Calling the UK protesters Far Right is a libel. Any thinking person is against the invasion of the UK by satanic 6th Century hordes of rabid Muslims. The whole plan is part of the Luciferian globalist plot to destroy the Christian fabric of western society. Leaders in this assault on Christianity include the WEF satanist Keir Starmer. He is a sworn enemy of Britons & has no mandate to lead a civilised country. Cromwell would have beheaded him by now.

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Please stop giving Peter Hotez space in your posts. He’s a discredited, desperate attention seeker. Just ignore him. He’s an irrelevant has-been.

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Uk gov’t simply doing as they are told.new puppet in place, paid actors “rioting” in a few places. A joke.

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Speaking of Trudeau and Canada....Check out this documentary.... A FREEDOM WIN AND OUR NEW DOCUMENTARY TRAILER!

The most serious charges that underpinned the Emergencies Act - withdrawn and debunked. https://trishwood.substack.com/p/a-freedom-win-and-our-new-documentary

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The pic of Hotez makes me wonder; is his mouth so big he needs two masks?

On a related note, the air gap on the top mask is quite large. Aren't all the maskaholics about "well-fitted"? This guy needs to just go away and leave us alone.

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