May 11, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

“Patient Confidentiality” along with "National Security" and "Need to Know" and "Redacted" and "Controlled Burn" and "Too Big to Fail" and "Secret Courts" and "Secret Laws" and "Black Budgets" and "Court Gag Orders" and a thousand other things and it should be beyond obvious something is up!

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May 11, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

Came here specifically to say this. The words “patient confidentiality” stand out like a massive hypocritical sore thumb after the last two years of vaccine passport BS.

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May 11, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

Same from me.

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May 11, 2022·edited May 11, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

when they had to fire you from a job because of vaccination status there was 0 patient confidentiality...

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And 0 (zero) freedom to choose how to survive/live.

In one fell swoop, the State will have its dependents (read: slaves).

The end of Western Civilization.

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Well there was none in my case, of course, I did push the burrow on the intercom when they entered the room to bribe me to claim to take the shot even though they would allow me to prepare a "saline" injection to take the place of the "Flu" shot..

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May 11, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

Patient confidentialy was one of the major reasons Sweden didn't opt for Covid passports. It would require such a massive overhaul of existing laws and procedures (data storage, registries over people, vetting of Covid commissars, and so on) they quietly let it fizzle until the need (the alleged need I should say) was gone.

Only medical staff, when on the job, my handle patient data, and then only the patients they actually work with. And all such activity is logged with the staff members' personal work ID. Pharmacy staff can only see the prescription, and any details the doctor have written in the form (like "Don't take with coffee" and such things, reminders really), and the staff is under "tystnadsplikt" (duty to keep silent). Caretakers and -workers, the same thing goes for them.

Even teachers have confidentiality re: pupils/students, even at university level when they are adults. Social details, how school is going, health stuff - all covered.

Even now, when I no longer teach, am I allowed to discuss old students in such a way that they could be identitied, not even the most innoccuous stuff.

Isn't that how you do it in the US, Canada and the UK?

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May 11, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

I can’t speak to how things are done in other developed countries not working in this profession. But it is clear that giving implicit authority to unqualified deputies such as a hotel receptionist to require that vaccination status, a medical procedure, be disclosed is a clear departure from normal practice anywhere where the presumption of confidentiality once existed.

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May 11, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

All of the rules regarding confidentiality apply ONLY to health care organizations. There is nothing to stop a hotel from asking you your vaccination status. The rules are very perverse.

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And in olden times, 2019 and earlier, there was nothing to stop a hotel guest from replying in a robust Anglo Saxon fashion. I take the point that a private business has the right to make an outrageous request to a customer. The customer can then elect whether to patronise the business.

I think the issue here is that governments mandating that private businesses implement public policy on marginally legal premises amounts to constitutional overreach.

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I agree completely. But it is not a HIPAA/privacy issue because those laws conveniently do not apply. The whole thing is broken.

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Yes, exactly! They managed to invent an even worse form of rent-seeking sort of. Thanks for the replies and explanations all of you!

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EXACTLY!! (Sorry to shout.)

SARS-CoV-2 has little to do with medical science, and MUCH to do with anti-Capitalism.

If the State can enlist (capture) private sector actors as police....

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May 11, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

The same is true in the US.

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Yes, fortunately the vaccine passports never really got rolling in the UK, but here the idea was going to be that if your doctor confirmed you as exempt from vaccine you would still get the same vaccine qr passport as everyone else. In this way the passport would not reveal your medical info to others, just that you had one and had either been vaccinated or confirmed as exempt. I have a friend in the Netherlands and she has a vaccine passport which she can use all over the world but is not vaccinated, her doctor got her exempted over asthma! So that is how they were going to get round those laws.

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Interesting, I didn’t know that they were building a ‘get out clause’, into their own regulation. It’s wrong on so many levels starting with the fact that whilst passports were still being promoted as a useful tool in preventing infection the efficacy of the jab (not vaccines) was already known to be falling short in terms of infection. And transmission. And disease severity. And subsequently on side effects. And in countering the very disease that they were purported to have been designed to address.

But as if that wasn’t enough, an exemption to being jabbed counted as equal to being jabbed for the sake of circumventing a law. Cynical manipulation designed only to enable the imposition of a control order, nothing to do with health outcomes. Well we’ve known that for a long time, and known that those who would impose these controls have known it too. But that this was never about health, based on that workaround, is baked into the policy from the start.

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May 11, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

For those not familiar with The Global Covid Summit I am attaching a link. You will find here their latest video conference, broadcast just this morning in the US. This conference is titled “Restore Scientific Integrity” and features some of the leading doctors and scientists who are spearheading the fight for truth and accountability with the goal of ensuring this never happens again. Highly recommended. It’s an hour long and covers the entire waterfront.


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May 11, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

“The vaccination status of the mothers of the infants who died is unknown and will not be released due to “patient confidentiality”."

Too private to keep anonymous records for public health agencies post market followup but not too private to require vax status be shared with every employer and public venue.

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May 11, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

Just such tragic circumstances we’re all in. Guess our last best hops is this all doesn’t become even worse? This, combined with suspected vaccine related Hepatitis outbreak, concerns about the vaccinated and spike proteins, and all those in hospital right now it being strongly correlated with the vaccinated. And the rarely mentioned - the overall about mRNA, genetics, and even the presence of graphene oxide.

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May 11, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

Wondering if autopsies were performed on the babies that died? That would be informative.

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This is very, very, sloppy: please get someone to proofread before writing rubbish like this:

"First doses would have been administered around March 2022 which again fits with the graph. Firstly, shifts in the data (indicated by blue dots) start in March and a smaller peak of neonatal deaths occur in June, three months after first doses."

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I changed the date, thanks. Other than that if you think something is rubbish then you might like to expand. As I said, I'm just trying to figure out what is causing the spikes so if you have any other ideas feel free to chip in.

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"Patient Confidentiality" . . . so I take it there was no such thing as a Covid Passport in Scotland ?

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Another one to keep an eye on is ‘Early Menopause’. Seems quite prolific in the early to mid forties age group at the moment. I live in Ireland and know of 2 friends and one acquaintance who believe they are presently experiencing this. All vaxxed. I am 46, unjabbed and all systems working well.

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deletedMay 11, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com
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May 11, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

Watch it! You're being a little transparent with your freethinking, there.

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