Fifteen-year-old me: I wanna marry an artist or a writer.

Me, Now: If the Neanderthals are ever resurrected, reserve one for me...

At least I had the wit to never complete a college education. God knows what might have happened to my thinking skills had I gone for some of that credentialling...

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Thank you ever so much!

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My apologies if you already shared this, but it is relatively new, and I rarely comment here.

Single most important video to watch in my lifetime - https://leemuller.substack.com/p/single-most-important-video-to-watch

We are one degree of freedom away from being the vocal majority and stopping this. We just need to keep talking about it and sharing. Thank you for your efforts.

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Transhumanism is a satanic, anti-human philosophy.

Although, hypothetically we might be in a transhumanist simulation right now, going through the event horizon again... and still not learning the lesson.

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Concerning the desperate need for more atmospheric CO2:

Hence, the need of the Great Resetters to declare CO2 to be a pollutant, the exact opposite of the truth.

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Overall, children and adolescents who were previously infected acquired durable protection against reinfection (symptomatic or not) with SARS-CoV-2 for at least 18 months.

Naturally-acquired Immunity Dynamics against SARS-CoV-2 in Children and Adolescents

View ORCID ProfileTal Patalon, Yaki Saciuk, Hanit Ohayon Hadad, Galit Perez, Asaf Peretz, Amir Ben-Tov, View ORCID ProfileSivan Gazit

doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.06.20.22276650

Consider the pointy gives at BEST 4-6 weeks of protection and far less for omicron for which it isn't needed and for subsequent boosters and certain ages of kids...at LEAST 18 sounds like a lot more benefit with a LOT less risk! Hallelujia! <3

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This article is a brief history of Big Pharma over the past few decades.


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Please see "The World Freedom Declaration" - You can sign the Petition.


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Mirror - Long Covid IS a disability, tribunal rules in landmark discrimination case.

My cousin had Covid, really bad and was hospitalised for weeks and given a cocktail of drugs and went totally ga ga as a result. He is recovered now to a point thankfully.

When the consultants came to interview him they accurately predicted the other complications such as loss of balance that he was experiencing with uncanny ease and therefore it must be concluded that so-called “long Covid” is nothing but drug toxicity and side effects and remains until the drugs are out Of your system

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“almost certain”


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