From the Second World War until 1997, if you check any of the indices, house prices nationally were twice average earnings. Since Blair opened the immigration floodgates, this has exploded to 14 times average earnings and climbing. The UK has never built more than 200,000 houses in a year, with it usually around 150,000. Last year the country saw net migration sufficient to fill the city of Liverpool. This year it will be higher, substantially. A new city is simply not built every year. This is why few people under 40 can afford a house, pure and simple. Early 90s, annual net migration was less than 50,000; Conway does not consider this critical difference. Flooding the country with people also depresses wages, especially at the low end. This is well understood yet never raised as a reason for real wage stagnation and the ‘productivity crisis’. Until we are honest about causes, we will not find answers.

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While some of your points are valid I live in a country with little migration (actually we are loosing people) and property price skyrocketed also here. I think this has to do with 0 interest from banks or that stock market is totally unreliable so capital is looking for reliable investments. Property is an easy one. (long/short term rental definitely with airbnb...)

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Count the number of autos on the road with body damage - especially to the rear of the auto.

Autos with repairable damage mean either the owner pocketed the insurance settlement - or didn't have the money to repair. Repairable body damage is always a sign of economic distress.

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Yep. We’ve got an old car. We just can’t afford to buy a newer one at present. We’ve saved up for one but daren’t spend that money!

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Most of those autos are probably not owned by the driver. Just financed/rented to the driver. When they have to hand it back to the owner at the end of the lease/rental period, they will have to pay for the damage. So this is just further credit with a delayed payment comittment.

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Not true in the US. Here, rented/leased cars are newer (less than 5 years old, typically), insured, and well maintained, as per lease requirements. Old cars, including "beaters", are privately owned and may or may not get dents repaired, depending on the owners financial state.

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Props for the use of the term "beaters." Do you live in the Midwest?

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Me and my husband are freelancers and haven’t put our daily rates up for 17 years. If I do I don’t get work. Work is much harder to find back then too and I’ve considered going back as an employee but the salaries are the same as they were 20 years ago.

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Are we confusing the symptoms with the real disease?

More inflation, more household debt, more inequality.

G-debt and inflation, a convenience marriage set up by politicians’ thirst for deficit:

When the USD gold standard was abandoned, the real value of a dollar (adjusted for inflation) decreased linearly and then exponentially since 2018, which proves it is completely managed by the Federal Reserve and the BIS: 1

The CPI reflects the gap between the monetary base and the economy. It’s growth is explained by

a) Finflation: term defined by this author, which means financial inflation caused by the increase of the monetary base and credit base (which involves the creation of virtual money and impacts on prices even more) through government debt and credit (banking, commercial credit, credit cards) and traded derivatives.

b) Fake money: ex illuminati Ronald Bernard explains how freemasons forge money and launder it through their controlled banks2 like Deutsche, JP Morgan, Citibank, Santander… almost all multinational Banks. By paying the careers of puppeticians they manage to get their people in key offices, especially in Central Banks and mints, accessing the original printing plates and anti-counterfeiting tech/suppliers(which they control). It’s because of the printing of counterfeit money that they manage to buy 75% of banks and multinationals listed in the stock exchanges. 3

EXTREMELY IMPORTANT: Ronald Bernard (ex illuminati) explains that in detail in his confessions:

1 of 5 (don't miss the 5th) http://youtu.be/JAhnCdXqPww

They produce so much fake money that they need huge systems to launder it. That’s the reason they keep tax havens while infiltrating controlling agencies and judiciary system: “at least 2 trillion USD is laundered every year” in mason tax havens. They say it’s dirty money from “fraud, corruption, human trafficking, environmental crimes and terrorism, which harm society and undermine financial systems globally”4, but mostly it’s just their dirty money from all those activities (drug warlords responding to them!) and their financial crimes.

