Jul 16, 2023Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

Skimming that Guardian article on measles I was struck by the claim that 20 to 40% of children will be hospitalised from a measles infection. This has to be pure scaremongering BS, hasn't it? We all had this as kids in the 1970s before the MMR and I don't remember a single case of anyone going to hospital never mind dying from it. It was a just a week off school sat in a dark room watching TV with a rash as far as I can remember.

Having had the natural infection, I'm immune for life. However, it will be interesting to see what happens to those who got the MMR as children then get exposed to the virus during an outbreak as adults. Perhaps this is what they're worried about, i.e. the immunity might have waned and we'll have adult cases of the measles which was a thing unheard of in the pre-vaccinate era?

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My gut reaction is that that 20 to 40% estimate is completely made up. The agency involved (UKHSA) is likely compromised (just as FDA/CDC are) and deeply involved with Big Pharma, perhaps even getting kickbacks for vaccines. They seem to be guessimating this high when there's basically been no true widespread outbreak in decades.

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Exactly, I had it and other than staying out of school for a couple of days (how great was that?!!!! 🤠) it was no big deal.

I think the 21st century may be considered the century of the coward.

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Jul 16, 2023·edited Jul 18, 2023

"Complications can usually be avoided if a patient receives adequate supportive care, including good overall nutrition, sufficient fluids and, if needed, treatment for dehydration"

"The overwhelming majority – more than 95% – of measles deaths occur in countries with low per capita incomes and weak health infrastructures, such as nations experiencing or recovering from a natural disaster or conflict. Disrupted health services, including routine vaccinations, along with overcrowding in residential camps increases the risk of infection. "


So aside from any vaccination efficacy disputes, it makes sense that if measles only now affects the 'global south', and as was the case historically in the Western hemisphere with the lack of nutrition/care etc involved, this could give the high rates quoted.

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Same thing with chickenpox. It isn’t serious for most kids, but it can be for adults. I remember a 40 year old man who got it and I still have nightmares about what I saw him go through. The pustules went internal including his lungs and it was fatal for him.

Now days young people think we are lying when we tell how moms took all the kids to a house infected with measles and chickenpox so that all kids would get sick at once instead of one by one. Mine was a single mom and couldn’t afford too much time off work.

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Yes now here chickenpox quakcine is mandatory. When I asked the nurse for what reason this became mandatory while in our time everyone had it and no one had a problem then she told me that in rare cases ugly complications can happen... Feck off.

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Jul 16, 2023Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

Nobel Winner in Science Dr. John Clauser: There Is No Climate Crisis Threatening the Planet | The Gateway Pundit https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/07/nobel-winner-science/?utm_source=Email&utm_medium=the-gateway-pundit&utm_campaign=dailypm&utm_content=2023-07-16

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Jul 16, 2023Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

Everything bureaucrats proclaim should be considered false until the basis for their claims are provided unredacted. Their credibility has been shattered.

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I think US cluster bombs are already in use in Ukraine.

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Jul 16, 2023Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

Digging thru all the lies in search of the truth simply should not be so difficult. Thanks for lighting our way...

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US scrambles to increase weapons production after Biden let military info slip on TV

If Loose Lips Sink Ships, Biden's Loose Tongue Could Get Us into a War ...


Biden national security adviser: Defense bill ‘is never getting to the president’s desk’



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