Sep 3, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

ah yes a new kettle that'll save us all from 300% fuel increases!

these companies are making Billions a DAY https://dontpay.uk/

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Sep 3, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

Good collection of mad news of our world. It is even difficult to pick a winner... But I would say global warming (cooling, climate change which is it now?) causing more heart attacks by ABC must be the top stupid.

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Sep 3, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

Thanks for the invaluable information - teeth-grindingly awful though it is!

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Sep 3, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

My gosh. Castreau says a whole lot of nothing.

By the way, his face looks puffy. Is he on some kind of steroid?

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Sep 4, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

I can't find my original reference, but there was a letter to the European Medicines Agency early in the plandemic , which noted that the initial plans involved supporting large corporations and allowing smaller businesses to fail.

The stories from England with the extraordinary increases in power costs making businesses non-viable resembles the first round of induced failures with the lockdowns. It would be difficult to prove intent, unfortunately.

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Sep 4, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

Thank you! I'm trying to get people (other swedes) I talk to online to check out your 'Stack, hope some of them dare make the plunge! If someone like Berenson has tens of thousans of readers, well, you deserve no less!

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Sep 3, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

"Sun - ALWAYS WATCHING Future criminals could be monitored by chips in their brains, experts claim."

The State - ALWAYS WATCHING Future Republicans could be monitored by chips in their brains, Democrat experts claim.

For *some* reason, every claim by "experts" seems to read differently to me today.

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(/s) So, the surviving kids should look into a career in death profiting, so many options!, such as grave diggers, mortuary and funeral services, cremation, casket making, or just a standard hospital job. The priesthood, so many funeral services to deliver. $$$ What a swell time to make money on death. Insurance, not so profitable these days. Accounting, na, we don't do that anymore. Butcher, nope, Baker, no wheat predicted, Candlestick maker, maybe. Just being practical.

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Am I missing something since all your videos are linked to Twitter. I was suspended from Twitter after only my second tweet when I suggested that the management team should be tarred and feathered and run out of town. No sense of humor, no hesitation for censorship and purveyors of propaganda from even the most evil sources like most Progressive Democrats. Twitter is a significant part of our current Woke delusion and I refuse to have anything to do with Twitter until they stop acting as an arm of the government.

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Thanks for the clarification Timothy. I misunderstood :-)

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I'm no Boris fan, but he his comments about kettles has been deliberately taken out of context. He was trying to find an analogy for supporting the idea of nuclear fuel as we go on.

Do better research Naked Emperor.

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