Russia may not be the good guy. But, as a Brit, I know we are most certainly not good in any way. I can't forgive our invading Iraq and even bombing its capital, a country that had not harmed us. Also, our part in the destruction of Libya, our malign contributions in Syria and probably Yemen and Afghanistan.

Btw, there is no need for Russia to destabilise us - we are busy doing that job for ourselves, encouraged by the asset-stripping globalist money men.

Whilst the BRICS are building constructively, we are merrily destroying everything we have.

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The only thing I ever saw of Dugin (whose daughter was blown up) was where he said he would be happy to see America great again, and would even be ready to help, as long as they (US) leave everyone else alone. How is it bad to want to be left alone, and not see your country looted and impoverished?

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You have expressed my thoughts exactly.

Whether Russia's actions are justifiable is arguable, it is true. But Ukraine - pushed by the US - is most certainly not the poor innocent hero in this show, with their bombing of the Russian parts of Ukraine (the Donbas region).

As an Australian, I am ashamed that my country is once again blindly following the US into a war that has been cooked up by them for reasons of empire.

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Thank you, Mara. It's so depressing, isn't it?

It does seem that the whole of the 'Western' world is being taken down for the benefit of the 'elite' few.

To make it worse, our leaders are either exceedingly dim and self-serving or greedy and self-serving which feels as if normal people have been left somewhat stranded.

However, such wickedness cannot prevail forever. In the meantime, I like to think we have a duty to retain our humanity and values to the best of our ability which includes being as happy as we can if only to demonstrate the qualities that we have but which are apparently unavailable to the monsters.

Wishing you well, Mara.

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Of course Russia is the good guy in this. If you can't see that yet, you better go to Specsavers.

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When I say they’re not the good guys, it doesn’t mean that we are

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Are you denying that Russia has the right to self defense and that they have the right to protect the people in the Donbas who voted to rejoin Russia? NATO has pushed and threatened Russia so much that as they have said they have nowhere to retreat to. If Russia hadn’t started its SMO then the killings in the Donbas would just have continued like it has for the last 8 years, NATO would have put its troops in Ukraine and Ukraine might have built nuclear weapons which would not only be able to hit Moscow in minutes, but goes against another treaty that Ukraine signed with Russia after the collapse of the USSR.And remember that Russia signed 2 agreements to stop the fighting only to see them ignored. In what way are they the bad guys?

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I'm not just talking about the current situation. A bit of Russian history over the last 100 years shows they're not the good guys either.

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How far back does one need to go for that statement to be true? Predicating that position on how things were during the era of Soviet Union is ridiculous...Putin is the moderate who has spent decades cleaning things up after the West tried like hell to ransack its remains while reneging on every promise made to facilitate its transition.

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He definitely is, compared to the alternatives if the US (I mean "Ukraine") gets lucky with one of their drone attacks. The whole SMO was slow walked so as to minimize casualties and damage to infrastructure....other leaders in Moscow were critical that Russia wasn't going faster and much harder early on. THAT has been the only risk Putin has faced in terms of being ousted.

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Self-defense is not allowed these days anywhere in the "globalized" world. You should just humbly and merrily obey when "they" prey on you

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Are you denying that Germany also had the right to self defense? Like, in 1939? Remember how vile Poland attacked Germany then?

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FWIW the correct way to interpret the Ukraine war is to see it as an extension and continuation of the covid-scam. Covid was phase 1, Ukraine is phase 2 - both are designed to deplete the west's strength, resources and morale, while strengthening the elites ability to control and manipulate us through fear and ever-stricter measures/laws. When Ukraine loses, as it will (already has!), the elites will have to resort to something else - all-out war or some new 'pandemic' or a false flag or an EMP or a heightened climate emergency (or some combination of the above)

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All this, btw, is to distract from the ongoing financial collapse. The elites know they're toast if we get wise to what they've done to our wealth/futures and are swilling to do absolutely anything to prevent us taking our revenge on them

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Agreed, I was talking longer term.

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Absolutely true, I was very disappointed with that comment, I thought you would have had

more awareness on this very important area.

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The bad guy? The PRIZE goes to United States of America.

Global Bully.

Putin is only leader to speak out against US global hegemony and its foreign policy of death, destruction and suffering. For this, Putin must be vilified by America and its vassals - The West.

Russia is the last frontier of immense resources, yet to be subjugated by the US.

Russia - the ultimate prize.

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It’s the reason they hate Putin, he stopped Russia becoming a vassal for US corp Inc. just learned through Alex Mercoulis (The Duran) that Russia has only 300k in prison down from 1m 15 years ago. It recently went down 33k to Wagner

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Allegedly, Netanyahu to the jailed Jonathan Pollard in 2002: “Once we squeeze all we can out of the United States, it can dry up and blow away.”

Maybe its the plan? It’s been the plan for over 100 years. The mysterious “we”. Bibi may be the patsy?

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The mysterious "we"? The JEEEEWS?

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He's not wrong. Nato is now a weapon used by our neocons to try and take down Russia...who after the defeat of the USSR should have been made a friend and ally.

NOW look where we are because stupid old men cannot change their world view.

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While you’re not wrong, I think it should be added that the world view of these stupid old men seems to be supported by a large number of younger men and women.