“Every dollar of criminal proceeds that is not seized can fuel more crime and destroy the lives of victims.” Or, in genuine terms, “Every dollar of criminal proceeds (aside from our own) that is not seized (by us) is competition that we cannot allow.” 5 Masons need to keep appearances and hate competition so less than 1% of global illicit financial flow is seized or confiscated. The other 99% is handled by them. And that doesn’t count crypto assets (they will be “conveniently” banned as soon as they implement global CBDCs).

Feb 2022, Homeland Security defined people who challenge the system as terrorists. Those who reject CBDCs will be considered a threat, financial terrorists, and that’s why global governance is after “asset recovery”, i.e. stealing your assets if you don’t comply with all the agenda 2030/ESGs.

People think that freemasons like Bill Gates are self-made men who made a fortune, legally. They don’t understand where their money really came from. Bill was presdestined to be a billionaire because he was the son of a high ranking mason, director of Planned Parenthood. He was given the Operating System monopoly for all PCs for nothing (IBM PC was basically the only one back then): he didn’t even have the DOS when 2 mason IBM execs signed the contract in Florida. Software was free back then, but masons changed the patent system so Bill could make trillions on us. Gary Kidall, inventor of the first PC operating system CP/M was one of Bill Gates first victims. A judge in 2004 agreed with Kildall's claim that the API and look and feel of 86-DOS had been copied from CP/M.

Mason Warren Buffet funded Microsoft’s expansion. With Gates they were obliged to return most of the dark money through the Bill&Melinda Gates Foundation and the Giving Pledge, used to enable the NWO agenda.

The full PLAN exposed:


16 laws we need to exit Prison Planet

Politics got us in, politics is the way out ... after prayers!


Gates-WHO: vaccines can’t reduce population, except by murdering

Proof: reducing infant mortality, can’t reduce population growth!


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There is only 1 thing in the Universe and that is Light (or the absence of Light). By putting Prayer FIRST, you are acknowledging this. https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/frequencies-einstein-future-medicine/

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Put Prayers first.

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The Australian Colony is following shortly. Their housing wealth is an illusion of magnificent proportions.

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I can't wait to hear of all those Australian Covid Mortgaged Karens becoming desperate and homeless.

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Our energy predicament, including why the correct story is rarely told

It is my view that when energy supply falls, it falls not because reserves “run out.” It falls because economies around the world cannot afford to purchase goods and services made with energy products and using energy products in their operation. It is really a price problem. Prices cannot be simultaneously high enough for oil producers (such as Russia and Saudi Arabia) to ramp up production and remain low enough for consumers around the world to buy the goods and services that they are accustomed to buying.


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There is no way out of this. Collapse has been baked in since the turn of the century.

Rising costs of energy are a huge headwind on the global economy. If the central banks did not act to offset this using stimulus (primarily low interest rates) we would not be having this discussion. The world would have collapsed.

Alas What cannot continue will stop - there is a limit to what the stimulus could achieve... and we started to push on a string in 2019...

That was the trigger to release Covid and the Injections ... now we wait for the End Game.

The Beginning of the End

JUNE 13, 2003 - There is increasing evidence that massive economic stimulus — monetary, courtesy of the Federal Reserve, and fiscal, thanks to the president and supply-side minded lawmakers — is taking hold. The magnitude of the policy turnaround, which caps a constructive, multi-year reflation process, should overwhelm the economic negatives — including the drag from expensive oil and poor finances at the state- and local-government levels.

Expensive oil and its impact on other energy costs remains a concern.

The current level of U.S. monetary stimulus is massive. Real interest rates have fallen 5.2 percent from December 2000 to March 2003, reaching -1.2 percent. A swing of this magnitude may be historical.

Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/article/207227/reversal-fortune-david-malpass


According to the OECD Economics Department and the International Monetary Fund Research Department, a sustained $10 per barrel increase in oil prices from $25 to $35 would result in the OECD as a whole losing 0.4% of GDP in the first and second years of higher prices. http://www.iea.org/textbase/npsum/high_oil04sum.pdf


For most of the last century, cheap oil powered global economic growth. But in the last decade, the price of oil production has quadrupled, and that shift will permanently shackle the growth potential of the world’s economies. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2012-09-23/how-high-oil-prices-will-permanently-cap-economic-growth

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Whelp, capitalism has once again proved Engels' analysis of it true. Make profit by building up, tearing down, rinse, repeat.

