ah yes a new kettle that'll save us all from 300% fuel increases!

these companies are making Billions a DAY https://dontpay.uk/

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Good collection of mad news of our world. It is even difficult to pick a winner... But I would say global warming (cooling, climate change which is it now?) causing more heart attacks by ABC must be the top stupid.

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Thanks for the invaluable information - teeth-grindingly awful though it is!

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We must take our medicine, lest our gruel get worse.

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How true - unfortunately. xxx

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I can't find my original reference, but there was a letter to the European Medicines Agency early in the plandemic , which noted that the initial plans involved supporting large corporations and allowing smaller businesses to fail.

The stories from England with the extraordinary increases in power costs making businesses non-viable resembles the first round of induced failures with the lockdowns. It would be difficult to prove intent, unfortunately.

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Thank you! I'm trying to get people (other swedes) I talk to online to check out your 'Stack, hope some of them dare make the plunge! If someone like Berenson has tens of thousans of readers, well, you deserve no less!

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I agree but then again I'm biased!

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"Sun - ALWAYS WATCHING Future criminals could be monitored by chips in their brains, experts claim."

The State - ALWAYS WATCHING Future Republicans could be monitored by chips in their brains, Democrat experts claim.

For *some* reason, every claim by "experts" seems to read differently to me today.

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Chips in swedish means potato crisps, leading to me getting a good laugh from these horrendous news.

On the other hand, we have been told this since the 1950s, so fingers crossed it's just another engineer/neurologist fobbing off the annoying drama-chasing journo with a "in ten years time", yeah?

Heh, we were actually told that when at uni, that should we ever have an academic career and be selected by media as the "expert" in our field, to always say "not right now but in ten years" whenever they wanted to know when an innovation or change o system would be operational. Because no journalist ever went around ten years later and asked "So, where's the solar powered antigrav jetpack, huh?".

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I usually have chips *on* my brain. ;-)

(A Swede might not understand this English idiom, M. Rikard.)

Yeah, I think we all tend to ignore those long-range predictions, especially the ones coming from today's Chicken Littles. (A reference to a children's tale.)

I predict California, and elsewhere, will NOT ban the sale of internal combustion automobile engines in 13 years, as scheduled by the bully enviro-freaks.

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(/s) So, the surviving kids should look into a career in death profiting, so many options!, such as grave diggers, mortuary and funeral services, cremation, casket making, or just a standard hospital job. The priesthood, so many funeral services to deliver. $$$ What a swell time to make money on death. Insurance, not so profitable these days. Accounting, na, we don't do that anymore. Butcher, nope, Baker, no wheat predicted, Candlestick maker, maybe. Just being practical.

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We'll need horses or slaves to pull the "Yer deed, bring out yer deed!" cart.

(You are a very good writer, M. jacquelyn, so I hope you don't mind that I hearted your empty newsletter (your second heart; who beat me to it?). Perhaps if enough others do, substack will take notice and grant your wish.)

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I hear there are a lot of sheep out of work...! Thanks Timothy Andrew Staples, for the compliment, sometimes the hoof in my mouth is tasty, sometimes not, but I do like to say stuff. My biggest wish (tiny hill to die on perhaps) is that Substack would deplatform their featured shill doc, when there are so many other non-pharma kissing MD's who would be deserving. When they propped that guy, I could not ignore it. See you out surfing T- j

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Oh, yes, I remember now! I believe I took overly strong issue with your call to deplatform that day. I hope you'll remember that I was (and am) sympathetic to your sentiment, if not your argument. In fact (I won't get into details), I've moved a bit closer to your point of view, but I still see value in the exposure and chance to rebut (initially, anyway).

Anywho, I sure wish I had taken up surfing at UCSB when I had the chance.

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Thanks for the memory jog..!..I tend not to go to that docs site, because it makes him or Substack money. I want to agree with your exposure argument, but the idea that Dr.'s who STILL prop the JABS (or the newer just as bad pills or Novavax) are using their public trust to kill...whether they understand it or not, they ought to be stopped. It's kinda murderous, ya. Glad to discuss by email

if you like, my address is my name all one word, @pm.me.

