" people? It seems so, and that idea is beyond repugnant.
Are you referring to the people who made the decision to exterminate us ... because the alternative was to do nothing ... let the global economy collapse -- and leave 8 Billion angry starving predators on the street?
Yup. Everyone competes for resources and a higher standard of living. People can't handle being told their genes are lower IQ. Plus even if you are an elite or king you won't un-demolish your castle, you still need to distribute resources in proportion to the utility of groups of individual which means your head gets chopped off if people get unhappy, so you hide and shroud behind dark secret societies and supranational organizations. People can't handle the truth that people are selfish and slavery is necessary to get their cheap tiktok chinese widgets at 40% discount in walmart or whatever. or the cobalt mined.
From the CoS article referenced - Nuclear power as we currently understand it, might qualify on energy-density grounds – it is orders of magnitude more powerful than oil or coal – but it currently fails on abundance – there is not enough uranium to go around – and cost grounds. In theory, thorium could solve these problems as it is widely available and – under the right conditions – will decay into fissionable uranium… except that nobody knows how to do it at scale and within budget… which is why we need to deploy our best minds at precisely this kind of problem.
As a uranium exploration geologist, I am certain that the statement "there is not enough uranium to go around" is false. It's there in the ground, but exploration for same and its subsequent mining have been severely crippled by the same environmental movement that is so concerned about possible global warming. Shoot ourselves in our mutual feet much?
First and second references -- uranium resource is that known, not that existent. See, for more explanation, the technical mining definitions of "reserves" and "resources". Reserves and resources of a mineral commodity grow as a function of market price and market demand, and are not static for that reason.
Re: second link. Current dominance of in-situ uranium production is caused by: 1) its low production cost in an era of relatively low price and low market demand; and 2) its low surface impact in an era of general urban citizen resistance to nuclear energy production (out of sight, out of mind). The current dominance of this mode of uranium production does not reflect availability of otherwise mineable uranium.
Granting the possibility that there may not be enough uranium to ever match our current profligate rate of use of fossil fuels, development of nuclear energy would help conserve/extend the availability of those fossil resources for their employment in applications where there are currently no substitute energy sources for those fossil fuels -- like in farming and the detailed, more local aspects of the food and goods supply chains. The passive alternative of letting things go and running short of the fossil fuels necessary to maintain modern economic processes would definitely be much messier than addressing the technical and practical difficulties of using nuclear energy.
They stalled plasma research and usage of nuclear reactors for NWO installation first. Depleted uranium can still be utilized but limitations apply as there isn't infinite rock asteroids to hit the earth and having 8 billion useless eaters makes zero sense with machine learning capable of replacing most work.
Yeah, but we got it back but then closed off the public lands containing that uranium to mining and exploration --- under very specious environmental grounds. For what I'm referring to, see Biden's new national monument in northern Arizona.
What happened was the US Department of Interior closed down the public lands ( containing most of the Russian uranium holdings to exploration and mining by all companies in 2008-2009 -- thus got rid of the Russians, but also killed off all the North American exploration and mining companies working there at the same time. This year Biden worsened the original federal mistake by designating the Arizona lands containing the bulk of the US uranium resource a more or less perpetually untouchable national monument ( Venal dimwittery on parade...
While on the topic of nuclear energy ... guess what happens when the global economy collapses and there is no way to manage these:
There are 4000 Spent Fuel Ponds Around the Globe…
If you don’t cool the spent fuel, the temperature will rise and there may be a swift chain reaction that leads to spontaneous combustion–an explosion and fire of the spent fuel assemblies. Such a scenario would emit radioactive particles into the atmosphere. Pick your poison. Fresh fuel is hotter and more radioactive, but is only one fuel assembly. A pool of spent fuel will have dozens of assemblies.
One report from Sankei News said that there are over 700 fuel assemblies stored in one pool at Fukushima. If they all caught fire, radioactive particles—including those lasting for as long as a decade—would be released into the air and eventually contaminate the land or, worse, be inhaled by people. “To me, the spent fuel is scarier. All those spent fuel assemblies are still extremely radioactive,” Dalnoki-Veress says.
It has been known for more than two decades that, in case of a loss of water in the pool, convective air cooling would be relatively ineffective in such a “dense-packed” pool. Spent fuel recently discharged from a reactor could heat up relatively rapidly to temperatures at which the zircaloy fuel cladding could catch fire and the fuel’s volatile fission product, including 30-year half-life Cs, would be released. The fire could well spread to older spent fuel. The long-term land-contamination consequences of such an event could be significantly worse than those from Chernobyl.
