Is there a reason you refer to "Bill Gates" as "doctor?" Are you being "facetious?" He is NOT a doctor. He is part of the Luciferean Cabal hell bent on destroying our country and ushering in a communist NWO. And if you research his past with "vaccines" - you will see how evil he is! Research his connection to Epstein and all the sex trafficking while you are at it as well!
Okay, thank you Mike. As a nurse, certified school nurse, worked in pharmacovigilance for 17 years (Pfizer (formerly Warner Lambert), Novartis, GSK, etc.), mother of 3, one on the spectrum, it is mind boggling that all these people, including so called medical professionals, are so blind and are going along with all of this. As I "have" to go to the doctor's offices for dental/physicals etc. and the "secretary" at the front desk screams to put on my mask I just can't take it anymore. (I could never work in the OR, because I am claustrophobic and could not wear a mask all day, ha ha). These "masks" do NOT stop a virus, but do cause you to decrease your O2 intake, re-breathe your CO2, trap bacteria and of course cause psychological damage as well. Here in NJ our idiot Governor, Murphy, finally allowed the masks to come off in public schools; however, my healthy, athletic, autistic son, now 24, attending his "Day Program" still is required to wear one. About a year ago I switched to the "plastic shield with the foam band over the forehead" which of course does absolutely nothing, but allows his mouth and nose to be free to breath air, etc. The director kindly stated that if he takes it off they do not force him to put it back on. She is fighting the Governor, because in his great wisdom "they" lump the Day Programs in with "hospitals" and therefore are still requiring this idiocy! I would not inject him with this poison. I do not use medicine to treat his adhd, but rather started him running at age 6 and we fought in court to get him mainstreamed and moved from town to town. We did get him mainstreamed at about age 8, he ran on the in town program, then middle school, then 12 seasons at a top high school in Morris County, NJ earning varsity letters in XC, Winter and Spring Track and the Coach's trophy his Junior year! He walked through graduation with his sister (got him an extra year when we moved so they wound up in the same grade) receiving a legitimate high school diploma. I am paying someone to train him after his Day Program, 2 hours each day of running/gym time M-F for running in Road Races/5Ks etc. So I can go into the food store with no mask, but get yelled at when I go to the dentist/doctor's office! It does not instill any confidence in me regarding our medical institutions and so called professionals! All the nursing schools ever talk about is "empirical research!" Hello, look at Florida! How can you behave/have mandates in 1 state and do something totally different in another (like New Jersey). And it is not about "their" politics and "their" agenda??? Yeah, right!
I think Rounding the Earth's author has delved into this before, or maybe it was the bad cat (or both)? Isn't this phenomenon due to who is classified as "unvaxxed." If you are unvaxxed until 14 days past the second dose, the C19 deaths would be classified as in the unvaxxed. Likewise, if boosters are rolled out, for the 2 weeks post 3rd dose, C19 would be classified as in the double, not triple vaxxed?
Finish the sentence please...the high non covid deaths in the _____Unvaxxinated including those who were not 2 weeks from first does, or _____vaccinated after first dose but before second _______Boosted (more than two weeks from second dose?_
Graphene hydroxide, as described by Dr. Noack (leading authority in graphenes in Europe) in his presentation published on the Net six hours before he was killed with a Direct Energy Weapon, kills fast; more often than not, within minutes, days, but not more than two months.
Including deaths in the first two weeks would have amounted to a huge red flag; the coverup was needed for the mass murderers...
That's grim. I also know firsthand, of my former sis-in-laws hubby, who had chest pains 3-4 days post first jab, followed by a heart attack on Day 8. He ended up with open heart surgery and survived for now (this was Oct.). Ironically enough, they waited until Oct., at which point his kids were mandates thru college and he was getting pressure from work. Now he's not yet back to work. Had he passed, he'd have been either captured in the non-covid unvaccinated stats or the covid unvaccinated stats (depending on his PCR test result). Either way, it is a cover for the jab injury and handily conflates the death rate in the unvaccinated. He is one of 6 first-hand injured I know, all occurring within weeks of the first or second shot.
My car mechanic is 69, a former marine. He chose to take his chances with the non-existent disease after three of his buddies died shortly after the lethal injections. I'll take that number over any statistics.