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I would like, but...I'm over-extended as is. I've always been a reader, not a talker, a private person, with few friends by choice (typical INTJ?), and zero, I mean zero, social media presence or attention (other than the twitter links in journalism).

Then, I found my now-beloved substack and started posting (at 60!). They used to say it usually starts with Ayn Rand (guilty), but now I like to say it usually starts with Glenn Greenwald (proudly guilty again).

Well, Shazzam! I have found more friends here than irl, several of whom are waiting to hear from little old me. I still can't believe it. I have become completely enamored with these public (but private-sector), non-censored forums and the amazing non-pro writers this reader so appreciates. I love the public engagement, where we write our opinions not just for the individuals directly addressed, but for any others who are interested, whether they pipe up or just give a heart (or just shake their heads). And as all writers know, writing has no substitute for clarifying one's thoughts.

But if you want to start a petition, movement, hell - even a revolution (dare I give the Fascists-I-mean-Democrats what they are obviously goading us into?), then


and I'll be happy to hear from you.

Edit: Did you hear about Ivermectin?

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Am I missing something since all your videos are linked to Twitter. I was suspended from Twitter after only my second tweet when I suggested that the management team should be tarred and feathered and run out of town. No sense of humor, no hesitation for censorship and purveyors of propaganda from even the most evil sources like most Progressive Democrats. Twitter is a significant part of our current Woke delusion and I refuse to have anything to do with Twitter until they stop acting as an arm of the government.

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It’s one of the best ways to embed videos on substack. Otherwise I’d have to just post a link

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Clicking a link to Rumble would be my first choice and make Twitter suffer the consequences for their treating us like we’re too stupid to figure out who’s full of shit.

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If the video is on Rumble I'll link to it but most aren't.

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Thanks for the clarification Timothy. I misunderstood :-)

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I'm no Boris fan, but he his comments about kettles has been deliberately taken out of context. He was trying to find an analogy for supporting the idea of nuclear fuel as we go on.

Do better research Naked Emperor.

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Analogy or not, he’s making excuses for energy prices being so high now.

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Well, I disagree with "making excuses." He is attempting (poorly, in usual fashion) to give *reason* for the high prices, which are totally caused by supply (restricted by Statists) and demand (fueled by State money-printing).

In this, Mr. Johnson is right: We (the West) could have solved our electricity supply problems long ago by switching to clean and safe nuclear. Instead, we listened to the enviro-freaks and self-immolated.

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Whatever you say - it was misleading, and we've all had enough of being mislead.

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I've removed it. I can't fact check every single article or video I think is interesting/funny/current etc.

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Perhaps the future of nuclear energy would be brighter with better-spoken supporters.

Perhaps you should call for Mr. Johnson to do better leading.

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Nuclear in my own view, has always been the answer. This has been a problem in the making for a long while. Most of the nuclear plants in the UK were end of life, and they were late in commissioning new ones.

The gas price is another issue of course, and yes, we're being ripped off. So I'm not excusing Boris. I'm simply saying that when you report on what he's saying, do it accurately. It's misleading to suggest that he's telling everyone to buy a kettle to remedy the problem.

I like others, have had enough of being mislead.

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I agree whole-heartedly with every one of your points.

My only issue was taking NE to task.

(And I disagree with NE in his response to your post: Mr. Johnson is not giving *excuse*. He is, as you rightfully point out, attempting (poorly and utterly confusingly) to give *reason* for our current predicament, and to promote what should have happened long ago: the switchover to nuclear for electricity.)

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Sep 3, 2022
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No, he says things that makes my blood boil.... Talking about peace, support who turned people against each other and stigmatised the unvaccinated. Also the usual crap what I hear from all leaders: "we did better than most of the other countries". How can everyone do better than most of others? Just mathematically not possible. It's on the same level of BS when in 20/21 all leaders said virus is coming into the country from outside...

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