Jun 12Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

1) Fauci belongs in prison, but now only God will deal with him. He’s a horrible human with way too much hubris. Millions died and the jerk feels no remorse.

2) Happy for Europe and their recent elections. Hopefully sensibility returns.

3) Geritol Joe will pardon Hunter.

4) I’ll still not get a MRNA vax. However, I’m not anti-vax, but I am anti-MRNA until it’s proven to be safe and actually effective.

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You don’t need any shots of anything!

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You're so right, of course! I'm a 65-year-old Englishwoman here in the UK, and am very proud to have been a properly-informed anti-vaxxer for 35+ years. The last time I had a 'vaccine' was when I was a 12/13 year old kid in school, when I wasn't THEN informed on what I most definitely AM informed on now! Ie, the fact that 'vaccines' have been known, for 150-200 years, to be a medical fraud. Have done a lot of research into this subject.

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Although you definitely should be an antivaxxer.

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I used to catch myself using that exact phrase; “I’m not anti-vax, but…” Don’t worry, you’re amongst friends and I can tell you that the road to recovery from Big Pharma does get easier 🤣

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Jun 12Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

I am already annoyed by the media conflating Hunter Biden’s conviction with Trump’s. They couldn’t be more different. But of course the media wants to pretend it’s tit for tat, and great example of how no one is above the law, not even the presidents son. (I don’t have emojis on this tablet, but if I did I would put a bunch of the eye rolling ones here).

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It’s a great example of deflection, geriatric Joe is the Biden that needs locking (or stringing) up

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Jun 12Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

great links to articles - BI & the past 4 years is about abstractions. Also the Australian loitering drones. On that topic Scott Adams predicted years ago the threat of drones would eliminate any & all mass gatherings in the US (& row). It seems more & more inevitable imo.

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Jun 13Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

rate earth elements are not rare. I did work at a large mine in Southern California where the US government had given a loan guarantee to expand it. Then the prices dropped and they didn’t pay off the loans, but there’s a lot of new processing infrastructure now.

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Is that in the same way that fossil fuels aren’t fossils?

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Jun 12Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

Thanks for sharing.

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Gain of Function is a misnomer... RNA molecules do not have the fidelity to pandemic. Their purified clones grown in E.coli from CRISPR DNA does not reflect what is possible in nature and are as close to reality as highly enriched uranium to raw earth minerals.. they are two very different products and purified vial or vat does not change Natural Laws.

Whatever threat the pure lab grown RNA may have will NEVER be supported in the wild where RNA fidelity is so fleeting the virus cannot even be cultured and grown. This is the biggest lie of all.. RNA cannot circle the globe it can't even be reproduced from a sick patient or bat's butt.. this is all about lies to control us.. psyop threats not Mother Nature.

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There is now a very large body of evidence that shows covid was designed to cause long term harm to humans and was deliberately spread.

All the data manipulation and enforced behaviours gave the illusion of a pandemic. They elevated short term deaths.

The long term damage cannot be known for years as we do not know if the germline has been directly impacted or whether prion diseases will increase.

I agree it was not from nature it was undoubtedly gain of function and was a deliberate bioweapon attack.

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"There is now a very large body of evidence that shows covid was designed to cause long term harm to humans and was deliberately spread. "

Endless claims but no evidence exists of a spreading pathogen novel or otherwise... Denis Rancourt has done epic work with death certificates to show this across nations and states. There is a mountain of evidence of protocols killing people. No gain of function lab sequence has the power to replicate with fidelity.. RNA can NOT pandemic any more than GoF wings on a pig will make it fly. The prion narrative has deep roots in Pharma mythology and likely some effect from the soup of toxic chemicals in our food and water. They are killing us slowly with toxins we buy to eat there is no need for slow kill bioweapon.

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'Covid' does not exist... it's a hoax; an immensely evil hoax/scam/fraud. It was what's termed a Psy-Op. (PSYchological OPeration).

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All this GOF discussion does is perpetuate the false idea that things as "viruses" exist at all, to the benefit of pharma.

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It is done for the benefit of the military industrial complex. The evidence of harm caused by the manufactured agents is well documented. To ignore it, leaves people open to further biowarfare attacks.

It is not nature that is the threat and the Pandemic Treaty adds in all the financial instruments and control structures to allow it to be done again.

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"The evidence of harm caused by the manufactured agents is well documented. To ignore it, leaves people open to further biowarfare attacks."

As long as that biowarfare threat is accurately portrayed as limited to direct exposure. Nothing done in a lab can make RNA pandemic. They can make purified mutants but cannot change the laws of Nature. Any sequence changes to RNA molecules are limited to their batches.. in the wild Mother Nature rules and the "biowarfare mutants" lose any special features with first replication & the highly conserved proteins that act as backbone template for all their GoF clones is moot when we have prior immunity to the bulk of the proteins... Fear porn mythology is not reality in biology.

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Exactly right.. what's more perfect than sudden invisible threats so deadly they confirm by black box test w/o symptoms of illness & emergency Rx outpacing Mother Nature mutation rate w manufactured remedy mandated by globalist cabal backed by Gates & Pharma... what could possibly go wrong?

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Precisely! Sadly, far too many of our fellow humans fell for it all, and let them inject poison into their bodies to fight something that doesn't exist.

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You might say there was pandemic of natural selection

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Ok, this is what I’ve been saying for years, but a lot less technically. There is NO WAY a virus is going to mutate in the wild in a predictable way, like it did in the lab. There can’t be much if any upside to this research, and a whole lot of downside.

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Sometimes intuition is spot on.. these lab clones cannot project mutations and they cannot change replication rules in the wild... even if they create some highly purified, deadly mutant the power is limited to the batch.. Mother Nature does not change and the first wild replication will go back to the low fidelity, high error rate, low infectiousness that ALL RNA molecules have as their natural state.

The primary goal is to scare us with an invisible enemy and believe in God like powers of the gene jockeys who imagine themselves as above the natural world.

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