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Russian, Chinese and a lot of other nations diplomats are selected for being good at their job. Not because they have the right genitalia, in vogue sexual orientation, it’s was his turn, or reward for a lie well told.

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Every word was told truthfully. That is diplomacy and not the constant lies in the distorted reality presented by those Western brainwashers. The most presumptuous people I’ve had the misfortune to experience in full “car salesman” mode. They’re not even good at lying and that’s all they’ve ever done. God bless you Dag Hammerskjold—today’s dogs have become their flees.

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Interesting he mentioned WWII, as Trump has also mentioned WWII, several times!


Because that is when The Plan actually started, right after JFK was assassinated, by a couple hundred VIPeople.

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Yes and russia is on the plan also. How comes during the scamdemic they were and still are fully on the quakcination drive? Same coercive tactics and nothing was called out?

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Actually the Russians are the good guys. The Collective West are the baddies.

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Start learning Russian then... You will be able to claim you are Russian-speaking minority being persecuted... Putin will come to rescue you

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Lavrov marshals his arguments well. However, as Peter Zeihan has recently argued, we will soon see the end of global multilateralism as we move to regional multilateralism. Unfortunately, the U.S. will be responsible for the end of the U.N.

George Washington strongly encouraged the young, but growing, United States to stay out of global "adventures." We have ignored his advice to our detriment and to the detriment of the world.

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The Bankster Overlords are trying hard to create their World Government (read Tyranny) which they have been planning (& admitting that fact) for a century or more. Anyone, including Zeihan, who thinks that is over is a fool. Their plan right now is to destroy Russia, splitting it into smaller more controllable fiefdoms, thus isolating China, forcing them to acquiesce to their "Rules-Based International Order". i.e. Banksters make the rules, you obey them.

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So who is "The Good Guy"? It's all relative. But on that relative basis, after the behaviour of The West, especially the US, over the last half century (Vietnam, Jugoslavia, Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, Yemen etc) , Russia has a better claim to the moral high ground than any other party..

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a bit of Russian history shows they can't claim to be the good guys either.

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Can you elaborate on that "Russian history" that keeps you from recognizing them as the good guys in this conflict and compelled you to lead off with those words? If you're going back more than 30 years, I'd like to know why given today's Russia is completely different.

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I wasn't specifically talking about this conflict. I am going back more than 30 years with regard to the "history" comment but you think they are squeaky clean now - come on. This is geopolitical manoeuvring on both sides, neither are the good guys.

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What's the point of going back that far? The Soviet Union is gone and never coming back. The Russia of today has zero interest in any territory West of the Dnieper and has been forced to take this military action for damn good reasons that shouldn't be a mystery to anyone with their eyes open at this stage.

That closing attempt at false equivalency is perhaps even more disappointing than what you lead off with above...and when you see the majority of your commenters expressing a similar bewilderment, there are only two conclusions to draw.

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I was responding to a comment about US conflicts over the last half century so went back that far too.

I'm not saying Russia wasn't forced into action and I'm not saying Ukraine isn't a massive money laundering operation for the US - surely me posting the video tells you that. But I am saying I wouldn't trust Russia either.

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Yes, of course. That's why I said it's all relative. But based on the recent past, and things change but our own lifetime is what we can best weigh upon, i stand by my earlier claim.

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Start learning Russian then... You will be able to claim you are Russian-speaking minority being persecuted... Putin will come to rescue you

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You're so funny Vlad but you might wish to consider impaling yourself where the sun don't shine. My comment was based on historical facts, truth and common sense because that's the world I live in fortunately. I'm not blinded by ideology or propaganda.

But since you mention recusing his own countrymen, I suppose any country would rescue its own, just like the US in Afghanistan and sudan. Oh, wait.....

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Maybe try *recusing* yourself where the sun don't shine. I'm sure you're the only person of the historical facts, truth and common sense and you're not blinded by ideology or propaganda. Maybe also try to sell some of your peacock feathers on ebay.

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I agree with most of what this gentleman had to say to the UN. And after these past three years, I am embarrassed to say I am an American.

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Start learning Russian then... You will be able to claim you are Russian-speaking minority being persecuted... Putin will come to rescue you

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"Ukraine began shelling the independent republics of Donetsk and Luhansk nine days before Russia announced its ‘special military operation’ in Ukraine. While the western corporate media remained completely silent, explosions documented by the OSCE increased from 76 on February 15th, to 316 on February 16th, to 654 on February 17th, and to 1,413 on February 18th."


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Remember how treacherously Poland attacked Germany in 1939?

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Many thanks for posting the statement in full 'Emperor'. And whether people agree with Lavrov's comments or not, it's a serious statement from a serious politician and should be required reading for anyone trying to understand the current Ukraine "crisis". It's refreshing to hear someone address the relevant topics directly rather than hide behind "sound bites" as we've sadly grown to expect from our lightweight "love island style" leaders, for whom appearance is more important than substance. If people learn nothing else about the Ukraine situation I urge them to research what happened - with American interference - in 2014, which has largely led to this current shitshow

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👍 Thanks for sharing, Will be linking tomorrow @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

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"The Anglo-Saxons, who confidently led the entire West, not only justify all these criminal adventures, but also flaunt their line of "promoting democracy." "

Those pesky Anglo-Saxons are always up to something!

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And always so confident!

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A new world order is coming.

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But a good one?

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