Jun 15·edited Jun 15

I keep going back in my mind to try and figure out why I knew all was not as it seemed from the very beginning. First, I was at a trade show in Texas when the event coordinator got on the intercom and tearfully told everyone the event was being shut down. Unprecedented. Second, I have read Dr. Mercola's newsletter for over 25 years. He is a truth teller and almost always right over the target. He called this what it was from the very beginning, so I didn't panic or have any fear. I knew it was being completely overblown. But why? That became quite clear in short order. Third, then entire world fell into lockstep. It sent shivers down my spine and I knew immediately that something very sinister was afoot. In all my life nothing even close to that had happened. Fourth, I read "The Real Anthony Fauci" by RFK, Jr. the minute it was available, which was early on in this "great reset" debacle. Fifth, I have God-given discernment. I knew better than to get an experimental gene therapy jab and I thank God every day that I did not. Would that I could have warned others, but many won't listen. I jog every day and there are two women who walk every morning--outside in 75+ degree weather--wearing masks. You can't fix stupid--or afraid.

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Look forward to the Book. My simplistic theory on the compromised Credentialed class, is that their IQ maybe high but, they are generally low self esteem, ripe for brainwashing.

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It’s a matter of street smarts v. book smarts, I think. Which basically boils down to COMMON SENSE 1st & foremost, followed closely by rational & critical thought & a healthy suspicion & distrust of government & our “betters”. Most of the “experts” have none of those qualities.

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A credential helps compensate for low esteem. They conformed to get their education and professional career. On the other hand, entrepreneurs, have strong self esteem. That’s why the Government does their best to hurt small business.

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I've been aware of this for decades. Some of us thrive on challenges to our intellect. But some have an immutable herd instinct. It doesn't really matter how intelligent or knowledgeable a sheep is. It will go with the rest of the herd, wherever the sheep dog leads them.

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For a long time success in higher education has been about the ability to regurgitate the accepted narrative with flair and creativity. Original thinkers and those who question the Marxist orthodoxy are not welcome.

This particular social class, for all its privileges, is not characterized by its ability to REASON but rather by its ability to CONFORM.

Not only did they perform this task magnificently during the COVID years, but they enthusiastically joined in to castigate and ostracize anyone who did not CONFORM to the Predator Class’ totalitarian diktats.

Obvious lies were ignored, the illogic of nonsensical advice was glossed over, because to do otherwise would challenge and oppose conformity.

It’s never been a better time to be a bloody-minded, anti-social misfit. It turns out this is the 21st century version of what Darwin termed “survival of the fittest”. The ability to see through the evil machinations of democidal psychopaths was and is the ultimate genetic advantage.

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Not just psychopaths, but sociopaths.

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Don't the "privileged" always fear more than anyone else flouting the approved social message? A survey of 20th century arts and fashion shows what hideous nonsense rich people can be convinced to praise because they're afraid to say it's ugly or stupid.

That's why you chose your pseudonym after all.

This book is to me of much more compelling and worthy interest than the previous one.

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The amount of times over the past 4 years I’ve heard from the covid faithful “how do I know I’m not an expert” which frankly in their minds shuts down all mode of enquiry, the perfect mind controlled mass of humanity.

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Quite a bit more complicated than the thimble & pea man who sets up his table outside the racetrack but definitely the same result.

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Sorry, but I am not going to buy the book from Amazon.

Find another online seller & I will happily buy it.

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Thank you for this, Tom is a beautiful human being, really beautiful. And of course an amazing writer! if you are curious, I interviewed him when the book just came out. https://tessa.substack.com/p/thomas-harrington-treason-of-experts?utm_source=publication-search

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Please open your mind to the potential massive (but not 100%) fraud called COVID...

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I have this book in my kindle and will read it next! The virus experts, the keepers of the narrative and the "privileged people" so called educated class who are their willing helpers they also protect the narrative knowingly or unknowingly. I accepted their viral story because it did not interfere with my life therefore I did not bother about it, they have changed all that by using their viruses as a weapon of control and fear. The problem is most people fear the invisible virus and will allow their lives to be controlled in the name of protection, Houston, we have a very big problem!

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Jun 16·edited Jun 16

I was not surprised. The second set of Nuremberg trials was of doctors. Doctors were the profession who joined the Nazi party in the largest numbers when the party was formed. Doctors and nurses also started killing disabled, the mentally ill and the sick poor, including babies, as soon as the party came to power. Perhaps a combination of the God complex and a belief in eugenics? Now this belief system is openly practiced in Canada - MAID.

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Knowingly using false and defamatory accusations in collaboration between politicians, bureaucrats and journalists to remove a President is a coup and the text book definition of a traitor. Russia, Covid, claiming gene therapy is a vaccine, Unkraine, Mar a Lago, withholding critical information to purposely deceive, demonstrates a willingness and justification to promote pure evil. The end justifies the means and the are proud of their work.

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You don't realise that it is a Zombie Herd until it panics and the stampede forms. No stopping the stampede.

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"This, paradoxically, while millions of intrepid and less credentialed people with a greater desire to know the truth, often became quite knowledgeable about the actual state of ’the science.”

Great gift of Covidian era was crowdsourced resistance & fab discussions like here! <3

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Aaaaannnd… “virology” is a total crock. There is no evidence for the existence of such a thing. See Dr. Sam Bailey’s work and her husband’s work D. Mark Bailey, Dr. Albert Kaufman’s explanations of the failure to demonstrate the existence of such a thing, Dr. Thomas Cowan’s critiques, even Dr. Mike Yeadon is skeptical about the existence of such a thing as a “respiratory virus”, I believe I read. Using the word “virus” casually as if there actually WERE such things is actually adding more wind to the sails of the criminals who are running this genocide. Better to call it out immediately when it comes up. Otherwise you are just unwittingly continuing the scam.

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* His name is Andrew Kaufman (not Albert Kaufman).

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Largest Pandemic Fraud, 250 Million: Feeding Our Future Verdict Reached (Video) Minasota

Jury Finds Most Defendants Guilty

A jury has reached a verdict in the Feeding Our Future fraud trial, finding most defendants guilty on the majority of charges they faced. Exceptions include S. Farah and Abdu Wahab Afin, who were found not guilty of all charges, including wire fraud, bribery, and money laundering.

Largest Pandemic Fraud in U.S. History

Federal authorities have labeled this case as part of the largest pandemic fraud scheme in the United States. The fraud diverted $250 million in federal funds intended to feed children during the pandemic.


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Can’t Declare Victory For Natural Immunity.

Because He Is Actually Fighting For Medicine.

That’s What Most People Do Not Realize.

He Believes In Synthetic Medicine.

His Role In This, His Only Role In All Of This

Is To Concede Victory To Natural Immunity

And To Admit To The Complete Failure Of His Professional Field.

That’s The Job That The Medical Freedom Movement Is Engaged In.

That Is What Malone Can’t Stomach.

It’s Us Against Him.

Bet Heavy On Us.

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Why are you citing Malone in this instance? I am interested in why you are pointing Malone here- Please do explain. thank you.

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