Regarding the Jeffrey A. Tucker story on Brownstone “Megyn Kelly Asks Trump a Few Hard Questions”: It boggles my mind that so many of us who have nothing but contempt for the Covid lockdowns and who are convinced that the injections (ie fake vaccines to give fake protection against a fake disease) are toxic still support Trump and believe that Trump is one of the only qualified “good men” to lead the country as its chief executive. Political delusions and deceptions run deep, if Trump support is an indication.

Trump is a con artist and a poseur. Full stop.

Disclaimer: arguably, there’s no better candidate than Trump. Conclusion: there are no “good leaders” anymore. They’re all narcissists or sociopaths.

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I think the reason many of us still support him is an understanding that: a) while he is responsible for the final decision, Trump relied on (wrongly so) the advice of his technical and medical staffs, and b) his other accomplishments (the border, minority employment, foreign affairs, military readiness, etc.) so dwarf the one decision on vaccines that on balance his ledger is vastly on the positive side. No person or president is omniscient. We all make mistakes. Trump made a mistake on the vaccines--yes, it would be nice if he owned up to it--but he is so much better than any other alternative leader that it is not even close.

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There was also his decision to lockdown the states. It wreaked havoc on the economy during an election year. I think that it sealed Trump’s election defeat, regardless of purported election fraud.

I think it’s a cop out to say that Trump locked down the country because he was following poor advice. From my understanding (correct me if I’m wrong) Trump still hasn’t acknowledged that the lockdowns negatively impacted the economy. He’s too busy defending his record.

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Everyone failed Orange Jesus. That's one heck of an article of faith but it seems to comfort the faithful.

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I'm not sure why you find it necessary to use terms like "article of faith" and "the faithful" as if to suggest there is some religious blind allegiance to Trump. Trump is just one American citizen among 330 million, who is willing to set aside personal and business interests to serve the country. Isn't that something that should be applauded rather than denigrated?

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Missed the point which is no one is Jesus nor should be expected to be.

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To be sure, not even Jesus was Jesus as he's commonly purported to be.

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I agree with much that you've said. I get it that Trump depended too much on his advisors, etc. but geesh, the fact that he has not learned anything and continues to tout his handling of the lockdown and hasty and ill-advised warp(death) speed gives me great pause.

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Wouldn’t it be refreshing for a president to sincerely apologize for handling a crisis situation badly and for taking responsibility (being accountable) for completely screwing it up and (economically) badly hurting his people & supporters!

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It would be incredibly refreshing. I'm surprised nobody has thought of it yet. To have a president who admits that he's not perfect and is able to learn from his mistakes and course correct, would be an amazing development.

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It would but I won’t hold my breath!🤣

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RFK jr is not a narcissist or a sociopath. He doesn't want or need power, but is making this sacrifice, like so many are, for humanity. I"m not arguing for a candidate, since I think America is a failed state, and we should all stop paying taxes, about which there is total interstellar silence, but I think his being participates in whatever one wants to call it, spiritual aspects of being, quantum aspects, religious aspects, and thus he is visibly luminous.

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I have major issues with RFK Jr. He’s too intertwined with the eco-fascists to begin with. The eco-fascists are sociopathic, in my opinion. I realize that I cannot prove this assertion.

Normally, I refrain from discussing politics (other than my assertion that human beings live in a global political pathocracy) and from discussing political candidates, simply because such discussions engender controversial and eristic contention.

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pffft.. In my lifetime Bobby has done more for human health & environment than all of Congress combined without help or involvement from any "eco-fascists" but working directly with farmers & fishermen and communities.

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We all have our favorites and for our own reasons. Some of those reasons might actually be good.

I’m probably way too critical and jaded about electoral politics.

Pay me no attention.

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He is part of the establishment. That's why he doesn't apologise for the 'mistakes'. Sharing the 'mistakes' between the 2 major parties relieves them both from direct responsibility. And the game continues. Flip-flop between the two same sides.

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Phenlyephrine keeps you awake during the day when you take cold medicines because the rest of the stuff in them put you to sleep.

EFF the FDA.

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Oh for xxxxs sake. Someone is gonna buy 100 boxes to make meth? Uh, you can't even withdraw cash from a bank without reporting it.

They could just tell the stores to one per customer??? Why does our government have to make feds out of private businesses?

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‘The People’ Will Not Save Us – Perhaps We Need Machiavelli’s Lions. Constitutions that safeguard individual rights are meant to be expressions of the sovereignty of the people, yet any cursory glance at the history behind the promulgation of liberal constitutions demonstrates that this is an illusion.


Well, the sad truth is that people are everywhere in any system anywhere. Some of them are smart; many of them aren't, and it's often the smartest who are the worst.

There's this touching belief by philosophers and those who love them that if we can just find the magic key, everything will be beautifully, reasonably, logically and intelligently run for everyone, for ever and ever and ever.

Never gonna happen. Always a bunch of someones to manage to fuck things up, deliberately or otherwise.

That "eternal vigilance" thingy was a true fact. We should stop wringing our hands and keep our eyes better peeled for the duration. That duration, it don't never end.

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That eternal vigilance has to be applied to oneself, would you agree?

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We gotta recognize when we're wrong and use the sting of that to get smarter.

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My own life experience has been that doing this is easier said than done, but that it must be a constant in life. No matter how bitter the pill, you need to swallow it.

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One needs to live long enough to have the time for it to happen.

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Thank you for this compendium. The Sodom story was flipped out. There is still Trinitite on the ground at the Trinity test site in New Mexico, where they allow the public in twice a year. One is not allowed to pick it up, though my friend got a pocketful for our friends to make jewelry out of, being inherently disobediant lol. I didn't know it existed elsewhere on earth.

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Thank you for these!!!

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You do find an incredible assortment of seldom seen content ranging from fascinating science & history to infuriating news all hard to find anywhere else and appreciated, thank you! :~)

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Brilliant work as always!

Particularly liked a conversation within one of the links about elite propaganda techniques..

Dr Jonathan Engler thrashing out the nonsense that was the lockdown measures, and his perspective on vaccines. He probes and explores the narrative from angles seldom mentioned, never mind discussed. His final thoughts at the end of a fascinating conversation, was his fear of, now the draconian protocols and vaccines are in place, the whole scenario can be repeated. Another point, which is one I’ve been pondering myself, was how the lab leak story is now common parlance, when only a few years ago, to mention it was to be labelled a conspiracy theorist, amongst other things. Why the sudden u turn? It is just too neat and tidy from the media, which when it wasn’t trusted to tell the truth all along, why would anyone now?

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Claratin works better, as I suspect most allergy meds will. But you have to take them daily. The new article on cold and flu meds being ineffective in treating repeat COVID-19 shows it is resistant to both flu and COVID-19. Regular Cold Medicine Doesn’t Work, FDA Admits After Biggest Cold Medicine Sales Boom in History https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2023/09/cold-medicine-doesnt-work.html

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