I find this censorship thoroughly depressing. The course of the past 3 years would have been substantially different and better for each and every one of us if free debate had been allowed to flourish.

First I felt very lonely with my contrarian views and it took quite a while to find kindred spirits.

The good news is, that if this happened again I will know where to find different opinions much more easily. It will be much more difficult to suppress different opinions.

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You’re lucky, blessed to have found kindred spirits. I have very few and have lost many”friends” thru this. Our family is on a totally different wave length also, but can be near us now because they are protected!

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My family lol. wife is an ostrich, political or having to do with CV-19 nope not interested. Other family, my brother is in Arizona. That's about it except my adopted daughter and 60 extended family members. I take a stand whether alone, and it works okay and thanks :)

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Although we still have the problem of different opinions making their way into the light of day for those who do not know to look or that they even ought to look, let alone where to look. 🤔

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Mya everyone felt cold and alone. As if we were the only ones. Then as the days progressed I found others with the same views.

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It’s no wonder that the Inspector General’s report on the FBI didn’t find much wrongdoing.

They don’t think that they are doing anything wrong.....

80 FBI people monitoring just one social media organization....secretly?

Sounds a lot like secret police.

And they interfered in a presidential election (at least).

So let me get this straight;

It’s ok for the FBI to help steal a presidential election,

but it’s not ok for Donald Trump or anyone else to complain about a stolen election.....

This shit is not supposed to happen in this country.

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I have read excepts from William Strauss' book "The Fourth Turning". The last 20 years of every 80 year cycle is a crisis. WW1-WW2 was the last one and dealt with the crisis of Empires trying to compete with each other and remove the other. The time before that was the Civil War, and before that, The French Revolution. This crisis is one of Institutions. They will all come tumbling down from rot and corruption. The process has already started. All is set up as probabilities in the sky - The Great Conjunction of Dec.21, 2020 between Jupiter and Saturn heralds a Regime Change. There will be a Great Reset, but it will be one for the People. Pluto exits Capricorn and enters Aquarius on March 24, 2023 - https://astrobutterfly.com/2021/06/30/pluto-in-aquarius-2023-2044-power-to-the-people/

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Thank you!

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The Millennials and their phony GenX and Baby boomer woke leaders love the censoring and controlling the message. Of course govt leaders are all narcissistic so it comes with their nature. The censoring is happening everywhere.

A friend who was a longtime newspaper reporter for the main newspaper in a top 10 market in the US was fired recently for his desire to report the total truth on a major crime story. The total truth didn’t make certain precious people look good… The wokester editor refused and the young gen z and millennial reporters all agreed with editor. You can’t truly believe anything you read or hear anymore anywhere from MSM sources. All American media reports to Xi - they don’t t dare offend the evil bastard as it will cost them precious $$$s. I appreciate substack came along - a rare source of truth is found here.

I appreciate Elon, but you can see the controlling elites are after him. Hope he has great security and exposes Fauci soon. Perhaps WEF and Klaus going down in 2023 would be a wonderful grand finale - the Big Guy being exposed would be a bonus.

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Expose what about Brandon? We know most, even have proof of a lot. Hunter lol the kid wasn't ready for the big time.

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Yeah, we do know a lot about Brandon & Co. And some of what we know consists of possible felonies with national security implications.

The real problem is that no one is doing anything about it.

When you have the primary national law enforcement agencies under your direct control and the media covering for you, then you can really get away with a hell of a lot.....as we’ve seen ad nauseam.

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You're right.

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Is there some reason that you don't mention the news organization or the people involved? I don't believe comments such as yours with this information missing helps to illuminate what is going on nor does it put a spotlight on this form of meddling. I am a firm believer that what you write here needs to have a spotlight on it so that people learn to recognize what is happening.

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You are joking right? 😃 I mean, if any reporter wants to report truth he probably don't understand what media and news purpose is this days. There is almost nothing related to truth, it's just propaganda, entertainment and commercials like 98% of their content.

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All very depressing. I recall reading after Greenwald/Snowden released info on the extensive surveillance of ordinary people by the NSA, that there was a similar response by MSM and by many "ordinary citizens." Also a general sense of "who cares, I don't have anything to hide." Now here we are are again.

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Seems likely MSM internationally are also a tool of the three letter government agencies.

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Oh yes, and financed/bribed with OUR Taxpayer dollars....we are in effect paying for ALL OF THIS.

The MSM needs breaking up/out from the six corporations they are owned by.

All of the news networks were BROKE and losing money before Covid...with the help of "brought ot you by Pfizer" And of course, Pfizer received our TAXPAYER MONEY in payment for all the "free Pfizer shots" you got.

Do you see how deep it goes? ALL ON OUR DIME.

I am beginning to think not paying taxes by not having "income" is the way to go.

