Jun 2·edited Jun 2Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

Is there any possible way I can put a 'Note' up here? (OMG- that worked). I am so used to being shut out. I don't really use money, that is the problem. I am EVIL I am a BAD MAN I am paying NO ONE But, wait! Before you Kill me (that is a joke, ha ha) I want to point out something about this: " Florida attorney Daniel Uhlfelder dressed as the Grim Reaper to shame parents who brought their children to local beaches. "

The quote tells us something about these people. There is a very clear message in this behavior. Dresing specifically as "Grim Reaper" sends an exact message. Without using words, he is falsely telling these parents and these families, "you are going to die from COVID because you went to the beach."

If he did not really believe that why would he dress up that way?

He must in his demented mind actually, somehow, BELIEVED it! They actually believe this stuff.

These people are completely hopeless. But they believe what they are saying. They do no research. They do not think logically. But they ACTUALLY BELIEVE their b.s. He did not say to them, "Well, I know it is only one chance in a thousand but you should not take the chance, in my OPINION." No, he told them he believes they are all gonna die.

Nonsense. But the vaccine/lockdown warriors actually do believe this stuff

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Jun 2Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

Sheesh, this lab leak story is total distraction from the truth...a red herring to keep fear of pandemics in people.

They failed their planned dystopia... How?

They couldn't make a deadly virus... So they had to fake it.

Had they been able to make it real it would have gone like in the movie V for Vendetta.

I don't know of any bioweapons that worked. Supposedly our middle east ally along with apartheid South Africa were developing ethnic specific weapons.

If they could have made it, it would have been used by either of those apartheid states.

Ft Detrich gets called out for a leak. But did ya know that Ft Detrich has had tons of toxic chemical releases? But no let's ignore that and think virus or bacteria caused it....

These jokers like Ralph Baric were trying to make corona viruses that cause myocarditis, HA, what a convinient story to cover up for the myocarditis from the jabs, cause WE KNOW COVID DOESNT CAUSE MYOCARDITIS.

Covid, which yall think was engineered was like the flu. WHAT DID THEY ENGINEER? THE STORY!


It would also help to look at https://sashalatypova.substack.com posts, she regularly explains that they have never got this to work. Think about it, that's why they had to kill people with protocols and the average age of death before the jabs was around life expectancy. That means 0 years of life lost. ENGINEERED WHAT ???

Let's say you wanna go mainstream. The virus was engineered to spread. Ok, but how was that determined? By inaccurate PCR and antibody tests. Remember the Tanzanian president showing that oil tested positive etc? Yeah, umm it's bullshit.

So what exactly did they engineer? Even Ebola is a joke. A couple of years ago they had to fly Americans from Africa to NYC to get treated. 2 of them got better BEFORE any medicine was given. Perhaps it's in the water, as many places in Africa have toxic water from mining and industry.

Let's stop feeding the fear machine that promotes the cure which is worse than the so called engineered disease.

The emperor has no clothes and no bioweapons that work.



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Jun 2·edited Jun 2Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

Thank you for posting the article on the Hunga Tonga volcano eruption that is affecting the climate. People who have friends claiming that humans are causing climate change should share this with them. It blows me lid of the climate change scam.


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Jun 2·edited Jun 2Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

Watch Dave Smith Burn Chris Cuomo To The Ground In Epic Covid Debate

..full video in link….. https://www.zerohedge.com/covid-19/watch-dave-smith-burn-chris-cuomo-ground-epic-covid-debate

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Jun 2·edited Jun 2Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

On the Congressional Testimony of David Morens;

My crystal ball prediction - I predict that Tony Fauxi is going to throw Dr David Morens under the bus, and hang him out to dry, prior to being hung out to dry himself.

In a parallel universe;

Scenario 1:

David Morens is a scrupulously honest, dedicated Public Servant, with exemplary morals and his only mistake was doing whatever he could to assist his traumatised-by-death-threats friend of 20 years Peter Daszak who constantly needed cheering up with black humour.

Scenario 2:

The 3 Amigos - David Morens, his boss Tony Fauxi, and partner-in-crime Peter Daszak - were running a scam where Government Grants that Fauxi was in control of, that Daszak applied for, and that Morens curated and polished before punting them back to his boss for approval, prior to being divvied up between all 3 in generous self-remunerations, were standard procedure.

Morens himself said it best in this freudian slip:

“I'm very loyal to NIH. They've been very good to me. I've got nothing good to say about the system at NIH”.

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Jun 2Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

Thanks. Shared alot : )

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Jun 2Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

There IS somewhere to run. It is called a Gold Standard. It always works for everybody, except Monarchs, Politicians, Bureaucrats, self-styled Elites, etc. Xi Ping and Putin understand this. The message is writ large.

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No coverage of RFK's speech at the Libertarian Convention: https://www.c-span.org/video/?535690-1/robert-f-kennedy-jr-speaks-libertarian-party-convention

Multiple standing ovations, and a real journalist would have done a comparison between the RFK and Trump speeches.

Who's paying you?

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Who's paying me? Unfortunately, not enough people otherwise I could devote more time to every political convention around the whole world.

LOL Not even covered on your own substack - who's paying you?

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