The cyclical crises is necessary for capitalism to work to the benefit of the little clique owning most of everything. So is poverty - a lumpenproletariat is necessary to keep the working class and the lower end of the bourgeois in check; if it can be divided along racial/religious lines, so much the better.

And of course, having a large group of non-native peoples to recruit the enforcers keeping the upper middle class (the managerial class) doesn't hurt.

So... corporativist global fascist capitalism, ethno-nationalism, religious fundamentalism, or communism? "What's your poison, Sir?". That's the "beauty" of the Game: as long as you can create lose/lose-no win options for any challenger, making the competitors lose is winning.

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Population growth has a lot to do with the decline in prosperity. We have more people competing for the same/limited resources (e.g. land.) A house built today is using much 'cheaper' materials than a house built 50 years ago. We see fierce competition to get into college in highly populated Asian countries.

People are generally selfish by nature and always want 'free' stuff. Every wealthy 'democratic' country eventually elects politicians who will grant them their wishes. As a result, productive assets and debts are used to fund massive public spending and waste. It essentially takes money away from people and makes them poorer. The only hope is productivity gains but even that is never enough to satisfy public 'needs.' An example is wasting $250k to 'study' gender.

Maybe AI revolution can solve some of these problems. But how do we distribute the (productivity) gains among us?

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This increase in interest rates is a full war of governments against their citizens and I think the only thing that will get the PTB’S attention is a general strike. But no protests in the streets which just gives the cops an excuse to beat and imprison people. Everyone just stays home and refuses to work until governments start representing us again.

Besides we can use it as practice for when we reject the national passport system that they have planned for us.


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Ummm, so Sam your suggesting a voluntary lockdown?🤔😐 Hard pass thanks, although i like your thinking about the problem. I'm practicing peaceful anarchy myself, and localism. Take care of my community and let each do that, and we got the whole thing covered. Let the big government's squeak squawk away. Its the little local governments you can influence face, to face. This is a psychological warfare- if they use violence in public, they lose. Think Tiananmen Square.🤔😉🤗

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This info. might help. We are in the Age of Pisces, Era of Pisces and Phase of Gemini. These are Energy dispositions that move us through History through influence, but are not predictive certainties. We are also affected by our own personal Transition through the Zodiac Wheel. Nations also are influenced by their own Transitions. These Transitions are meant to guide Humanity and Individuals towards a Higher Level of Consciousness. Indeed, the Battle is between Higher Consciousness Attainment and Slavery as per the Biblical Story of Exodus. Each Generation in each Nation, is deliberately targeted for their weaknesses. This puts pressure on these weaknesses in order to get us to "correct" as in the concept of correcting for "Tikun Olam" (Repair of the World) - https://www.astro.com/astrology/aa_article160602_e.htm


The Dissolution of the Capricorn System of Institutions is upon us. This will allow better and more flexible models to come forward such as Alternative Medicine and a return to tangible assets as "money". The real nemesis is "demoralization" or "sadness". It is "from the other side". This "demoralization" through "gender confusion" , "financial instability" , "accusations of racism", ... is just that - a Game to demoralize / destabilize / crisis / normalization of the crisis for the purposes of destruction. The Answer is to focus on the Quantuum Energy Level which directs our Thoughts and Prayers. The Shumann Resonance is a Frequency of the Light which God can pull from any living thing at any moment - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1R6wfsssjLg


Please remember that God is 100 % in control at all times.

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It's all fake... all of it ... this will shock some people https://t.me/downtherabbitholewegofolks/80118

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Here is a comprehensive warning on the methodology of the totalitarianism we will soon complete through municipal governments https://substack.com/redirect/6b62ee19-69c4-4e12-bf6f-86ce5cc9975d?j

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Jun 17, 2023
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Masons are planning a global financial crisis by the fall of the dollar system to instate the CBDCs:

The full PLAN exposed:


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