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Not to mention technocrats are undoubtedly using the capitol in 401k accounts

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If they are not the plans to do so are already in the works

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Not so much 'by not having income,' the money goes to an illegitimate whatever right now and the US doesn't see one thin dime. When I say don't pay taxes, they can't arrest everyone and the military won't level their guns at you, that's unlawful and unconstitutional.

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I cancelled my TV subscription to the BBC during the early stages of covid. To be fair, I found about 50 % of the content was misleading or untrue and the other 50 % was of value or of some value. I got tired of "sifting". The BBC like Canada's CBC, is no longer able to wield the same monopoly with people under 50. I am in my mid-50's and I have dumped both of them.

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The twitter files and surveillance generally should be understood in light of the political techniques of totalitarian rule: arbitrary terror. Totalitarianism is rule by permanent destabilization. There must always be new enemies and the enemies are domestic as well as foreign. Technology now allows a means for "them" to simply create new categories of enemies. Things can get worse and an economic concentration camp system is an economic model. Remember that there were 44 thousand internment camps and concentration camps in Europe under the Nazis control. We may think that it is just about being deprived and confined at home, but it might be much worse. Can we all demand access to our "files?" Can we all find out what lists we are on?

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I think the lists are public knowledge so yes you can find out or should be able to.

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Which is why I suggested long ago that instead of Truth Social, Trump (and we would help) should buy Fox or another MSM news program. IT is the only way to break through the Iron Curtain.

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Trump doesn't care about the truth, he just cares about making money

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I disagree. he lost money being president..didn't take his salary..his net worth went down..and ifyou look back at interviews he did when he was a young democrat in NY, he said the same things. Deeply loves this country and the Constitution. This country is what allowed him to become a multi millionaire...and he realizes it.

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Trump is a deeply divisive - and rather elderly - demogague and a dirty old man. You would not get my support: I think he is a crook, and so do most people I know.

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If he were a crook, SOMEONE would have proved it by now. It’s not like they haven’t tried, and tried, and tried, and tried again.

They have to make up things.... and they still can’t make them stick.

Many years and many millions of dollars wasted trying to prove that he’s done something that can be used to get rid of him.

The reason that you and your friends think he’s a crook is because the mainstream media and all of official Washington have been telling you that he is a crook for the last eight years. You really think that the endless repetition has no effect? It’s just like the vaccine messaging.... you repeat something enough times and many people will believe it.

When it comes to Trump, I wasn’t a fan at first. Then I started seeing headlines about him that looked nuts. And just like Covid, I started doing my own research/homework. I found that most of the negative stories about him were simply made up (either lies, suppositions, opinions, or a combination). Quotes were bent or taken out of context.

I found that I agreed with him on a number of important issues.

‘They’ used the same tactics against Trump that were used in support of the Covid narrative.

It amazes me that many people who are able to see the psychological operation (for lack of a better term) regarding Covid are completely blind when it is used against Donald Trump.

And in both cases, it’s being done by many of the same people......

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The fact that he became President is all you need to know. Only seriously compromised people get into those positioned so that they can be blackmailed into doing what the deep state wants.

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He was not blackmailed..nothing to blackmail him about. But he WAS THREATENED. What do you think he cared most about? His family.

He was threatened, because they coudln't blackmail him. And when he wasn't responding to their threats, they gave him covid ....released a swarm I think. Remember he was taking HCQ and Zinc...but even that doesn't work against a newly made swarm.

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I am much like you. He drives me nuts at times, but he got me looking deeper into what’s been going on. Trump raised my awareness

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Look, I don’t worship Donald Trump. He has his faults.

But he has exposed the lying and hypocrisy of the media and both political parties....especially the Republicans. I already knew that most of the democrats were lying sleezeballs, they don’t even try to hide it.

The Republicans, on the other hand, promised Trump and their own party that they were for a set of principles and would work to achieve them. They then turned around and stabbed him and their supporters in the back.

They have proven that they will, just like the democrats, do anything they can to destroy him and in the process ignore their base. A small but telling example was Jeb Bush. He promised, on national television, to support the Republican nominee for president (when he thought that he was going to win). When Trump won, he supported Hillary. Now that’s real integrity.....

If the Republican leadership had treated Trump like all previous Republican presidents they would have gotten a lot more done.

But they were too busy trying to undermine him and those who voted for him.

I am actually amazed at how much he did get done despite the opposition.

Trumps candidacy, presidency, and post presidency have unmasked many of the unprincipled, fake conservatives who I used to believe in.

The democrats, republican leaders, and the media have shown themselves to be truly despicable.

They have done everything possible....including FBI surveillance and censorship, bending/breaking election laws, and more....in order to oust a duly elected president that they hated.