Japan’s chief cabinet secretary called it “the devil’s scenario.” Two weeks after the 11 March 2011 earthquake and tsunami devastated the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, causing three nuclear reactors to melt down and release radioactive plumes, officials were bracing for even worse. They feared that spent fuel stored in pools in the reactor halls would catch fire and send radioactive smoke across a much wider swath of eastern Japan, including Tokyo.
The Chernobyl accident was relatively minor, involved no spent fuel ponds, and was controlled by pouring cement onto the reactor. This was breaking down so a few years back they re-entombed.
Estimates of the cancer burden in Europe from radioactive fallout from the Chernobyl accident
However, many of the radioactive elements in spent fuel have long half-lives. For example, plutonium-239 has a half-life of 24,000 years, and plutonium-240 has a half-life of 6,800 years. Because it contains these long half-lived radioactive elements, spent fuel must be isolated and controlled for thousands of years.
Well the deal as I understood it was they sold our uraniam to a Canadian Company that had Russian shareholders and it got true and we haven't shipped any Uranium to Canada then I feel better...
But yes, Biden is NOT working for us. That is as plain as the nose on my face...if you wanted to destroy a country you would do everything Biden did for the past three years...
ECoE is an intriguing theory, but from my perspective, it is a fatalistic one. A more common fatalistic theory is Malthusianism, but it has become disreputable because of failing to account for human innovation.
One Matlhusian says "peak oil" will be reached by 1990, when that claim falls flat on its face, the next Malthusian gets up to tell us that "irreversible climate change" will have occurred by 2000. Each claim is eventually refuted due to new and additional innovation. The claims do not stop, but neither do the refutations.
How would you respond to the criticism that ECoE is a version of Malthusianism which does not adequately account for innovation? In what ways is it different from similar concepts such as "Limits to Growth" ?
I agree, it isn't much different. And it doesn't really matter. If you have global leaders basing their decisions on these theories then they go into self-protection mode and innovation becomes thwarted. How do you explain the decline in prosperity otherwise?
I take the perspective of Austrian economics, where prosperity is not natural, but man-made, and it relies on economic freedom -- i.e., losses of economic freedom will always result in losses in human prosperity.
Human innovation depends on increasing IQ. Are we increasing our IQ? The elites told us to do eugenics, and we didn't do it. Are you building tomahak plasma reactors? Are you discovering anti-gravity fields? Equipotentiality matters just as much as scales of economy for population size. Resources don't regenerate at an infinitely increasing rate. Where are the humans on the earth ''trying to innovate'' for energy? Most are reality TVing, video gaming or soccer balling away their life or tiktoking, please tell me if the average human even thinks about how their stonks power their life rather than the stuff that comes from the ground.
There's a reason they allowed the Chinese to build all those reactors, nuclear plants, etc. It's called firing the masses in CEO terms and re-deploying capital to the useful. Who is more scientifically and engineering-oriented? NE Asians. End of discussion.
I salute you for recognizing the cause of what we are experiencing...
What cannot continue ... will stop (herb stein)....
Stop = collapse... as in total collapse of the financial system and supply chains... and 8B starve. But before they starve they go f789ing crazy --- rape murder cannibalism....
But before we get to that... something must be done... letting the Gates of Hell swing open is not something anyone wants... therefore those who run the world have decided to act... and act they have .. 6B Vaxxers with their damaged immune systems are primed for detonation... unfortunately those of us that are not... will be locked down and starved.
I had this discussion with one of the sub authors of Great Barrington in April of 2020 --- he didn't say and I am sure they thought this was insane....
But it's looking more and prescient as each day passes
I see the world as having an abundance of energy. Lots of coal, oil, and natural gas to be accessed if desired. The intentional scarcity of it is what is increasing its cost. The western policy of limiting exploration and extraction in multifarious ways is what is making the world poorer. That is what the elite tyrants must want because poorer people are more easily controlled.
The energy cost of energy is increasing because there are people who want it to do so. Whether they are sincere that the "transition" to "renewables" they espouse is because they legitimately believe that anthropogenic emissions of CO2 are going to make the planet unsustainable for life, or whether there is an unstated agenda, the idea that it is being done to us on purpose is undeniable.
Add to that the importation of millions of dependents from the third world, er, "global south" throughout the West, which is also being done intentionally.
Add to that the complete explosion in debt-fueled spending, harkening back to George W Bush signing a $700B (which used to be a mind-blowing number) bank bailout in 2008 that was couched as an emergency, one-time expenditure but which immediately became the baseline for Obama-era budgeting. The same trick was then used again by Obama with his ARRA "stimulus" package, and again by Biden, who pocketed the Covid spending blowout that passed under Trump and again, used it as a new baseline for all Federal spending.
