Random comment on the fearmongering re the next pandemic: covid was supposed to be a once in a century occurence... That is how it was framed. Clearly we need to relearn what a century is!

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On food we thrive. Eat your oranges, eat your fish, go for a walk, you'll be fine. An apple a day keeps the doctor away, only if you throw it hard enough. Get the WHO out of my life. May productive people always prevail over the subsidised classes.

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Bravo Elon. Who else would act in an open and virtuous way? How many Billionaire's are donating/giving back to the society that provided their power and wealth. Most of them start tax shelter trusts that will help them keep their money but not your pittance, you’ll pay. Gates, Fink, Ellison, Soros, Zuck, etc…., all could built a Grand Central Station, Ice Rink, affordable housing, aqueducts, high speed rail, plant trees, etc….. No its football/basketball teams, jets, yachts, big mansions, and rigging elections by buying politicians like the Free Draft in the NFL. Elon can’t save the world by himself and he had better gets some friends to help him since he’s fitting himself for a necktie made from hemp. I love Elon for his commitment to free speech which affects the future of about 8 billion of earths good people. There only a sliver who want to put us in chains like dogs.

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“The shameless campaign to silence Jordan Peterson.” Ironic the JP thinks anons should be banned to the deepest, darkest, dankest recesses of the innerwebz. Not silenced. He’s better than that. He just wants others, you know, restricted in what they can say, where they can say it...if they’re anonymous. 🖕JP.

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RFK is still running for POTUS and the best bet for a COVID reckoning. "The Real Anothiony Fauci" may be a legal indictment? Third party candidate is going to be blamed for someone's loss? Could RFK win?

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I keep getting stuck on the fact that NOT EVEN ONE so-called "virus" and this includes SARS-CoV-2, has EVER been purified or isolated and demonstrated to exist in Nature, just floating around waiting to infect you, by ANY lab ANYWHERE in the world. Viruses are created inside the body as a defense against something that's not right inside the body, like an acidic pH caused from eating man's garbage, so-called "food" or exposure to the EMFs of 3G, 4G and especially 5G radiation.

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I remember that feeling of confused hesitance when I was first exploring the "no virus" literature and I'm still somewhat in the wilderness on this whole area of health, including immunity. Could it be the perfect example of that observation attributed to Mark Twain? It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they've been fooled.

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The subject of viruses is a complex very one. I retired a few years back, read news for most of every day and this is the conclusion I've come to. Dr. Robert O. Young is, in my mind the expert on viruses. It seems he was removed from YT, however he's on Rumble and has his own website. His site imo is kind of a mess, but all of his published literature is there.If you want to explore the "no virus" literature he is the one who's been talking about it the longest. DrRobertYoung (DOT) com

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Serious reply. My understanding of the "no-virus" school is that they represent cellular debris. I.E., they are part of the HEALING process, and not a disease process per se.

Correct? Thanks for the reference!

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Firstly, I am most certainly NOT an expert, but I DO read most of the day, as I mentioned earlier. Regarding your question: Yes. According to Dr. Young viruses do not exist in nature, they are created internally as a defense. See my post at page top. During the Spanish Flu researchers tried everything they could think of to infect healthy people with the "virus". They swabbed throat and nasal fluids from sick people into the eyes, ears, noses and mouths of healthy people in an effort to infect them. NOT EVEN ONE PERON GOT SICK!!!

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But very often when I get a cold it’s my granddaughter who has it first and ‘gave’ it to me . It makes no sense to me that the two are not related . Long before bad food and EMFs people were in close contact with sick people and getting sick .

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No doubt. The topic is confusing as heck. EMFs started with the introduction of radar and then the Spanish Flu appears. Every pandemic in history was associated with a new form of electromagnetic radiation.

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Why Elon Musk is right and Irish hate speech laws are actually AGAINST diversity.

They say “The proposals criminalise communication or behaviour that is likely to incite violence or hatred against a group or individual because they are associated with a protected characteristic, those characteristics are "race, colour, nationality, religion, national or ethnic origin, descent, gender, sex characteristics, sexual orientation and disability"

Diversity is different cultures which by definition are allowed to flourish by having similar people allowed to create their own culture and rules. Japan is a great example as it was cut off from the world for a long time and emerged as a power house that punched way above its weight. The only reason this happened was because Japan excluded all other cultural ideas except their own. You could even say they “hated” foreign influence and discriminated, legislated and acted against it so by modern standards they would have fallen foul of hatred of other cultures. The same is true of any country that wants to define its own identity, African, Eskimo, Polynesian, you name it, it’s a culture based on “hate” according to those who want to homogenise society and populate films with one of each race and ‘gender’. Allowing humans freedom of association and self determinism to form their own groups is essential for ‘diversity’ and the opposite of this is enabled by legislating for homogenenicity which is ironically what ‘hate speech’ laws actually create. What you re in effect arguing against in an assured example is for Barratt Homes to invade the Marshall Islands and turn it into a holiday complex for white Europeans because it’s “hate speech” to say that white Europeans shouldn’t be allowed to colonise the Marshall Islands. Its only when you turn this nonsense on its head that you see it for what it really is

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