Moreover, mortality rates were lower than normal in 2020 (I checked them in five countries in August, 2020, before they "authorities" started to cook the books). They shot up to high heaven after the injections started. Autopsies are discouraged, but lethal treatments with Remdesivir and ventilators are financed with taxpayer's money.
Yes! Look at the video with Dr. Ardis on "Remdesivir!" It is disgusting! Having worked as a nurse (BSN/Masters) in pharmacovigilance (drug safety) for 17 years and as a certified school nurse with the explosion of our children's diagnoses and having a son on the autistic spectrum with adhd, what "they" are doing is so horrific it makes me physically ill. Both my girls were forced to get the "vaccine" in college and grad school (Duke Medical school) or they would not be allowed to continue their schooling! Healthy, athletes in a "not at risk category" now have this poison in their bodies! "They" are now pushing for all children down to newborns to be injected despite the 30 page list of adverse events associated with this experimental mRNA, gene therapy. We need intervention from God!
I wish your daughters had been more patient... Missing a year is better than most of the consequences, except for saline solution, which was occasionally administered, instead of the lethal injections.
In order to maintain plausible deniability by avoiding uniform responses (only Pfizer's has 1291 "side effect" which, of course, are intentional) the injections contain many forms of poisoning.
The graphene oxide injected/consumed can be transformed into deadly graphene hydroxide through 5G, and 5G can also issue instructions for the graphene to build nanobots that can serve an unlimited number of purposes, including the generation of spike protein. Of course, 5G, when turned up, can kill people on large areas even without graphene present. That might be the next "pandemic"!
So this is where you are, Ivor? I thought you'd gone missing. Given it all up.
Good to see.
So the vaccine isn't actually shown to be saving anyone from a covid death is it? For that person who was going to die of covid dies somewhat prematurely of some logged as 'non covid'.
Like 'non covid' would be any immediate deathly reaction to the vaccine?
Like 'we'll save you from a covid death, come here, we'll kill you now...'
Thank you for presenting this data so clearly. 👍🏽💜Yet another indication that vaccines are causing harm. I wonder if this will ever be widely known, or if they will continue to be successful at hiding it....
Is there a way to send you money without subscribing? My funds are low, not able to subscribe, but I think I remember giving another substacker a "tip" one time.
CV exists only in computer simulations and on TV. No virus has ever been isolated and there are no infectious diseases, only poisoning and deficiencies. It's the germ vs. field theory (read up on it, if you have the time). Pasteur was a fraud, but his gimmicks turned out to be lucrative and there is no better means to enforce oppression (muzzles that humiliate, dehumanize, and kill you slowly with stuff in them and by oxygen deprivation), poisonous (you get infected with self-replicating nanotech), fraudulent (even motor oil, a goat, and a papaya tested "positive" in Tanzania, but the Presidents of Tanzania, Burundi, and Haiti were summarily killed shortly after refusing the plandemic scam, Belarus is still surviving) tests that infect you with artificial parasites and steal your DNA (once they have that, they can personally target you through 5G of Wi-Fi and can make you sick or just drop you dead), and lethal injections of five levels that "manufacturers" rotate) and mass democide than a good plandemic.
Already about a million Americans died, and lots more are going to b/c of the injections. Based on VAERS, lethal batches, containing graphene hydroxide, come out every two months, rotated among the three major manufacturers, and are carefully spread over the land in order to avoid immediate suspicion and ensure plausible deniability. The rest of them maim or make you sick (various carcinogens, poisons, real and artificial parasites, self-assembling nanocomputers, and/or pathogens), turn you into a 5G receptor/emitter through graphene oxide), or do nothing (saline solutions).
This is mass murder. It's not even a secret: the eugenicists announced the plan decades ago.
5G is a killer weapon and it was installed everywhere during the criminal lockdowns in order to ensure population control.
Chemtrails ensure constant weather changes (carbon tax is coming on your UBI card soon, if you are obedient and live long enough). The "green zones" (aka. death camps) are awaiting the non-compliant (in Washington state, liquefaction of the dead has already been approved; it's a lot cheaper than funerals or incineration and you can use the dead and the end product can be used as fertilizer; kind of Soylent Green for the masses).