All of these things are happening intentionally, all at once.
They plan to use the ocean to create unlimited electricity, they have the technology as I saw it in an article a few years ago in Chemistry world.
Once installed it’s extremely low maintenance with continuous output.
It’s not exactly profitable in the same manner once there’s an abundance of clean cheap energy, hence why they’re dancing round telling us the world will end if we don’t reduce co2 levels. We know that’s garbage just like we know a select few are making a fortune driving the green agenda.
Not correct ... most studies including Limits to Growth indicated we'd start having problems around 2008... recall $147 oil in 2007... then fracking happened ... kicking the can
Ray it has everything to do with money printing/ inflation/ green agenda, they have the technology to produce endless amounts of electricity from the ocean, where’s the fun in driving up commodities and making piles of money on the stock market though once energy is not a problem!
At the bottom of it all are the globalist oligarchs who believe there are simply too many of us to manage. They don’t want 8 billion people around. They want far fewer and have taken it upon themselves to drive the world there. This explains the rising ECoE, which is one of 4 weapons at their disposal. The other 3 are bioweapons, food and war.
All 4 weapons are being deployed simultaneously in order to depopulate the earth as fast as possible. This is not a conspiracy theory. They have openly talked about this for a long time. They are doing what they said they wanted. Energy is key to food production and to the existence of a middle class, which must also be eliminated as a necessary precondition to depopulation.
Culling won't fix this.
In order to maintain civilization there must be growth ... and a big percentage of economic growth is driven by an increasing population.
Removing people would lead to a deflationary death spiral.
Imagine you own a business selling widgets - your customer base gets slashed by say half. You lose economies of scale ... profits crash or you start losing money -- you cannot service your debts --- you default --- you lay off workers -- they cannot service their debts -- they cannot find another job cuz all companies are doing the same...
The financial system implodes. Supply chains vapourize.
The lights go out.
And the Gates of Hell swing open.
It's not a cull -- it's extermination -- aka extinction
I know this is not what anyone wants to hear ... but consider the fact that every country on the planet is on board with this injection program - there is ZERO pushback.
They will do whatever it takes to ensure it completes - case in point Winston Smith leaked damaging data about deaths from the jab in NZ....
Immediately a global blackout was imposed to ensure that info could not reach the mainstream and the Vaxxers.... the machine quickly rolled out PR to handle damage control...
This cannot be about $$$$ - as most believe. The money made is in the bigger scheme ... peanuts... there is no way every entity that could oppose this ... has been paid off... there is not enough ... Xi and Putin alone are mega billionaires... no way they could buy them off.. and they are on board.
Everyone is.
And of course if it was about money why would they inject stuff that destroys the immune system?
We need to be honest with ourselves... to stop making these nonsensical excuses.
They are exterminating everyone. And they are doing that because we are into very severe depletion on affordable energy.
Surely everyone understands the implications?
And no - we are not transitioning to fairy farts or solar or EVs... that's just put out there to convince the mob that the future is awesome...
Agree except for the point about extermination due to energy depletion. They are the ones depleting the world’s energy supply, not the masses. There is plenty of hydrocarbon energy in the world to sustain a larger population(with reasonable increases in efficiency). This is being done because it is rooted in evil, and the Evil one has gained(for the time being) the upper hand
Oh I see - so the 8 billion don't burn through the energy ... I wasn't aware of that
Of course they consume energy. However they don’t burn through it. There is enough for everyone, for a very long time
What is occurring in our world today is a deliberate and severe suppression of energy production, for the reasons I stated. Solar and wind can never supply the energy needs of our world, and both of these sources are diverting a great deal of energy for their production and use. I like solar power and I use it. But it has been weaponized along with wind energy to hinder and stop the further development of fossil fuel sources. John Kerry said just this week that no more coal fired power plants should be allowed on planet earth. This is a crime against humanity
You are failing to understand the article - we are not running out of energy - we are running out of affordable energy.
The world runs on fossil fuels. Solar is not relevant (and it is not cheap particularly when you factor in battery storage).
You can choose not to look,c_limit,f_webp,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/
This will be my last reply. Why do you think energy has/is becoming unaffordable? This is the doing of governments and global oligarchs. It is deliberate and completely unnecessary. Energy should be cheap AND abundant and if not for the deliberate dismantling and destruction of the petroleum based energy industry, particularly in the west, it would be. The reason that the ECoC is rising is because it is being forced to do so. All part of their plan
Fast Eddy is actually pretty slow, and pimps the "We're running out of oil!" BS
You don’t need to pay off everyone for it to be about money. You just need to make collecting your regular salary dependent on doing their bidding. Hence all the journalists and policemen and doctors and whatever being on board with the grand plan. A few have profited immensely from vaccines, PPE, BMGF etc payouts as well.
