May 12Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

Consciousness came before life -

A move into the right direction, I believe.

Scientists have to open their horizons even more and drop their arrogance and take into account what mystics have to say about these matters.

Rupert Spira, for example, has a very interesting perspective expressing the millenia old mystic observations in a very clear, logic and convincing manner. He actullay shut up arrogant Sam Harris on his own podcast regarding the "hard problem of conscioussness". Sensing that he is on shaky ground, Harris quickly changed topic when Spira rightly pointed out that there is no proof whatsoever that conscioussness derived from matter. Nothing. Nada. It is a scientific assumption based on thin air.

In contrast, mystics from all cultures and acroos millenias - based on investigating the reality of experience - all came to the same conclusion: That conscioussnes is the ground of all being. From it arises the illusion of matter.

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Let’s hope the victims of the infected blood scandal who’ve been battling for justice for up to 40 years (40 years! Are all our authorities morally deficient?) obtain something before the Russians deliver their verdict on us – in seconds not decades.

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One hundred and six adults with pneumonia were reviewed to determine to what extent the presence of infections with viruses, mycoplasma and bacteria could be related to certain clinical and radiographic findings. Fifty-three patients with serological evidence of a recent infection with a virus or M. pneumoniae were compared with 53 patients in whom serological tests were negative. In a high proportion of both groups either potential bacterial pathogens were isolated or there was a history of antibacterial therapy before bacteriological examination.

The findings suggest that in pneumonia associated with viral or mycoplasmal infections in adults ill enough to be admitted to hospital there is frequently an accompanying bacterial infection.

Not using antibiotics during COVID was deliberate execution of the unhealthy.

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