Wow, fantastic news, NE!! 😅

"There is uproar on Twitter from those who wanted to vaccinate their kids, with many angry parents saying their child’s second dose has now been cancelled."

Unbelievable. Sounds like these parents need to read my latest piece (which I encourage everyone to viralize so we get this in front of as many parents in the world as possible before it's too late to save their kids):

• "50 Reasons to Give Your Child the COVID Shot" (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/50-reasons-to-give-your-child-the)

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Those "parents" are clearly unable to employ logic or reasoning to this situation and so are unlikely to be able to be swayed by any argument or facts.

There is an excellent clip of George Carlin, saying that the last thing the "elites" want is an educated population who are able to think critically.

It appears that they have mostly got their wish.

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It’s a wonderful piece of satire, MAA, imo home run.

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Merci beaucoup, la chevalier vit!

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These parents need their children to be taken away from them and they forcibly sterilized. Okay, may be prison instead of the latter.

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Your comment is a communist comment. You do not have the right to make decisions for others. SINCE WHEN IN MEDICINE HAS THERE EVEF BEEN A ONE SIZE FITS ALL USED FOR PHARMACEUTICAL PRODUCTS?

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Mange tak for filen, med enormt meget indhold.

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Det var så lidt!

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First now I discover that I wrote in danish. The problem is that I daily write so much in bouth danish and english, and sometime, starting at new e-mail, or note, in the opposite language, than the one which I just had been writing.

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At least some of the Twitter uproar is fueled by bots.

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A lot of it, no doubt

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And the goverment-run psyop crews... Arkmedic is on the UK's injection pushers' trail:




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Twitter is irrelevant.

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So.... it's ok to still to cripple and murder teenagers and young adults with this poison?

I for one will withhold any celebration until all of these poisonous stabs are stopped and the profiteers of this democide swing freely from every available tree branch and lamppost.

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Great. A one-off program. Have they rescinded the emergency powers to mandate masks or reinstate jabs? Have they committed to releasing their complete findings, and stop censoring information?

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The mom seriously doesn't realize the kid catching Covid soon after the first jab is almost certainly the REASON the kid got pretty sick???? That was a known in January 2021............

Lots of weak parents using their kids' body as a reservoir for their own anxiety and virtue signaling are going to have some non-existent relationships with their own kids in 20-25 years. "I believed the government" and "everyone else was doing it" might work on a 6-year-old, but a 26-year-old with the benefit of hindsight, personal agency, and context is a very different story.

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I’ll bet that the Israeli Ministry of Health leaked video didn’t help.

For those who don’t know....

An Israeli MoH video conference (which seems to be a smoking gun) was leaked which proves that their government knows about the dangers of the clotshots and is purposely hiding and massaging the data in order to reduce their liability.

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Yes I saw that video on Steve Kirsch's substack this week. It was very shocking. You can see bits on Rumble, links here ; (everyone in the world shoud see this !)


& another bit with Neil Oliver interviewing 2 Irsaeli health workers.


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i suspect they know its parents that will kick the shit out of governments when it blows up, 'bad optics'

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Tell the distraught UK parents to bring their kids to the USA where it's encouraged for kids as young as 6 months to get the jab. Also, clinical trials are underway for kids as young as 3 months.

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The US doesn’t allow unvaccinated people in

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The distraught parents vaxxed and most likely boosted.

"Children and young people

Children 17 and under are exempt from the vaccination requirement."

Entry requirements - USA travel advice - GOV.UK


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Yeah same in Canada where we’re offering the booster, even!

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I am very happy. So many bad news. Thank you for finding some GOOD news. Meanwhile in the USA...

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So it is clearly stated that the vaccination program is/was 'non-urgent'. How do they square this with the vaccine being licensed only for emergency use?

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Great point

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The logical conclusion is the data is becoming so clear they're having to tacitly acknowledge the dangers and are quietly stepping back to minimise - if possible - future health problems in children. Parents who are angry their kids will "miss out" on a 2nd jab have dodged a bullet without realising, although the long term effects of the first dose is yet to be fully understood. The booster take up this autumn/winter will tell the tale of whether the penny has dropped with the population in general

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Usually this happens when something goes awry.

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Are we actually sure this HAS changed? Has anyone compared the different versioins of the Green Book.

There has been a change to the NHS schedule, but only in layout - see this tweet.


I fear that Pagnel was contacted by a parent whose child turns 5 after Aug 2022 and this is the first time she has noticed the precise wording. I suspect it was always described as a "one off" - presumably that was the compromise language decided on by committee. I can well imagine that as a hot potato nobody has wanted to definitievly declare it one way or the other.

The actual proof will emerge only over the next few weeks when we see if 5-11 year olds are being actively called. It may well be one of those situations where they quietly make it available for those who ask but don't actively promote - trying to make the whole sorry saga die a death unnoticed.

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Yes I'm not sure it has changed. I rewrote the article a few times before publishing because at first I thought it had but as you say previous versions say the same or similar. What has changed is it is now September so the August deadline has passed which means any child now becoming 5 won't be vaccinated. Furthermore, most parents who want their child vaccinated will have done so by now so the one-off programme will be ending.

I think the NHS schedule change is significant and I don't think it is just layout. I'm guessing it will be removed completely once the 22/23 one-off programme has completely ended.

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Take the win, and keep at it, yes? And thanks for bringing good news in the morning.

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The truth will prevail.

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Sooner rather than later, I hope.

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It’s the start of a full withdrawal. The next booster should just about do it

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