And they are still trying.

This country is supposed to be different....

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Spot on! You said that perfectly! However, despite this we must still vote and unfortunately given our choices Republican is still the safer bet, but we need true conservative candidates. It’s an uphill battle for sure. People also need need to vote on policies not personalities and not feel like they’re locked in to any party as if it’s a religion. I’ve only voted Democrat once in my lifetime as I felt that was the better choice of the two at the time (I’m almost 60)

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Why are they so afraid of him that they will stop at nothing to take him down?

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Why are they so afraid of him that they will stop at nothing to take him down?

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His womanising is disgusting: ' grabbed her pussy' he is creepy about his own daughter (Yuck) , he brags about his conquests, he is also a very poor businessman who leaves carnage in his wake: he managed to piss off everyone in Scotland by bullying and abusing elderly residents on the golf course he wanted to make in a specially protected scientific dunes habitat, he brags all the time, he went into a hissy fit when he found out that a wind farm was being built a few miles offshore, but anyway he is OLD and he is nobodies future. I want to see him in jail soooo badly.

And his horrible and dysfunctional family can all go the hell with him.

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I didn’t even list all of the things that Biden has done to wreck the country.

Donald Trump was a far better president.....

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I'll never forget Brandon's "Winter of Death" speech towards "the unvaccinated" and their families. I'll also never forget his vaccine mandates telling "the unvaccinated" they have to take an experimental injection or lose their jobs and ability to feed their families. You could probably count on one hand how many times he has spoken the truth in his life. He's corrupt to the core.

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Do you realize that you just described Joe Biden and his family?

Change the names and places and it’s much the same......the only difference is the womanizing. Biden only sniffs hair, swims naked in front of female Secret Service agents, and takes age inappropriate showers with his daughter (all documented).

And for what it’s worth, I feel exactly the same way about Biden.

He should be in jail.

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Me too. It stands out like a sore thumb. But look above... you got a guy who knows jabs bad..but still believes in climate change.

IT is so depressing they cannot transfer what they see in one area to the other.

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He was not deeply divisive...you were TOLD he was, by 99 percent negative MSM coverage every damn day since he became president. WAKE up and turn off the damn tv and cancel all your magazine and newspaper subscriptions. Jeez.

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Sorry, but he came to Scotland and pissed the entire country off well before he became President: he does not have a single friend here: he is persona non grata. We loathe him.

He is a loudmouth, a bully, an arrogant SOB, and frankly he dug his own grave: we have no votes in this, but we were gobsmacked that you elected this charlatan into office.

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He wasn’t elected President of Scotland.

He was elected President of the United States of America.

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I'm looking out the window for flying pigs and getting a read on the temperature in hell to determine the likelihood that the sclerotic corrupt MSM will ever report on this.

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Are we talking Dante's Inferno, then it's pretty darn cold in some places? Or the islamic Hell, where some sinners are made to wear sandals of molten bronze? Or Hel where the unquiet dead have to wade ankle deep in freezing running water, among sharp rocks and noxious clammy vapours (after firsthaving their nails and teeth pulled out and their skin flayed off to make the hull, oars and sails for the ship Nagelfare)?

I'm biased, but seeing as they made their living through deceit and malicious lies, I'd argue sharing Loke's fate would be most fitting for journalists.

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So true, unfortunately.

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Want to hear a funny thing?

This is how print media started. Governement and privately funded partisan leaflets and proclamations, challenged by printing becoming cheaper and simpler so even small towns of maybe only 10 000 adults had 5-10 papers.

Then radio happened. And state and corporate virtual monopolies. Challenged by private small-scale broadcasts.

Then TV.

Then Internet and smarter-than-the-user-phones.

The goal for the market is a product as indispensible (perceived so), as cheap to make, and as hard to develop alternatives for as possible.

The state have the same goals, for the same reason:

Control by removing options and autonomy. After all, the market hate competition, independence and non-commodifiable values just as much as the state does.

So after 4-5 permutations of com-tech revolutions, they have finally learned how to maintain control.

Maybe. If we let them.

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So, you know this. We know this.

The question is how, how, HOW do we somehow communicate this to the oodles of people we know who do not know this?

Yeah, yeah, it’s about relationships and asking questions. However, unfortunately many of my relationships are not of the sort of circumstances that allow for space/time for these sorts of discussions. For example, the monthly Bible study… occasionally I have made comments here and there, but it’s rare. Mostly everyone is catching up on what’s going on with family and work (we all share a common profession) and such. The overall disposition is that medicine/the medical system is all for helping and serving patients/people. And although many would probably not agree w the overall trajectory of our country (US), I have no doubt there are some who voted for the former VP, and who believe his predecessor to have been the epitome of devisiveness and all else that is evil.