The New Brave New World is in progress. For the slaves who will be allowed to live until they wear out their usefulness (which includes the enforcers, too, because they will be replaced by robots), there will be no goodness or beauty; only functionality. The remaining rulers will know they cannot trust each other and will slowly eliminate each other until only one remains; One Ring To Rule Them All.
I don't know about you, but I'd rather the sheeple and the enforcers realized that their days are numbered, unless they change course...
Do you have a reference you recommend for reading up on field theory? As a pharmacist, I’ve been raised, so to speak, on germ theory. But the lies of the last 2 years, so blatant! My mind is now completely open to what I have probably missed.
Sorry, direct references will shorten the lifespan of their presence on the net.
However, if you look up Beauchamp and Terrain Theory without using Google and a Microsoft browser, chances are, you'll find what you are looking for. The same applies to Dr. Noack (a major authority on graphene derivatives in Europe before getting killed only six hours after his presentation on graphene hydroxide in some batches).
Select your sources carefully... If you have a question about any of them, I'll answer, if I'm still around.
The author confirms what I deduced by exclusion, but goes into more details than I have ever bothered to go. Also, emphasis is on the need for IMMEDIATE destruction of 5G towers, although the electric grid, Wi-Fi, and even the cloud cover can be used to activate graphene oxide and/or kill.
Add them up, and lump them into only two categories: jabbed and never jabbed, then COVID + non-COVID. It will reduce the mis-categorization issues a little bit. When they’re boosted, it masks the issue, kind of “flattening the curves”, if you will (or a kind of pyramid scheme-ish). Then, to reduce the category issue just a little more, lump COVID in with the non-COVID deaths. Ballparking it from the graphs, in January, it looks like 2.5x. From any cause. That’s enough information to know which group you’d rather be in. It’s so bad, that even using skewed data, and not breaking it out, it’s enough.
This is the time to catch the beast by the throat and go for the jugular: the basis for it a fraudulent paradigm, Germ Theory.
The beast of modern medical "science" is a criminal enterprise and must be dealt with as such.
Unless people, including "professionals," realize the fraud of Germ Theory, there will always be new "infections" and/or "pandemics."
Terrain Theory must replace Germ Theory. Of course, "doctors" and "researchers" would have to re-learn their profession and find alternative means of funding. The corporate-owned mass media must be dissolved as genocidal monopolies on information.
Banker-owned governments that have hijacked countries two years ago must also go.
The nearly 100% corrupt legislative branch also needs to be revamped.
Most of all, fiat currencies that have given a bunch of criminals worldwide power, must be eliminated and replaced with gold-backed ones. The fraud of central banks issuing credit at the taxpayer's expense must also be terminated. Credit and investment must be regulated in order to prevent them to end up only in a few hands. The Stock Market must be canceled the way it works (bets whose outcomes can be manipulated must be outlawed) and the financial system has to start from scratch.
Sounds like a new start, but inevitable. The only question is whether humanity will start over from a depression, from the Stone Age, or not at all.
Thanks for this analysis. The fact the UK provides this data is very helpful. I looked at the raw data. When you refer to non covid deaths you say 32 unvaccinated, 72 double jabbed and 76 boosted. I looked at the excel table 2 (from row 1867) I find 32, 71, 71. Am I looking at right place? Maybe you are adding in some from <21 days?
I am always concerned about age standardised, even for this group 18-39. Do you think that could cause anomalies?
Miscategorising tags more unvaccinated as covid deaths than reality (that's happened in Australia) but then that makes the non-covid deaths look better for unvaxed. Maybe all cause is best way to look at it? The fraction of covid deaths among all deaths is small. In unvax its 0.34, 2 jab 0.08, 3 jab .09
I wonder if we will ever get to the bottom of this. It's hard to see that the jabs help for covid given how bad in general they appear for health from the non covid mortality. I suspect the underlying health of persons is necessary to understanding what is going on.
Could there be an effect where if the 2 jabs hasn't killed you, you are likely to survive a 3rd? So many of these people are robust and would have non covid mortality similar to unvaxed. But there will be residual long term mortality.
Would it be possible with the available data to calculate the death toll as a rate related to the size of the category at the specific date of registration of the deaths?
