Ummm....... post-industrial revolution climate change is responsible for billions of years of hurricanes??? Is it also responsible for the much warmer planet than today during most of the reign of the dinosaurs? 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️. These people don’t listen to themselves!!

You know what does harm the planet? Methane emissions. How much just leaked from blowing the Nordstrom pipelines??? Ya know, the pipelines our military industrial complex claims, like a two year old covered in chocolate, they didn’t do it but they sure are glad it’s done.

Lithium mines destroy vast ecological areas. Lead filled solar panels produce toxic waste. Both consume a huge amount of emissions to recover/ produce/ dispose of.

I’m so tired of this climate alarmist crap. The people spewing it have no idea what they are talking about and their best solution seems to offing half the human population (but they hope it will be civil and certainly aren’t volunteering).

If we focus on not polluting and restoring natural habitats while considering nuclear for energy we’ll be fine and so will the climate. The alarmists, most of whom wouldn’t survive a night in a tent, reject solutions because it’s about power for the sake of power no matter the harm. It’s no wonder the high crossover with those demanding toddler masking and mandating faux vaccines for kids.

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Nord Stream...... twice autocorrect has changed it to Nordstrom’s 🙄🤦‍♀️

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Karine Jean-Pierre has a side gig as an autocorrecter. 😄

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Oct 7, 2022
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What the heck are you talking about??? MAGA- cap devotees are anti-war. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️. How many wars did Trump start or decide to intervene in to the tune of hundreds of billions??? ZERO. Wow. Too much MSNBC in your diet me thinks.

Also, I know zero people who voted for Trump, myself included, that support this intervention in Ukraine.

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Like. You are absolutely correct.

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Oct 7, 2022Edited
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Sorry i know of no conservatives including good old boys who are waving ukrainian flags. We all know its judt money laundering operation for the pilitical elites kids. We know zelensky has intel and dics on buden and hunter

We know blackmail when we see it

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Trump got played by the CDC, NIH, and big pharma. The hysteria pushed by the media and left put him in a corner. Trump wasn’t perfect, but he was a hell of a lot better for the average person across the socioeconomic spectrum and around the globe than what came before and what has come after.

I’m not a fan of our defense spending but under Trump it was mostly spent on actual defense, not killing people in some semi-poor autocracy on the other side of the globe. In context what we have now is worse - which is bigger handouts to everyone involved, less freedom, a generation of kids, especially poor ones, completely screwed by left wing policies and ridiculous ideologies.

Then they look at my kids, protected by their parents in a private conservative school that rejected masking and kept the doors open for in person learning, that acknowledges biological reality, and the left screams we are the problem. As if the world would be better if only my kids were more screwed too.

I was gullible in under grad and grad but I’ve woken up. I’ll never vote for a war monger, which Trump is not, unless my choice is a war monger who acknowledges biological reality v a war monger that says my daughter has no right to like bodies private spaces or sports.

I live in reality these days. A better person with better policies who is better at implementation will always end in better actual outcomes. Trump > the entire Democrat party and the neocon wing of the Republican Party.

I’m a 1%. Not by birth, by work. Before I turned 40. I’m educated and a size 2. I was proud to vote for Trump. You say you aren’t attacking me but read your comment. It was a blatant insult. I might prefer DeSantis, but I’ll gladly vote for Trump again. I’m tired of the constant bull 💩 insults being flung at me and those who support the actually pretty moderate populist policies of MAGA. I am tired of the endless Trump nit picking, under whoose leadership our country thrived and the world was more stable and peaceful. What we have now is pure 💩 and unless someone better ends up in the ballot I won’t be shamed or conned into ignoring actual outcomes in context. And I won’t pretend like I wasn’t just insulted when I can read the insult every time I read your comment.

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That essay in Brownstone is brilliant! 🎯

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It's good but really late. When I came up with the same reasons I was called conspiracy theorist and antivaxxer.

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Woody’s message needs to make clear the things we “buy” for free e.g. Facebook and vaccines. Stop “buying” these products. Delete Facebook. Decline that “free” vaccine. Don’t just spend your money wisely, as he says, use your freedom wisely.

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I think if I met Adam Posen I might bloody his face and then attach him to a mainline of opioids and one with Meth, and then when the prick wakes up, kick him in the balls and ask him if he knows what it feels like to be working class in the heartland.

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"The Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro was unprecedented for a UN conference, in terms of both its size and the scope of its concerns. Twenty years after the first global environment conference, the UN sought to help Governments rethink economic development and find ways to halt the destruction of irreplaceable natural resources and pollution of the planet. Hundreds of thousands of people from all walks of life were drawn into the Rio process. They persuaded their leaders to go to Rio and join other nations in making the difficult decisions needed to ensure a healthy planet for generations to come."


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