So truly, it feels almost impossible to know where to begin a conversation.

I’m not trying to be a naysayer at all. Just wondering aloud how we penetrate the fog of ignorance.

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His embrace of public polls is simply kowtowing to mob rule. When DEMONcRATS bleat about “saving our democracy” they mean saving mob rule. Demos = “people”, kratos = “power”. The US is (or was) a constitutional republic so it drives me crazy when virtually everyone calls it a “democracy”. The DEMONcRATS know exactly what they mean when they say it. And it’s why they hate the electoral college which prevents mob / majority “popular” vote. I don’t understand why Musk is doing this

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If this One World Agenda goes any further, he will also be taken down. I think he represents a very large silent majority of smart business people who do not want the Agenda. He has decided to take this on because he is trying to save himself as well as us.

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Deb, you may be right but for now IDK what to really make of him. Wasn’t he one of the young global leaders or whatever they are called? Doesn’t mean he can’t change (if it’s even true) but he’s still a big proponent of electric cars & AI…. Can’t decide if he’s a savior of sorts or a wolf in sheep’s clothing to lull the masses. He certainly seems to be on the liberal $#!+ list but is it a ruse? One of the best (or worst) things to come out of the past 3 years - depending on one’s perspective - is a distrust of everyone & all institutions, since virtually none stood up to say all of it was not just wrong, but evil.

I read a recent article that the Toyota CEO (or some bigwig) represents a “silent majority” of car manufacturers who doubt the push to electric because of course the infrastructure isn’t here yet. Which of course everyone - including the Greeny eco-terrorists & politicians know. The whole point is not to move everyone to electric vehicles, it’s to take away any private transportation whether gas or electric from the serfs

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Elon stated on Twitter that he was invited to join the WEF and declined. Tulsi Gabbard has also stated publicly more than once that the WEF put her info on their website without her permission and she’s had nothing to do with them.

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I was not sure of his status so thx for the clarification! I’d heard about Tulsi too & Dan Crenshaw. Why would they put info on their website about her if she’d never been a member - was it to cast suspicion / discredit her once she started criticizing & then bailed on the Dums? Or was she part of it at one time & dropped out?

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Hard to tell, but I wouldn’t put it past the WEF to intentionally do things to create distrust of people they can’t control. And WEF dropouts wouldn’t surprise me either, just as some people who have been in cults recognize the truth and extricate themselves, e.g. Scientology.

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I would think there could be a libel suit if they promote something as true that absolutely is false. You said she’s publicly said she hadn’t given them permission to name her, which sort of indicates that @ one time she may have been & then dropped out & absolutely no longer wanted to be associated w/ them. That wouldn’t surprise me either, & I could respect that. Knowing what we know about them now & seeing their physical manifestations in dictators like Turdeau, Merkle, Ardern, et al., i would HOPE there are some that had a conscience & bowed out

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You are right. The whole point of the bioweapon shots was not to stop the bioweapon virus, but to force compliance with "whatever they say." The electric boogaloo con is following the footsteps of the bioweapons world war. Comply is the only end game.

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Because Musk is stupid. Seriously. He's not that smart, just rich.

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Normally, I would agree with you. I think all these big wig CEO's are just puppets and figure heads for hidden paymasters. However, I have seen him interviewed several times. He was supporting vaccination and praising China in quoted passages but the interviews have somewhat changed my mind. I think he knows exactly what the score is and although the early stages of the Agenda did not affect him, I think now it is different. We are dealing with a Death Cult. It will take him down as well as many other business people. There is no unanimity on the Agenda. The Titans are now being affected. He did not appear "stupid" to me in the interviews. Rather, he chose his words carefully and I could see "the wheels turning" so to speak.

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You can say that about many of them. Moobs Gates for one

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It's not really a surprise that the media isn't covering this story, because the story is about media being controlled by government to advance the narrative.


And if you want a headstart on "The Fauci Files", you can start reading the emails here:


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It’s more than a little suspicious that we get a curated view of the Twaddle Files. Why not release all the raw data? This smells of “limited hangout”.

One view of this is it’s all theater to distract attention from what is really going on and that Musk is beholden to “them” because his business is founded on money stolen from taxpayers by his paymasters.

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Yep I'm suspicious. Hopefully they'll do their Twitter Files and then release it for everyone to scrutinise but I doubt it.

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That will only happen if we let it. It's time to start talking about punishment for atrocities and will it to fruition.

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"vaccines are a miracle from God.". This is blatant misinformation, they are a miracle from Fauci.

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Lord of lies, Lord of science, Lord of psychopaths, Lord of Munchusen. Indeed Lord and God of all. ....in his screwed up little brain, at least!

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It's not misinformation. It's actually one of the few true things they state. They are from their god. We know who that is.

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