Or is it already a rate? If so i would recommend to highlight that in the diagraph.
Also it would be good to show the year in the diagraph.
Ethical Skeptic has completed a comprehensive analysis on excess deaths. It is not pretty...
We need to keep a close eye on excess death stats. Hopefully it tappers off. Otherwise, many previously healthy vaccinated individuals will be in deep trouble.
Let me guess which of the two plots one will likely see on TV & people will use as their encouragement to collect the boosters...
I had no luck selling cyanide capsules yet as a C19 preventive measure, though. Even though they would produce such convincing graphs easily. And if all take 2 capsules, even zero-COVID is possible.
Just like in any drug trial - as I understand it - the all cause mortality is the most important statistic. I believe this has been the knock against statins; while fewer people might be dying from heart disease, depending on the study, all cause mortality was either unchanged or higher.
I got the Omicron vaccine. Dr. Bill Gates says I now have B and T cell immunity.
I never got his "vaccine" which makes Dr Bill sad.
Yes, that was a strange comment he made.
How does Melinda feel? Is she happy or sad? I just see them as a couple joined at the hip in all of this.
I wonder why she left Dr. Bill?
You don’t qualify as someone of low IQ if you have avoided the jab.
mRNA is the New Microsoft 2 - by The Aging Viking
Excel still crashes.
Go figure!
Is there a reason you refer to "Bill Gates" as "doctor?" Are you being "facetious?" He is NOT a doctor. He is part of the Luciferean Cabal hell bent on destroying our country and ushering in a communist NWO. And if you research his past with "vaccines" - you will see how evil he is! Research his connection to Epstein and all the sex trafficking while you are at it as well!
Yes, I'm taking the piss. The rest, yes, it's fk'n disturbing. Even more disturbing is so few understanding what's happening.
Okay, thank you Mike. As a nurse, certified school nurse, worked in pharmacovigilance for 17 years (Pfizer (formerly Warner Lambert), Novartis, GSK, etc.), mother of 3, one on the spectrum, it is mind boggling that all these people, including so called medical professionals, are so blind and are going along with all of this. As I "have" to go to the doctor's offices for dental/physicals etc. and the "secretary" at the front desk screams to put on my mask I just can't take it anymore. (I could never work in the OR, because I am claustrophobic and could not wear a mask all day, ha ha). These "masks" do NOT stop a virus, but do cause you to decrease your O2 intake, re-breathe your CO2, trap bacteria and of course cause psychological damage as well. Here in NJ our idiot Governor, Murphy, finally allowed the masks to come off in public schools; however, my healthy, athletic, autistic son, now 24, attending his "Day Program" still is required to wear one. About a year ago I switched to the "plastic shield with the foam band over the forehead" which of course does absolutely nothing, but allows his mouth and nose to be free to breath air, etc. The director kindly stated that if he takes it off they do not force him to put it back on. She is fighting the Governor, because in his great wisdom "they" lump the Day Programs in with "hospitals" and therefore are still requiring this idiocy! I would not inject him with this poison. I do not use medicine to treat his adhd, but rather started him running at age 6 and we fought in court to get him mainstreamed and moved from town to town. We did get him mainstreamed at about age 8, he ran on the in town program, then middle school, then 12 seasons at a top high school in Morris County, NJ earning varsity letters in XC, Winter and Spring Track and the Coach's trophy his Junior year! He walked through graduation with his sister (got him an extra year when we moved so they wound up in the same grade) receiving a legitimate high school diploma. I am paying someone to train him after his Day Program, 2 hours each day of running/gym time M-F for running in Road Races/5Ks etc. So I can go into the food store with no mask, but get yelled at when I go to the dentist/doctor's office! It does not instill any confidence in me regarding our medical institutions and so called professionals! All the nursing schools ever talk about is "empirical research!" Hello, look at Florida! How can you behave/have mandates in 1 state and do something totally different in another (like New Jersey). And it is not about "their" politics and "their" agenda??? Yeah, right!
What do you mean by that? "Omicron vaccine???"
Bill Gates described Omicron as a "natural vaccine" and he was sad it got out to the World faster than his nasty little experimental serum.
