Well done, you and others who help fight against Minitru!

Nothing, absolutely nothing in what he wrote is conspiracist, anti-vaccines or anti-science (whatever anti-science means but that's a topic for an essay on logic and semantics...). Fully reasonable questions, out of concern for public and personal well-being.

But no, can't have that.

One truth to rule them all,

and one truth to find them,

and one truth to bring them all,

and in the Darkness bind them.

With apologies to prof Tolkien.

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Twitter has become a laughing stock of free speech.

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Unfortunately they are positioning themselves as would be "king makers". The mask has not so much slipped as totally revealed itself as to its true intention.

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To his last point, I certainly found myself re-evaluating Wakefield/MMR+autism in the light of all this nonsense. What did convince me the antivaxxers are almost certainly wrong on MMR+autism was a trial of the separate vaccines vs MMR, funnily enough IN JAPAN! The very same kind of trial Wakefield originally called for. The same Japan, practicing the scientific method to convince antivaxxers and not browbeating them, that actually respects the bodily autonomy of its citizens. Neither of which, of course, could happen in any Western country now it seems.

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AFAIK Japan don't use MMR anymore, they use separate vaccines.

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Regardless of the substance of the autism concerns (I don't think there's much) I never really did clarify exactly why it was SO critical to combine them. Apart, I suspect, from pharma industry profits. Something about the combined jab being under patent, no? Yes the Noble Societies of Science Communicators such as the "vaccine confidence" people can handwave a load of reasons why, but I don't think they themselves really understand either.

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Is this the same Japan that allows GPs to prescribe the horse de wormer to patients?

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Indeed it is, and doctors can even use aspirin which is also used in horses too, imagine 😂😋

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Thank you for writing this. Such an important piece. Does the Good Doctor have a GETTR account?

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Thanks so much for this work!..I am guessing you captured the post in screen grabs as well since the thought police/ministry for truth might claim this never happened and the account was removed for other reasons..

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I didn't, I just had it open on my phone and transcribed it quickly before it could refresh. However, I have since seen that someone else screen grabbed it.

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Thanks...I just know how dirty the "team" can play...

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Here's an archive of the google web cache...


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You sir..are a god amongst mere mortals :)

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Need more like these people of courage 🏋️

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He's certainly right about the last thing. I have never been an anti-vaxxer, but now? I would never let those people give shots to my kids. They are absolutely not to be trusted.

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So true. I diligently took my now adult son off to get all his childhood vaccinations. Now I wouldn't do it. I've been thinking about how in my childhood everyone developed antibodies and immunity to all the standard childhood diseases. We got sick, had to stay in bed, were nursed by our mother's/grandmothers or other caring adult and recovered with strong immune systems. Some time after that period we were all convinced that those childhood diseases were so very dangerous that we need to eradicate them and protect humanity with a vaccine. I now question if in fact they are necessary or have we all been sucked in. I also don't trust that narrative at all and would not recommend any vaccinations to anyone.

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Alex is on GETTR now


I am also moving to gettr and follow everyone who follows me

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