1) White Saviors (Crackers for Kamala) suffering from fake white guilt are some of the worst Americans. It’s all for show - just look how they actually live. Inner city mostly white neighborhoods in the US are filled with virtue signaling signs in front of expensive homes in gentrified neighborhoods where lower class blacks are no longer welcomed (unless it’s for work…).

2) Fauci belongs in prison. It seems he’ll only get his due in his approaching afterlife.

3) Vermont - what do you expect?

4) Putin is like Castro - you keep hearing about his demise, but the dude has 9 lives. I think Russia would descend into mass chaos if he were to suddenly die.

5) UN issue - any talk of “colonialism” is immediately turned off by me and of course hold onto the wallet… What actual good has the UN done?

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Crackers for Kamala.... hahahahaha

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Would the US consider assassinating Putin? As long as he’s wearing good ear defenders, he should be ok…

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I hope we don’t take out Putin. First, his people like him and he was elected by them. Also, how has it worked when we’ve taken out leaders for ‘regime change’ before? I’d argue that it’s gone very poorly.

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So, has anybody noticed that everything Kamala says about eliminating racism is racist? And that everything she says about eliminating sexism is sexist?

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Everything the Democrat party stands for now is racist and sexist. Ewww. Really unpalatable to Americans who believe in meritocracy.

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Okay, so, Putin is also pushing for digital currency. Interesting. How very WEF.

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It's all the same elite pushing their agenda. Just remember during scamdemic all were pushing the quakcine. All quakcine in the world was 'accidentally' based on the poisonous Spike protein. Then when people got fed up Ukrainian circus has started. Obviously if putin wanted really to invade Ukraine then what do you do? You wait until the 'deadly' scamdemic dies off and then you attack not when the whole world is trembling at home... And now CBDC if you need more proofs

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The Ukrainian Nazis first started killing Christians in Donbas, and the people of Donbas begged Putin to save them, yes, they are mostly Russians. Then Putin, after repeatedly informing the UN about bio labs on their border, and the UN does nothing, Putin takes them out! Put in justifies and needs to be respected!

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