I think Rounding the Earth's author has delved into this before, or maybe it was the bad cat (or both)? Isn't this phenomenon due to who is classified as "unvaxxed." If you are unvaxxed until 14 days past the second dose, the C19 deaths would be classified as in the unvaxxed. Likewise, if boosters are rolled out, for the 2 weeks post 3rd dose, C19 would be classified as in the double, not triple vaxxed?
Yes, that was a separate point, just showing that this phenomenon is clearly happening even though they claim its not.
However, my main point was the high non-Covid death rates.
Finish the sentence please...the high non covid deaths in the _____Unvaxxinated including those who were not 2 weeks from first does, or _____vaccinated after first dose but before second _______Boosted (more than two weeks from second dose?_
I believe so.
Graphene hydroxide, as described by Dr. Noack (leading authority in graphenes in Europe) in his presentation published on the Net six hours before he was killed with a Direct Energy Weapon, kills fast; more often than not, within minutes, days, but not more than two months.
Including deaths in the first two weeks would have amounted to a huge red flag; the coverup was needed for the mass murderers...
That's grim. I also know firsthand, of my former sis-in-laws hubby, who had chest pains 3-4 days post first jab, followed by a heart attack on Day 8. He ended up with open heart surgery and survived for now (this was Oct.). Ironically enough, they waited until Oct., at which point his kids were mandates thru college and he was getting pressure from work. Now he's not yet back to work. Had he passed, he'd have been either captured in the non-covid unvaccinated stats or the covid unvaccinated stats (depending on his PCR test result). Either way, it is a cover for the jab injury and handily conflates the death rate in the unvaccinated. He is one of 6 first-hand injured I know, all occurring within weeks of the first or second shot.
My car mechanic is 69, a former marine. He chose to take his chances with the non-existent disease after three of his buddies died shortly after the lethal injections. I'll take that number over any statistics.
Moreover, mortality rates were lower than normal in 2020 (I checked them in five countries in August, 2020, before they "authorities" started to cook the books). They shot up to high heaven after the injections started. Autopsies are discouraged, but lethal treatments with Remdesivir and ventilators are financed with taxpayer's money.
Speaks for itself, wouldn't you say?
Yes! Look at the video with Dr. Ardis on "Remdesivir!" It is disgusting! Having worked as a nurse (BSN/Masters) in pharmacovigilance (drug safety) for 17 years and as a certified school nurse with the explosion of our children's diagnoses and having a son on the autistic spectrum with adhd, what "they" are doing is so horrific it makes me physically ill. Both my girls were forced to get the "vaccine" in college and grad school (Duke Medical school) or they would not be allowed to continue their schooling! Healthy, athletes in a "not at risk category" now have this poison in their bodies! "They" are now pushing for all children down to newborns to be injected despite the 30 page list of adverse events associated with this experimental mRNA, gene therapy. We need intervention from God!
I wish your daughters had been more patient... Missing a year is better than most of the consequences, except for saline solution, which was occasionally administered, instead of the lethal injections.
In order to maintain plausible deniability by avoiding uniform responses (only Pfizer's has 1291 "side effect" which, of course, are intentional) the injections contain many forms of poisoning.
The graphene oxide injected/consumed can be transformed into deadly graphene hydroxide through 5G, and 5G can also issue instructions for the graphene to build nanobots that can serve an unlimited number of purposes, including the generation of spike protein. Of course, 5G, when turned up, can kill people on large areas even without graphene present. That might be the next "pandemic"!
What’s in the lethal injections?
So this is where you are, Ivor? I thought you'd gone missing. Given it all up.
Good to see.
So the vaccine isn't actually shown to be saving anyone from a covid death is it? For that person who was going to die of covid dies somewhat prematurely of some logged as 'non covid'.
Like 'non covid' would be any immediate deathly reaction to the vaccine?
Like 'we'll save you from a covid death, come here, we'll kill you now...'
Or is that a wrong reading of the data?
Thank you for presenting this data so clearly. 👍🏽💜Yet another indication that vaccines are causing harm. I wonder if this will ever be widely known, or if they will continue to be successful at hiding it....
Is there a way to send you money without subscribing? My funds are low, not able to subscribe, but I think I remember giving another substacker a "tip" one time.