And a few definitely want us all dead....though their lack of imagination as to what a world in economic death spiral looks like (as you accurately describe) befuddles me. What point is there to being Bill Gates in a world like that? He will be Marie Antoinetted tout suite. No money can protect him from that.
Why inject something destroys the immune system... and maims and kills?
Why not inject a variant of the relatively harmless flu vaccine?
Logic 101
10-20,000 elites can't utilize 99,999,999% more energy than 7 billion people. Can you do math or not? It's A population X average capital rate of consumption. Same with pollution. A small enough population means less negative externalities. This is just pure stupidity.
10,000 elites buzzling in jets will not out-do 2-3 billion driving cars, going on ships, going on airplanes or whatever.
There was a recent report from Oxfam on the world's haves versus the have-nots. Or maybe one should call them the have-yachts and the rest?
The 'top 1%' appear to account for over 93% of the planet's GHG emissions. It would seem more beneficial to get rid of the top 1% - or cut their lifestyles down to size - than cull the bottom 99%.
Maybe they should be rationed to one flight a year or less. Their other meetings can be on Zoom.
Are you still buying the greenhouse propaganda? It’s solely meant for energy usage estimation.
The top 1 percent are your physicians and business owners. Taxing your normie who has 130 iq or more is retarded. If you are talking about elite elite, it would be the dynastic wealth like emperors, black Guelph families like Walmart Jesuit owners, the British monarchy or the Catholic Church who have untaxed wealth into the trillions and own land, banks and whatnot. Your productive citizen at mit that makes robotics is worth more than a bottom rat worker who digs dirt. Sorry to burst your bubble but distributing resources to idiots doesn’t create civilization, a look at tribes on reserves or Africa should tell you of the hereditarian differences. Your average high iq middle class person is just an engineer. The lie of class warfare is there so you can be distracted against the 0.00001 percent elite but the fact is even if you owned such vast amounts of land and infrastructure it is no guarantee you have the ability to rule and others would come for your head if you don’t give them gifts or subsidies. Maybe you should have a try at being a ceo or competing against other humans for resources. Either way the non cognitive elite only multiply themselves making shoes or whatno, not developing ai or going into space or researching immortality or downloadable skills. I fail to see how repeating 100 iq medians will lead to civilizational development other than mutually assured destruction because westerners enjoy 10x the amount of life value your sweatshop Asian who works 72/12 or middle easterner who grinds up rocks and glues your nikeky shoes. It’s called the inequality of life and ability, though technically unearned hereditary resources is not something one should be proud of, it doesn’t change the immutable fact that humans are envious and bloodthirsty like you and always want more so changing a ruling elite for another set of individuals with same mentality of you would just lead to same self delusion of being more in intrinsic worth. Nevertheless the elites sucked at ruling and should have indeed done more to increase the human aptitude.
I concur. It is not inevitable but by design/self fulfilling prophecy.
What is by design? Energy depletion?
Last I looked the planet was finite ... resources are finite.... this was always gonna happen.
Yes, quite. Paul Ehrlich and Dennis Meadows said in separate interviews they were appalled no action was taken ~50 years ago to avoid overshoot/collapse.
What action could have been taken?
Voluntary two-child policies, abolish a fractional reserve banking system which only works with perpetual growth (that ended 2008), etc, etc.
UK and US policies from 1974 to 1981 were reasonably sensible. Oil consumption fell by about 15% and there was more to come if the work had continued. Once they were settled in office, Thatcher and Reagan announced 'all change' and began extracting Alaskan and North Sea oil as fast as possible.
Re two child policies... population growth is a key drive of GDP.... if you don't grow your population you stagnate and your economy enters a recession....
The means layoffs. Laid off people buy next to nothing ... resulting in more layoffs.
Ultimately will end up with a deflationary death spiral -- and collapse.
Fortunately the Men Who Run the World are not grade 3 teachers so they understand that these utopian ideas that the average person holds .... are nonsense...
This is also why they do not allow democracy... that would be a disaster
Oil consumption and growth are directly correlated
If you reduce oil consumption you will end up in a recession... if you do not resume growth in oil consumption and return to growth...
Your recession will descend into a depression...
If you continue with policies that prevent oil consumption from growing ...
