Why have ‘they’ allowed ‘Biden’ to be paraded in front of the world’s cameras over the last 4 years showing him to be a demented decrepit old man?

As the ‘leader of the Free World’ he is supposed to be finest example of western (white) manhood. The ultimate alpha male.

So watching Biden stumble & mumble sends a powerful message to the world that white western man is finished.

It’s all in the optics, the symbols.

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For the many now with no belief in the divine, I give you three miracles we are all witness to everyday

1. Something came from nothing

2. Life. We think humanity is now endowed with awesome powers. Yet we still cannot create a living cell.

3. Consciousness. We have no idea what it is, where it arose from, or indeed what its purpose is.

All miraculous.

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Whilst I don’t disagree with your sentiment I’m not convinced by your arguments.

1. Nobody was witness to the beginning which seems to me to contradict your claim that it’s something “we are all witness to everyday”.

2. Synthesised cell creation has been claimed to be a thing for some time. God alone knows what these butchers of nature are capable of.

3. There are more things we don’t have scientific understanding of than things we do, consciousness is just one of the fundamentals. Others include gravity, time and space but just because we lack the language or understanding of such things (or perhaps we just “forgot”) it doesn’t justify (in my opinion) jumping straight to miracles.

Speaking as a believer of creation who struggles with religion, I feel stuck in a vacuum between clumsy science driven attempts to explain these phenomena (like the consciousness article) and deliberately vague, faith based retorts. It seems like many on both sides of that dichotomy assume a stance of mutual exclusivity and I don’t understand why that would be the case.

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“we lack even the beginning of an explanation of how the brain produces our inner world of colors, sounds, smells and tastes. “

And always will. The brain no more produces consciousness than your TV produces the 6 o’clock news. Inspecting the circuits of your TV isn’t going to increase your knowledge of current events and inspecting the brain isn’t going to reveal the source of mind and consciousness.

The brain is analogous to a receiver. Mind and consciousness (and super-consciousness, the consciousness of consciousness) are non-material phenomena of non-material origin. The physical is only a small part of total reality, it is not all there is.

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Ants is one scary life form. One of my favorites-of-all-time movies is The Naked Jungle. "Marabunta!"

To be sure though I'd rather have them take over after the apocalypse than cockroaches, though of course I wouldn't be around to be bothered either way, would I?

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