Thanks for the offer but no need if your funds are low! Sharing my posts is enough.
CV exists only in computer simulations and on TV. No virus has ever been isolated and there are no infectious diseases, only poisoning and deficiencies. It's the germ vs. field theory (read up on it, if you have the time). Pasteur was a fraud, but his gimmicks turned out to be lucrative and there is no better means to enforce oppression (muzzles that humiliate, dehumanize, and kill you slowly with stuff in them and by oxygen deprivation), poisonous (you get infected with self-replicating nanotech), fraudulent (even motor oil, a goat, and a papaya tested "positive" in Tanzania, but the Presidents of Tanzania, Burundi, and Haiti were summarily killed shortly after refusing the plandemic scam, Belarus is still surviving) tests that infect you with artificial parasites and steal your DNA (once they have that, they can personally target you through 5G of Wi-Fi and can make you sick or just drop you dead), and lethal injections of five levels that "manufacturers" rotate) and mass democide than a good plandemic.
Already about a million Americans died, and lots more are going to b/c of the injections. Based on VAERS, lethal batches, containing graphene hydroxide, come out every two months, rotated among the three major manufacturers, and are carefully spread over the land in order to avoid immediate suspicion and ensure plausible deniability. The rest of them maim or make you sick (various carcinogens, poisons, real and artificial parasites, self-assembling nanocomputers, and/or pathogens), turn you into a 5G receptor/emitter through graphene oxide), or do nothing (saline solutions).
This is mass murder. It's not even a secret: the eugenicists announced the plan decades ago.
5G is a killer weapon and it was installed everywhere during the criminal lockdowns in order to ensure population control.
Chemtrails ensure constant weather changes (carbon tax is coming on your UBI card soon, if you are obedient and live long enough). The "green zones" (aka. death camps) are awaiting the non-compliant (in Washington state, liquefaction of the dead has already been approved; it's a lot cheaper than funerals or incineration and you can use the dead and the end product can be used as fertilizer; kind of Soylent Green for the masses).
The New Brave New World is in progress. For the slaves who will be allowed to live until they wear out their usefulness (which includes the enforcers, too, because they will be replaced by robots), there will be no goodness or beauty; only functionality. The remaining rulers will know they cannot trust each other and will slowly eliminate each other until only one remains; One Ring To Rule Them All.
I don't know about you, but I'd rather the sheeple and the enforcers realized that their days are numbered, unless they change course...
Do you have a reference you recommend for reading up on field theory? As a pharmacist, I’ve been raised, so to speak, on germ theory. But the lies of the last 2 years, so blatant! My mind is now completely open to what I have probably missed.
Sorry, direct references will shorten the lifespan of their presence on the net.
However, if you look up Beauchamp and Terrain Theory without using Google and a Microsoft browser, chances are, you'll find what you are looking for. The same applies to Dr. Noack (a major authority on graphene derivatives in Europe before getting killed only six hours after his presentation on graphene hydroxide in some batches).
Select your sources carefully... If you have a question about any of them, I'll answer, if I'm still around.
Ok. I use Brave and Duck duck go.
Thank you so much
DDG has been sold out. Look elsewhere... Not sure about Brave, but it certainly doesn't take some good extensions.
The author confirms what I deduced by exclusion, but goes into more details than I have ever bothered to go. Also, emphasis is on the need for IMMEDIATE destruction of 5G towers, although the electric grid, Wi-Fi, and even the cloud cover can be used to activate graphene oxide and/or kill.
We might be too late for the show...
Check out Yandex
As good as it gets in these weird times.
Contemplating moving but where to? The 5G towers are popping up everywhere and I wanna stay away from that.
Just watched Dr Cowan talking with Dr Mark Bailey about this the biggest ‘virus’ hoax in the time of humankind.
There are a number of avenues to explore here.
Regarding terrain theory, here's an entry point:
The main question to ask is There are videos linked from this site if you prefer video
There is also the question of whether viruses exist and have lots to go through
If you really want to look outside the box, have a look at German New Medicine:
How brave and open minded you are. Look for Terrain theory, right now go to Duck Duck go...
“Non Covid deaths” = heart attacks, strokes etc.
