Zelensky getting an Oscar is appropriate. 

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Good pointer to the Spectator artilcle on the real cost of renewable energy, which gets lost in the greenwash. As Richard Heinberg writes, the question is 'what kind of society can we have with renewable energy?' Answer: nothing like the existing one. We really are in a pickle, as Fast Eddy and others pointed out. Michael Moore's film Planet of the Humans was another call out that people didn't want to hear. Please also continue to alert people to the false CO2 narrative and the false net zero narrative.

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Thank you so much for this resource - teeth grinding though most are!

Could Andrew Tate please replace Piers Morgan - and all the other copy and paste artistes whose shallowness has done so much damage to gullible innocents?

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Nov 10, 2022·edited Nov 10, 2022

Gabriel Poliquin is a pro-mandate, pro-lockdown virtue signalling wanker who had #VaxedToTheMax as his hashtag. How's that working out for ya sparky?

I don't wish vile health on even lowlifes like him but I can't care anymore. You thought you were special and that you'd get the saline shot? LMAO.


I'm curious if he will go to his grave a "useful idiot" like Stalin described. Will he admit it or continue repeating "It's not the vax" or "It would have been worse without the vax".

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Enjoyed "Spiked" article about woke terms being outed for what double-speak they are when translated into non-English. And why non-English speakers should refuse the incursion of English words. Eg: gender, equity, inclusive.

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