You collapse the global economy
“Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls money can control the world.” Henry Kissinger
The man has died but his ideas live on. Oh Vey.
Back in the time of Peak Oil, we called this EROEI - Energy Return on Energy Invested.
The archives of The Oil Drum are still online
And a post today, there is no such thing as a low energy rich country:
What I'm witnessing is societies - at least in West - have reached the point where it is easier to steal from one another than to work on productivity. This is why Rule of Law is getting replaced by Rule of Man - barbarism. It explains Gaza, it explains Ukraine, it explains why our oil is under Iraq's deserts, it explains US' explicit plan to break up Russia to get at resources, yadda yadda yadda. It explains why the platinum .005% want to exterminate the rest of us useless eaters and why genocide is oh so fashionable in the controlled media.
It also explains why sink one aircraft carrier and it will never be rebuilt, the fires below the underpasses in California, the endless grift by the rich and powerful who see the end approaching - hence bankrupt US and take all they can.
To the degree Russia and China and ROW really do play the cooperative game, that will be a huge win for all. To the degree the psychopaths pillage and destroy what they cannot own, not so good.
These are times and circumstances perfectly suited to the psychopaths. Only a very strong culture can stand against them. The Dark Ages monasteries, perhaps.
And I see below, "I recommend Gail Tverberg too" Gail was one of the regular writers at the oil drum.
That is the alternative theory, the deliberate impoverishment of the middle classes for control.
You need to read on the Roman Catholic church method. it's called dialectical materialism.
Thesis is capitalism. Anti-thesis is communism. Synthesis is technocratic feudalism.
China is implied to be the one leading it. The kabuki theatre of Russia/China alliance is a lie. You don't randomly cooperate to jab and shut down economies or stage fake videos of people falling down in COVID non-sense. Snowden went to 'Russia' because they want to make you believe the western governments are ''failing'' so they can push their NWO, look at trending feed of Elon Musk the technocrat leader ''war is boiling'' tweet on X. It's deliberate.
Beat me to it!
Econ 101 was my worst class, but you've explained it in terms I can grasp. Thanks, NE. Always grateful for your perspective, and this one makes so much sense. I'm sending it to my 26-year-old son who's struggling to find hands-on work that will support him even nominally...
Someone else you might find interesting is Tim Garrett. He is very knowledgeable on open systems and the laws of thermodynamics. According to him open systems (eg industrial civilization) are either growing or collapsing, there is no steady state. The rate of change (differential) of global energy consumption is the key metric with regard to whether industrial civilization is collapsing and this has been in decline for the past twenty years according to Garrett. This is basically the canary in the coalmine.
This is the home of Fast Eddy
But don't let that put you off.
Gail's articles are very insightful and reading Eddy's comments below the line is not compulsory.
Most people visit OFW... to read Fast Eddy's comments.
Gail is very gracious and tolerant.
She's a fan...
She approves of free speech ... unlike Tim Morgan.
Still staggering to realize that a few fortunates are playing with us for their own benefit, regardless of the harm they cause. How did humanity create such evil people?
I know, my question too. If one lays aside the not inconceivable claim of metaphysical evil, which might itself have to do with quantum biology and the nonlocal nontemporal on other planets or in other dimensions in the future or the past, how do we get from egalitarian hunter gatherers to huge numbers of spinelessly sadistic, dark triad, or sociopathic people, people susceptible to cults like WEF top down astro-turfed gender and DIE CRT and climate cults? Karen Armstrong thinks everything changed with agriculture, when class structures began due to the availability of food storage. (The U Haul is Satan hypothesis lol) Is it genes? Epigenetics? The evolutionary advantages of being a complete asshole? More genes into the next generation? War no longer pruning out certain genetic proclivities? Technology, known, and unknown (from black research)? Is it brain shrinkage, lower IQ? I do think there has been 100 years of eco-brainwashing with false ideas and narratives. The decline of faith, which in its devotional and not its empire forms, constrains evil? Our dismissal of cultural practices that were actually elevating all of us, like literacy and ritual and making music and being grounded in place and nature? I can't figure it out either.
You actually should be thanking them that they have worked out how to keep the global economy alive
If not for all those think tanks working out how to prevent collapse as energy costs skyrocketed.... we'd have gone extinct in 2008... if no earlier
They were born that way.
You make a great point. Most of these miscreants are born into privilege and have absolutely zero contact with us plebs. They live in a privileged world where everything is provided for them and they never know what it means to work for a living. Still, if they have so much, why do they think they have the right to dictate how the rest of us live? Are they so narcissistic to believe they are not only wealthier than the rest of us, but also that they are "better" people? It seems so, and that idea is beyond repugnant.
