Climate Change is dead as a public debate. The global perpetrators have concluded, rightly so, that they can no longer win public debates, although they haven’t yet given up in the public health arena. The new strategy minimizes the propaganda and maximizes the action. The thrust is to do what it is they want to do, for example eliminate gas stoves or IC engines by 2035, and dispense with the propaganda that tries to convince the public that this is the right thing to do. They have taken up Nike’s mantra: Just Do It. Another example is Climate Change which has morphed into Geoengineering which includes as a major project the murder of the fossil fuel industry(Again, ‘Just Do It’). The silence of legislative bodies worldwide(the lawmakers and law keepers of freedom) in the midst of all of this is deafening.

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"For The New York Times, which started this whole fiasco dating from Feb. 27, 2020, with a podcast designed to drum up disease panic....", While I can't tell for certain but it's my belief you shouldn't kid yourself to think the NYT "started" Covid. The Great Covid Slaughter has been planned and executed (by passing "Emergency Medical Powers" laws that gutted individual freedom) for over two decades. I believe that the NYT was in on the planning for this from the beginning but they didn't "start" anything. They just played their part.

An interesting analogue is Watergate. Contrary to popular opinion, Nixon was framed by an organized group of Democrat insiders (and a very crooked Federal judge and prosecutor) to make a Camelot Kennedy King instead of that crude peasant Demon-spawn Nixon. If you read Geoff Shepard's work on Watergate, it shows that the Democrats set up Nixon to take out the incredibly popular President (49 states) and anyone that supported him, most likely with help from the CIA and FBI. (Sound familiar?). As reported both the NYT and a Harvard professor where in on the scam from before it became public. As a result, I would be stunned if the NYT wasn't in on the Covid Scam and may have had a very early public role in the Covid Scam. I would bet they were involved up to their ethics from the beginning.

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The US mainstream(legacy) media is now controlled by 6 giant corporations, a planned consolidation that took place in the late 20th and early 21st centuries. The New York Times Company is perhaps the smallest(by revenue), however it owns, in addition to the NYT, 15 other newspapers, 9 TV stations, 2 radio stations and various media related enterprises. AG Sulzberger(founding family member) is the current Chairman of the Board. The extreme consolidation of the print and broadcast media industry has resulted in a tightly controlled and heavily politicized mission and operational cadence, and owing to its concentrated and politically monolithic power structure, it executes its daily mission with stunning consistency and uniformity. The product is not journalism but rather political propaganda which serves in much the same capacity as Joseph Goebbels in his role as Reich Minister of Propaganda in Germany during the 1930s and 1940s.

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This news is troubling, as Germany was a wealthy country. Germany is descending into chaos – and it will take the rest of the eurozone down with it

It is now little more than a “developing country”. Its stock market is a “junk shop” selling old tat. And its reputation as a place to do business has “never been so bad’. In the middle of the UK’s dismal election campaign, it would be easy to imagine that Britain was the country under discussion.

But Theodor Weimer, the head of the once mighty Deutsche Börse, was describing his native Germany. And he was absolutely right. After a series of catastrophic policy mistakes by centrist leaders, there is no way back for Germany – and its decline is only going to accelerate from here.

In a speech to Bavarian business leaders delivered back in April, but only made public when it was posted on YouTube this week, Weimer certainly didn’t mince his words. A country that prided itself on its efficiency, that saw itself as the engine of Europe and boasted of its formidable export machine was, as he put it, slipping to third world status.

The coalition government led by Chancellor Olaf Scholz was, he argued, a “catastrophe”, Germany was “economically on the way to becoming a developing country” and “one thing is clear: our reputation in the world has never been so bad“.


Largest Pandemic Fraud, 250 Million: Feeding Our Future Verdict Reached (Video) Minasota

Jury Finds Most Defendants Guilty

A jury has reached a verdict in the Feeding Our Future fraud trial, finding most defendants guilty on the majority of charges they faced. Exceptions include S. Farah and Abdu Wahab Afin, who were found not guilty of all charges, including wire fraud, bribery, and money laundering.

Largest Pandemic Fraud in U.S. History

Federal authorities have labeled this case as part of the largest pandemic fraud scheme in the United States. The fraud diverted $250 million in federal funds intended to feed children during the pandemic.


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Another Laken Riley, Rachel Morin murder: Illegal immigrant from El Salvador charged in rape, killing of Maryland mom-of-5

Martinez-Hernandez was in the US for six months before he allegedly targeted Morin while she was walking alone on the Ma & Pa Heritage Trail in Bel Air.

Her naked body suffered such severe trauma that family said it looked as though “her head had been smashed in with a rock.”

“Victor Hernandez did not come to this country to make a better life for him or his family, he came here to escape the crimes he committed in El Salvador. He came here to murder Rachel and God-willing, no one else,” Gahler said.

“But that should have never been allowed to happen.”


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And here I was all outraged at being locked out of the weekly roundup. But I'm feeling much better now.

Anyway--plans for Gaza? Well, you know, that takes two parties working with good faith even if they despise each other. You wouldn't want those Gazans as neighbors in, say, Birmingham, would you? You got enough problems already.

But they got a border with Egypt, right? The Egyptians and through them the wealthy Arab states ought to be able to rebuild and encourage political moderation, right? The Saudis will help to bring in a more moderate expression of Islam, right? Oh, maybe not.

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Fauci knew …

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