The longer term mortality will include returning cancers caused by the jabs
Have witnessed both of these eventualities
But as long as it is not a death from covid that is all that matters. Humans have never died before. Then covid came along.
Add them up, and lump them into only two categories: jabbed and never jabbed, then COVID + non-COVID. It will reduce the mis-categorization issues a little bit. When they’re boosted, it masks the issue, kind of “flattening the curves”, if you will (or a kind of pyramid scheme-ish). Then, to reduce the category issue just a little more, lump COVID in with the non-COVID deaths. Ballparking it from the graphs, in January, it looks like 2.5x. From any cause. That’s enough information to know which group you’d rather be in. It’s so bad, that even using skewed data, and not breaking it out, it’s enough.
This is the time to catch the beast by the throat and go for the jugular: the basis for it a fraudulent paradigm, Germ Theory.
The beast of modern medical "science" is a criminal enterprise and must be dealt with as such.
Unless people, including "professionals," realize the fraud of Germ Theory, there will always be new "infections" and/or "pandemics."
Terrain Theory must replace Germ Theory. Of course, "doctors" and "researchers" would have to re-learn their profession and find alternative means of funding. The corporate-owned mass media must be dissolved as genocidal monopolies on information.
Banker-owned governments that have hijacked countries two years ago must also go.
The nearly 100% corrupt legislative branch also needs to be revamped.
Most of all, fiat currencies that have given a bunch of criminals worldwide power, must be eliminated and replaced with gold-backed ones. The fraud of central banks issuing credit at the taxpayer's expense must also be terminated. Credit and investment must be regulated in order to prevent them to end up only in a few hands. The Stock Market must be canceled the way it works (bets whose outcomes can be manipulated must be outlawed) and the financial system has to start from scratch.
Sounds like a new start, but inevitable. The only question is whether humanity will start over from a depression, from the Stone Age, or not at all.
What’s in the lethal injections?
Thanks for this analysis. The fact the UK provides this data is very helpful. I looked at the raw data. When you refer to non covid deaths you say 32 unvaccinated, 72 double jabbed and 76 boosted. I looked at the excel table 2 (from row 1867) I find 32, 71, 71. Am I looking at right place? Maybe you are adding in some from <21 days?
I am always concerned about age standardised, even for this group 18-39. Do you think that could cause anomalies?
Miscategorising tags more unvaccinated as covid deaths than reality (that's happened in Australia) but then that makes the non-covid deaths look better for unvaxed. Maybe all cause is best way to look at it? The fraction of covid deaths among all deaths is small. In unvax its 0.34, 2 jab 0.08, 3 jab .09
I wonder if we will ever get to the bottom of this. It's hard to see that the jabs help for covid given how bad in general they appear for health from the non covid mortality. I suspect the underlying health of persons is necessary to understanding what is going on.
Could there be an effect where if the 2 jabs hasn't killed you, you are likely to survive a 3rd? So many of these people are robust and would have non covid mortality similar to unvaxed. But there will be residual long term mortality.
Keep up the good work.
I included everyone in the numbers, including under 21 days jabbed and I agree with many of your concerns.
mRNA is the New Microsoft 2…..doesn’t anyone else see this?
have we made sure that the unvaxxinated at the beginning were those who received only one dose and were not considered or categorized as vaxxinated?
Interesting read, thanks for posting.
Would it be possible with the available data to calculate the death toll as a rate related to the size of the category at the specific date of registration of the deaths?
Or is it already a rate? If so i would recommend to highlight that in the diagraph.
Also it would be good to show the year in the diagraph.
Keep up the good work!
Ethical Skeptic has completed a comprehensive analysis on excess deaths. It is not pretty...
We need to keep a close eye on excess death stats. Hopefully it tappers off. Otherwise, many previously healthy vaccinated individuals will be in deep trouble.
Let me guess which of the two plots one will likely see on TV & people will use as their encouragement to collect the boosters...
I had no luck selling cyanide capsules yet as a C19 preventive measure, though. Even though they would produce such convincing graphs easily. And if all take 2 capsules, even zero-COVID is possible.
Just like in any drug trial - as I understand it - the all cause mortality is the most important statistic. I believe this has been the knock against statins; while fewer people might be dying from heart disease, depending on the study, all cause mortality was either unchanged or higher.