Who is evil and why? I am unclear
You are.
I can see that you do not like the truth
I don't like scaremongers with an agenda, no, especially the paid shill type.
You should be scared... imagine what the world looks like when the lights go out... scary
Nobody pays me... but if I set up a givesendgo and linked to it after each post... do you think people might contribute?
Regrettably, if you're unclear about that, I'm afraid I can't help you. Sorry.
Are you referring to the people who made the decision to exterminate us ... because the alternative was to do nothing ... let the global economy collapse -- and leave 8 Billion angry starving predators on the street?
This demonstrates why the Men Who Run the World do not tell us the truth about anything.
We cannot handle it.
And if they were to tell the truth - as I have above -- the billions would riot endlessly...
Because they cannot accept that we are out of cheap energy and therefore doomed.
They behave like petulant children.
Yup. Everyone competes for resources and a higher standard of living. People can't handle being told their genes are lower IQ. Plus even if you are an elite or king you won't un-demolish your castle, you still need to distribute resources in proportion to the utility of groups of individual which means your head gets chopped off if people get unhappy, so you hide and shroud behind dark secret societies and supranational organizations. People can't handle the truth that people are selfish and slavery is necessary to get their cheap tiktok chinese widgets at 40% discount in walmart or whatever. or the cobalt mined.
We have circus animals -- highly trained MOREONS such as doctors engineers lawyers etc...
And everyone else is a Barnyard Animal...
None are intelligent
So if energy is becoming so expensive.... and I'm assuming this is referring to actual energy, the energy of electricity, oil, fossil fuels, etc....
why not revisit nuclear?
Would that not solve most of those problems?
From the CoS article referenced - Nuclear power as we currently understand it, might qualify on energy-density grounds – it is orders of magnitude more powerful than oil or coal – but it currently fails on abundance – there is not enough uranium to go around – and cost grounds. In theory, thorium could solve these problems as it is widely available and – under the right conditions – will decay into fissionable uranium… except that nobody knows how to do it at scale and within budget… which is why we need to deploy our best minds at precisely this kind of problem.
As a uranium exploration geologist, I am certain that the statement "there is not enough uranium to go around" is false. It's there in the ground, but exploration for same and its subsequent mining have been severely crippled by the same environmental movement that is so concerned about possible global warming. Shoot ourselves in our mutual feet much?
Why nuclear power will never supply the world's energy needs
The End of Cheap Uranium (Cornell University Research)
I'll double up on that
I'll double up on my view.
First and second references -- uranium resource is that known, not that existent. See, for more explanation, the technical mining definitions of "reserves" and "resources". Reserves and resources of a mineral commodity grow as a function of market price and market demand, and are not static for that reason.
Re: second link. Current dominance of in-situ uranium production is caused by: 1) its low production cost in an era of relatively low price and low market demand; and 2) its low surface impact in an era of general urban citizen resistance to nuclear energy production (out of sight, out of mind). The current dominance of this mode of uranium production does not reflect availability of otherwise mineable uranium.
Granting the possibility that there may not be enough uranium to ever match our current profligate rate of use of fossil fuels, development of nuclear energy would help conserve/extend the availability of those fossil resources for their employment in applications where there are currently no substitute energy sources for those fossil fuels -- like in farming and the detailed, more local aspects of the food and goods supply chains. The passive alternative of letting things go and running short of the fossil fuels necessary to maintain modern economic processes would definitely be much messier than addressing the technical and practical difficulties of using nuclear energy.
"It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it."
Ditto for cherished points of view.
They stalled plasma research and usage of nuclear reactors for NWO installation first. Depleted uranium can still be utilized but limitations apply as there isn't infinite rock asteroids to hit the earth and having 8 billion useless eaters makes zero sense with machine learning capable of replacing most work.
Read the comment section of Dr. Tim Morgan's blog for data-driven opinion and analysis of the nuclear question.
I keep an extensive dbase of info as I have been researching the energy story since the GFC:
Why nuclear power will never supply the world's energy needs
The End of Cheap Uranium (Cornell University Research)
That is interesting. I am so used to ideas like that being shot down over nonsense it is interesting to see one that is thoughtful.
Because Hillary Clinton sold the US's uranium to Russian back when she was secretry of state.
Yeah, but we got it back but then closed off the public lands containing that uranium to mining and exploration --- under very specious environmental grounds. For what I'm referring to, see Biden's new national monument in northern Arizona.
Did we? I didn't know that....but the Head of the FBI made a shit-ton of money as did HIllary and ever other crooked poltician involved in the deal.
