So after three years denying the bio-weapon origins of Covid suddenly the media are all over it.

That’s always a giveaway.

What’s going on?

Limited hangout, I guess.

Part of the slow reveal.

If everyone gets excited about the lab ‘leak’ they won’t be getting upset about the claims of it being deliberately released.

If it was an accidental leak, it’s amazing that it happened just by accident three months after Event 201 which did the table-top simulation of a novel, species-jumping Corona virus pandemic.

Everything is theatre.

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Rule number 1: If the government's lips are moving, it's lying.

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It is the Festival of Purim in March. This is the story of Esther and the saving of the Jewish People from extermination. The meaning of Purim is as true today as it was in the time of Esther. There are imposters among us. They seek to destroy us through trickery and half-truths.

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Far from original to me but seems more about an invisible enemy for Gates lackeys at WHO to stop the world so the elites can siphon off more everything for themselves on a whim.

My money is also on biology of Jay Couey which looks beyond the petrie dish results to what Nature does in the wild. They can make killer bees too but a mutant strain blends into a global ecosystem it does not suddenly dominate & spread with no mutations. It's all fear & compliance headf**k.


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We are living a parallel to the Biblical story of Exodus. 9/10 of the people who followed Moses out of Egypt, were not fit to enter the Land of Israel. Some also went to Greece and ended up bowing down to false gods under Hellenistic Rule. Those who were not fit, had a slave mentality. God waited 40 years for this generation to die out. The next generation did not have a slave mentality because they "did not know Egypt." The set up of the world is a highly sophisticated Illusion. Time, as Einstein has shown us is, an illusion (it contracts and expands according to the Speed of Light.) The enemy is Time. Satan is trying to get you to waste your Time. The whole of Human History is a Race between the Forces who which to enslave us and those who which to Free us. The Choice we have is simple -

Enslavement vs Freedom. The Goal, I believe, is to work through the pressure that this Choice is forcing upon us, in order to attain White Light in the Crown Chakra. You can see the colours of your Chakra using high speed photography (I have seen my photo). White Light means that no frequency of Light is missing. You can see the colour in your eye level Chakra by closing your eyes in the dark. Einstein, and a handful of scientists, understood that all living things are powered up by the Shumann Resonance of 7.83 hz. This is the same frequency as the Earth. The point of this Boardgame is to force us to attain the Higher Level of Consciousness of White Light in the Crown Chakra. Yes, the casualties will be massive, but remember, God is always 100 % in control. Good always prevails and God always wins. Please see the following article on frequency from CHD.TV -


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Gotta keep the unwashed distracted from the ultimate goal which is the next pandamnic. We are all damned, but it's a secret. Always remember the goal - power, control, money. bill gates of hell has probably designed a lot of this. Talk about double face - a eugenic proponent except for his 3 kids. I think he should start with his self. Show us how it's done.

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Your write up about DNA is great and very inspiring. And when we recognize that we have a different source of DNA in our mitochondria with countless of these in each cell and engaged in a similarly complex process of energy production and protein synthesis it is difficult to ignore what special creations each of us as individuals is. Now we need to effect changes which will allow for our individual and collective survival.

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Knowing this, it is no wonder they want to turn our DNA into suoer computers....

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Excellent point. Thanks

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You really wanted to make my head hurt today, huh? I'm talking about that DNA thingy. How did they squeeze it all in? A little more effort needed than, say, when a cat fits itself into a too-small box. This is the stuff that just dazzles with its impossibility and yet it's real. A miracle that *normal* exists anywhere, with everything at every step that can go wrong. I need another cup of tea now 'cause my veins are throbbing.

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DNA and it’s processes are NOT machines! DNA is barely understood by the scientific community and if they keep thinking in mechanical paradigms for natural systems they will eventually prove themselves nothing but cultists blinding themselves to the wonders of possibilities of creation. In doing so they will destroy far more than they will ever understand and cause devastation in their wake.

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Any politician or individual such as Gates that brings up the term “climate change” in a manner that frames it as an existential crisis needs to be immediately dragged off the stage and put in a stockade for at least a week. I’m so sick of lies being discussed as proven facts.

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He should have gone to jail years ago. He had a Ted Talk 5-10 years ago about his desire to use vaccines to reduce the population. He is the most racist pig ever. Vaccines sent to the very poor in Africa that had other 'goodies' in them. Dr Wakefield in the UK lost his license because he identified that vaccine caused a rise in autism in Black baby boys. To this day, in spite of statistical data, the lie stands. Money buys what and who you want if you have enough. Don't forget he's a eugenic proponent, a college drop out, and every time you buy a microsoft product he wins.

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The DNA stuff was pretty cool. I'm a complete newb when it comes to biology, but it is amazing the body has some of the fascinating processes that it does.

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Why do I disbelieve every single word Gaes says? Must be when he took out that patent in 2015 for the vax.

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And THAT lengthy description of DNA is STILL inadequate when taken into consideration that the conventional theory of DNA mechanics is itself inadequate. Consider instead the genome as a quantum wave. https://home.solari.com/future-science-the-wave-genome-with-ulrike-granogger

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Things that never change:

Climate crusaders are trying to destroy us all

Fauci is a lying piece of dog poop

Bill Gates is a greedy, lying piece of dog poop and enjoyed his visits to Epstein Island…

A pox upon them all.

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The record of the FBI vis-a-vis Hunter Biden is not very good. Anyone else who committed the crimes he's likely committed would have been arrested long ago. Probably only if the FBI has been told (along with the rest of the deep state) that it's time to get rid of the Big Guy will they do anything about Hunter's crimes.

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Like, especially the DNA writeup.

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Big time thanks for the DNA tweet, fab find, super duper helpful! :~)

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If you need proof of a creator and he is God, the DNA info is it. For more there is an old DVD called Mysteries of Life about DNA that shows how the DNA strands work. It is amazing and appears to be mechanical. Thank you!

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Ok I admit I’ve been riding the free train for a bit but today I’m all in.

Great post!

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Reading that DNA bit: Praise God!

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Fantastic piece on DNA, yet more dribble from Mr Epstein’s buddy tells more delusional lies. Will it ever be enough for these delusional a_holes

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