No wonder I feel totally broke all the time.
My parents gave me the best of presents...a wonderful chldhood. But every
once in a while, I wish I had an eye for the main chance, and the ability to live with myself if I took it.
But my parents were relatively decent people...and I didn't get taught about grifting off the taxpayers and the, it is way too late.
What happened was the US Department of Interior closed down the public lands ( containing most of the Russian uranium holdings to exploration and mining by all companies in 2008-2009 -- thus got rid of the Russians, but also killed off all the North American exploration and mining companies working there at the same time. This year Biden worsened the original federal mistake by designating the Arizona lands containing the bulk of the US uranium resource a more or less perpetually untouchable national monument ( Venal dimwittery on parade...
While on the topic of nuclear energy ... guess what happens when the global economy collapses and there is no way to manage these:
There are 4000 Spent Fuel Ponds Around the Globe…
If you don’t cool the spent fuel, the temperature will rise and there may be a swift chain reaction that leads to spontaneous combustion–an explosion and fire of the spent fuel assemblies. Such a scenario would emit radioactive particles into the atmosphere. Pick your poison. Fresh fuel is hotter and more radioactive, but is only one fuel assembly. A pool of spent fuel will have dozens of assemblies.
One report from Sankei News said that there are over 700 fuel assemblies stored in one pool at Fukushima. If they all caught fire, radioactive particles—including those lasting for as long as a decade—would be released into the air and eventually contaminate the land or, worse, be inhaled by people. “To me, the spent fuel is scarier. All those spent fuel assemblies are still extremely radioactive,” Dalnoki-Veress says.
It has been known for more than two decades that, in case of a loss of water in the pool, convective air cooling would be relatively ineffective in such a “dense-packed” pool. Spent fuel recently discharged from a reactor could heat up relatively rapidly to temperatures at which the zircaloy fuel cladding could catch fire and the fuel’s volatile fission product, including 30-year half-life Cs, would be released. The fire could well spread to older spent fuel. The long-term land-contamination consequences of such an event could be significantly worse than those from Chernobyl.
Japan’s chief cabinet secretary called it “the devil’s scenario.” Two weeks after the 11 March 2011 earthquake and tsunami devastated the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, causing three nuclear reactors to melt down and release radioactive plumes, officials were bracing for even worse. They feared that spent fuel stored in pools in the reactor halls would catch fire and send radioactive smoke across a much wider swath of eastern Japan, including Tokyo.
The Chernobyl accident was relatively minor, involved no spent fuel ponds, and was controlled by pouring cement onto the reactor. This was breaking down so a few years back they re-entombed.
Estimates of the cancer burden in Europe from radioactive fallout from the Chernobyl accident
However, many of the radioactive elements in spent fuel have long half-lives. For example, plutonium-239 has a half-life of 24,000 years, and plutonium-240 has a half-life of 6,800 years. Because it contains these long half-lived radioactive elements, spent fuel must be isolated and controlled for thousands of years.
Well the deal as I understood it was they sold our uraniam to a Canadian Company that had Russian shareholders and it got true and we haven't shipped any Uranium to Canada then I feel better...
But yes, Biden is NOT working for us. That is as plain as the nose on my face...if you wanted to destroy a country you would do everything Biden did for the past three years...
In case you missed it... don't get angry ... I am just the messenger
Why nuclear power will never supply the world's energy needs
The End of Cheap Uranium (Cornell University Research)
Nothing is ever gonna replace oil and gasoline for cars.
But maybe we can stave off the Road scenario by heating homes with the thorium reactors....
Thorium is just another lie e.g.
It's just another flavour of hopium fed to you by bbccnn
Stop spamming Slow Eddy, you're just annoying people.
ECoE is an intriguing theory, but from my perspective, it is a fatalistic one. A more common fatalistic theory is Malthusianism, but it has become disreputable because of failing to account for human innovation.
One Matlhusian says "peak oil" will be reached by 1990, when that claim falls flat on its face, the next Malthusian gets up to tell us that "irreversible climate change" will have occurred by 2000. Each claim is eventually refuted due to new and additional innovation. The claims do not stop, but neither do the refutations.
How would you respond to the criticism that ECoE is a version of Malthusianism which does not adequately account for innovation? In what ways is it different from similar concepts such as "Limits to Growth" ?
I agree, it isn't much different. And it doesn't really matter. If you have global leaders basing their decisions on these theories then they go into self-protection mode and innovation becomes thwarted. How do you explain the decline in prosperity otherwise?
I take the perspective of Austrian economics, where prosperity is not natural, but man-made, and it relies on economic freedom -- i.e., losses of economic freedom will always result in losses in human prosperity.
Human innovation depends on increasing IQ. Are we increasing our IQ? The elites told us to do eugenics, and we didn't do it. Are you building tomahak plasma reactors? Are you discovering anti-gravity fields? Equipotentiality matters just as much as scales of economy for population size. Resources don't regenerate at an infinitely increasing rate. Where are the humans on the earth ''trying to innovate'' for energy? Most are reality TVing, video gaming or soccer balling away their life or tiktoking, please tell me if the average human even thinks about how their stonks power their life rather than the stuff that comes from the ground.
There's a reason they allowed the Chinese to build all those reactors, nuclear plants, etc. It's called firing the masses in CEO terms and re-deploying capital to the useful. Who is more scientifically and engineering-oriented? NE Asians. End of discussion.
Fast Eddy will spew some nonsense in 3, 2.. oh he already did. *sigh
It's good to see that someone with a large following has discovered Consciousness of Sheep and is amplifying his message.
I recommend Gail Tverberg too
the federal reserve, the income tax. THE SIXTEENTH AMENDMENT
fiat money.,
none of this was in the founders vision... repeal the income tax, abolish the fed. commodity based money
I salute you for recognizing the cause of what we are experiencing...
What cannot continue ... will stop (herb stein)....
Stop = collapse... as in total collapse of the financial system and supply chains... and 8B starve. But before they starve they go f789ing crazy --- rape murder cannibalism....
But before we get to that... something must be done... letting the Gates of Hell swing open is not something anyone wants... therefore those who run the world have decided to act... and act they have .. 6B Vaxxers with their damaged immune systems are primed for detonation... unfortunately those of us that are not... will be locked down and starved.
I had this discussion with one of the sub authors of Great Barrington in April of 2020 --- he didn't say and I am sure they thought this was insane....
But it's looking more and prescient as each day passes
How Much Does it Cost to Build a Nuclear Power Plant?
Probably a lot less than you think
I see the world as having an abundance of energy. Lots of coal, oil, and natural gas to be accessed if desired. The intentional scarcity of it is what is increasing its cost. The western policy of limiting exploration and extraction in multifarious ways is what is making the world poorer. That is what the elite tyrants must want because poorer people are more easily controlled.
I see myself as 7ft tall and incredibly athletic... I see myself being picked up the Lakers and paid 50M a year....
Unfortunately when I applied and when I could not support any of this with facts... they laughed at me
People often laugh at you slow eddy, and for good reason.
The energy cost of energy is increasing because there are people who want it to do so. Whether they are sincere that the "transition" to "renewables" they espouse is because they legitimately believe that anthropogenic emissions of CO2 are going to make the planet unsustainable for life, or whether there is an unstated agenda, the idea that it is being done to us on purpose is undeniable.
Add to that the importation of millions of dependents from the third world, er, "global south" throughout the West, which is also being done intentionally.
Add to that the complete explosion in debt-fueled spending, harkening back to George W Bush signing a $700B (which used to be a mind-blowing number) bank bailout in 2008 that was couched as an emergency, one-time expenditure but which immediately became the baseline for Obama-era budgeting. The same trick was then used again by Obama with his ARRA "stimulus" package, and again by Biden, who pocketed the Covid spending blowout that passed under Trump and again, used it as a new baseline for all Federal spending.
All of these things are happening intentionally, all at once.
This is so well written and informative. Please do continue to provide additional information about it.
is the reason because of ecoe or is ecoe caused by the so called elites to push humans into depopulation?
oil was supposed to run out in the 70s, still waiting..
Exactly, that is the question that needs answering somehow.
They plan to use the ocean to create unlimited electricity, they have the technology as I saw it in an article a few years ago in Chemistry world.
Once installed it’s extremely low maintenance with continuous output.
It’s not exactly profitable in the same manner once there’s an abundance of clean cheap energy, hence why they’re dancing round telling us the world will end if we don’t reduce co2 levels. We know that’s garbage just like we know a select few are making a fortune driving the green agenda.
Not correct ... most studies including Limits to Growth indicated we'd start having problems around 2008... recall $147 oil in 2007... then fracking happened ... kicking the can
theres more to it than meets the eye
When we stop steaming oil out of sand... then you can being concerned
You will note - we are not running out of oil - we are running out of AFFORDABLE oil
surely that has more to do with printing money/inflation/green agendas
Ray it has everything to do with money printing/ inflation/ green agenda, they have the technology to produce endless amounts of electricity from the ocean, where’s the fun in driving up commodities and making piles of money on the stock market though once energy is not a problem!